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公共服务供给中的市场失灵、政府失灵与社会失灵同时存在造成了公共服务供给的"低质、低效、低用"。为弥补三重失灵引发的困境,需要以公共服务供给为切入点,重新审视"三重失灵"的内在关联并探寻公共服务的有效供给之道,重塑市场、政府、社会在公共服务供给中的结构关系,以达到公共服务供给的动态循环平衡。  相似文献   

市场失灵、政府失灵与政府治道变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在提供公共物品上的市场失灵和志愿失更,促使人们把提供公共物品的责任推给政府.公共物品的提供不是通过市场机制,而是通过投票机制和协商民主等反映出来的,但印使这些机制能够准确反映公民的需求偏好,政府在公共物品供给和生产方式上因循守旧.同样会导致政府失灵.实行政府治道变革,吸纳营利组织和非营利组织参与公共服务的供给与生产,并在生产中采用契约、外包、代币券等市场手段,将是避免政府失灵、促进公共产品提供最优化的重要选择.  相似文献   

公共服务供给中政府失灵及其角色的动态转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府自身的行为偏好、政府垄断、政府决策与执行困境以及对政府的监督困难,导致了公共服务供给中政府失灵、公共服务供给结构失衡、效率低下。究其原因,关键在于政府没有根据市场、社会的发育情况,适时、动态地转换自身的角色。在提供公共服务中,政府的作用是不可或缺的,但其角色需进行动态地转换,转换的速度应与经济社会发展环境相适应。目前我国市场和社会发育不成熟,与政府合作提供公共服务的能力不强。政府应继续发挥较大的作用,重点充当培育市场主体、弱化作为生产者和理顺作为安排者的角色,并不断实现其角色动态、渐进式的转换,以改善公共服务供给结构,提高公共服务供给效率。  相似文献   

二十世纪八十年代,伴随着全球化公民社会的兴起,第三部门作为一种新的治理力量和范式追入到学术领域,第三部门以志愿的方式提供公共物品,实现公共利益和公共价值,相对于政府的层级控制和市场的私益属性,更适应于后工业化社会的需要,本文要探讨的是,第三部门作为政府和市场的替代性模式,是否也存在着治理失败的可能性,以及第三部门的治理失灵因何存在“可补救性”的问题。  相似文献   

"一主多元"协作模式在我国社会治理领域备受推崇,主要原因在于其有助于聚合各治理机制的优势,有效实现协同效应。然而,T市的实践却表明,"一主多元"的协作治理可能同时出现政府、市场和社会三重机制的复合失灵,表现为管委会角色发生异化、企业运作出现非市场化倒置、社会组织被边缘化。案例剖析结果显示,复合失灵的生成逻辑为:绩效压力、制度短缺与包揽式思维定式导致政府机制失当,垃圾回收市场供需结构性失衡和规制供给不足引致市场机制弱化,治理目标的长短期差异和工具理性的策略错位使得社会机制失灵。破解复合失灵困局需要调整优化绩效考核等内部管理机制,使政府在协作治理中发挥主导作用,创造有利于各种社会治理机制协同发挥作用的条件,如供给外部规制、促进市场发育,转变认知结构和行动策略,为社会组织提供制度化的参与平台。  相似文献   

农村公共品供给:市场失灵与政府责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村公共品除了具有公共品的一般属性外,还具有其特殊性。政府作为社会公众的代理机构,是公共品供给的主体,应承担提供农村公共品的责任。无论是生态保护型、公共服务型的纯公共品供给,还是社会保障型、经济发展型的准公共品供给,都存在市场失灵现象,都需要政府参与,承担起主导性责任。  相似文献   

第三部门失灵及其矫治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“第三部门失灵”是组织行为偏离志愿性公益机制,而出现资源配置的低效或价值取向的非公共性现象。其原因主要包括:社会因素发展程度的不一、营利动机的驱动、责任监督的困境、自我发展能力的不足、道德约束的失范。第三部门失灵的矫治对策则主要有:构建市民社会,培育第三部门;强化监督,创设外部责任约束环境;优化内部治理,加强自律规范。  相似文献   

"失灵"理论是西方学者解释第三部门生成和发展的重要理论,但它有基本的前提条件,包括市场经济的充分发展、选举民主、社会自治和独立性的第三部门等。而当代中国的现实,如经济体制、民主政治体制、第三部门产生的主动性等方面,与"失灵"理论的前提并不相符,所以,"失灵"理论不能完全解释当代中国第三部门的生成和发展问题,而需要依据中国的现实从政治体制改革、市场经济建设、政府职能转变、社会传统文化等方面来分析这一问题。  相似文献   

政府规制失灵与对策研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
政府规制是政府部门依据有关法规直接对微观经济活动进行规范、约束和限制的行为。它是政府对市场失灵最通常的回应,其目的是通过采取规制手段来解决市场失灵现象。但理论和实践证明,政府并不是全知全能、完美无缺的,它也会由于自己的缺陷而产生失误,即"政府失灵"。我国目前正处于经济转型时期,与一般市场经济国家相比,我国现阶段的政府规制失灵现象除了具有一般意义上的表现与原因之外,更有其特殊的背景与根源。随着中国加入WTO,随着社会的全面、协调、可持续发展问题日益引起人们的关注,随着从"经济建设型政府"向"公共服务型政府"转变日益成为全社会的共识,我国的政府规制改革面临着重大的机遇与挑战。本文借鉴西方国家规制改革的实践,并结合经济转型时期中国的特定背景,认为:解决中国政府的规制失灵问题,不能只是简单的放松规制,而是需要确立争强化对规制者的规制,从而实现良好规制。  相似文献   

汤自军 《学理论》2011,(25):59-60
规制是政府等公共机构的强制力对市场机制的替代,其最初从国家干预主义派生出来,目的是为了解决"市场失灵"。从公共利益理论到俘虏理论、寻租理论,再到激励规制理论,人们对规制本质及作用的认识越来越清晰。理论的研究重点从"市场失灵"逐渐转移到"政府失灵",最终寻求在解决"市场失灵"的基础上,如何同时解决"政府失灵"。  相似文献   

网络破碎、治理失灵与食品安全供给   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
日益增加的食品安全问题表明我们需要从新的视角来重新审视食品安全供给制度,而网络治理途径则为此提供了较为适宜的分析途径。食品安全问题本身所具有的认知差异、目标冲突与相互依赖等特性赋予了其“恶劣问题”的属性。而对此类问题的解决通常需要引入网络治理的思路。与其将食品安全供给主体的缺失视为食品安全治理失灵的主要障碍。还不如将食品安全供给主体各自为阵、缺乏有效整合看作是导致食品安全问题频发的主要诱因。从网络治理途径出发,当前的食品安全供给网络呈现出“碎片化”特征,正是这种“碎片化”迷失了食品安全供给主体的角色,使他们错判了自身应该承担的食品安全供给责任。而认知差异、分割式协调、互动障碍以及有效网络管理的缺失则可以视为导致这种“碎片化”的重要因素。因此,食品安全的有效供给将取决于能否通过创新性的思维方式实现从破碎的网络向无缝隙网络的转变,以整体一致的方式来提高食品安全供给的质量。  相似文献   

The September 11 attacks triggered federal policy changes designed to influence emergency management in the United States, even though these attacks did not suggest a need for a wholesale restructuring of federal policy in emergency management. Instead, for several reasons, federal policy's emphasis on terrorism and emergency management significantly degraded the nation's ability to address natural disasters. The federal government sought to create a top‐down, command and control model of emergency management that never fully accounted for, positively or normatively, the way local emergency management works in practice. The Obama administration will have to address the questions raised by the reorganization of federal emergency management responsibilities. While the context in which these changes have occurred is unique to the U.S. federal system, there are interesting implications for emergency management in nonfederal systems.  相似文献   

The majority of information systems developments are unsuccessful. The larger the development, the more likely it will be unsuccessful. Despite the persistence of this problem for decades and the expenditure of vast sums of money, computer failure has received surprisingly little attention in the public administration literature. This article outlines the problems of enthusiasm and the problems of control, as well as the overwhelming complexity, that make the failure of large developments almost inevitable. Rather than the positive view found in much of the public administration literature, the author suggests a pessimism when it comes to information systems development. Aims for information technology should be modest ones, and in many cases, the risks, uncertainties, and probability of failure mean that new investments in technology are not justified. The author argues for a public official as a recalcitrant, suspicious, and skeptical adopter of IT.  相似文献   

Barack Obama's election as US president gave rise to hopes of radical reform. Indeed, comparisons were drawn with 1932 and there were references to ‘realignment’. Many on the left were quickly disappointed by the limited character of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the abandonment of proposed reforms, and the concessions that were made to ensure the passage of healthcare legislation. Some explained these failures through agency‐based accounts and pointed to what they saw as personal weakness. Others stressed the structural constraints imposed by the asymmetric character of partisan polarisation, the political weight of capital, and the institutional character of the American state. The article argues that the character of the ‘Obama coalition’ should also be considered. It has been relatively narrow particularly when compared with the ‘Roosevelt coalition’. In particular, it failed to draw business fractions into its ranks.  相似文献   

In 1961 the US Central Intelligence Agency master‐minded a sea‐borne invasion by Cuban exiles aimed at overthrowing the regime headed by Fidel Castro. With minimal logistical support from the USA the attempted counter‐coup launched at the Bay of Pigs was an unqualified disaster: a ‘perfect failure’, in the words of an authoritative contemporary. This essay locates the fiasco in the longer history of US–Cuban relations, concentrating on the Cold War years, the history of US political intervention and subversion in Latin America, and the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista and the rise of Castro himself—both men offering different models of Latin American caudillismo (the power and cult of military strongmen). The essay concludes with an analysis of Cuba as an issue in US domestic politics and the impact of the Bay of Pigs in consolidating the Cuban revolution and setting the framework for the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962.  相似文献   

Recent panics over adulterated beef have led the US federal government to institute what it calls a ‘risk-based, science-based’ approach to food safety. Rather than having federal inspectors monitoring carcasses for microbial contamination, the USDA has implemented a system known as HACCP that asks firms to regulate their own production processes. HACCP is an incidence of audit, a new method of governmentality widely used by state agencies. This paper argues that although ‘sewer states’ try to create trust in government by eliminating contamination, audit-based systems paradoxically create anxiety by highlighting overflows of filth and ‘zones of wildness’ where contamination is rampant.  相似文献   

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