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《Federal register》1997,62(169):46192-46198
The Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1996, which amend the Freedom of Information Act, are designed to make government documents more accessible to the public in electronic form. The amendments are also intended to expedite and streamline the process by which agencies disclose information generally. In this notice, the Commission amends its Freedom of Information Act regulations to comply with the requirements of the new statute.  相似文献   

美国版权法第512条首创的是针对网络接入、系统缓存、信息存储空间、信息定位工具等四类网络服务提供者的通知与必要措施规则。我国《信息网络传播权保护条例》仅不完整地移植和借鉴了美国版权法第512条首创的通知与必要措施规则中的通知与删除规则,从而导致信息存储空间、搜索链接服务提供者之外的网络服务提供者与著作权人利益的失衡。《侵权责任法》第36条第2款恢复了通知与必要措施规则的本来面目,纠正了《信息网络传播权保护条例》的缺陷,并且创造性地将通知与必要措施规则扩大适用于所有网络服务提供者。在涉及侵害信息网络传播权纠纷案件中,除了信息存储空间服务提供者、搜索链接服务提供者的责任规则以及有关通知和反通知的法定要件,应当优先适用《信息网络传播权保护条例》之外,其他种类网络技术服务提供者的责任规则,应当优先适用《侵权责任法》第36条第2款。  相似文献   

The research discussed in this article is supported by Economic and Social Research Council grant number L210252014 as part of the Crime and Social Order Research Programme. This analysis utilized the Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Crime software developed by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority. The authors also wish to thank Merseyside Police and the Merseyside Information Service for supplying data sets used in the research.  相似文献   

信息自由的保护与限制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈根发 《北方法学》2011,5(4):66-72
信息自由的"保护与限制"是一对孪生子女,这是许多国家的信息自由法或信息公开法上的一个现实或必然。在人类对信息自由理念的追求中,"保护与限制"形成对立和统一的局面。欧盟、美国和日本的信息自由法或信息公开法在信息自由的保护与限制方面各具特色,同时也面临着一些新问题。我国在行政法规层面对信息自由的保护与限制作出了许多与国际接轨和创新的规定,但是在立法上还没有制定出类似国外的信息自由法或信息公开法。在信息自由的保护与限制方面,我国完全能够与世界各国求同存异,并对存异部分展开交流讨论,以缩小差异和分歧。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(175):48455-48464
This document proposes to amend Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) regulations governing the confidentiality and release of VA records subject to the Privacy Act, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (including the Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1996), and the veterans' records confidentiality statute. The proposed rule sets forth a mechanism for the public to obtain information from the VA. The proposed rule is intended to maximize public availability of VA records to the extent permitted by law and considerations such a personal privacy or law enforcement. Essentially these provisions consist of restatements of statute, interpretations of statute, interpretations of case law, interpretations of Executive Orders, and clarification. The proposed amendments also would implement the Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1996, court decisions and Executive Branch guidance issued since the regulations were originally published. Further, this document proposes to delegate authority to the Assistant General Counsel for Professional Staff Group IV for making final Departmental decisions on appeals under the Freedom of Information Act, the Privacy Act, and 38 U.S.C. 5701 and 5705. This would simplify decision making by allowing the highest level individual with direct responsibility for decision making to issue decisions.  相似文献   

为了解、评估我国各省级药监局网站在《政府信息公开条例》生效后开展药品信息公开工作的实施情况,将国家工信部制定的政府网站绩效评估体系按药品监管信息公开特点调整后,经对我国31个省、自治区、直辖市药监局网站信息公开建设进行调查,发现目前省级药监局网站信息公开工作中普遍存在公开程度偏低、依申请公开公众参与度低和监督保障机制实施不力等问题,应从有针对性地公开信息、丰富公开途径和方式以及完善监督保障机制等方面去完善我国药品监管信息公开制度。  相似文献   

贺红梅  周定平 《政法学刊》2009,26(2):110-113
应对突发事件应遵循信息公开的原则,将突发事件的情况和应采取的紧急措施及时准确地向社会公开。信息公开是政府在应对突发事件中的一项重要的义务与责任。有效地公开突发事件信息,不仅有利于保障公众的知情权,而且有利于消除公众的恐慌,对于降低因突发事件带来的损失和化解危机具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

对于公安交通管理信息系统建设而言,在关键硬件设备采用可靠性技术的基础上,利用相关的软件技术,提供强有力的管理机制、控制手段和事故监控与安全保密等技术措施,创建公安交通管理信息系统备份中心,保障信息数据安全运行、提高容灾能力已刻不容缓。如何搭建公安交通管理信息备份中心的运行平台是规范性和技术性都不可忽视的重大问题。本文从总体需求与技术环境层面,为创建公安交通管理信息备份中心提供基本思路,以期为贯彻落实公安部“金盾工程”作出些许贡献。  相似文献   

论信息时代与公共领域的重构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
信息时代正在导致“地理国家”和“区域社会”的分离,而国家与社会的分离是公共领域存在的必要基础。公共领域在使用媒介、参与构成和共识的达成方式上都与传统的公共领域有所不同。因此,信息时代的公共领域将具有许多全新的特点,即公共领域空前多元,公共领域正变得越来越与国家无关,也越来越与民主无关。  相似文献   

钱影 《行政法学研究》2009,(2):69-74,119
《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》实施后,围绕该《条例》第13条赋予的依申请公开政府信息的权利,就"何者基于何种情形申请何种信息"的问题,在学界和实务界都有较大争议。但是,通过对信息公开制度内在价值变化的理论研究和国内外立法例的实证研究,在中国的语境下,可以论证对该条款进行目的论限缩的妥当性,并由此划定该条款的适用范围。  相似文献   

信息、资产与责任是公司内外部利益群体利益博弈所借重的重要工具,更是债权人维护自身利益的主要手段。信息将资产向外传递的效率与质量,需要借由规制高管与审计师的责任对其"保驾护航",以此为连结,法治理念的树立、严法以治的方向、高管对债权人信义义务的规制以及案例法经验的借鉴与吸收,有利于强化高管与审计师责任,更加有利于保障信息可以全面、高效地将公司资产情况向公司债权人传递,继而保护债权人利益。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book review in this Article
Oppenheim's International Law, 9th edition, Sir Robert Jennings and Sir Arthur Watts (Eds.)
Precautionary Legal Duties and Principles of Modern International Environmental Law, Harald Hohmann
EC Treaty and Environmental Law, second edition, Ludwig Kramer
Joint Implementation to Curb Climate Change: Legal and Economic Aspects, O. Kuik, P. Peters and N. Schrijver, (Eds.)
Freedom of Access to Information on the Environment in the United Kingdom. A User's Guide to the Environmental Information Regulations and EU Directive 90/313  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(154):42753-42756
This protective order for non-rural local exchange carriers (LECs) is intended to facilitate and expedite review of documents containing trade secrets and commercial or financial information submitted by a person or entity that are either privileged or confidential. It reflects the manner in which "Confidential Information," as that term is defined herein, is to be treated in the universal service proceeding to select a mechanism to determine high cost support. The Order is not intended to constitute a resolution of the merits concerning whether any Confidential Information would be released publicly by the Commission upon a proper request.  相似文献   

《个人信息保护法》是数字时代个人信息保护的基本法。它采取了将个人信息权作为新兴公法权利的思路,确立了完整的个人信息权利保护体系,在个人信息保护问题上和《民法典》一起形成了公私法共同协力的进路。《个人信息保护法》以权利束的方式规定了个人信息主体的知情权、决定权、查阅权、复制权、更正权、删除权、可携带权和信息权利救济权等。《个人信息保护法》从立法依据、权利体系、条文设计和规制措施上都体现出鲜明的公法属性,这也可以从基本权利的双重面向和个人信息国家保护义务得到理论上的证成。这部法律是数字时代公法秩序的基石,它对公法边界的形塑仍需通过其实施来确立。  相似文献   

Under the authority granted to the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology by section 3001(c)(5) of the Public Health Service Act (PHSA) as added by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, this final rule establishes a process for addressing instances where the ONC-Approved Accreditor (ONC-AA) engages in improper conduct or does not perform its responsibilities under the permanent certification program. This rule also addresses the status of ONC-Authorized Certification Bodies (ONC-ACBs) in instances where there may be a change in the accreditation organization serving as the ONC-AA and clarifies the responsibilities of the new ONC-AA.  相似文献   

修改《政府信息公开条例》要处理好《政府信息公开条例》与其他行政公开立法的分工,重大行政决策过程公开、行政执法公开等为行政行为中的公开机制,可在行政程序立法中予以规定。修法应当回归《政府信息公开条例》作为权利法的法律属性,实现知情权法定,确立公开原则,扩展公开范围,取消限制公民知情权实现的相关机制。修法还应回应互联网时代对开放政府数据提出的立法需求,完善政府数据开放的内部与外部机制。  相似文献   

郑洁 《政法学刊》2014,(3):82-89
基于Hovland的信息传递说服模型并结合语言学研究中与信息势能相关的理论,构建了"侦查讯问话语信息势能流动模型"来分析对抗性讯问活动中信息势能的流动趋势。研究发现:犯罪嫌疑人通过提高知名度、增加可信度、回避核心话题、提供超量信息、表明动机等言语策略极力增强信息的势能,说服警察接受其提供的信息;警察采用阐释性发问、搁置、质疑、打断、拒绝等言语策略削弱犯罪嫌疑人话语的信息势能,阻碍犯罪嫌疑人的假供、乱供和翻供以获得真实的信息,达到讯问目的。  相似文献   

《政府信息公开条例》规定不公开事项是国家秘密、商业秘密和个人隐私。其中,国家秘密为绝对不公开事项,商业秘密和个人隐私为相对不公开事项,即在权利人同意或者因公共利益需要的情况下予以公开。国家秘密、商业秘密应当依照《保守国家秘密法》、《反不正当竞争法》等法律规定做出界定,个人隐私因欠缺法律的具体规定需要通过个案予以界定。正确地界定这三个法律概念,有助于《政府信息公开条例》的实施。  相似文献   

作为知识产权对象的信息不应是信息论意义上的信息,而应是控制论意义上的信息,即具有"同型结构+意义"双重结构。这有其法学上的规范意义。具备"源于人、有价值、法定性"条件的信息即可成为知识产权的对象,其特点有主客观双重属性、与载体的可分离性、可复制性、可传递性、可共享性等。知识产权的诸多困境即源于信息的主客观双重属性。  相似文献   

This final rule establishes a permanent certification program for the purpose of certifying health information technology (HIT). This final rule is issued pursuant to the authority granted to the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (the National Coordinator) by section 3001(c)(5) of the Public Health Service Act (PHSA), as added by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act. The permanent certification program will eventually replace the temporary certification program that was previously established by a final rule. The National Coordinator will use the permanent certification program to authorize organizations to certify electronic health record (EHR) technology, such as Complete EHRs and/or EHR Modules. The permanent certification program could also be expanded to include the certification of other types of HIT.  相似文献   

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