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Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) has been used in combination with 1,2‐indanedione (1,2‐IND) and ZnCl2 (Zn) to develop latent fingermarks. The results show that the optimal ratio of 1,2‐IND/Zn:PVP is 1.0:0.4 (the concentration of PVP is 8%) for developing fingermark. The developed formulation was tested on the surfaces of 12 kinds of thermal papers. The variation in the fingermark development efficiency was observed within the same and among different kinds of thermal papers. The fingermark development efficiency was mostly better on the thermally sensitive surface compared to the thermally nonsensitive surface. However, similar or even better development was observed from a few thermally nonsensitive surfaces. The present method has shown better efficiency compared to the three other proposed methods on the thermally sensitive surface. In contrast, the present method was proven not the best for the thermally nonsensitive surface.  相似文献   

Thermal paper poses a significant challenge to latent print development as it tends to change color when traditional fingerprint development formulations are applied to it. In this study, the optimal components of ninhydrin, 1,2‐indanedione, 1,8‐diazafluoren‐9‐one (DFO), and 5‐methylthioninhydrin (5‐MTN) for yielding clear fingerprints on thermal paper were determined by systematically adjusting the relative amounts of the reagents, polar solvents, and the nonpolar diluent petroleum ether, followed by validation on text‐printed thermal paper. Specifically, 3.0% ethyl acetate as the polar solvent in petroleum ether was found to be the optimal combination; the optimal dilution ratios of ninhydrin, DFO, and 5‐MTN original solutions with petroleum ether were 1 to 2, 11, and 7, respectively. The optimal concentration of 1,2‐indanedione in petroleum ether was 0.125 g/L, with a string of 0.5% ethyl acetate in petroleum ether.  相似文献   

Gender determination is a fundamental issue in forensic anthropology. Many techniques based on bone and dental remains have been proposed. It is not always possible to implement the techniques using bones, but teeth are often perfectly preserved. It has been demonstrated that the canine has the greatest sexual dimorphism, and the aim of this work was to provide an easy and accurate dental technique for determining the gender in the absence of other skeletal elements. The sample was composed of 210 CT scans with four healthy canines. The 840 canines were modeled using MIMICS® 10.01 software. The total volume of each tooth was determined. Seven mathematical models were determined by binary logistic regressions and ranked in order of relative performance. The seven proposed predictive models thus performed (0.910 ≤ AUC ≤ 0.938), with overall rates of correct predictions between 82.38 and 85.24%. The 4‐canine model is the most powerful for predicting the gender.  相似文献   

We have carried out experiments to investigate the aging of latent fingerprints deposited on black PVC over a period of 4–15 weeks. A thumbprint was used in each case and before deposition of the print the donor rubbed their thumb around their nose to add sebaceous deposits. We have studied the effect of heat, light, and moisture and we find that moisture is the most significant factor in the degradation of the latent print. We have attempted to enhance these latent prints by dusting with valine powder or powders composed of valine mixed with gold or red fluorescent commercial fingerprint powders. To make a direct comparison between “treated” and “untreated” prints, the prints were cut in half with one‐half being “treated” and one‐half not. Our studies show the best results being obtained when powders of valine and red fluorescent powders are applied prior to cyanoacrylate fuming.  相似文献   

Assigning the gender of a DNA contributor in forensic analysis is typically achieved using the amelogenin test. Occasionally, this test produces false‐positive results due to deletions occurring on the Y chromosome. Here, a four‐marker “YFlag” method is presented to infer gender using single‐base extension primers to flag the presence (or absence) of Y‐chromosome DNA within a sample to supplement forensic STR profiling. This method offers built‐in redundancy, with a single marker being sufficient to detect the presence of male DNA. In a study using 30 male and 30 female individuals, detection of male DNA was achieved with c. 0.03 ng of male DNA. All four markers were present in male/female mixture samples despite the presence of excessive female DNA. In summary, the YFlag system offers a method that is reproducible, specific, and sensitive, making it suitable for forensic use to detect male DNA.  相似文献   

A simple method for quantification of contrast in a fingerprint is proposed. Contrast is defined as the average difference in intensity of pixels between valleys and ridges in a fingerprint. It is quantified from a scanner‐acquired image of the fingerprint using a histogram function of Adobe Photoshop. The method was validated with black inked prints and marks developed with aluminum powder. Moreover, we tested resistance of the method to rater‐dependent errors and dependence of the measurements on the resolution of an image and the model of the scanner. For both groups of fingerprints, the method gave coherent and easily interpretable quantitative values for contrast. There were no significant differences between measurements performed by different raters and by the same rater in a test–retest procedure. However, the method was found to be instrument dependent, as measurements were significantly affected by image resolution and the model of the scanner.  相似文献   

Abstract: Photo‐ and thermal‐degradation studies on eccrine fingerprint components are presented herein. Dilute distinct solutions of urea, lactic acid, and seven amino acids were deposited on steel coupons and Teflon® disks, exposed to artificial sunlight or heat, extracted, and analyzed. This aim of this study was to determine whether the investigated eccrine components, previously determined to be Raman active for a parallel study, experienced photo‐ or thermally induced degradation, and if so, to determine the rate and identify any detectable products. Neither the amino acids nor urea exhibited photo‐degradation; however, when heated for a period of three minutes, the onset of thermal‐degradation was initiated at 100°C for the amino acids and 100°C for urea. Lactic acid, the major polymerization initiator of superglue fuming, showed photochemical and thermal‐degradation. These results could be used for future development of new latent fingerprint visualization methods, especially when lactic acid is degraded.  相似文献   

The performance of synchrotron radiation X‐ray fluorescence (SR‐XRF) spectrometry for nondestructive discrimination of small fragments of automotive aluminum wheels was studied. Fragments (< 500 × 500 μm2) of 45 kinds of wheels were first analyzed by scanning electron microscopy–energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM‐EDS) and then by SR‐XRF. Despite the Mg/Al intensity ratio being a useful identification index, SEM‐EDS was not efficient enough because of the absence of other meaningful indicators of comparison. Conversely, pairwise comparison was conducted and a 92.9% identification was achieved via SR‐XRF using 18‐keV X‐rays. Trace heavy elements in the high‐energy region were detected by SR‐XRF using 116‐keV X‐rays, and an 82.9% identification was obtained. Combined use of 18‐ and 116‐keV X‐rays allowed 98.2% identification. Hence, SR‐XRF is a powerful tool for nondestructive discrimination of automotive aluminum wheels with high precision using trace elements in a wide energy region.  相似文献   

Analyzing and identifying skeletal remains becomes increasingly difficult when remains have been cremated, especially in cases where the cremated material may have been intentionally contaminated with nonskeletal material. This study examined the potential of X‐ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) to detect the presence of nonskeletal contaminants in samples of cremains. Eleven samples of cremains were variably combined with concrete mix and analyzed using XRF. Photon counts of elements in each sample were analyzed, and the coefficient of determination (R2) using unweighted linear regression as a function of percent cremains was calculated. Results showed that with changes in the proportion of skeletal material and contaminant, there were significant (R2 > 0.90) changes in detected levels of phosphorus, potassium, zinc, aluminum, and sulfur. The use of XRF is concluded to be a valid approach in the identification of the presence of nonskeletal material in potentially contaminated cremains.  相似文献   

Abstract: This report describes the identification of a merchant mariner who perished in 1948 when Northwest Airlines Flight 4422, a DC‐4 carrying 24 seamen and six crew members crashed into Mount Sanford, Alaska. Fifty‐one years later, a human forearm and hand were found close by the wreckage of the plane, prompting identification efforts using DNA and fingerprints. There were significant challenges to both the fingerprint and DNA analyses. The hand was badly desiccated, making fingerprint friction‐ridge detail almost invisible and the remains had been embalmed upon discovery, making DNA amplification difficult. We present the results of an interdisciplinary approach that successfully addressed these challenges and ultimately led to the identification of the remains. These efforts relied on efficient fingerprint rejuvenation and imaging techniques that improved print resolution, as well as new DNA extraction techniques optimized for aggressively embalmed remains.  相似文献   

Forensic anthropologists are more often turning to nondestructive methods to assist with skeletal analyses, specifically for trace elemental analyses. Portable XRF (pXRF) instruments are versatile and are able to be used in diverse settings or for specimens of a shape and size that cannot be accommodated by laboratory‐based instruments. Use of XRF requires knowledge of analysis parameters such as X‐ray penetration and exit depth. Analysis depth was determined by examining pure elements through known thicknesses of equine bone slices. Correlation between the element's X‐ray emission energy and the depth of reading was observed. Bone surfaces from a small unknown historic cemetery were analyzed before and after sanding of the periosteal surface to observe possible changes in XRF readings based on potential diagenesis. Results validate the pXRF device as a powerful and convenient instrument for nondestructive analysis, while highlighting limitations and considerations for the analysis of osseous materials.  相似文献   

Four preparation techniques for MALDI/TOF mass spectrometry were compared to determine the ability to gather intelligence for investigations through the chemical analysis of latent fingerprints, defined as “touch chemistry.” Compatible fingerprint development processes used for identification along with new techniques are necessary to evaluate touch chemistry. Ten volunteers deposited fingerprints from solvent residues containing drugs and explosives onto microscope slides. The developers included (A) fingerprint powder, (B) MALDI matrix, (C) fingerprint powder and lifting, and (D) cyanoacrylate fuming with fingerprint powder. Qualitative identification was based on ion images and spectra. The highest average detection rates (88%) were found using methods A and B. Methods C (52%) or D (18%) had limited success. Results demonstrate the importance of imaging coupled to extracted mass spectral data in detecting analytes in deposited fingerprints. Overall, the results suggest continued development of touch chemistry applications could prove useful for gathering intelligence and forensically relevant information.  相似文献   

Carbon‐based materials are often used as matrices for matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI‐MS) and its imaging (MALDI‐MSI). However, researchers have refrained from using carbon‐based fingerprint powder (CFP) as a matrix due to high background and contamination. In this work, the compatibility of CFP is reevaluated with MALDI‐MSI using a high‐resolution mass spectrometer (HRMS) and compared to traditional organic matrices. Relevant fingerprint compounds were easily distinguished from carbon cluster peaks when using HRMS. For fair comparison, half of a fingerprint was dusted with CFP while the other half was dusted with traditional organic matrices. All compounds studied had comparable, or higher, signal‐to‐noise (S/N) ratios when CFP was used as the matrix. Additionally, chemical image qualities closely followed the trend of S/N ratios. CFP proved to be an effective one‐step development and matrix application technique for MALDI‐MSI of latent fingerprints, when carbon cluster peaks are well separated by a HRMS.  相似文献   

Variability in ridge density in a sub‐Saharan population sample was studied by counting ridges in three fingerprint areas (two distal regions, radial and ulnar, and one proximal region) on the epidermal surface of the distal phalanx. Study material was obtained from the fingerprint impressions of 100 male sub‐Saharan subjects aged between 18‐ and 48‐years old. The results were compared with those obtained from a Spanish population sample. Sub‐Saharan males presented lower ridge density than Spanish males in the distal regions (radial and ulnar) of all fingers, whereas differences in the proximal region were only observed on some fingers. Using the differences observed between these populations, the likelihood ratio for inferring membership of one of the populations from a fingerprint of unknown origin was calculated; therefore, a ridge density of 14 or less for both areas (ulnar and radial), support an origin sub‐Saharan versus Spanish population.  相似文献   

During antemortem and postmortem comparison of dental records of carbonized victims, restorations may be part of such records. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of heat on the fluorescence behavior of contemporary tooth‐colored restorative materials and natural tooth structure when subjected to range of temperatures, using illumination with 405 nm wavelength light. A total of 132 human extracted teeth restored with tooth‐colored restorative materials were exposed to heat (200, 500, 900, 1200°C) in an oven for 30 min. Samples were imaged before and after heat treatment. All tooth‐colored restorative materials underwent changes in color and in fluorescence properties, at each of the temperatures used. Resin‐based restorative materials still fluoresced at 200°C, and at 500°C underwent major color changes due to volatilization of resin. Materials containing inorganic fluorophores still fluoresced at 900°C, while at 1200°C, none of the materials tested in this study showed any fluorescence.  相似文献   

Abstract: Since Broca’s time (1824–1880), ossification of the neurocranial sutures has been used as a characteristic of age. Current approaches include the visual macroscopic examination of ecto and endocranial sutures. The evaluation of the cross‐section of sutures usually necessitates the destruction of the neurocranium. In a nondestructive alternative approach that was tested within the context of the “Digital Forensic Osteology” project that ran in cooperation with the Virtopsy®‐Project, it emerged that the resolution of conventional multi‐slice computed tomography data sets was not high enough to image sutures. Thus for the experiments presented here, the eXplore Locus Ultra flat‐panel computed tomography scanner from GE Healthcare was used. Calottes were scanned during autopsy and then immediately returned to the corpse. So far, the skullcaps of 221 individuals have been scanned. The cross‐sections of 14 suture segments could be assessed for seven previously defined stages of ossification. In a converse step, the 14 highest and lowest age estimate values corresponding to the individual stages of suture closure found were estimated for each calotte. The obtained ranges narrowing down the age estimate were evaluated with statistics. A mean value of 43.31 years for the range of narrowed age estimates shows that this method can be a useful aid in estimating age. The results of intra‐ and inter‐observer tests showed good overall agreement between the findings of three observers. This method is suitable for a nondestructive age estimation and can be used for the entire calotte.  相似文献   

One of the tasks of a forensic anthropologist is to sort human bone fragments from other materials, which can be difficult when dealing with highly fragmented and taphonomically modified material. The purpose of this research is to develop a method using handheld X‐ray fluorescence (HHXRF) spectrometry to distinguish human and nonhuman bone/teeth from nonbone materials of similar chemical composition using multivariate statistical analyses. The sample materials were derived primarily from previous studies: human bone and teeth, nonhuman bone, nonbiological materials, nonbone biological materials, and taphonomically modified materials. The testing included two phases, testing both the reliability of the instrument and the accuracy of the technique. The results indicate that osseous and dental tissue can be distinguished from nonbone material of similar chemical composition with a high degree of accuracy (94%). While it was not possible to discriminate rock apatite and synthetic hydroxyapatite from bone/teeth, this technique successfully discriminated ivory and octocoral.  相似文献   

Abstract: Most thermosensitive surfaces of thermal paper turn black when they come into contact with polar organic solvents such as are used in ninhydrin petroleum benzin solution. This dark staining reduces the contrast between the developed fingerprint and the background to such an extent that the identification process becomes very difficult. Integrating polyvinylpyrrolidones (PVP) into a ninhydrin solution prevents the black staining, and the developed fingerprints appear in clear contrast to the background. The new ninhydrin solution containing PVP is successful compared to the two‐step ninhydrin–acetone washing method for thermal paper which is popular in Germany.  相似文献   

Plastic fingerprint impressions found at crime scenes are often too delicate for collection, leaving photography as the best option for documentation. However, traditional photography techniques can be inadequate in documenting minute 3-D details due to limitations of the camera and lighting conditions. This study investigated the feasibility of applying commercially available structured-light 3-D scanners in the documentation of plastic prints. Attempts were made to develop a procedure to extract curvature features from 3-D scanned fingerprints and flatten the friction ridge features into two-dimensional (2-D) images to allow direct comparison with the traditional photography in the CSIpix® Matcher and NFIQ 2.0 software. Two 3-D scanners were evaluated a Dentsply Sirona inEos X5® and an Artec Space Spider. In this study, 3-D scanners demonstrated robustness as well as efficiency in the collection of plastic fingerprint impressions in select substrates. One of the developed methods utilizing a discrete geometry operator and convexity features outperformed traditional photography, achieving higher software detection scores in minutiae count and match quality, while traditional photography could not always capture enough high-quality minutiae for comparisons, even after digital enhancement.  相似文献   

We report a case of fatal intoxication from 1,4‐butanediol (1,4‐BD), which was ingested by a young and “naïve” gamma‐hydroxybutyrate (GHB) consumer during a party with the co‐ingestion of alcohol, cannabis, and methylene‐dioxy‐methamphetamine. The following drug concentrations were found using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry on autopsy samples and on a cup and a glass found at the scene: 20,350 mg/L (bottle) for 1,4‐BD; 1020 mg/L (femoral blood), 3380 mg/L (cardiac blood), 47,280 mg/L (gastric content), and 570 mg/L (vitreous humor) for GHB. The concentration of GHB is difficult to interpret in forensic cases due to the possibility of an endogenous production of GHB. The variable tolerance of the user may also modify the peri‐ and postmortem GHB concentrations. This case underscores the need to have many different sources of toxicology samples analyzed to avoid the hypothesis of endogenous production of GHB.  相似文献   

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