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经济法的价值理念和基本原则   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
江帆 《现代法学》2005,27(5):118-122
目前一些关于经济法理念、价值以及基本原则的讨论,除了语言表述上的差异外,内涵上也有很大不同。笔者认为,经济法的价值并不能脱离法律价值之公平、秩序、自由的范畴,但必须具有其独特的解释;而经济法的基本原则则应当回应和体现其对法律价值解释的意义。本文试图梳理经济法价值理念与基本原则的关系,并将经济法的基本原则表述为:适度干预原则、公共利益原则、合理竞争原则、弱者保护原则。  相似文献   

A seminar-conference on general supervision was held in Moscow, July 2-4 of this year, to which were invited the chiefs of general supervision of the procuracies of the republics of a number of territories and regions, and of Moscow, Leningrad, Alma-Ata, and other cities, some vice-procurators of union republics, and procurators of autonomous republics, territories, regions, cities, and districts. Responsible personnel of the CPSU Central Committee and of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet, as well as legal scholars, also took part in the conference.  相似文献   

The structure of hairs from the head, chest, armpits, and pubis of residents of Latin America (Bolivia, Salvador, Panama, Ecuador, Chile, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Peru, Brasil, and Mexico) has been studied. New data on macro- and microscopic characteristics of hairs of the population of the above countries were obtained (color, shape, length, thickness of hair; number of cuticle lines; characteristics of hair layers, shapes of transverse sections, etc.).  相似文献   

This part of the Survey covers materials reflecting Chinesepractice in 2006 relating to: I. Subjects under discussion atthe ILC (Shared natural resources; responsibility of internationalorganizations; reservation to treaties; unilateral acts of states;effects of armed conflicts on treaties; obligation to extraditionor prosecution; fragmentation of international law); II. Internationalhuman rights law (general commitment on human rights; collectivehuman rights, including right of self-determination, right todevelopment; civil and political rights, including freedom ofreligion, freedom of expression, issue of organ transplants;economic, social and cultural rights, including right to food,right to health; human rights of aliens, including freedom ofpress of foreign correspondents, rights of refugees; human rightsof special groups, including rights of ethnic minorities, rightsof indigenous peoples, rights of women, rights of children,rights of immigrants, rights of persons with disabilities, rightsof older persons; implementation of international human rightslaw, including the establishment of UN Human Rights Council,review of mandates and mechanisms of UN Human Rights Council,the implementation of human rights instruments, human rightsdialogue and corporation; human rights situation in foreigncountries, including Myanmar, Middle East; human rights andinternational trade); III. International humanitarian law.  相似文献   

The article proposes a new site of analysis for the study of regulation: regulatory conversations, and a new theoretical approach: discourse analysis. Regulatory conversations, the communicative interactions that occur between all involved in the regulatory 'space', are an important part of most regulatory systems. Discourse analysis, the study of the use of language and communication, suggests that such interactions are constitutive of the regulatory process, that they serve important functions, that they can be the basis of co-ordinated action, and that they are important sites of conflict and contestation. The article explores five key contentions of discourse analysis, considering how each may shed light on aspects of regulatory processes. These are, first as to the meaning of language and co-ordination of social practices; second, as to the construction of identities; third, the relationship of language, thought, and knowledge; fourth, the relationship of language and power, and finally, that meaning, thought, knowledge, and power are open to contestation and change.  相似文献   

随着我国社区矫正试点工作的不断深入,整合和利用各种社会力量参与社区矫正已经成为我国社区矫正工作进一步发展的基本趋势。对法学学生以志愿者身份融入社区矫正工作的参与模式、法学学生参与社区矫正工作的积极效用、法学应用性培养与社区矫正工作的衔接机制进行探索,既有利于促进我国社区矫正工作的长效发展,又有利于法学教育专业优势、人才优势的发挥,真正实现学用结合。  相似文献   

面对艾滋病、SARS、禽流感等大规模传染性疾病对公共健康安全的威胁,世界贸易组织以及各国纷纷加强药品专利强制许可立法,当然,我国也不例外。但是,我国现行药品专利强制许可制度,仍然存在立法层次过多、颁发事由不明确、申请主体过窄等不足,在今后进一步完善相关立法时,应考虑在专利法中对药品专利强制许可做出专门的、完整的规定,并明确将公共健康利益需要作为颁发专利强制许可的事由,以及允许任何单位和个人成为药品专利强制许可的申请主体。  相似文献   

当前,我国缓刑适用数量呈上升趋势,但社区矫正机构的工作却十分被动,公众对社区矫正仍心存疑虑,缓刑犯对社区矫正的接受程度也颇显随意。其主要原因为法律认识存在偏差、矫正机构角色定位不明、矫正机构执行不力及监督主体力量薄弱等。对此本文建议,我国有必要建立缓刑考察官制度,创设被害方商业保险体系,搭建新型科技平台,推动社区矫正的效能转化,推行缓刑考验期折抵制度。  相似文献   

行政任务变迁下的行政组织法改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共行政改革的效能革新目标,在法治范围内更好地促进了行政任务的实现,成为勾勒行政组织法理论的主线。而行政组织法学的分析框架,除应修正过去涉及的行政组织类型、中央与地方分权、行政机关编制、公务员法等传统内容外,更应考虑纳入外部竞争机制、整体运作模式、财政自主权、工作人员激励机制、任务、权限、责任三位一体的结构与监督等相关要素。行政组织法的改革,蕴含着行政法基础理论变革的新契机。  相似文献   

2012年全面修订后的《民事诉讼法》增设了"检察建议",作为与抗诉相并列的检察监督机制。这一非讼性、沟通性的同级监督手段,在性质、功能、适用条件、适用范围、具体规则以及法律效力等方面均与抗诉制度有所区别。应当在准确定位抗诉与检察建议之优劣势的基础上,以比例原则、穷尽其他救济原则、公开原则和说理原则为总体指引,科学定位两类监督机制的应然功能和作用边界,同时配以相应的具体程序、规则和法律效力,进而推动多元化、创新型、协作型检察监督机制体系的构建,促进诉权、审判权、检察监督权三者之间的良性互动关系和资源优化配置。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We attempted to obtain postmortem computed tomographic (PMCT) images of the lung in cases of non-traumatic death and describe the results to distinguish usual postmortem findings from those of specific thoracic causes of death. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Our subjects were a total of 150 consecutive non-traumatic cases with cardiopulmonary arrest on arrival who were examined by CT within 2h after certification of death between January 1993 and December 2001. PMCT images of the lung and the frequency of imaging findings (dependent density, ground glass attenuation (GGA), consolidation, pleural effusion, and endotracheal (or endobronchial) air defect) were retrospectively reviewed. Autopsy had been conducted in 16 of the cases. RESULTS: The causes of death and frequency percentages of dependent density, GGA, consolidation, pleural effusion, and endotracheal (or endobronchial) air defect were: 91 cases of acute heart failure (AHF) (69, 66, 24, 11, 14%), 23 cases of aortic dissection (57, 39, 4, 52, 0%), 11 cases of pneumonia (18, 82, 100, 45, 27%), 23 other specified cases (52, 30, 13, 17, 9%), and two unspecified cases (0, 0, 0, 50, 0%), [total respective frequency percentages were (60, 57, 25, 21, 12%)]. Autopsy confirmed that GGA on PMCT in AHF cases corresponded to pulmonary edema. CONCLUSION: When PMCT of the lung shows no other shadows than dependent density, further analysis is necessary to detect the cause of death.  相似文献   

从世界各国情况看,对执法司法权的制约监督,往往是权力监督的关键环节,也是权力监督理论的重点议题.在中国政法体制下,中国共产党的权力监督哲学是认知、思考和解决执法司法权制约监督问题的认识论和方法论.近年来,在中国共产党新的权力监督哲学的引领下,中国政法界深入推进执法司法体制改革,加快构建系统完备、权威高效的执法司法制约监...  相似文献   

目的探讨限定刑事责任能力评定量表在责任能力评定中的扩展运用价值。方法采用DCRRS(内容包括现实作案动机,先兆,诱因,时间、地点、对象、工具选择,作案时情绪反应,作案后各种行为表现,生活自理能力、工作学习能力、自知力、现实检验能力损害和自我控制能力等)对108例符合要求的患者进行评定并与专家鉴定结果进行比较。结果DCRRS各条目间及其与总量表分间的相关均具有统计学意义(r=0.145~0.944,P〈0.001),分半信度为0.868。根据DCRRS参考划界分分组,无、限定和完全责任能力3组间及两两间量表总分均具有显著统计学差异(P〈0.001)。DCRRS与专家鉴定结果一致性较高(Kappa=0.958,P〈0.001),经判别方程回代具有较高的正确率(97.2%)。结论DCRRS的信效度良好,可作为辅助参考使用。  相似文献   

论作品的独创性——以滑稽模仿和后现代为视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为著作权的客体,作品是一个重要的概念,而作为作品灵魂的独创性可谓著作权法的核心概念之一。独创性概念伴随着著作权理论的产生而创立,构成了著作权制度的基础,是作品获得保护的根本理由。后现代主义却对传统的独创性观念提出了挑战,源于文学理论本身的滑稽模仿在某种程度上回应了这种挑战,这究竟是著作权法对后现代主义的无奈妥协还是作品本性的彰显?也许,有时抛开法律进行思考有助于我们重新审视独创性本身,并藉此对著作权制度有更深入的认识。  相似文献   

王鑫 《行政与法》2006,(3):99-101
网络金融诈骗是金融诈骗与网络相结合的产物,其特点表现为犯罪主体智能化,犯罪工具高科技化,犯罪手段多样化,犯罪方式虚拟化,犯罪后果严重化。要防范网络金融诈骗犯罪,必须加强对网络金融从业人员及相关人员的管理,加强网络金融监管制度的建设,加强技术防范措施建设,加强国际合作,加强对网络金融诈骗犯罪的打击。  相似文献   

In accordance with the joint decree of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers of July 30, 1970, "On Measures to Improve the Work of Judicial and Procuracy Organs," and Decree No. 640 of November 12, 1970, of the RSFSR Council of Ministers, permanent republic-wide courses for improving the qualifications of justice personnel in the RSFSR have been organized in that federation. Here members of supreme courts of autonomous republics, members of territorial, regional, city, and national area courts, presiding judges of district (or city) people's courts, people's judges, consultants of departments of justice and of courts, notaries, and defense attorneys will undergo retraining. Branches of the republic-wide courses for bailiffs, office heads, secretaries of courts and hearings, clerks, and inspectors are being established in affiliation with the ministries of justice of autonomous republics and the justice departments of the executive committees of territorial and regional Soviets of working people's deputies.  相似文献   

Since hardly a report is available on estimation of length of calcaneum and talus from a fragment of them, a fresh study was made on a present day south Indian population. A total of 110 calcanei (55 right and 55 left), and 70 tali (35 right and 35 left), all unpaired, dry, and devoid of gross pathology, were used. Maximum anteroposterior length of the bone was measured in millimeter using an anthropometric board, and linear measurements of the other bony markers were measured in millimeter using a sliding caliper. Bony markers of calcaneum were maximum anteroposterior length, maximum transverse width, length, width and depth of groove on the sustentaculum tali, and length, width, and depth of the sulcus calcanei. Bony markers of talus were maximum anteroposterior length, maximum transverse width, length and width of articular surface for the lateral malleolus, length and width of articular surface for the medial malleolus, vertical width and transverse width of articular surface of the head, width and depth of groove for tendon of the flexor hallucis longus, and length, width, and depth of the sulcus tali. Simple regression suggested that maximum length of the calcaneum regressed significantly with maximum transverse width, length, width and depth of groove on the sustentaculum tali, and length, width, and depth of the sulcus calcanei and that maximum length of the talus regressed significantly with maximum transverse width, length and width of the lateral articular surface, length of the medial articular surface, vertical and transverse diameters of the head, and depth of the sulcus tali. Maximum length of calcaneum and talus is derived from the regression values, to predict the stature of the person from available stature equations in the literature.  相似文献   

司法证明机理:一个亟待开拓的研究领域   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
封利强 《法学研究》2012,(2):143-162
司法证明机理是指由多方证明主体共同参与进行证据推理活动的内在规律和原理。没有对证明机理的深入把握,就难以通过"证据群"获得可靠的事实认定结论。近年来,英美学者致力于对证明机理的探索,开辟了一个全新的交叉学科领域。证明机理的研究对于摆脱司法证明的现实困境具有重要意义。我们应当批判地吸收和借鉴英美"新证据学"的研究成果,综合运用系统论、逻辑学、心理学、语言学、行为科学等多种研究方法进行系统化研究,以期实现司法证明的科学化。  相似文献   

对宪法性质及相关问题的重新思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
魏宏 《法学论坛》2003,18(1):35-40
本文讨论了宪法的性质、内容和效力阶位等涉及宪法本质特征的一系列问题。认为 ,宪法不是母法 ,而是关于国家政治生活准则的部门法 ,在本质上是一种政治契约 ;有关国家权力的来源与性质、配置与运作、制约与监督等问题是一个国家宪法的核心内容 ,而关于发展经济、教育、科学技术、文化艺术、思想教育、计划生育、环境保护等问题不是宪法应有的内容 ;宪法虽然作为一种政治契约 ,应当是一个国家的根本大法 ,但根据本文提出的“对外承诺对内具有约束力”的原则及其相关规则 ,宪法实际上的效力阶位从制定机关的角度看 ,则取决于其在一个国家整个权力结构体系中的级别 ,因而我国宪法与全国人大制定的基本法律实际上处于同一效力阶位 ,而要使它成为效力最高的法律 ,就有必要进行立宪体制上的创新。  相似文献   

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