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我们大多数人都属于平凡的人,过着平凡的生活,经历着平凡的事情。每天朝迎旭日升,目送夕阳下,平平淡淡,周而复始地过了一天又一天,平淡无奇、波澜不惊的日子让许多人觉着无趣无味,心里企盼着自己平凡的生活也能起些风浪,荡起几圈涟漪,若再能轰轰烈烈地活一回,那也不枉此生了。也有些人因自己太过平凡,而整日感叹、惆怅,伴随着莫名的怅然与失意,甚至于怨天由人。朋友,别为平凡而伤感,别为平凡而烦恼,因为恰恰是这无数个平凡的日子组成了我们多彩的人生,这无数个平凡的事物组成了缤纷绚丽的大干世界,这无数个平凡的人用勤劳的双手建造了我  相似文献   

法诺是美,理性与正义的美。美是天成,亦是真心,铁面的一边用温情诉说真谛,用人文呵护,用和谐拓印,用诚信奠基,用一心皈依信仰,美的触发,与旁无关。法诺性本善,奉献的道路,蜿蜒求索。不惑视听,不迩馋邪,用公心诠释着对法律的忠实,对人文的关爱。法诺性本智,以"诚"为号,谱写着法诺人努力篆刻的正义之史。不欺不诈的诚信之碑树立着不倒的威名。法诺的每一步,是诚信的每一步。  相似文献   

刘琴 《江淮法治》2013,(16):59-59
在那里,我找到了一个世界,一个让自己的心灵宁静无扰,快乐的、自由的世界。越学越觉得开心,觉得工作和生活都更有滋味。原来,梦想开始的地方,是幸福的天堂。小时候,父母常和我说故事,说起古代的女子,琴棋书画样样皆通。懂事后,看着古代仕女图中的女子抚琴的样子,听着古曲中古筝那美妙的声音,很是向往。学校毕业后,参加工作、结婚生子,这一愿望渐渐被生活的浪潮冲淡了。多年后,有一次,我和友人去外地游玩,在参观一文化景点时,看到一架古筝摆放在展厅,我走上前,手指不自觉地轻抚琴弦,声音很是好听。  相似文献   

监近检察是指人民检察院对人民法院刑事判决,裁定的执行情况及监狱,看守所,劳动改造机关,劳动教养机关的活动是否合法实行法律监督的活动。根据有关规定,人民检察院监所检察的职能是:(1)对刑事案件的判决,裁定的执行是否合法,实行监督;(2)对看守所的活动是否合法,实行监督;(3)对监狱,劳动改造机关(包括劳动管教队,少年犯管教所,拘役所,犯人医疗队等)的活动是否合法,实行监督;  相似文献   

正从前那诗性而古老的更声,不经意的,在某个寂静的午夜,穿过我们日益荒芜的梦乡,给我们带来久违的温暖和感动。在寂静的冬夜,来自岁月和心灵深处的更声,总是雾岚般地把我淹没,总是浆果一样悬挂在我记忆的枝头上。很多年前,村里打更的中年汉子,和老母相依为命。他膝下无嗣,个头矮墩墩的,四方脸儿,高鼻梁,尤其嘴角很厚,一张一翕,颇似田间长过了期的裂口萝卜,故有"萝卜嘴"之诨号。萝卜嘴敲出的悠远更声,给我们单调而严寒的冬日夜晚带来了无尽  相似文献   

我曾经到过许多美丽的地方,我很想将这美丽化作文字,留于心底。但是,我发现有一种美丽是不能言表的,只能铭刻在灵魂之中。云南丽江就有着这种美丽,你试想一下,在细雨纷飞的夜晚,你撑着一把暗红的油伞,走在青石板的小巷中,客栈的灯笼在风中轻轻摇曳,耳畔除了汩汩的流水声,还有时隐时现的纳西古乐飘来……因为喜欢丽江,所以就格外关注丽江。2004年11月17日,丽江中级人民法院的法庭上,几位老人演奏起曲牌为《浪淘沙》的纳西古乐……法庭上古乐声声,确实是非同寻常,原因何在呢?常,原因何在呢?愤怒的宣科2003年10月15日,《艺术评论》杂志刊登了中…  相似文献   

重要的是政才 帝王夺取天下好比摘人参果,你想吃,他想吃,大家都想吃,于是大家都想方设法捷足先登,争取优先权. 可古代帝王妻妾成群,儿孙也就多,而王位只有一个,到底传给谁,这一点不同帝王各有标准,但最要紧的,一是要传给自己最喜欢的、自己认为最可靠的人,二是要传给有能力保住帝王位子的人.  相似文献   

腊月里回乡下老家,正要吃午饭时,来了一位中年妇女,四十开外的样子,扎着头巾,背着一只小挎包,站在门口,问母亲今年的鸭子长得怎么样。母亲先是一愣,接着笑起来,忙招呼女人进屋。母亲说,今年捉的十只小鸭,死了一只,还有一只是公的,剩下的个个肥硕健壮,天天下蛋呢。女人说,那你就给八只小鸭的钱,一共是二十四块。  相似文献   

血淋淋的身躯被摩托车拖了十多米 曾振强,1965年10月出生在湖南省新化县孟公镇,那是一个人人习武、个个爱武功的地方.曾振强受故乡人的影响,人还没进学堂门,就被父母送回老家,扎扎实实练了4年武功.初中毕业后,对治跌打损伤有个一知半解的曾振强上了卫校,本想凭自己已有的基础,深造几年后,当一名治病救人的医生.然而,命运却未能照顾他的意愿,1982年,卫校毕业的曾振强,被招工进了父母所在的新化县供销社,在新化县果品公司当了名采购员.曾振强生性爱动脑子,又积极肯干,深受领导和同事的好评,先后被任命为日杂公司供销印刷厂厂长、食杂公司副经理,还光荣地加入了中国共产党.  相似文献   

采撷一朵云作风的衣裳,捧一把清水做田野的盖头,踏着星光,追着太阳,奔跑在乡村的田野上,这儿的景色最好。当风的季节来临。大树不忍片片叶子满含期待眼神中的失落,它松开了紧抓不放的手,宠溺着它们飞扬落地。叶儿顽皮地落在我的跟前,轻轻地拾起属于秋的思绪,看那朝霞满天的山头,沉醉在这片粗犷而又纯美的风景里。喜欢静静地拥着黎明里的期待,渡步在这幅如画的山村  相似文献   

本文报告11例因脑外伤致死的案例。肉眼观察10例有轻重不等的大脑皮质挫伤;10例有蛛网膜下腔出血;3例有脑干出血;1例有视丘下部出血。光镜及扫描电镜下见大脑皮质挫伤10例;其余挫伤,在距大脑皮质挫伤3cm的脑白质6例,视丘下部8例,丘脑、中脑各6例,桥脑5例,延髓4例,侧脑室壁8例及视神经4例。镜下检查挫伤远较肉眼为多。10例神经细胞有不同程度变性、坏死及缺血性病变。9例大脑及脑干轴索、髓鞘有不同程度断裂、变性、排列紊乱、崩解及坏死,其中7例轴索断端查见收缩球。作者对脑外伤死因及法医学鉴定应注意的问题作了简要的讨论。  相似文献   

The 1920s were a golden period for smuggling in Nordic waters, as systems of prohibition were established in Finland, Norway and Iceland, while in Sweden an intricate system of rationing was implemented in 1917. A comparative study of the illegal liquor trade in Stockholm and New Orleans shows that the actual methods of smuggling were similar in the two cities. Mother ships brought the cargo to a point outside territorial waters, where it was shifted to smaller boats. These brought the liquor in through the archipelago of Stockholm or the bayous of the Mississippi delta. The relative lack of corruption in Sweden did not limit the extent of the black market. According to contemporary estimates, the amount of smuggled liquor was about the same in the two cities. The kind of alcohol that was brought in was different, however, and the value of the trade higher in New Orleans. Also, the organization of the trade differed, in terms of ownership and distribution. In neither city did the illegal entrepreneurs appear to be very violent. The fact that the rate of violence was much higher in New Orleans, than in Stockholm, did not seem to affect their business methods.  相似文献   

Sequence analyses of X-chromosomal short tandem repeats, DXS6789, DXS8377 and DXS101 were performed for representatives of 3 Asian populations: 130 Japanese, 61 Bangladeshi and 89 Indonesian males. At DXS6789, the sequence polymorphism was found in 7 alleles in the Japanese, 3 in the Bangladeshis and 3 in the Indonesians. At DXS8377, the sequence polymorphism was found in 13 alleles in the Japanese, 9 in the Bangladeshis and in all alleles identified in the Indonesians. At DXS101, the sequence polymorphism was found in 7 alleles in the Japanese, 9 in the Bangladeshis and 8 in the Indonesians. Because sequence polymorphisms were found in most of the alleles at the DXS6789, DXS8377 and DXS101 loci, it was concluded that sequencing was essential for identifying the alleles at these loci in all 3 Asian populations.  相似文献   

胡建淼 《法学论坛》2003,18(5):75-87,44
我国台湾地区的行政执行制度及理论对探讨中国内地制定行政强制执行法具有借鉴意义。笔者介绍了台湾行政执行的概念、特征、种类 ,探讨了其法理基础及原则 ,分析了其修订后的“行政执行法”在形式和内容上的变化 ,并就公法上金钱给付义务的执行 ,公法上行为、不行为义务的执行 ,行政上的即时强制 ,行政执行行为的性质及法律救济等问题进行了详细探讨 ,对台湾行政执行制度及理论的特色与不足也作了分析。  相似文献   

The dynamics of mass consciousness in Russia, formed in the wake of the 2014 events in Ukraine and Crimea, testify to the consolidation and radicalization of the popular majority. The national consensus has shaped a high level of public optimism even in the face of deteriorating socioeconomic conditions. However, this process brings to the fore archetypal traits that in many ways run contrary to the modern desire for mass consumption, which in many ways is also contrary to social mobilization. This contradiction will affect the political process, if not in the short- then in the long term, and will significantly affect the sociopolitical situation, making it less stable than in the first decade of the present century.  相似文献   

This article examines the ``hidden' ideological appeal which the 1937 Irish Constitution attempted to make by the invocation of the rural ideal, a hybrid of Irish nationalism, Catholicism and, most importantly, Gaelic romanticism. In this move, the historical legitimacy of the new state could be defined through the constitution by an appropriation of diverse symbols from an imagined past, a golden age of Gaelic unity and moral certainties. Particular attention will be paid to the image of woman as a representation of the nation in the 1937 Constitution, and to the context of Irish nationalist discourse generally, where she repeatedly appears in the archetypal forms of either mother or virgin. The predominance of the image of woman as mother in the Constitution, in contrast to her appearance in pre-independence nationalist discourse (where she regularly figured as a combination of mother, helpless maiden, seductress and destroyer) will be examined in terms of the Lacanian themes of Lack and jouissance (or enjoyment). This cultural (and legal) shift will be examined in terms of the renunciation of enjoyment inherent in this new national imagery, and in relation to the redemptive potential of the image of woman as mother; themes which appear significant in relation to post-colonial political formations generally, and to post-independence Irish political discourse in particular.  相似文献   

Abstract: Genetic information in forensic studies is largely limited to CODIS data and the ability to match samples and assign them to an individual. However, there are circumstances, in which a given DNA sample does not match anyone in the CODIS database, and no other information about the donor is available. In this study, we determined 75 SNPs in 24 genes (previously implicated in human or animal pigmentation studies) for the analysis of single‐ and multi‐locus associations with hair, skin, and eye color in 789 individuals of various ethnic backgrounds. Using multiple linear regression modeling, five SNPs in five genes were found to account for large proportions of pigmentation variation in hair, skin, and eyes in our across‐population analyses. Thus, these models may be of predictive value to determine an individual’s pigmentation type from a forensic sample, independent of ethnic origin.  相似文献   

Abstract: Simon’s hemorrhages are ventral intervertebral hemorrhages located beneath the anterior longitudinal ligament that have been described in cases of hanging and tend to appear in the lumbar region of the spine. There are also reports of Simon’s hemorrhages in cases of blunt trauma, asphyxia, drowning, and putrefaction. In a prospective analysis of 2226 autopsies, we found Simon’s hemorrhages in 65 out of 178 cases of hanging and also in 17 cases in a group of 350 controls with various causes of death. The relative frequency of occurrence of Simon’s bleedings in cases of hanging was 37%. Simon’s hemorrhages can be considered an objective vital finding, which is not absolutely specific for hanging. The absence of hemorrhages in intervertebral disks does not exclude death by hanging. This study suggests that Simon’s bleedings in cases of hanging are more frequent in rather young individuals, in cases with free body suspension, and in individuals with minimal degenerative changes in the lumbosacral part of the spinal column.  相似文献   

Zhao R  Guan DW  Lu B 《法医学杂志》2005,21(3):161-164,F0003
目的观察小鼠皮肤切创愈合过程中,iNOS和eNOS在损伤区及损伤周边区内的表达及其变化规律。方法小鼠背部制作全层切创,应用免疫组织化学技术观察伤后切创组织中iNOS和eNOS的表达,并和无切创的小鼠作为对照。结果损伤区及损伤周边区细胞,伤后3h的损伤皮肤组织中可见少量的多型核细胞表达iNOS和eNOS,伤后6~24h,大部分浸润的中性粒细胞和单核细胞为iNOS和eNOS阳性。随着时间的延长,iNOS和eNOS阳性细胞以单核细胞和成纤维细胞为主。伤后3hiNOS的阳性细胞比率较低,6h~1d持续性增加并于1d达到最高峰,3~7d维持在一个相对稳定的水平直至伤后10d再次达高峰,10~14d开始下降。eNOS的阳性细胞率在伤后1~3h表达较低,6h~3d持续性增高,并在3d达到最高峰,在其后的5d内保持稳定表达,之后开始下降。而且损伤区及损伤周边区、特别是肉芽组织内的新生血管可见iNOS和eNOS不同强度的表达。结论小鼠皮肤切创愈合过程中,iNOS和eNOS在损伤周边区内多型核细胞、单核细胞和成纤维细胞中表达,其时序性变化可望用于皮肤损伤时间的推断。  相似文献   

Petechiae in conjunctivae and in the palpebrae/skin of the eyelids are of particular interest for the forensic pathologist, because of their association with pressure on the neck. They have been described in the eyelids of intoxicated persons both in case reports and in text books of forensic pathology. We studied 590 deaths caused by intoxication, and 75 had petechiae either in the conjunctivae, the eyelids, or in both locations. We examined the influence of drugs and ethanol on the location of the petechial hemorrhages in these deaths. Deaths with ethanol in blood and in urine/vitreous humor more often had petechiae in both locations than those without. This association was statistically significant, independent of body position and livor mortis. No association between the location of petechiae, medicinal drugs, or narcotics was found. These results suggest that ethanol may contribute to the development of petechial hemorrhages in deaths from intoxication.  相似文献   

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