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This article reviews the development and impact of the socio‐legal field in New Zealand. It begins by assessing the socio‐legal presence within teaching and research conducted across New Zealand's law faculties before analysing factors likely to inhibit future growth of the sub‐discipline in this remote jurisdiction. Having examined how New Zealand's legal scholars map and influence national legal behaviour, without always recognizing contradictions between these objectives or categorizing their research as ‘socio‐legal’, the article goes on to examine how the next generation of socio‐legal researchers might exert stronger influence over the law curriculum and new areas of legal policy. In conclusion, it argues for a distinctive New Zealand approach toward socio‐legal studies and notes that future prospects appear encouraging, and in certain respects more promising than those in the United Kingdom, particularly when considering research impact.  相似文献   

论知识产权之财产权的经济学基础   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
知识产权的主要内容是其财产权.财产权是关于财产的权利,是法学的范畴,但财产则是经济学的范畴.从经济学的角度看,知识具有公共产品的属性,不可能是私有财产.这与法学将知识产权作为私有财产权对待相矛盾.从讨论经济学最基本的概念入手,力图阐明知识产权之财产权的经济学基础.这些概念包括资源、财富、财产、商品、价值、效用、稀缺、劳动、劳动力、特许权、财产权、以及财产权的直接客体、间接客体和终极客体等.通过对这些概念的阐释,将知识产权纳入以边际效用价值为基础的经济学构架,从而在知识产权领域架起一座经济学与法学互通的桥梁.  相似文献   

对于看守所内未决犯的死因鉴定,我国实行公安机关初次鉴定和检察机关重新鉴定的鉴定权配置方式。这种配置方式存在正当性不足的问题。在现行法律框架之下可以有两套解决方案,一种是引进死者亲属的重新鉴定申请权;另一种是引入死者亲属的“反鉴定”权。比较两者的利与弊,本文赞同后者。  相似文献   

This article introduces a new series reflecting socio‐legal empirical research and its impact both within the academic community and the wider world.  相似文献   

李祖全 《时代法学》2007,5(1):63-68
在我国财产权法制条件下,有必要从经济学的角度探讨虚拟财产权概念界定的可行性和价值性,分析虚拟财产的利用形式以及如何发挥其最大的经济效益。产权分析方法有利于虚拟财产权体系构建,使虚拟财产制度设计凸现其合理性,以确保虚拟财产的法律规制,维护正常的虚拟财产交易安全。  相似文献   

This article is the third in an occasional series dealing with the development, current status, and future of socio‐legal studies in selected countries. It follows articles by Kim Economides (Aotearoa/New Zealand) and Harry Arthurs and Annie Bunting (Canada). In this article we argue that in France one can identify work that corresponds to the key strands of socio‐legal research in Anglo‐American societies but that ‘socio‐legal’ as a category of research and scholarship does not have the presence it has in the United Kingdom. French law faculties continue to be strongly shaped by a traditional disciplinary orthodoxy rooted in a highly and distinctively structured form of doctrinal analysis. In the first part, we explain the relatively limited presence of socio‐legal studies in French law faculties in terms of the historical and institutional mechanisms by which disciplinary closure has been created and maintained around traditional orthodoxies. But in the second part we will trace the presence – predominantly outside law faculties – of significant fragments of socio‐legal practice in the scholarship of law and allied disciplines.  相似文献   

This article is the second in an occasional series dealing with the development, current status, and future of socio‐legal studies in selected countries. It follows Kim Economides's review of socio‐legal studies in Aotearoa/New Zealand.  相似文献   

The article evaluates interview data on decision‐making under public procurement law using Halliday's analytical model on compliance with administrative law. In this study, unlike other studies on administrative compliance, the decisions faced by public bodies are not routine; they relate to the award of complex, high‐value contracts. Two contrasting decisions in the procurement process are discussed: the decision over the choice of procedure at the outset of the process, and the decision over the extent to which the public body should negotiate with the winning bidder towards the end of the process. The article considers the rationales behind decisions, and finds that, although public bodies are generally predisposed to comply, legal uncertainty means the relevance of commercial pressures and challenge risk impact heavily on approaches to compliance, even shaping understanding of what compliant behaviour actually is.  相似文献   

物权状态二元结构理论可挑战甚至取代所有权权能结构分析。一些长期争议和令人困惑的以权利、权力及其关系为内容的理论问题,运用物权二元结构理论"公式"求解,则可以发现入口和找到出口,且能定纷止争。权利的绝对性与相对性的对立统一性,是权利自由和受约束的方法及依据;收入分配改革的关键是限制、解放和扩展权力,即权力的合理配置;市场与政府职能分工,主要是明确公权力与市场权利的边界,公权力管制的领域限于动态权利的行使;国有物权的流失和浪费,主要是因为主体代表权没有限定权利边界而可以轻易地滥用公权力。  相似文献   

马章民  杜一鸣 《河北法学》2007,25(9):126-130
死刑问题是近年来刑法学界的热点之一.关于废除死刑还是保留死刑,这方面的论述颇多,尚无定论.学者们能够达成共识的是,我国目前还处于社会主义初级阶段,在当前的物质发展水平和公众观念的条件下,还不能废除死刑.因此,死刑在今后相当长的一段时间内仍将在我国存在.那么,对于可能被判处死刑的"准死刑犯"和已被判处死刑的"死刑犯"而言,如何最大程度地保障他们的合法权益,既是死刑犯及其家属们所切实关心的问题,也应当是刑法学者们密切关注的课题.  相似文献   

试析少数民族经济权利的基本性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对少数民族经济权利如何定性,是少数民族经济权利的法律保障的基础,也直接影响到少数民族经济权利的实现程度。各种少数民族经济权利的性质是不完全相同的,总体上说,少数民族经济权利是基本权利、特别权利、积极权利、公法权利,是集体权利和个人权利的统一,而民族经济自治权属于集体权利,从权利归属主体上看,其是消极权利,民族经济平等权同时具有公法和私法的性质。  相似文献   

This article is the fifth in an occasional series dealing with the development, current status, and future of socio‐legal studies in selected countries. It follows articles by Kim Economides (Aotearoa/New Zealand), Harry Arthurs and Annie Bunting (Canada), Renaud Colson and Stewart Field (France), and Alfons Bora (Germany).  相似文献   

周道鸾 《法学杂志》2012,33(10):29-34
"国家尊重和保障人权"是我国《宪法》规定的重要原则。生命权是公民的基本人权。《刑法修正案(八)》首次取消13个非暴力性经济犯罪的死刑,彰显了生命至上的价值,充分体现了严格控制和慎用死刑的刑事政策和《宪法》规定的人权保障原则,标志着《刑法》修正向取消死刑罪名的方向发展。应当在刑事法治领域继续大力贯彻人权保障原则,从立法上进一步减少死刑的适用,从司法上严格控制死刑的适用。  相似文献   

国防科技工业知识产权的经济效用分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从产权经济学的角度分析,国防科技工业知识产权是指在国防科研、生产中,由国家拨款所产生的知识产权,更进一步讲,国防科技工业知识产权是指在国防科研、生产中,法律赋予国家、智力成果的创造者和使用者对涉及国防的智力成果依法享有的权利和应尽的义务。 国防科技工业知识产权具有军民兼容性,军用与民用的界限已被突破,国防科技的多种功能得到了淋漓尽致的发挥。如,计算机既可用于军事自动化指挥和处理军事情报,也可用于民品生产的控制管理;无人驾驶飞机既可用于军事侦察,又可用于森林防火监控。从第三次科技浪潮看,新材料、新能源、新信息手段,都是首  相似文献   

面对死刑的人,在检察机关提起公诉前后分别称为“犯罪嫌疑人”和“被告人”。合法、充分保障面对死刑的人的诉讼权利,是有效限制死刑适用的重要方面。我国《刑事诉讼法》对面对死刑的人的诉讼权利保障规定得较为系统,在有些方面已达到国际标准,但在另一些方面还存在差距。为了保障面对死刑的人的人权,需进一步从获知权、辩护权、无罪推定、沉默权等方面加以完善。  相似文献   

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