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在网络化环境中提高图书分类质量的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在新世纪网络化环境中, 做好图书分类工作直接决定和影响着图书馆整体工作的水平。要切实提高图书分类质量, 图书馆就要关注和把握几个重要问题 (1) 提高分类质量的基础和前提是熟悉和掌握分类法;(2) 提高分类质量的有效途径是制定与完善本馆的分类细则; (3) 提高分类质量的保证是严格遵循图书分类工作程序; (4) 提高分类质量的关键是不断提高分类人员的综合素质和能力。  相似文献   

民办高校的人才培养模式必须适应市场需求,在社会经济体制改革和高等教育发展转型的背景下,民办高校人才培养模式对市场需求的适应性存在着许多亟待解决的问题。而解决民办高校人才培养适应市场需求的主要途径有:一是重视对领军人物的引进与培养,稳步提升师资水平;二是合理定位,加强专业内涵建设;三是改进课程设置,强化实践教学;四是创新人才培养途径和方法,满足人才培养的市场需求。  相似文献   

加强普法教育是依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家的基础工程;加强普法教育是服从于、服务于建立、健全社会主义市场经济体制的需要;加强普法教育是促进社会主义精神文明建设的内在要求;加强普法教育是实现国家长治久安、维护社会稳定的重要措施;加强普法教育是提高公民整体素质,坚持科学发展观的需要。  相似文献   

What happens to feminism in the university is parallel to what happens to feminism in other venues under economic restructuring: while the impoverished nation is forced to cut social services and thereby send women back to the hierarchy of the family, the academy likewise reduces its footprint in interdisciplinary structures and contains academic feminists back to the hierarchy of departments and disciplines. When the family and the department become powerful arbiters of cultural values, women and feminist academics by and large suffer: they either accept a diminished role or are pushed to compete in a system they recognize as antithetical to the foundational values of feminist priorities of social justice. Collaborative work to nurture diversity and interdisciplinarity does not register as individual accomplishment. This paper considers the necessity of this type of academic work to further the vision of a society committed to the collective values espoused by feminism and other areas in social justice.  相似文献   

突出维护职能搞好工会工作   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新时期的高校工会,要在学校人事分配制度改革中,突出维护职能,维护广大教职工的合法权益.要认识突出维护职能的重要性,探索维护职能的新途径,处理好突出维护职能与做好其它工作的关系.  相似文献   

西方社会保障政策改革的理念启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从20世纪80年代起,西方国家开始了全面的社会保障政策改革,旨在用一种更为积极的社会保障政策来代替消极的福利给付。这种从"福利"到"工作"的积极政策的改革实质是以一种劳动政策代替社会保障和福利,旨在将失业者送入劳动力市场,以解决日益膨胀的失业问题,减少失业者对福利的依赖。与此同时,在全球化背景下,中国也面临着广泛的失业问题和社会保障体系的建构问题。他山之石,可以攻玉,我们可以从西方国家的社会保障政策改革中得到诸多启示和借鉴,以一种新的理念来构建我们的社会保障体系。  相似文献   

要建立与现代企业制度相适应的民主管理机制,确保职工主人翁地位在公司制企业中得到加强和具体体现,更好地代表和维护职工的合法权益,就必须积极探索企业民主管理新途径;加大基层工会组建力度;不断深化两个制度建设,实现两个维护双赢;充分发挥职工董事、监事和股东代表的作用;深入持久地推进企务公开。  相似文献   

Identity Development and Attachment to Parents in College Students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous research reveals the need to study adolescents' levels of exploration and commitment instead of overall identity categories for the purpose of identifying developmental trends in identity development. Similarly, attachment research points to the importance of considering separate measures of attachment to mother and attachment to father, as well as considering gender differences in attachment to parents. We tested the hypothesis regarding the relative levels of the identity-related constructs of commitment and exploration in relationship to adolescent males' and females' attachment to parents. The self-report data from 100 first-year college students suggests that females had significantly higher levels of exploration and commitment than the male subjects. Females' identity development was related to attachment relationships to parents, especially attachment to mother, while males' identity development was unrelated to attachment to either parent. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for the development of university student services.  相似文献   

贯彻执行修改后的《工会法》 ,首先要明确其贯彻执行的意义和新增修的主要内容 ,同时要切实维护职工的合法权益。在当前和今后一段时期重点加强五项工作 :一要依法加大维权力度 ,进一步调动职工的积极性 ;二要加强工会组织建设 ,定出两个重点 ;三要加强“四有”职工队伍建设 ,引导职工为企业改革发展贡献聪明才智 ;四要注重为职工办实事 ,增强企业的向心力和凝聚力 ;五要主动接受各级党委领导 ,积极支持行政工作 ,为推进改革、促进发展、维护稳定发挥工会组织应有的作用  相似文献   

恩格斯一生都很重视工人群众的理想信念教育。他认为:要使工人阶级通过社会主义道路解放自己,必须对其进行理想信念教育,使他们团结成一个阶级整体来为实现无产阶级和全人类的解放而奋斗;社会主义要从理论变成现实,也需要通过理想信念教育培养信奉共产主义理论的、有实践力量的共产主义者;在理想信念教育实践中,要注重思想政治教育和革命实践教育相结合,宣传马克思主义和批判非社会主义思潮相结合,承认无产阶级领袖作用和反对个人崇拜相结合。为发挥恩格斯关于工人群众理想信念教育思想的当代价值,本研究建议:新时代应该重视对工人群众的理想信念教育,注意把理想信念教育的主要内容与新时代工人群众的特点结合起来,并结合实际情况采取多种方法开展理想信念教育。  相似文献   

休息权是劳动者所享有的宪法权利,具有自由权和社会权的双重属性.当劳动者享有休息权时,国家负有尊重和不干预的义务;在劳动者的休息权受用人单位侵害时,国家负有保护的义务;发展劳动者休息和休养的设施,国家负有给付义务.保障劳动者的休息权,立法机关需要完善相关立法,劳动行政部门需要切实履行法定监管职责,司法解释的举证责任分配规...  相似文献   

如何构建具有西部特色的石油企业文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要构建具有西部特色的石油企业文化,使之在西部油气勘探开发中发挥应有的作用,必须着力培育艰苦创业精神,营造干大事业的良好氛围;培育创新精神,永葆企业的生机活力;培育竞争观念,全力以赴开拓市场;培育科学发展观念,全面提升整体发展水平。  相似文献   

试论"激励"对提高科技人员能动性的重要作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科技人员能动性发挥的关键,取决于能否激发他们的责任感和上进心,使之以积极的心态参与企业的发展.因而,建立公平有效的激励机制,提高科技队伍的整体素质是企业实现可持续稳定发展的关键.对科技人员进行有效的激励和业绩考核,教育和督促科技人员转变观念,培养竞争意识和创新精神,以提高科技人员队伍的能动性,增强企业的竞争能力.  相似文献   

企业要提高自身的市场竞争力,就必须重视职工素质教育培训,通过加强培训提高职工队伍政治、文化、技术的整体素质,构筑企业人力资源的核心竞争力。企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,获得企业职工培训的最大效益,就要加快职工培训的创新发展,通过营造激发创新性的培训环境,培养职工的求知欲和创新力,引导广大职工自觉树立“终生学习”的新观念,把企业真正建成学习型组织,最终实现企业与职工的“双赢”。  相似文献   

Most research on the impact of Welfare Reform has been upon the employment status of parents and trends in declining caseloads. Recent research has examined how children in Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program families are faring, with growing interest in the effects upon children of the disruptions to cash benefits that result from program sanctions, the policies that are intended to motivate parents to comply with work requirements. Adding to the body of knowledge on children and TANF sanctions, this study used administrative data to examine school attendance rates and disruptions to enrollment, for children from families with at least one sanction. Findings indicate that there are important probable connections between the factors that contribute to challenges to employment that relate to parenting and the school engagement of children in TANF families.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the personological features of moral judgment and to determine the extent to which principled moral reasoning is politically biased. We also attempted to determine the relation between moral judgment and attitude to authority and the developmental patterning of attitude to authority from early to late adolescence. Attitude to authority was assessed in terms of specific sources of authority (mother, father, police, government) and by the Attitude to Authority Scale, which assesses attitudes along the liberal-conservative political continuum. The conservative personality syndrome was assessed by the Conservatism Scale, while moral judgment was assessed by the Defining Issues Test. The results indicated that moral reasoning is unrelated to attitudes to specific sources of authority and negatively related to political conservatism and to conservative personality features. Attitudes toward sources of personal authority (mother, father) were more similar than attitudes toward impersonal authority (police, government), though attitudes toward Father were related to attitudes toward Government and Police. Age trends showed that younger adolescents are more politically conservative and more conforming to authority than older adolescents. Results are discussed in terms of the political and personological features of Kohlbergian moral judgment and in light of recent research on the transformation of adolescent-parent relations in adolescence.  相似文献   

对新发展阶段中国式现代化的理解,必须密切结合全球数字经济发展这一大的历史背景,以及 数字经济对现代化发展模式和发展动力的深刻影响。本研究从理论上分析了数字经济背景下中国式现代化的发 展模式和发展动力,提出中国式现代化的战略内涵是发展高质量的数字经济。研究认为,中国式现代化建设必 须以发展数字经济为抓手,全面夯实实体经济基础,加快提升政府治理效能,全面提升中国式现代化的普惠水平, 并为积极构建全球网络命运共同体贡献中国智慧。  相似文献   

The recent decision of the House of Lords in Stack v. Dowden appears, at first sight, to endorse a new approach to the jointly owned family home. However, upon closer inspection, this proves to be something of an illusion: the new approach is remarkably similar to the traditional resulting trust in that it attaches more weight to financial payments than to other contributions. A further problem is that the disjunction between the reasoning of the judges and the actual result makes it a difficult decision to apply to future cases. This case-note will consider the legal and social issues raised by the case and will argue that it has the potential to disadvantage women who do not make an equal financial contribution to the purchase of the home.  相似文献   

发展和谐劳动关系是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要目标,同时也是社会是否和谐的重要尺度。私营企业的背景特征和对劳动关系管理的特殊性,使得当前私营企业劳资关系存在着很多问题。如何采取行之有效的管理方法和策略,构建和谐共赢的劳资关系,是提升私营企业国际竞争力和推进私营企业不断向前发展的重要一环,对构建社会主义和谐社会有着重大的意义。  相似文献   

Feminism has long been committed to a critique of stereotypic examples of women in patriarchal discourse and has been keen to see what it could offer by way of alternatives. Yet to suggest that alternatives are possible raises the question of whether feminism itself can altogether avoid the trap of turning women into stereotypes, turning the specific example of woman into a universal model, in its own efforts to represent women. Communication demands the particular; it is not possible to refer to everything at once. At the same time, judgements that arise from the use of those particulars are always to some extent faulty - inaccurate or incomplete, too particular or too general. This applies as much to aesthetics (models of beauty) as it does to politics (another matter of representation). What is at issue here is the entire problematic of inclusion and exclusion, whether in politics or aesthetics. Focusing on the significance of Kant's reliance on woman as an example in the Critique of Judgement , Elam argues that it would be a mistake to dismiss all aesthetic discourses of beauty as ploys on the part of patriarchy to keep women for men's eyes only. The Critique of Judgement stands to be useful to feminism because it demonstrates that the problem of the example cannot be solved by striving for the perfect representation of woman - either an inclusive aesthetics or a fully representational politics - or even by overcoming the use of examples altogether. Rather, taking 'woman' as an example stages both aesthetic and political questions about representation that call attention to the challenges feminism faces in its attempt to form political communities.  相似文献   

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