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我国《民法典》虽然已经构建了完善的民事权益体系,并已在相关条款中就权益位阶作出了规定,但并没有全面确立清晰的权益位阶。在普遍存在的权益冲突中,不同权益的价值分量并非等同,在这一背景下,建立妥善的权益位阶理论,有助于防范化解冲突,有效贯彻立法者的价值判断,并辅助裁判者进行准确的利益衡量。通过对《民法典》民事权益体系的解释,可以对民事权益的位阶进行如下排序:物质性人格权、精神性人格权、身份权、人格利益、财产权利、财产利益。民事权益位阶在司法适用中并不是机械地排序取舍,而应结合个案场景妥当地进行利益衡量。民事权益位阶主要涉及高位阶权益的优先保护、低位阶权益的妥协容忍、民事责任的限制和排除、合同的解除以及对利益受损者的适当补偿等效果。  相似文献   

纪检监察学科,是关于纪检监察制度及其发展规律的系统知识体系,是党的纪律检查活动和国家监察活动实践经验的总结和概括。推进纪检监察学科建设,是党长期执政条件下推进自我革命、丰富中国特色社会主义理论体系、推动纪检监察工作规范化和法治化的必然要求。纪检监察学的研究对象是纪检监察制度与纪检监察活动。纪检监察学有可能、也有必要作为法学门类下独立的一级学科进行建设。构建纪检监察学科体系应当以纪检监察制度为逻辑起点,以党和国家监督为基础范畴,以纪检监察权为核心范畴,以纪检监察理论为基础支撑,以纪检监察制度、纪检监察活动为体系范围。  相似文献   

刑法文化是一个国家的文化在刑法领域的显现,是刑法规范、相关法律设施等外化法律实体的内在精神部分,具体地表现在一个国家的犯罪观和刑罚观上.刑法文化反映和指导着一个国家的刑事政策,决定着犯罪的预防控制措施和刑事司法,并直接影响和决定着犯罪预防控制所采取的方式方法、模式以及犯罪预防控制体系的构建.不同类型的刑法文化孕育出不同的犯罪预防控制模式,不同类型的刑法文化中犯罪预防控制的指导思想、理论依据、所采用的方式、体系也是不同的.通过对重刑主义、工具主义、泛道德主义、泛刑主义四类刑法文化类型的分析,我们可以观察到不同刑法文化理念对犯罪预防控制产生的具体影响.  相似文献   

综论百年法学与法治中国   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张晋藩 《中国法学》2005,(5):185-192
本文从理论与历史的结合上,阐述了一百多年来中国法学与法治的发展过程与时代特征,并且总结出值得反思的历史借鉴,那就是法学与法治互补互动;政治体制民主是繁荣法学的保障、建设法治中国的前提;兼取中西,走中华民族自己的路;法学兴则法治兴,法治明则法学荣。  相似文献   

The interest of this monograph lies in the fact that it sets forth and resolves extremely important problems in the development of the soviets: the place of the executive committee in the system of the local soviet; theoretical and methodological questions of the scientific organization of labor in the executive committees; improving legal regulation of the auxiliary apparatus of the executive committee and the organization and activity of sections and departments; labor relations of employees of the executive committee apparatus; improving work with information, the forms and methods of administrative activity, and the style of work of the apparatus; the theory and practice of introducing the scientific recommendations of scholarship on law and government into the work of executive committees, and so forth.  相似文献   

Fundamental changes in the functions of law and politics, new forms of governance, and the bases of the legitimacy of contemporary EU institutions, herald the end of 'state' monopolies. The dynamics and relations of supranational and national institutions which we are now witnessing, represent qualitatively new patterns and clusters of communications, interaction and competition. The emerging EU constitutional framework is continually being interpreted and negotiated by numerous participating parties. Functional and mutual interdependence has replaced hierarchy as the primary institutional relationship, thus enhancing further the importance of the treaties and leading to an increased politicisation of law. Sovereignty has dissolved into multiple paths of procedures and combinations of institutions. Science and knowledge-based discourses have generally invaded regulation, with the result that lawyers need to pay increasing attention to transparency, freedom of information, and the establishment of structures which are relatively autonomous from both state and market. The EU is best conceived of as consisting of mutually interdependent, reflexive, destabilised and competing institutions.  相似文献   

注重宪法和法律实施是当代法治基本内涵的普遍要求,是全面推进依法治国的时代要求,是法治建设战略转移的客观要求。我国宪法和法律的实施面临着立法粗放与执行不力的困扰、经济状况与社会转型的制约、体制不顺与机制不全的束缚、法治传统与法治精神的缺失。保障宪法和法律统一正确实施,应加强和改进宪法实施,保障和落实公民权利,坚持和完善党的领导,营造和改善法治环境。  相似文献   

契约理念引入行政法的背景分析——基础与条件   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
市场经济和市场经济下的行政机关与公民的关系 ,既是行政法和契约的基础 ,也构成了二者结合的基础 ;民主为契约理念在行政法中的确立奠定了观念与制度的基础 ,也正是民主孕育着行政法的契约精神 ,而行政职能的转变及多元化行政的出现 ,为契约在行政法中的应用提供了广阔的空间 ;法治理念与契约理念有着异曲同工之妙 ,二者互为基础 ;立法对契约的规定与行政的实际运作 ,表明了契约理念的确立已具有现实的可行与必要。契约理念确立的条件 ,可从行政、行政相对人、行政关系中的利益及契约与依法行政的结合等方面来解读 :行政的开放性与文化支撑性、行政相对人的独立性和参与性、行政关系中不同利益的可交换性、契约与依法行政的相融性。  相似文献   

论死刑核准权的收回与死刑复核程序的完善   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
少杀、慎杀是严格限制死刑适用的重要刑事政策。因特定时期的需要而将部分死刑案件的核准权长期、大范围下放,带来诸如死刑适用的标准不统一,二审程序与死刑复核程序“合二为一”,违反法律适用和法制统一原则,不符合尊重和保障人权原则等严重弊端,应当采取果断措施,将死刑核准权收回。设立最高人民法院分院是将死刑核准权收回最高人民法院的最佳方案。并结合司法实践,就应否坚持全面复核、全案复核、规定死刑复核案件审理期限、实行开庭审理、死刑案件实行三审终审制等如何完善死刑复核程序问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

马俊驹 《中国法学》2020,(1):106-125
中国民法的现代化进程,特别是数次编纂民法典的曲折而艰辛经历,印证了中国学习和借鉴西方近现代民法的理性依据,以及中西法律文化整合的历史必然性。从性善与性恶、整体与个体、契约与身份、人情与法律、社会转型与弘扬传统美德等相互排斥又相互关联的法律文化理念和价值体系维度看,民法是保护善意人之法、聚个体间合作之法,民法不能忽视对身份关系的调整,具有辩证的情法观,道德精神是民法内在价值的根基。实现民法和传统文化、民法和现代文明的良性整合,需寻求他们之间的共通处和结合点,建立既尊重人性、彰显权利,又崇尚社会公益、弘扬社会公德的民法新格局。  相似文献   

数智化逻辑是人机互融、虚实同构、算法主导。数智化社会关系的架构化和建模化,彻底改变我们认识、把握和干预世界的方式。数智化后设机制统御一切行为及关系,法律与法学作业理念将由"如何修复和恢复社会"转向"如何规训和塑造社会"。法律对社会的调控应由"裁断行为后果"前移为"塑造行为逻辑",由事后处置转向参与建设社会关系"架构",由赋权与救济转向责任与义务的加载与规制。法律算法化自动运行将成为常态,法律人工操作将成为非常态。数智化逻辑摧毁权利本位和司法中心主义法律法学观,权利主义法学势必为规制主义法学所取代。  相似文献   

死刑核准权归位是解决死刑核准权异化,根除下放所造成的立法矛盾和实务问题的惟一选择。死刑复核程序的诉讼化改造要求贯彻书面审和开庭审相结合,事实审与法律审相结合,书面审则实行阅卷与提审被告人相结合;立法应当明确赋予死刑复核程序中被告人的律师辩护权和当面陈述权;死刑复核程序仍然应当明确时限规定;检察机关有权对死刑复核程序实行法律监督,监督的方式是抗诉和检察建议;我国死刑复核程序不宜实行三审终审制改造,也不宜只实行法律审。  相似文献   

This paper presents and discusses the views and attitudes of juvenile delinquents regarding the implications of genomics and neurobiology research findings for the prevention and treatment of antisocial behavior. Scientific developments in these disciplines are considered to be of increasing importance for understanding the causes and the course of antisocial behavior and related mental disorders. High expectations exist with regard to the development of more effective prevention and intervention. Whether this is a desirable development does not only depend on science, but also on the ethical and social implications of potential applications of current and future research findings. As this pilot study points out, juvenile delinquents themselves have rather mixed views on the goals and means of early identification, prevention and treatment. Some welcome the potential support and help that could arise from biologically informed preventive and therapeutic measures. Others, however, reject the very goals of prevention and treatment and express worries concerning the risk of labeling and stigmatization and the possibility of false positives. Furthermore, interventions could aim at equalizing people and taking away socially disapproved capacities they themselves value. Moreover, most juvenile delinquents are hardly convinced that their crime could have been caused by some features of their brain or that a mental disorder has played a role. Instead, they provide social explanations such as living in a deprived neighborhood or having antisocial friends. We suggest that the hopes and expectations as well as the concerns and worries of juvenile delinquents are relevant not only for genomics and neurobiology of antisocial behavior, but also for prevention and intervention measures informed by social scientific and psychological research. The range of patterns of thought of juvenile delinquents is of great heuristic value and may lead to subsequent research that could further enhance our understanding of these patterns.  相似文献   

张中秋 《中国法学》2014,(2):192-204
本文以法文化的视野和法哲学的方法,重新审视和揭示了传统中国法的精神,进而探讨它的哲学及其意义等相关问题。认为传统中国法的精神是道德人文,亦即在人为称首的思想指导下,以仁义为内核的重生与讲礼的对立统一。在有机宇宙观下,重生与讲礼对立统一的理想是和谐、合理、公平。如果与近代西方法相比较,传统中国法的道德人文精神存在着宗法血缘和专制等级的缺失,但更有超越宗法血缘和追求合理秩序的普适性,因此并不违背人类法律的内在使命和基本价值;而且这个精神扎根于万物有序与生生不息的自然之理,是中国人固有的世界观及其正当性所在,亦是中华文明历五千年风雨而绵延不绝的思想根源,甚至还有可能是我们创新中国法文化的思想资源和精神动力。  相似文献   

叶氢 《政法学刊》2009,26(3):112-118
粤港澳出入境管理制度在体制、模式等方面有各自的特点,三地应相互借鉴和融合,把握今后内地往来港澳管理制度的设置方向,加强出入境领域的合作,方便人员往来,共同打击出入境领域的各类违法犯罪,维护出入境秩序。  相似文献   

The concept of whole-process people’s democracy can be analyzed in terms of four the rule of law dimensions: continuous democracy, authentic democracy, extensive democracy and consultative democracy. Continuous democracy means that democracy provides a continuous and uninterrupted mechanism in terms of stage, time and space, which can ensure the continuous participation of the people in the management of state and social affairs. Authentic democracy is not only embodied creation of opportunities and conditions for the people to have more channels and methods of participation in the management of state and social affairs, but is also reflected in the process of democratic practice, including the protection of legitimate rights and interests of the minority. Extensive democracy means that the people are fully and deeply involved in the management of state and social affairs as well as their own affairs, from the operation of the state system to social life at the community level, and from pre-election to post-election. Consultative democracy is a means of realizing people’s democracy in the whole process. It applies consultation and seeks truth, aiming at building consensus. Moreover, it integrates various channels of consultation, and integrates democracy into all aspects of the work of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and government and in all aspects of the people’s political and social life.  相似文献   

主客观相统一原则:价值论与方法论的双重清理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈兴良 《法学研究》2007,(5):104-120
主客观相统一原则是苏俄犯罪构成理论的特色之一,亦为我国刑法学所承继。该原则具有价值论与方法论的双重属性。从价值论上说,主客观相统一原则是在所谓犯罪构成的客观结构与主观结构的基础上形成的,主张犯罪的客观要素与主观要素的统一。从方法论上说,主客观相统一原则超越了刑法客观主义与主观主义,具有两者折中的意蕴。但目前大陆法系犯罪论体系的发展早已超越了存在论,进入到规范论与价值论的知识领域,主客观相统一原则仍然局囿于存在论的知识范围内,并且其本身具有抽象性与含糊性,应以法益原则和责任原则予以取代。  相似文献   

作为罪刑关系的一种特性,罪刑关系的宽和性应在刑事一体化的领域得到拓展。若联系刑事理念和刑事实践的最新发展,则罪刑关系的宽和性应在当下拓展出当事人性、可合作性与可暂缓性,并且当事人性、可合作性与可暂缓性在相互渗透和相互说明之中"拱举"着罪刑关系的宽和性。由当事人性、可合作性与可暂缓性来充实的罪刑关系的宽和性是对罪刑关系本身的肯定,不仅有着深刻的人权意义,而且有着基本的刑事政策意义。罪刑关系是刑事法理论的一个制高点。  相似文献   

科学技术在为人类社会带来便利的同时也带来了许多科技风险.在风险社会中完善的科技法律责任对科技社会法律治理、科技法律体系化建设、传统法律责任体系突破、科技强国建设以及科学技术标准化发展都具有重要意义.通过对中国现有主要科技基本法律文本的分析,可以看出中国现行科技法律责任体现为三大传统法律责任的综合,且其中行政法律责任占据...  相似文献   

董学立 《法学论坛》2003,18(1):52-58
我国物权变动的安全制度体系应当包括 :承认物权行为理论并予以制度规则体现 ,以满足民法理论完善、缜密以及物权变动安全追求的需要 ;确立公示公信原则 ,以适应市场经济对财产归属与流转安全的要求 ;取消传统的善意取得制度规范并将其精神归缩到公示公信原则之中 ,进而使公示公信原则成为客观统一的物权变动识别制度。这一物权变动的安全制度体系之构建 ,是法律制度本身和谐互补的要求 ,也是市场经济安全、有效运转对法律制度的要求。  相似文献   

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