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《Child & Youth Services》2013,34(1-2):203-217

This Epilogue highlights important progress in the area of intergenerational contact research and identifies some important operational and empirical lacunae. The diverse array of intergenerational programs is discussed as are the potential consequences of program contact for older adults, children and youth. We highlight for researchers and program planners the likelihood that pre-existing stereotypes can affect program experiences (and the communicative patterns within them) as well as the need to articulate program goals more clearly. The paper's main thrust is in drawing attention to several theoretical models that can usefully guide future research. A theoretical framework based on intergroup communication is outlined that explores the motivations and communicative behaviors likely during intergenerational exchange. Researchers should investigate communicative strategies that promote successful intergenerational contact.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between intergroup contact and adolescents’ attitudes regarding homosexuality and the treatment of lesbian and gay (LG) peers. Fourteen- through 18-year-olds (n = 1,069, 59.7% females) completed self-report attitude and judgment questionnaires about the acceptability of homosexuality, levels of comfort around LG peers, and the acceptability of excluding or teasing an LG peer. The results suggest that having an LG friend is related to more positive attitudes toward homosexuals/homosexuality and less tolerance toward the unfair treatment of LG peers. The findings lend further support to intergroup contact theory and provide evidence that the intimacy of contact is related to prejudice reduction, and offer general support that age is related to prejudicial attitudes, but less so to prejudicial behaviors.  相似文献   

Adolescents' Intergroup Attributions: A Comparison of Two Social Identities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigated the intergroup perceptions of 2 social groups. English adolescents aged 14–15 years were asked to make causal attributions for various positive and negative behaviors performed by members of an in-group and an out-group. In the first condition (n = 45), participants rated members of their own peer group and members of a peer group to which they did not belong. Participants in the second condition (n = 45) rated English adolescents and members of a national out-group (either France or Germany). Results showed that participants in both conditions reported perceptions that were biased towards the formation of a favorable in-group evaluation. However, the relationship between intergroup discrimination and identification with the in-group was in the expected direction for participants in the peer group condition only. This observation is explained in terms of the potential level of identity threat posed by the prevalent intergroup context.  相似文献   

There is a dearth of published research on the role of intergroup contact on urban US ethnic minority children’s and adolescents’ evaluations of racial exclusion. The current investigation examined these issues in a sample of low-income minority 4th, 7th, and 10th grade (N = 129, 60% female) African American and Latino/a students attending predominately racial and ethnic minority US urban public schools. Using individual interviews, participants were presented with scenarios depicting three contexts of interracial peer exclusion (lunch at school, a sleepover party, and a school dance). Novel findings were that intergroup contact was significantly related to low-income urban ethnic minority youth’s evaluations of the wrongfulness of race-based exclusion and their awareness of the use of stereotypes to justify racial exclusion. Further, significant interactions involving intergroup contact, context, age, and gender were also found. Findings illustrated the importance of intergroup contact for ethnic minority students and the complexity of ethnic minority children’s and adolescents’ judgments and decision-making about interracial peer exclusion.  相似文献   

中国共产党诞生80年来,坚持把马克思主义建党理论与中国共产主义运动相结合,取得了举世瞩目的成就.以江泽民为核心的第三代中央领导集体,承前启后,继往开来,进一步丰富和发展了马克思主义建党理论,形成了比较完整的党建理论体系,为无产阶级政党走向新的胜利奠定了坚实的理论基础.  相似文献   

办公自动化相对于传统办公方式有诸种优势。我国办公自动化存在着传统观念束缚。新技术支撑水平发展不够、缺乏统一的规范标准等问题。应通过转变观念、加强组织措施保障、开发软件、统一规范标准等对策,促进我国办公自动化的发展。  相似文献   

The move to ordain women as priests and bishops in the Church of England has taken nearly 40?years of campaigning in General Synod and almost 100 years of discussion and debate more widely in the Church. Christina Rees, a member of the Church of England's ruling body, the General Synod, considers why there has been such a long struggle, especially after agreeing that women can be ordained as priests, and therefore are suitable for Holy Orders. Over the past 25?years she has uncovered disturbing evidence that the insidious ideology of patriarchy has distorted theology in ways that has contributed to entrenched discrimination against women in the Church.  相似文献   

特朗普自执政以来,强力推行"美国优先"的经济政策,冲击着现行的国际秩序,使全球贸易体系出现前所未有之大变局。美国成"变量",单边对决多边,西方阵营分裂,新兴经济体和发展中国家群体崛起明显。变局中,特朗普政府孤立主义、单边主义、保护主义的政治经济学逻辑显现无疑,这给中国的发展既带来了机遇,又造成了新的挑战。因此,中国必须采取稳妥的应对策略,把握战略全局,维护中美关系稳定大局;深化改革开放,打造多边利益共同体;布局主场外交,提升中国的战略能力。  相似文献   

女大学生就业问题的公共政策选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国女大学生就业问题正在呈现出显性化发展态势,政府对女大学生就业提供公共政策支持尤为必要。从目前看,我国已经结束了对女大学生就业提供完全保障性公共政策的时期,而开始了市场经济条件下积极形式公共政策的实践探索。将社会性别视角纳入公共政策的制定过程对于解决女大学生就业问题有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

建立一个独立于企业、事业单位之外的社会保障体系的意义在于 :加强全社会的保障意识 ,给这项工作的开展创造良好的氛围。同时 ,打破职工对就业单位的依赖 ,促进劳动力在不同所有制单位之间的流动。另外 ,减少了企业在社会保障方面的管理费用 ,使企业有更多精力去从事经济工作。独立于企业之外社会保障体系的建立 ,将促进社会保障体系自身不断地完善和巩固。  相似文献   

In the last decade the Bahaujan Samaj Party has established a strong electoral presence in northern India. It has been particularly successful in Uttar Pradesh where it has participated in government three times in the 1990s. Although the party seeks to mobilise the support of the ‘bahujan’ — the non‐high caste majority of the population — it is argued here, on the basis of aggregate and survey analysis, that it has been constrained by its excessive reliance on just some sections of former untouchables (Dalits). The Bahujan Samaj Party represents a significant social and political movement of some Dalit groups but it has failed to secure the support of the wider population of the rural poor.  相似文献   

15 May 2011 marked the beginning of a major political and regime crisis in Spain. It has since passed through different stages – the last being the emergence of Podemos, which has become a major player in Spanish politics. The crisis of traditional mechanisms of political representation has become a crisis of hegemony of the ruling class, in the Gramscian sense of the term. The mass support for the ruling class and its traditional form of political representation has been withdrawn. This has led to an open situation with no clear outcome that can be read in terms of Walter Benjamin’s non-linear and deterministic sense of political and historical time.  相似文献   

在市场经济不断深化和不断成熟的进程中,作为市场经济最为核心的产业结构和企业组织结构也出现了全新的变化,特别是出现了企业规模小型化和所有制多元化的变化.由此,工会组织以及维权方式变革也成为必然,这种变革最为重要的组成部分之一,就是强化产业性工会组织建设,推进产业化、行业化维权.  相似文献   

Although feminist scholars must be primarily devoted to understanding the experience of women, we can also use the critique of logocentrism being made by male thinkers of the hermeneutic/interpretive persuasion. The bulk of male scholarship in these movements has been unable to move beyond the preliminary effort of a negative critique of the limitations and irrelevancies of the traditional/scientistic methodology. Feminist scholarship has not only stood critical of traditional assumptions but has made the positive move of putting forth alternative epistemologies which use experience, intuition and evaluation as modes of knowing. For these new ideas to emerge in a powerful way, there has to be a locus for their emergence. Women's Studies is that place.  相似文献   

高级技工的数量和质量对经济发展具有重要意义.我国高级技工学制培养探索始于20世纪80年代中期,90年代初高级技工学校正式建立.目前学界对这段历史尚缺乏系统研究.本研究通过资料分析,较为完整地展示了该阶段的历史面貌,以揭示其意义和经验.本研究认为:高级技工学制培养有其历史必然性,并经历了周密严谨的试点过程;高级技工学校试...  相似文献   

解放思想是发展中国特色社会主义的一大法宝,其对我国社会主义历史命运有着深远影响和巨大作用。解放思想改变了社会主义的历史命运,开辟了建设中国特色社会主义的新道路,使中国改革开放走向深入。中国社会主义在经历一次次洗礼之后,折射出解放思想在社会主义历史命运走向中的光明轨迹,证明了解放思想使中国特色社会主义道路越走越宽广。  相似文献   

收入分配事关职工切身利益,也是现实生活中他们最为关心的话题之一。目前,一线职工对企业分配状况存在一些不满情绪;它在一定程度上影响着和谐社会、和谐企业、和谐劳动关系的稳定,应引起社会各界的广泛关注。  相似文献   

中国共产党从建党初期就将劳动立法纳入奋斗目标之中。党领导的劳动立法在工人运动、社会变化和时代发展中不断完善,形成了具有中国特色的发展路径,取得了令人瞩目的历史成就。但早期劳动立法对劳动关系矛盾的判断脱离了当时的社会现实,以及受“左”倾影响而提出的不切实际的利益主张,在历史上产生了消极的影响。随着中国特色社会主义进入新时代,劳动立法开启了新的历史方位,改革开放初期形成的立法思路愈发难以适应当前的立法需求。当前,我国劳动立法尽管面临着问题和挑战,但是在百年探索的积淀和新的历史方位的指引下,“中国特色”日益成为推动劳动立法的法治传统和精神动力。未来的劳动立法应当适应多元化功能的需要,完善规制策略的层次性、适应性和整体性,不断促进劳动关系治理法治实践的发展。  相似文献   

International residential tourism is a recent phenomenon in the Andean area. However, in places where it has been established, rapid changes in social and economic structures have occurred. The Municipality of Cotacachi (Northern Ecuador) is paradigmatic. Having become a destination for American retirees, residential tourism has generated a sharp increase in the price of rural land and has decelerated a land market that once allowed young farmers to continue agricultural activities. Residential tourism has promoted land exchange value while sacrificing use value, threatening peasant reproduction mechanisms.  相似文献   

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