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Though many years in the making, the UN Human Rights Norms forCorporations only registered on the radars of most states, corporationsand civil society organisations in August 2003 when they beganto move up the ladder of the United Nation's policy-making processes.Since then they have been subject to intense, and sometimesintemperate, debate, scrutiny and controversy. A particularlegal feature of the deliberations has been the focus on theclosely related questions of the legal standing of the Normsin their present format (namely, an imperfect draft, and therefore,of no direct legal force), and what they might become (possibly—thoughnot likely soon—a treaty that speaks to corporations butbinds states). A potent mix of distrust and suspicion, vestedinterests, politics and economics has given rise to a greatdeal of grand-standing and cant concerning these questions andhow they might be answered. In this article, the authors explorethe history of the Norms and the form and content of the debatethat surrounds them, in their attempt to disentangle the legalfrom the rest. That said, the article also focuses on the realpoliticking of the circumstances in which the Norms now findthemselves and it seeks to offer some guidance as to where theNorms—or at least their substance, if not their form—mightgo from here.  相似文献   

1999年国际公法和国际私法学研究的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章尚锦  余民才 《法学家》2000,(1):103-107
一、国际法学部分 (一)概述 1999年是国际法学的研究形势较好的一年。一方面,今年恰逢第一次海牙和平会议召开一百周年和日内瓦国际人道法四公约签订五十周年,同时也是联合国国际法十年的最后一年。国际法得到广泛普及,遵守、维护国际法成为共识。另一方面,新殖民主义、霸权主义抬头,发生了以美国为首的北约无视联合国的权威对南斯拉夫联盟共和国进行长达78天的空中打击和轰炸中国驻南大使馆、造成我使馆人员伤亡及财...  相似文献   

制裁在性质上可分为单边制裁和多边制裁,在模式上可分为普遍制裁和聪明制裁.单边制裁是国际法上的灰色地带,对其合法性的考察须在"荷花号原则"上结合国际条约和习惯国际法进行.《反外国制裁法》围绕反制裁的逻辑起点展开制度构建和规则设计,在性质上属于单边制裁,在模式上采用聪明制裁,为国际制裁立法实践提供了中国样本.我国依据该法采取反制措施在国际条约法上可援用安全例外条款主张合法性,在习惯国际法上可援引反措施主张合法性.鉴于我国签订的双边投资协定的多样性以及该法本身的特点,为确保这部立法设计的反制措施在国际法治的轨道上落地实施,还须尽快建立健全配套实施制度.  相似文献   

制定政务处分专门立法是推进纪法衔接与法法衔接,完成监察体制改革全面深化阶段目标的重要环节。《政务处分法》具有前承党规党纪后接刑事法律的功能,它的制定有力地推动了政务处分的法治化与规范化。一方面,《政务处分法》通过构筑严密的职务违法惩戒法网以及完善的法治反腐规范体系,减少了法法衔接的阻力。另一方面,《政务处分法》有助于进一步明确党纪与国法之间的关系,并将监督执纪的四种形态充分运用到法治反腐实践中,有效地促进了纪法衔接。  相似文献   

蔡从燕 《法学研究》2009,(1):178-193
国际法包括私法意义上的国际法和公法意义上的国际法。近现代国际法本质上是一种私法意义上的国际法,但国际交往的日益频繁与复杂必然要求建立某种形式的等级制与集中化架构,公法意义上的国际法应运而生。作为一种后发的法律秩序,国际法受到较为成熟的国内法的影响是很自然的。在借鉴国内公法发展国际法时面临某些重要的障碍,也会产生不可忽视的风险,应该予以充分的注意。国内公法日益影响国际法的趋势对于中国的国际法理论与实践将产生重要的影响。  相似文献   

All manner of "sanctions" and restrictions introduced in international trade by the U.S. government in recent years, including those that were designed to impede the construction of the Soviet export gas pipeline, here evoked sharp protests not only in Western Europe but in the USA as well.  相似文献   

李薇薇 《法律科学》2007,25(2):49-56
联合国经济制裁是安理会依据《联合国宪章》第41条为维持国际和平与安全采取的一种强制措施.战后安理会实施的经济制裁一方面给受制裁国发出了要求或强迫其遵守国际法的警告,而另一方面,在实施制裁过程中给受制裁国带来人道主义灾难,妨碍而不是促进人权,从而削弱了经济制裁的效力.因此,联合国在经济制裁中也应遵守国际人权法和国际人道主义法.  相似文献   

联合国和平利用外层空间委员会在外层空间的国际立法方面起过重要的作用,但近年来所出现的新一轮外空军备竞赛,对国际和平和安全构成了严重威胁,也暴露出现有外层空间法的不足;因而,缔结一项控制外空军备竞赛的国际法律文书刻不容缓。而这一历史的任务就落在外空委的肩上。  相似文献   

国际私法上公共秩序保留制度之比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在比较各国有关公共秩序保留制度的学说及立法与司法实践的基础上,对这一制度从其产生之基础、功能与缺陷、"公共秩序"的含义、公序保留所排除的对象、公序保留之后的法律适用及其与其他相关制度,如识别、直接适用法和单边冲突规范的关系等多个角度进行解析,进而对我国国际私法中公序保留制度的设计提出一些建议.  相似文献   

邹颖 《时代法学》2011,9(6):118-121
欧盟公共采购法的采购主体制度是欧盟内部市场制度深入发展的结果,主体的市场化程度是判定其是否应纳入公共采购法规范的主要标准。同时,尽管欧盟公共采购法体现出高度的开放性特点,但这种开放仅是针对欧盟成员国的相对的开放,欧盟的对外政策仍具有突出的贸易保护特色,这是欧盟公共采购法与真正的政府采购国际法规范的一个本质区别.  相似文献   

Netherlands International Law Review -  相似文献   

Continued from Part II published last year, this part of theSurvey covers materials reflecting Chinese practice in 2006relating to: XI. Outer Space Law (Definition and Delimitationof Outer Space; Draft Protocol on Matters Specific to SpaceAssets to the Convention on International Interests in MobileEquipment; The Status and Application of Five UN Treaties onOuter Space; Practice of States and International Organizationsin Registering Space Objects; The Establishment of the DisasterManagement International Space Coordination Organization; ThePolicy of Peaceful Use of Outer Space; The Cooperative Approachto the Peaceful Use of Outer Space; The Convention of Asia-PacificSpace Cooperation Organization); XII. International Law on Diplomaticand Consular Relation (Preconditions for the Establishment ofDiplomatic Relation; Vienna Convention on the Consular Relations;Diplomatic Protection and Consular Assistance); XIII. InternationalCriminal Law (Universal Jurisdiction in Absentia; Treaty andJudicial Practice on Extradition and Criminal Judicial Assistance;The "East Turkistan" Terrorists in Guantanamo Bay; The LAI CheongSing (LAI Changxing) Case in Canada; The Position Towards TokyoTrial; Illegal Migrants; Trafficking of Persons; Anti-Corruption);XIV. International Law on Environment (Environment and Development;Climate Change; Dam-building on International Rivers; SonghuajiangRiver Pollution Accident; Tropical Rain Forest in SoutheastAsia; Animal Fur Trade; Auction of Dinosaur Egg); XV. InternationalOrganization (United Nations; World Health Organization; ShanghaiCooperation Organization); XVI. International Economic Law (InternationalTrade Law; International Protection of Intellectual PropertyRights; International Financial Law); XVII. International Lawon Energy (Energy and Development; Energy Policy); XVIII. InternationalLaw on Natural Disaster (Tsunami Warning System; InternationalHumanitarian Donation and Assistance); XIX. International Lawon Health (The Issue of SARS; the Issue of Avian and Human PandemicInfluenza).  相似文献   

Continued from Part I published earlier this year, this partof the survey covers materials reflecting Chinese practice in2006 relating to: Fundamental principles of international law(Section IV; territorial integrity, including Taiwan issue andTibet issue, non-interference of internal affairs and friendlyco-operation); International law of recognition (Section V;recognition of States and governments); International peaceand security (Section VI; North Korea nuclear issue, Iraniannuclear issue, Darfur issue, Kosovo issue, Great Lake regionissue, Lebanon–Israel conflict issue and Middle East issue);Anti-terrorism (Section VII); Non-proliferation and disarmament(Section VIII; general policy, nuclear disarmament, Treaty onNuclear Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), ComprehensiveTest Ban Treaty (CTBT), Treaty on the Central Asia Nuclear WeaponFree Area, Security Assurances for non-nuclear-weapon States,Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT), Bacteriological (Biological)and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction (BWC), Certain ConventionalWeapons (CCW), Ottawa Convention, Non-Proliferation of Weaponsof Mass Destruction (WMDs) and Missiles, Illicit Trade in SALW,UN Disarmament Commission, Conference of Disarmament (CD) andPrevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS)); InternationalLaw on Territory and Frontier (Section IX; Diaoyu Islands, NanshaIslands, China–India Territorial and Frontier Dispute,China–Russia Frontier); International Law of the Sea (SectionX; UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, Conservationof Marine Bio-diversity Beyond Areas of National Jurisdiction,Fishery, Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic MarineLiving Resource, Marine Navigation, Delimitation and DevelopmentDisputes with Japan in East China Sea, Principle of MaritimeDelimitation with Other Countries, Base Points of the ChineseTerritorial Sea and The Issue of Suyan Islet).  相似文献   

The Fate of Public International Law: Between Technique and Politics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Public international law hovers between cosmopolitan ethos and technical specialization. Recently, it has differentiated into functional regimes such as 'trade law', 'human rights law', 'environmental law' and so on that seek to 'manage' global problems efficiently and empower new interests and forms of expertise. Neither of the principal legal responses to regime-formation – constitutionalism and pluralism – is adequate, however. The emergence of regimes resembles the rise of nation States in the late nineteenth century. But if nations are 'imagined communities', so are regimes. Reducing international law to a mechanism to advance functional objectives is vulnerable to the criticisms raised against thinking about it as an instrument for state policy: neither regimes nor states have a fixed nature or self-evident objectives. They are the stories we tell about them. The task for international lawyers is not to learn new managerial vocabularies but to use the language of international law to articulate the politics of critical universalism.  相似文献   

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