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张洁 《当代亚太》2006,(8):59-64
从文化角度考察印尼腐败问题长期存在和反腐失效的原因,是全面研究印尼腐败问题的必要之举。爪哇传统文化中的尊敬与重视社会和谐的价值观,以及在此基础上形成的以等级制为特征的政治文化,是庇护制和主公制度形成的文化基础,也是腐败问题在印尼长期存在的重要原因。在建立健全的反腐法律机制的同时,弘扬传统文化中的积极因素,构建本国特色的廉政文化,对于印尼长期的反腐工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   

泰国的廉政建设与廉政文化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为,廉政建设需要反腐机制与廉政文化的协调发展,廉政文化的缺失将使反腐机制难以发挥应有的效力。泰国廉政文化缺失的实质是在传统型廉政文化向现代型廉政文化转型过程中出现了断裂和脱节。由于政治和社会文化的转型难以一蹴而就,泰国的廉政建设的完善仍要经过漫长而艰难的发展过程。  相似文献   

高层领导干部腐败案件为何屡次发生?怎样通过制度化建设预防腐败?党的十八大期间,备受关注的反腐倡廉问题再次成为讨论主题。代表们提出,“政治清明”“廉洁政治”写入报告,将会有效堵塞腐败漏洞,提升反腐防腐能力。  相似文献   

非虫 《新民周刊》2012,(49):42-43
雷政富不是2012年第一个因为情色事件而下台的官员,有人说,"情色反腐"和制度性反腐、法治反腐相比,还是处于反腐的初级阶段,不过,从目前的情况看,"情色反复"却是一种有效的手段。雷书记,重庆市北碚区原区委书记雷政富,因网上一段12秒性爱视频而落马。这段拍摄于2007年春节期间的视频,让雷书记丢了官位。  相似文献   

接二连三的"官场地震",让茂名持续成为全国反腐关注的焦点。在反腐深入推进的当下,剖析和反思茂名曾经出现的"买官卖官"案例,对构建让干部不能腐的制度机制也许会有一定的启迪。买卖3年多前,茂名市委原书记罗荫国因贪腐被抓。两年多前,茂名市委原书记周镇宏也被纪委带走。两任市委书记前后倒台,牵出了茂名"蔚为壮观"的买官卖官场景。  相似文献   

王煜 《新民周刊》2016,(1):32-35
十八大至今的三年间,中央巡视组共分8轮对全国149个地区和单位进行了巡视,而2015年的被巡视单位就多达83家,这一数字约是2014年的两倍、2013年的四倍。十八大后的"反腐风暴"已持续到了第三年,2015年,无论是打击领域、力度的不断扩大,还是反腐方式、特点的创新;无论是国内反腐和海外追逃的"两手抓、两手硬",还是...  相似文献   

反腐绩效评估是衡量纪检监察派驻机构履行专责监督职能的能力和水平的重要手段,也是推动派驻监督工作高质量发展的重要保障。目前,我国纪检监察派驻机构反腐绩效评估工作中存在缺乏专门性考评指标体系、考评体系混用、考评可操作性较低以及评估目标不明确、评估指标不科学、评估方法不规范、评估结果不透明等问题。应尽快构建纪检监察派驻机构反腐绩效评估体系,坚持党的领导、借鉴国外经验、制定明确具体的反腐目标和指标,采用目标管理法、指标评价法、案例分析法、问卷调查法等方法,从多维度、成效导向、有效反馈、透明度和公开性等角度出发进行改革和创新,促进派驻机构提高监督执纪执法水平,推动新时代派驻监督工作高质量发展。  相似文献   

阿计 《人民之友》2015,(1):36-39
<正>时光的脚步,已经迈过2014年的终点。从民生议题到改革决策,从世态万象到道德人心,从权力进退到权利博弈,从正邪交战到反腐狂飙……2014年的中国故事,既是既往的岁月印记,也是未来的有益启示。民生追问声声急2014年,食品安全依然是观察国人生存状况的首要切入点。从"臭脚米粉"、"美白猪蹄"、"毒  相似文献   

张洁 《当代亚太》2005,48(5):9-15
印尼执政党的更迭与腐败有着密切的关系.本文通过对比研究苏哈托和梅加瓦蒂执政期间腐败与反腐的基本特征及其对政党执政的影响,总结了印尼执政党在反腐方面的经验教训.  相似文献   

2010年,越南政治持续稳定。经济仍保持较高的增长,并超过预期目标,但也存在不少问题,如反腐力度不够,各项改革有待深化;贸易逆差和高通胀等因素仍是困扰经济的主要问题。外交上则亮点突出,尤其是越南在担任东盟轮值主席国期间,取得了有目共睹的积极外交成果。  相似文献   

习近平关于高压反腐重要论述有着丰富的理论内涵,其核心涵盖了从严治党、有贪必肃、筑牢防线、标本兼治,把权力关进制度的笼子里等内容。党的十八大以来,习近平高压反腐重要论述在实践中取得了卓越成效,党内法规日益完善、党风逐渐好转,反腐败的方式方法得到创新、巡视工作不断加强,国际追逃追赃工作取得了令人瞩目的成就,反腐败斗争取得了压倒性胜利。当然我们决不能因为胜利就可以松口气,从严治党永远在路上。未来要继续深入贯彻习近平关于高压反腐重要论述,需要一体推进不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐的长效机制,进一步强化对“一把手”的监督,制度治党与思想教育相结合,党内监督与党外监督相结合。  相似文献   

中国共产党是中华民族觉醒、崛起和腾飞的核心领导力量,维护党中央权威是实现中华民族伟大复兴的根本保障。恩格斯《论权威》中包含的权威思想仍然是我们当今时代认识权威,了解权威与服从、权威与自治关系的理论蓝本。当前,中国现代化转型所产生的多元价值的冲突、利益格局分化、党内腐败滋生等问题使政党权威产生了信任危机和认同危机。为消除权威危机的存在因素,我们必须回到马克思主义权威思想,重新审视权威何以重要,正确认识维护新时代党中央权威的核心要义,积极引入法治权威,实现政党与法治的良性互动,夯实维护党中央权威的学理基础和法理基础。  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,制度建设贯穿政治立党、思想建党、组织管党、作风兴党、纪律治党和反腐败斗争全过程,党的制度建设成效卓著。其中,坚决做到"两个维护"是制度建设的纲和魂;推进作风建设是制度建设的开篇之作和重要内容;严肃党内政治生活是制度建设的重要抓手;完善责任体系、强化党内监督是制度建设的重要保障;加强纪律建设是制度建设的根本途径。党的制度建设的生动实践形成了前瞻性和规划性、针对性和时代性、系统性和配套性、时效性和可操作性、实践性和理论性等十个鲜明特点;彰显了"七个统一"的重要原则,即:坚持政治统领和人民中心相统一、坚持高标准和守底线相统一、坚持明确责任和狠抓落实相统一、坚持问题导向和深化改革相统一、坚持日常监督和长期监督相统一、坚持党内监督和法律监督相统一、坚持惩治昏懒庸贪和鼓励担当作为相统一。这对新时代推进制度治党,推进全面从严治党向纵深发展,提升党的治国理政效能具有深刻启示。  相似文献   

The re-election of the Labour Party with an increased majority in the 2017 Maltese national election bucks the trends of incumbent punishment experienced in most South European countries during the ‘Great Recession’ and of the decline of social democratic parties in Europe in the past 50 years. This Maltese ‘exceptionalism’ is explained by the Labour Party’s centrist shift, the country’s pure two-party system, and the economic prosperity which encouraged voters to opt for continuity. These factors allowed the governing party to win, despite corruption allegations deriving from the Panama Papers. Although a third party entered parliament for the first time since 1966, the fundamentals of the party and electoral systems have not changed and this development may not be long-lived.  相似文献   

越南反腐败斗争评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
越南20世纪80年代末期开始的反腐败斗争,随着革新的深化而逐步深化并取得了一些阶段性成果,但腐败现象非但没有得到根本遏制,反而愈演愈烈。面对严峻的反腐形势,不久前召开的越共“十大”将反腐败问题提到了前所未有的高度。“十大”之后,越南的反腐败力度将进一步加大,但斗争尚未有穷期。  相似文献   

This article aims to contribute to the new electoral history by examining a specific practice of democracy, the voter registration card, known in Colombia as the citizenship card (cédula). After pursuing the themes of electoral reform and universal suffrage in a broader sense, the article outlines the card's history from its inception in 1929 to its role in the polemics over electoral corruption by the Conservative Party, which ranged over the period before the Violencia. While national-level politics are emphasised, the impact of the card at the municipal level also is suggested, as the critical link between the national and the local.  相似文献   

2011年印尼政坛出现了多起腐败案件,严重影响了民主党和执政联盟的威望;苏西诺在呼吁声中成功改组内阁,保持政局稳定;地方分离主义、暴力冲突事件时有发生,造成了社会不稳定。但是印尼经济快速增长,各项宏观经济指标发展良好,国际信誉评级被提升至亚洲金融危机前的水平。对外关系方面,印尼注重加强与东盟的区域合作,同时积极扩大与大国的关系。  相似文献   

Like other developing countries, China has been struggling with corruption. Judicial corruption, in particular, damages the rule of law and presents a market disruption as an outcome of a lack of commitment by the government regarding property rights. This article seeks to explain the variations in judicial corruption within China, and it develops a theory of city-level corruption of judges. The theory is tested by an empirical study with data from the World Bank corruption survey using a Bayesian spatial linear model. While wealth appears to diminish corruption, there is also a strong spatial relationship with regard to the level of judicial corruption in China, indicating that as some regions become less corrupt, surrounding areas also experience a diminution in corruption. Thus, through a process organic to the current regime, China could experience an increase in judicial trustworthiness.  相似文献   

Lennox B. Lee 《亚洲事务》2013,44(2):280-294
There have always been factions within the Chinese Communist Party. Four recent books on China show that the pragmatic basis for the Party's continuing rule is the success of its economic policies and the preservation of law and order. Economic progress has been remarkable, but the political system is not well suited to cope with popular resentment at corruption and the abuse of power by officials. Nor is the concept of. Human Rights well understood. But with more and more |Chinese students studying overseas and the influence of the internet, ideas and influences from abroad are bound to be reflected in the increasing debate about the future of the political system. The recent dismissal and disgrace of Bo Xilai lifts the curtain on the realities of the struggle for power at the top. But a far greater challenge would arise if there were to be any marked and prolonged slowing of economic growth.  相似文献   

This paper argues that corruption protection arises because a central feature of Iraq’s institutional environment is its factionalised political system between groups (i.e. sectarian affiliation), and these groups both protect their members from corruption charges launched by other groups, and collude to protect each other from prosecution of corruption. The paper defines corruption protection as ‘action carried out to prevent perpetrators of corruption from being brought to justice’, which is a systematic attempt among corrupt agents seeking to evade accountability for primary corruption activity. The paper has identified two contrasting paths taken by these groups in power in the dynamics of corruption protection: (a) The competitive mode is illustrated by spurious allegations of corruption made by some groups against other groups. Tension between factions results in fake charges being brought against rivals which sometimes lead to wrongful imprisonment of the innocent; (b) collusive between intra-factional groups, corruptly conspiring to hide each other’s corrupt acts thereby constructing a shield which protects the entire elite in Iraq, an issue which I label ‘solidarity in corruption’. The paper will conclude that despite the apparent strength of anti-corruption framework, the reality tells us a very different story; the multiple institutions established to fight corruption and the system of accountability can also constitute a means for corruption protection.  相似文献   

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