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目的:探讨广州地区大学生的精神信仰现况,以了解当代大学生的思想状况及价值取向,并为信仰教育提供现实依据。方法:对广州地区六所高校854名在校大学生进行问卷调查。结果:在精神信仰的一级因素上,得分从高到低依次为社会信仰、实用信仰、超自然信仰;二次因素得分从高到低依次为民族崇拜、国家主义、生命崇拜、家庭主义、家族崇拜、政治信仰、宗教信仰、神灵信仰、金钱崇拜。男女生在民族主义、国家主义、生命崇拜和政治信仰这四大维度的得分上存在显著差异(p0.05),而女生的得分均比男生高(p0.05)。大二是民族主义、国家主义、家庭主义和政治信仰的转折点,而宗教信仰、神灵信仰和金钱崇拜则随着年级的升高而升高。非独生子女比独生子女更容易产生民族崇拜、家庭主义和家族崇拜,而独生子女比非独生子女更容易产生神灵信仰。  相似文献   

转型期理想、信念、信仰弱化现象分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
罗石 《理论探索》2004,19(1):16-18
理想、信念和信仰都属于价值观 ,体现着人们对认识对象自觉的具有理性特征的价值肯定和价值追求。转型期理想、信念、信仰弱化现象的实质 ,是由于环境变化和人们生存方式变迁而引发的价值观系统结构的严重失衡。其产生原因主要有三个方面 :一是传统社会主义学说本身的局限性以及误认 ;二是我国社会主义曲折发展的一些历史误导、现实误区和教育误点 ;三是国际共运低潮、“西化”思潮以及科技发展的异化影响。其强化的途径主要包括科学理论教育和实践成果确证两个方面。  相似文献   

This article conveys the general findings of the multi-national, multi-volume Beliefs in Government research project, perhaps the most exhaustive analysis of mass beliefs and attitudes conducted in the west. In spite of considerable socio–economic change in recent decades, the study provides evidence of political stability, continuity and adaptability in west European countries. This suggests that political scientists should pay more attention than hitherto to pressures for inertia and continuity in western democracies.  相似文献   

In the standard rational choice model, actors have exogenously given beliefs that perfectly match objective probabilities. As such, these beliefs cannot be optimistic or motivated by preferences, even though substantial empirical evidence indicates that human beliefs routinely satisfy neither of these criteria. I present a tractable Endogenous Beliefs Model and apply it to three different political environments from across the subfields of political science. In the model, players form beliefs that maximize a utility function that represents preferences over outcomes and the anticipatory experience of uncertainty. Applications include voter turnout, taxation and collective choice, and crisis bargaining. The model captures the empirical evidence about belief formation much better than the standard model. Moreover, these applications show how rigidly insisting on the standard rational choice model rejects otherwise reasonable explanations by fiat, precisely because of its implausible assumptions about beliefs.  相似文献   

Americans have long believed in upward mobility and the narrative of the American Dream. Even in the face of rising income inequality and substantial empirical evidence that economic mobility has declined in recent decades, many Americans remain convinced of the prospects for upward mobility. What explains this disconnect? I argue that their media diets play an important role in explaining this puzzle. Specifically, contemporary Americans are watching a record number of entertainment TV programs that emphasize “rags-to-riches” narratives. I demonstrate that such shows have become a ubiquitous part of the media landscape over the last two decades. Online and lab-in-the-field experiments as well as national surveys show that exposure to these programs increases viewers’ beliefs in the American Dream and promotes internal attributions of wealth. Media exemplars present in what Americans leisurely consume every day can powerfully distort economic perceptions and have important implications for public preferences for economic redistribution.  相似文献   

坚定理想信念,坚守共产党人的精神追求,始终是共产党人安身立命的根本。在全面建成小康社会的进程中,在社会主义现代化建设新征程中,部分党员干部理想信念不够坚定,存在一些问题。因此,我们必须以思想铸就信仰之魂,以理论培植精神家园,以党组织工作激发生机活力,从而更好地发挥党员干部的先锋模范作用,带领人民为实现中国梦而不懈奋斗。  相似文献   

Motivated Skepticism in the Evaluation of Political Beliefs   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
We propose a model of motivated skepticism that helps explain when and why citizens are biased-information processors. Two experimental studies explore how citizens evaluate arguments about affirmative action and gun control, finding strong evidence of a prior attitude effect such that attitudinally congruent arguments are evaluated as stronger than attitudinally incongruent arguments. When reading pro and con arguments, participants (Ps) counterargue the contrary arguments and uncritically accept supporting arguments, evidence of a disconfirmation bias . We also find a confirmation bias —the seeking out of confirmatory evidence—when Ps are free to self-select the source of the arguments they read. Both the confirmation and disconfirmation biases lead to attitude polarization —the strengthening of t2 over t1 attitudes—especially among those with the strongest priors and highest levels of political sophistication. We conclude with a discussion of the normative implications of these findings for rational behavior in a democracy.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,人类的生态利益与环境资源所有权人基于物权所享有的经济利益之间的冲突愈演愈烈。历史悠久的传统地役权制度在环境保护方面体现出了极大的优势,地役权生态化的趋势越来越明显,但其也面临着许多的现实困境。针对生态地役权面临的现实困境,提出更具操作性的建议,以更好地发挥私法手段保护环境的优越性。  相似文献   

少数党员干部信仰缺失是党内滋生腐败现象的总根源。只有将信仰建设作为反腐倡廉建设的前提和基础,才能从根本上遏制腐败现象的滋生和蔓延。加强信仰建设必须强化马克思主义信仰教育,认真解决执政党自身建设中存在的问题,警惕和防止市场经济消极因素和负面影响,增强党员干部的政治敏锐性和鉴别力,培养党员的信仰意识。  相似文献   

This article addresses an important yet often neglected component of electronic civic engagement efforts: managerial ambivalence about public participation. We examine how managers’ beliefs about public participation and their perceived needs for participation in agency decision making work together to shape electronic engagement efforts. Based on observational data collected in 2010 and 2014 and data from a 2014 survey of managers in 500 U.S. municipal governments, we find that managerial beliefs about participation and their perceived needs for participation are two valid and separate constructs. There is a positive relationship between managerial beliefs and electronic engagement. Perceived needs for participation interact with managers’ beliefs to affect electronic civic engagement. A high level of perceived needs for participation reinforces the effect of managerial beliefs on electronic engagement efforts, but a low level does not offset the effect of managerial beliefs on electronic engagement.  相似文献   

Peter  Jones 《Political studies》1988,36(1):7-29
Some decisions require individuals to make judgements rather than to express preferences. Some conflicts of preference arise from different beliefs about the efficacy or propriety of a policy rather than from different wants. Should the 'intensity' with which a judgement is made, or a belief is held, figure in decision-making in the way that it should ideally influence decisions concerning wants? This article questions the relevance of intensity to matters of judgement and examines how far decision processes that are sensitive to different intensities of preference, such as pressure group activity, vote trading and point voting, are o pen to criticism for failing to discriminate between intense wants and strong beliefs.  相似文献   

Moral Foundations Theory (MFT) is employed as a causal explanation of ideology that posits political attitudes are products of moral intuitions. Prior theoretical models, however, suggest the opposite causal path, that is, that moral judgments are driven by political beliefs. In both instances, however, extant research has assumed rather than explicitly tested for causality. So do moral intuitions drive political beliefs or do political beliefs drive moral intuitions? We empirically address this question using data from two panel studies and one nationally representative study, and find consistent evidence supporting the hypothesis that ideology predicts moral intuitions. The findings have significant implications for MFT as a theory of ideology, and also about the consequences of political beliefs for shaping how individuals rationalize what is right and what is wrong.  相似文献   

崇高的理想信念是关系马克思主义政党生死存亡的根本性问题,是共产党人保持先进性的精神动力,是推动党和人民事业不断前进的力量源泉。其实,注重对共产党员理想信念教育,一直以来是中国共产党的优良传统。进入新世纪,随着世情、国情、党情的不断发展变化,在中国共产党的领导下对党员的理想信念建设注入了新的活力,也使党员理想信念建设面临许多前所未有的新课题、新考验。  相似文献   

As ever more private resources are held in foundations and nonprofit organizations' endowment funds, more scholars and practitioners are demanding that these assets be put to good use immediately. Those favoring the preservation of capital—primarily representing private foundations—sound unnecessarily cautious. This article examines endowment conservation from a variety of critical angles, finding strong rationales for both conserving and liquidating endowments. Policy responses to the buildup of endowment assets include requiring a faster payout or regulating the amount and type of administrative expenses included in annual payout. This article reviews the relationship of the business cycle and wealth distribution to annual giving. The most prudent course, in view of the cyclical nature of giving as well as the substantial generational wealth currently held by elders, appears to be to conserve significant assets now in order to establish a stable flow of future social benefits.  相似文献   

This research analyzes the individual-level factors associated with public support for the private provision of public goods and services. Given that privatization requires the transfer of authority from public to private entities, we argue that beliefs about private companies are an important and overlooked source of heterogeneity in explaining public policy preferences toward privatization. We test this expectation using survey data from the 2014 Cooperative Congressional Election Study. We find that support for privatization is associated with positive beliefs about the motivation of private companies and with favorable views about corporate accountability relative to the accountability of government. Opposition to privatization is associated with beliefs about corporate influence in politics. Preferences for limited government are also associated with support for privatization. These results highlight the potential for beliefs about private companies to serve as a group heuristic in political reasoning and the ability of citizens to make reasoned choices on complex public policy issues.  相似文献   

行政权力是公共权力,是服务于公共利益的权力。行政改革的目的是要校正行政权力对公共利益的偏离。但是央我国的行政改革过程中,出现了行政行为不规范的问题;提出了行政权力减少数人所窃取并服务于少数人利益的问题,出现了地方极限截留来自上面的分权,并运用这些权力搞地方保护主义和以权谋私,从而破坏了社会主义市场经济健康发展的2,行政权力之所以背离了公共利益,原因是复杂的,其中,旧的利益关系、权力格避的影响和新折  相似文献   

骈文娟 《学理论》2014,(8):291-292
后现代主义思潮是始于20世纪60年代末,流行于欧美各国,旨在对西方传统哲学进行批判并超越而形成的具有激进色彩的哲学社会思潮。它在20世纪80年代传入我国,并迅速在我国社会、生活、文化等各个领域蔓延,对人们的思想和生活带来了极大冲击。而我国的大学生作为敏感群体之一,受到的影响也必然强烈。而今在一些大学生中出现了信仰迷茫、动摇且功利化、世俗化的现象,更有出现拜金、学校投毒、潜规等犯罪事实。加强大学生政治信仰引导的对策:坚持社会主义核心价值体系的引领,改进教育内容和方法,注重校园环境建设。  相似文献   

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