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公平正义是建设和谐社会的重要前提之一,马克思主义经典作家和党的三代领导集体对社会公平正义及其实现的问题予以强烈的关注。"科学发展观"中的公平正义思想是对马克思主义公正思想的继承与发展,是建设和谐社会、促进和实现社会公平正义的重要指导原则。工会作为职工群众利益的代表者和维护者应成为实现社会公平正义的促进力量。  相似文献   

加强劳动教育意义重大,关系到中国共产党的执政基础和民心向背,关系到学生的身心健康、 成长成才和正确价值观的形成,关系到人的全面发展和国家的未来。在马克思共同体视域下,劳动教育体现了 人与自然和谐共生、人与人和谐共处、人与社会和谐共存的关系。研究认为,当前劳动教育存在家庭教育错位、 学校教育缺位、社会教育低位等方面的掣肘,其内在原因是未能正确认识人与自然、人与人、人与社会之间的 辩证统一关系。研究建议:从构建共同体劳动教育理念、完善劳动教育课程体系、落实劳动实践育人功能等方 面着手,切实推进劳动教育,促进人的全面发展。  相似文献   

浅论大学生诚信缺失的原因及应对措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生作为社会主义建设的栋梁,其诚信状况总体讲是好的,但是部分大学生诚信缺失令人担忧。针对当前大学生诚信缺失的情况,高校应采取各种形式,大力加强诚信教育,深入开展诚信实践活动,积极营造诚信建设的氛围,努力为诚信建设提供制度保障,教育和培养学生形成诚信观念,引导学生践行诚信精神。  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,在习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的系列重要讲话中,多次强调要坚 持弘扬劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神。认真领会劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神的科学内涵以及它们之间的 逻辑关系,对于实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦、增强文化自信和全面提升我国产业工人队伍整体素质有着重 大的理论价值和现实意义。劳模精神和劳动精神是整体和部分的关系,劳模精神和工匠精神是外力和内力的关系, 劳动精神和工匠精神是共性和个性的关系。总之,劳动精神,工匠精神,劳模精神存在逐步递进的逻辑。劳动 精神是成为人的精神,工匠精神是成为更加优秀的人的精神,劳模精神则是成为影响别人的人的精神。  相似文献   

The present study aimed to investigate the incidence of post-traumatic and secondary traumatic stress as well as burnout symptoms among child and youth welfare workers in residential care in Switzerland and to assess the predictive value of sense of coherence, self-care, and job satisfaction. A sample of 319 child welfare professionals in Swiss child and youth residential care was assessed using questionnaires that addressed sense of coherence, perceived collective efficacy, self-care, and work satisfaction, as well as symptoms of traumatic stress and burnout. Linear regression analyses were conducted to determine the influence of sense of coherence, self-care and job satisfaction on symptoms of burnout and traumatic stress. Enhancing sense of coherence, work-related self-care and work satisfaction could reduce stress symptoms and increase the well-being of child and youth welfare staff. The authors discuss how child and youth residential care institutions could improve these factors among their staff.  相似文献   

Unlike the majority of the major female authors of the Victorian period, Elizabeth Gaskell was a mother, and her understanding of motherhood was one of the defining preoccupations of both her life and her fiction. In her lively and intimate letters to her four daughters, Gaskell provides a fascinating insight into mid-Victorian motherhood. ‘Conscientious and well-informed’, frank and self-reflexive, Gaskell's letters reflect the social and intellectual ferment of the period and shed light on some of the most pressing issues faced by mothers of the period, including the psychological development and education of children, the Victorian crises of religious schism and unbelief, and the rise of feminism.  相似文献   

社会文化环境对企业出资人、经营者经营理念、价值观都具有重要影响,这些因素又直接对企业职工工资发生影响.为解决目前我国企业职工工资偏低问题,应当在市场配置、市场调节的基础上,从人文层面予以引导,在社会文化环境方面予以约束,促成企业出资者、经营者的自我反思和自我觉悟,形成以人为本、和谐发展的价值取向.  相似文献   

高等学校教代会建设的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在高校党委的领导下,高校教代会历经30年的发展历程,已成为高校基本的民主管理形式.它在推动学校民主政治建设、促进学校民主管理与科学决策、增强广大教职工的主人翁意识上的重要作用日益凸显.研究当前高校教代会建设的现状和问题,积极探索加强教代会建设的途径,具有现实的必要性和紧迫性.  相似文献   

This article addresses the effects of a risk-averse Western society on healthy childhood development. Forest and nature schools are specifically identified for their inclusion of outdoor risky play. Forest and nature schools are presented as idealized venues to investigate and understand the necessary balance of risk-taking and safety in child development. Forest and nature school is an environment in which risk of injury is inherent yet minimal. Although teachers/practitioners allow risk-taking, it may not be well understood outside of the context of the forest and nature school. Beck's risk-society is introduced and argued to hold steady influence—a shadow—over societal beliefs and practices, inducing fear of litigation in the minds of practitioners. Through recognizing and addressing unreasonable societal perception and acceptance of actual childhood risks, one can better estimate the value of the minimal risks forest and nature schools pose to children. The author proposes a reconceptualization of risk in child development and advocates for reform of policy and practices which prevent children from full exploration of their capacity and curiosity through outdoor risky play.  相似文献   

This article aims to explore and make theoretical sense of a stream of tourism that blurs the boundaries between sex, romance and intimacy, and diffuses the line between affectionate and economic relations. The empirical scope is the expanding international tourism of tango dancing—meaning the increasing number of people from all over the world travelling to Buenos Aires to dance tango and engage with the local tango culture. In contrast to women's sex tourism on the beaches of Jamaica and Ghana, the relationships evolving in the Argentinean dance halls only occasionally lead to sexual affairs and temporary romances, but they are still part of a sensual geography made up of a transnational skin-to-skin intimacy. In addition, the relations between local dancers and tourists rarely result in economic transactions of sex for money; however, they engage with a growing market of intimate dance services and are part of the economic injustices and exotified projections of our post-colonial time. Hence, this article seeks to shed critical light over a broader area of transnational romance. The case of tango evokes new sets of critical queries regarding the trade of bodily intimacy and affection; the consequences of economic inequality in the area of heterosexual romance; and the production of class morals and racialised gender regimes. Through an exploration of these intimate practices, discourses and sets of emotions produced in this particular context, a complex landscape of market forces and close-embrace dancing unfolds.  相似文献   

我国已建立多层次保障职业健康和防治职业病的规制体系,其具体进路主要表现为劳动者权益保护日益增强、用人单位责任进一步强化、便捷高效原则更加突出、职业病防治监管主体多次转变。四条进路之间呈现既相互联系又相互区别的辩证统一关系,表明我国职业病防治重点解决职业病诊断、鉴定及追责之困境,已将劳动者权益置于首位,摆脱了法律工具禁锢,而转向权益保障的价值目标。展望未来,尚可从匹配职业病诊断和鉴定机构的管辖级别、设立职业病鉴定中的听证程序、持续推行高效便民原则及实现对职业卫生监管直接责任人员的监察整合等方面进一步优化。  相似文献   

我国职工体育社团组织培育机制分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
由于职工体育社团组织大多数脱胎于计划体制,表现出缺乏自主性的"先天不足"。半官半民的身份限制了组织独立运作的能力,妨碍了其发挥补充"政府"与"市场"盲点的作用。所以在现阶段,政府与社团组织在职能上会产生重叠。但随着改革的深入,体育社团组织的社会空间也将随之不断调整扩大,并通过外部监控、内部自律,建立起社会化服务模式。  相似文献   

要依法落实职代会职权,有效地维护职工的合法权益,把依法维护出资人的所有权、经营者管理权与充分尊重职工群众的民主管理权结合起来。做好维权工作,必须坚持和发展以职代会制度为主体的维权机制;建立和完善以平等协商集体合同制度为根本的维护职工经济利益的协调机制;健全和拓展以企务公开为载体的维护职工知情权和参与权的监督机制;建立和深化以"送温暖工程"为龙头的保障职工具体利益的帮扶机制;巩固和推进以创建安全标准工地为主题的维护职工生命健康权益的劳动保护机制。  相似文献   

在唯物史观视域下,劳动解放和人的解放呈现为共同生成、彼此形塑的同一过程。实现劳动解 放的过程,亦是超越资本主义劳动异化、通往人的解放、实现人重新占有自己本质的过程。马克思在批判和吸 收以往劳动观念的基础之上,立足于现实的人及其感性活动本身,从历史生成论的角度疏解劳动与人的本质关系。 总体来说,马克思遵循了从肯定一般劳动作为人的本质,再到洞见资本主义社会劳动异化的现实,最后予以批 判超越重新复归人的本质的逻辑理路。明确这一理路和其中蕴含的人学向度,对于推进新时代人的自我理解和 劳动教育事业的发展具有重大的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

劳模精神是引领广大职工和全国人民拼搏奋斗的强大精神动力,劳动模范是加强和改进思想政 治工作的重要力量。如何充分发挥劳模的思想政治引领作用,对于做好新时代思想政治工作意义重大。研究认 为,发挥新时代劳模的思想政治引领作用,必须做到:切实加强党的领导,确保劳模思想政治引领的正确方向; 发挥劳动模范在思想政治引领中的主体作用;创新劳模思想政治引领的方法和手段;更好地发挥劳模和工匠人 才创新工作室的阵地作用;建立和完善劳模思想政治引领的教育培养机制;切实做好劳模思想政治引领工作的 制度保证。  相似文献   

Borderland regions in Southeast Asia have increasingly been reimagined as resource-rich, unexploited ‘wastelands’ targeted for large-scale development schemes for economic integration and control. Common and overlapping features of these regions are processes of resource extraction, agricultural expansion, population resettlement and securitization, and the confluence of these dynamic processes creates special frontier constellations. Through the case of the Indonesian-Malaysian borderlands, I explore how processes of frontier colonization through agricultural expansion have been a recurrent product of Indonesian development and security policies since the early 1960s. I argue that frontier development accelerates and intensifies when national discourses of security and sovereignty and state-led agrarian expansion intersect along national borders. The study generates new insights into how contemporary state-capitalist processes of agricultural expansion in the borderlands of Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia are justified through discourses of national sovereignty and notions of ‘untamed’ and ‘wild’ resource frontiers. I highlight the multiple meanings and notions associated with regions where resource frontiers and national borders interlock. The study offers an explanation of how frontiers as discursive constructs and material realities play out along national borders.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着城市化的深度发展以及工业化进程的加快,出现了数以亿计的农民工群体。农民工群体是社会工作重要的服务对象,农民工问题是关系国计民生的重大问题。农民工婚恋问题是农村劳动力向城市转移过程中出现的各种社会现象中的一个重要方面,因而成为一个值得研究的领域。研究认为,农民工婚恋问题与企业社会工作关系密切,企业社会工作在解决农民工婚恋问题方面存在先天优势。研究建议,企业社会工作机构和社会工作者应该通过企业、社区场域,并依托工会和党建资源,不断完善社会工作模式,实现以企业社会工作路径解决农民工婚恋问题的常态化。  相似文献   

Determinants of the use of alcohol, alcohol without parental knowledge, cigarettes, marijuana, and crack were assessed in predominantly black, urban, fourth- and fifth-grade students. Each subject identified three best friends. Logistic and least-square regression analyses indicated that children's perceptions of friends' use, perceptions of family use, and actual use of classmates were better predictors of substance use than friends' actual use. The pattern of predictors suggested that peer behaviors and attitudes are more influential for children's socially censured behaviors such as using alcohol without parental permission than for more socially approved behaviors such as using alcohol with parental permission. The importance of perceived friends' use vs. friends' actual use supports Behavioral Intention Theory and Cognitive Developmental Theory, while the importance of classroom use supports Social Learning Theory or may reflect social and environmental conditions including neighborhood availability of drugs and neighborhood values regarding substance use.This research was supported by a grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (RO1 DA 04497). Portions were presented at a NIDA Technical Review Meeting, Washington, DC, September 1989, and at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Chicago, October 1989.Received Ph.D. in developmental psychology from The State University of New York at Buffalo. His research interests include social and environmental influences on the early use of abusable substances; the development of children's eating and exercise patterns, and their relationship to cardiovascular risk factors; and the development of understanding of and attitudes toward health and illness, including heart disease and AIDS.Received Ph.D. in social pharmacy from the University of Minnesota. Her research interests include personal, social, and environmental influences on the use of medicines and abusable substances; and children's health promotion and disease prevention.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship of parenting to internalizing and externalizing problems in Moroccan immigrant youth in the Netherlands. Interviews were conducted with 713 Moroccan immigrant parents, using the Child Behavior Checklist and the Nijmegen Rearing Questionnaire. Child rearing varied with socioeconomic status and psychological acculturation level of the parent, and gender and age of the child. In accordance with studies in Western populations, high levels of affection and monitoring were associated with low levels of problem behavior and high levels of discipline were associated with high levels of problem behavior. However, in contrast to studies in Western populations, a positive relationship was revealed between affection and discipline, and the univariate associations between discipline and problem behavior were modest. Discipline and internalizing problems were unrelated in low SES families, whereas a positive relationship was found in high SES families. The relationship between monitoring and externalizing problems was age-specific: We found a negative association for adolescents and no association for children. Assistant Professor at the department of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences of the University of Utrecht. She received her Ph.D. in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at the Erasmus MC/Sophia, Rotterdam. Her research interests concern the psychological development of immigrant children and adolescents. Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences Professor of Developmental Psychopathology at the department of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences of the University of Utrecht. Her research in the past years has been focused on mental health problems and addiction in adolescents and adults, and on the importance of the risk factors related to migrant status and ethnicity. Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences Received her Ph.D. at the University of Leiden in 1991. She is a Senior Researcher and head of the research group ‘Multicultural Questions’ at the Verwey-Jonker Institute. Her field of study is socialization and psychological development of children of ethnic minorities. Verwey-Jonker Institute, Kromme Nieuwegracht 6 Dutch Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and Associate Professor at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at ErasmusMC/Sophia, Rotterdam. His research examines levels of emotional and behavioral problems as well as predictors of these problems in Turkish and Moroccan immigrant youth in the Netherlands. Dr. Crijnen is also the principal investigator in studies on the prevention of disruptive behavior and substance use in children and adolescents through school- and parent-based interventions. Department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry  相似文献   

This article explores a gendered dimension of war and conflict analysis that has up until now received little attention at the intersection of gender studies and studies of global politics: queer bodies in, and genderqueer significations of, war and conflict. In doing so, the article introduces the concept of cisprivilege to International Relations as a discipline and security studies as a core sub-field. Cisprivilege is an important, but under-explored, element of the constitution of gender and conflict. Whether it be in controversial reactions to the suggestion of United Nations Special Rapporteur Martin Scheinin that airport screenings for terrorists not discriminate against transgendered people, or in structural violence that is ever-present in the daily lives of many individuals seeking to navigate the heterosexist and cissexist power structures of social and political life, war and conflict is embodied and reifies cissexism. This article makes two inter-related arguments: first, that both the invisibility of genderqueer bodies in historical accounts of warfare and the visibility of genderqueer bodies in contemporary security strategy are forms of discursive violence; and second, that these violences have specific performative functions that can and should be interrogated. After constructing these core arguments, the article explores some of the potential benefits of an interdisciplinary research agenda that moves towards the theorisation of cisprivilege in security theory and practice.  相似文献   

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