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薛军 《法学研究》2011,(1):58-67
传统民法对第三人欺诈与第三人胁迫采取区分式的立法模式。在第三人欺诈情形,排除意思表示人针对善意相对人撤销其意思表示的权利;在第三人胁迫情形,则赋予意思表示人以无限制的撤销其意思表示的权利。区分模式忽视对交易安全的保障,造成法律制度内部的冲突。对第三人欺诈与第三人胁迫设立统一规则的模式具有诸多优点,在最近的民法理论中得到越来越多的支持。在未来中国民法典的编纂中,应对第三人欺诈与第三人胁迫采纳统一的规则模式,承认在无信赖利益保护需求时,被欺诈人与被胁迫人享有撤销权。  相似文献   

我国无独立请求权第三人制度的改革与完善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
章武生 《法学研究》2006,28(3):53-62
我国无独立请求权第三人制度具体改革方案的设计以及相关配套措施的推进,应是引进大陆法系的从参加制度时,保障从参加人的诉讼权利,同时赋予从参加人一次性纠纷解决的选择权;而引进美国的第三方被告制度时,则需要为第三人提供更有力的保护措施。此外,还应增设交互诉讼制度,重新界定第三人的范围,将可以作为本诉共同被告的人从第三人中分离出去。  相似文献   

In light of the contemporary long‐term care crisis, Sandra Levitsky's book Caring for Our Own examines why there has been no movement to secure state support for caregivers. Speaking to sociolegal and social movement audiences, Levitsky reveals how lack of collective identity, the power of family‐based ideologies, and the separation of support organizations from political ones help to repress mobilization. In this essay I refract Levitsky's findings through the lens of organizational theory and medical sociology. I argue that the social problem of long‐term care is caught in an institutional gap since it does not readily fall under the purview of either medicine or family. I also discuss the implications of lay caregivers' provision of sophisticated medical care for theories of professional jurisdictions and gatekeeping.  相似文献   

论医疗注意义务与医疗过失的认定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭升选  李菊萍 《法律科学》2008,9(3):124-133
无论基于医疗契约还是医疗侵权关系,医疗过失的认定标准、考量因素、考察范围都趋于一致。应确定相对客观的医疗过失判定标准,在具体考量时还应兼顾医疗水准等诸多主客观因素。应立足于医院作为医疗损害赔偿责任的“一元”主体,分别从医疗行为和医疗辅助行为去查找医疗过失。审判实务中对医疗过失的认定过分依赖鉴定的流弊应当予以矫正,而应将医疗过失的认定权回归法庭,并辅之以组建专业审判庭、引入专家证人制度作为法庭认定医疗过失的专业保障。  相似文献   

根据“有损害,有赔偿”的原则,医疗行政许可违法同样要对第三人损害承担赔偿责任。但由于医疗行业属于高风险、侵袭性的行业以及我国医疗行政许可第三人的现实特点,使得在医疗行政许可对第三人损害赔偿中归责原则和因果关系等方面都有其明显特征。本文从法律角度论述了医疗行政许可违法对第三人造成损害是否应予行政赔偿,是为了让更多的人了解医疗行政许可,维护自己的合法权益,也想让更多从事医疗行政许可的行政主体更好地履地职责。  相似文献   

吴文嫔 《河北法学》2007,25(12):121-126
第三人利益合同之效力根源为法律对第三人合同利益的正当化.这一命题包括了两个方面的含义:其一,基础合同当事人对第三人利益的赋予为内在的根源,此为自律性的要素;其二,法律对第三人合同利益的正当化为外在根源,此为他律性要素.此二者不可截然分开,只有自律与他律的要素共同作用,才为第三人利益合同之效力根源提供法哲学上的解释.  相似文献   

While it is recognized that veterans have increased rates of depression, post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), suicide, and substance use disorders, rates of homicide and unintentional injury deaths in veterans have been minimally investigated. We evaluated all non‐natural deaths in New Mexico veterans between 2002 and 2011 in comparison with non‐natural deaths among non‐veterans. We reviewed all decedents in New Mexico with a history of military service and investigated by the medical examiner, excluding natural deaths and deaths due to fall from standing height. The most common manner of death was unintentional injury (62%), most of these deaths due to motor vehicle accidents (29%) followed by unintentional overdose (26%). Suicide rates among veterans were consistently higher than the general population. The most common mechanism of suicide in men was gunshot wound (72%), and intentional overdose in women (49%). Services are needed for veterans that are tailored to all ages and both sexes.  相似文献   

第三人撤销之诉是-种为利益受他人判决损害的第三人而设置的特殊性事后救济程序.启动这-程序的主体必须是因不可归责于己的原因未获适当程序保障,并导致利益受损的第三人.其客体可以是生效的判决,亦可以是生效的仲裁裁决.第三人向原判法院提出撤销之诉必须遵守合理的期限.受案法院应当以非简易方式分阶段对撤销请求合议审理,判决结果对申请人及原审当事人均产生法律效力.第三人撤销之诉程序应当配备必要的辅助制度和救济程序.  相似文献   

What effect do electorally successful third parties have on congressional roll‐call votes? There is widespread belief among scholars that third parties influence the policies of the major parties, but there is little systematic evidence of this influence. I exploit the unique historical context surrounding the Populist Party formation in 1892 to examine the effect of the Populist Party's electoral success on congressional roll‐call votes related to Populist issues. The results are consistent with two claims. First, co‐optation of the Populist Party's issues occurred even before the formation of the party. Second, the co‐optation of Populist policies does not appear to be correlated with the electoral success of the Populist candidates.  相似文献   


Utility of third party funding is an undeniable fact, especially where a party is under financial strain, yet its increased usage in private arbitration has given rise to a number of substantive and procedural issues. In view of this, the present paper attempts to map the growing utility or otherwise of the mechanism of third party funding, and analyses its various nuances and legal sustainability within the framework of international arbitration. Further, an attempt is made to analyse the ways and means of ameliorating the utility of third party funding and for enhancing its acceptance in the global arbitration community.


环境污染第三方治理的法律困境及其破解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

论仲裁制度中的第三人   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
本文对仲裁程序中追加第三人以及合并仲裁的问题 ,结合国外有关立法及我国目前实践做法 ,进行了深入分析 ,论述了仲裁中追加第三人及合并仲裁的限制条件 ,并对《中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁规则》的修改提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

This article examines prosecutions of health care professionals for gross negligence manslaughter following fatal errors committed in the course of their work. Unease has long surrounded the use of 'gross negligence' as a form of criminal liability, and particularly as it applies to health care professions operating in high-risk settings. The recent dramatic rise of such prosecutions calls for a closer understanding of the processes by which important prosecutorial decisions are made. In particular, this calls for an investigation into the exercise of discretion by prosecutors in interpreting the loosely defined and contested concept of gross negligence. This article analyses data obtained from a statistical analysis of 'medical manslaughter' cases and also from interviews with crown prosecutors. Discussion of the main findings leads to the conclusion that the offence of gross negligence manslaughter is incapable of any objective and fair measurement and ought to be abolished.  相似文献   

我国新《民事诉讼法》中增设了案外第三人撤销之诉。这对保障案外第三人合法权益有重要意义。由于现行法规定的较为简略,因此有必要对该制度作进一步探讨。本文结合民事诉讼法学基本理论,对案外第三人撤销之诉的立法目的、结构要素和具体程序设计进行了剖析。以期推进对案外第三人撤销之诉的理解和应用。  相似文献   

Abstract. The paper looks at an impasse with respect to the role of rights as reasons for action which afflicts contemporary legal and political debates. Adopting a meta‐ethical approach, it moves on to argue that the impasse arises from a philosophical confusion surrounding the role of rights as normative reasons. In dispelling the confusion, an account of reasons is put forward that attempts to capture their normativity by relating them to a reflexive public practice. Two key outcomes are identified as a result of this explication: first, that normative practices are instances of rule‐following; and second, that agents partaking of normative practices possess absolute value (i.e., acquire the status of persons). In light of this explication, rights acquire the status of the most general reasons that purport to guarantee the content of personhood by specifying and safeguarding conditions which enable agents to participate in public practices of universalisation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the feasibility of claims for psychiatric damage following the death of a family member, where that death has been caused by medical error. 1 The relative's position is a subject of heightened interest since the exposure of the plight of the parents involved in the UK organ scandal, 2 and in the case of an iatrogenic death it is, of course, the family who are essentially the focus of the law's attempts to provide redress. Whilst the cases of deceased patients' relatives seeking damages for mental harm are inherently problematic in light of the restrictive secondary victim criteria applicable to psychiatric damage claims, a close look at the rules which permeate this area of compensation reveals that denying compensation to the relative suffering psychiatric harm is difficult to sustain. 3  相似文献   

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