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THE scenic mountain city of Suifenhe in Heilongjiang Province is known within China for its abundance of snow. Shrouded in white five months out of theyear, the city boasts the Suifenhe National Forest Park Ski Area, a summer skiing and tourist destination. But situated only 210 kilometers away isVladivostok; growing cultural and economic ties  相似文献   

Blue is the sky, vast are the fields, the grasses blow, and the cattle show." This poem reflects vividly the beauty of the grasslands as it is etched on the mind of every Chinese person. The scenery in Ordos today could be so described ¨C excepting the cattle.Ordos experienced severe drought between 1998 and 2000. In those three years, the grass disappeared, and 80 percent of pasture became desert. Although the barren land yielded little in terms of agricultural produce, farmers and herdsmen tried to continue to live as their ancestors had. Most remained very poor.  相似文献   

Harbin is cold. Temperatures in the capital of Heilongjiang, northernmost province in China, rival those in the most frigid regions of Siberia. Minus 35 degrees Celsius is not uncommon during any of the winter months. But Harbin’s climate plays to its advantage. The city is rich in ice and snow. This may not seem to equate with wealth, but savvy city management has managed to turn the white stu into a lucrative economic asset.  相似文献   

HANGZHOU is known as one of the most romantic cities in China for its West Lake. Covering an area of six square kilometers, its enchanting scenery changes aspects dramatically depending on the season, weather conditions and time of day, and its peaceful shores have inspired countless scholars and men of letters to pen their impressions in prose and verse. Some even settled there.  相似文献   

AS a world-famous-metropolis, Shanghai has everything - the air is thick with nostalgia and at the .same time bubbling with new trends; sobering civilization and the sprightly avant-garde all have a say here. Everyone will find a face they like in Shanghai, a city instrumental in establishing the very meaning of "modem city." What better place to explore the theme of the 2010 Expo, Better City Better Life.  相似文献   

Local authorities have been at pains to fill the city's pubfic areas and roads with vegetation and residents are encouraged to plant trees in their courtyards.  相似文献   

QINGDAO is situated on the Yellow Sea coast against a picturesque background of green mountains in southeast Shandong Province. It is a popular seaside tourist destination for people living on China's east coast. Qingdao has abundant cultural relics and famous historical sites, and is best known for its stunning seaside scenery and German architecture, built by colonizers during the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).  相似文献   

LIJIANG is a small city on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in southern China with an 800-year history. Word of its ancient language and music, and unique natural scenery has spread over the decades, and Lijiang is now known throughout the world. It was added to UNESCO's World Cultural Heritage List in 1997, and is one of the ten most favored destinations for Chinese tourists.  相似文献   

AHistoricalCityTheSplendidCityofyan'an¥TAOMINGMaowouldn'trecognizethisplacetoday.ByTAOMINGAviewofYan'an.SIXTYYEARSago,theRedA...  相似文献   

CHINA'S central area comprises six provinces in the country's heartland -Hubei,Hunan,Henan,Anhui,Jiangxi and Shanxi.Together,they make up 10.7 percent of China's land mass,28.1 percent of its population,and 19.5 percent of its GDE Heavily populated,they are significant players in the country's economy and market.  相似文献   

WHILE China's eastern seaboard has been experiencing rapid development for close to two decades, the Chinese government has recently been taking steps to try and foster similar progress in other parts of the country. Chongzuo City, near Vietnam in China's far south, is an example of a previously obscure area that has started to undergo the kind of dazzling changes that cities like Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing have been experiencing for many years.  相似文献   

XIANYANG City,coveringan area of 10,000 squarekilometers,and with a pop-ulation of 4.8 million,is just25 kilometers from Xi’an,capitalof Shaanxi Province.Known asNo.1 Capital of ancient China,Xianyang is the site of nine HanDynasty and nine Tang Dynastyemperors’tombs.  相似文献   

YUNNAN'S provincial capital Kunming is, by any measure, a blessed city. Over the past 7,000 years it has been spared significant disasters of any kind, and the year-round spring-like weather nurtures a lush, enticing environment full of opulent produce. All in all, Kunming residents have long enjoyed a carefree life in laidback surroundings, which perhaps explains the locals' love of art and flowers.  相似文献   

Traveling to Beijing for the first time? Don't get caught in, out, or up by cultural shocks. Know how things should - and shouldn 't - he done to ensure your trip is a memorable one for all the right reasons.  相似文献   

ABirdintheCityThelatestfadinBeijinghastodowithbeingaccessibleandbeingintouchwithyourofficeorco-workersatalltimesincaseanimpor...  相似文献   

Dongying City, founded in October,1983, is a prefecture-level city under thejurisdiction of the Shandong provincialgovernment. Dongying City covers anarea of 8,053 square kilometres, includ-ing two districts and three counties, andhas a total population of 1.7 million.Dongying is a center city on the YellowRiver Delta.  相似文献   

ACityThatDoesn'tSleepAfteraroughstart,determinationandawilltosucceedpaydividends.BystaffreporterLIFUGENASsoonasIarrivedinYang...  相似文献   

WENZHOU is one of the more prosperous areasin China, but its initial development came at a high price - loss of credit. Its commercial beginnings epitomize China‘s nascent non-public manufacturing sector in the 1980s.  相似文献   

LINYI, formerly known as Langya, is a historical city in ShandongProvince. There is an old Chinese saying, "South Shandong Provincehas the most beautiful historical sites, and Langya has the most ce-lebrities." Linyi is indeed the birthplace of master calligrapher WangXizhi and his peer Yan Zhenqing, as well as of master militarist ZhugeLiang and mathematician Liu Hong. Among Linyi's 40 national and provincial lev-el cultural relic sites are the former residence of Wang Xizhi (321-379…  相似文献   

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