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In geopolitical terms, despite its broader global significance, the interaction between a rising China and a hegemonic America, had nevertheless all along been confined largely to East Asia, or the "Eastern Front," where issues like the Taiwan question, the nuclear program of the DPRK as well as bilateral trade, economic and military exchanges attracted the attention of observers or analysts.  相似文献   

East Asia is the most dynamic region in global economy and it is also a region with interwoven contradictions and growing potential conflicts. East Asian cooperation serves as an important channel of boosting regional economy and curbing political and security confrontation. The East Asian Community, once defined as the long-term goal of East Asian cooperation, should remain to play a guiding role.  相似文献   

Greater East Asia is expected to be the next theatre for world politics. 1 East Asian cooperation is rapidly developing through the channels of ASEAN Plus Three (APT) and East Asia Summit (EAS), both driven by ASEAN. Southeast Asia is a region of diverse states and cultures that brings together all the major powers of the Asian-Pacific in a myriad of strategic interests. It is thus an open arena with the potential for a variety of strategic game-playing, options, and uncertain outcomes.2 In recent years, China's developing relationship with Southeast Asia has undergone a significant shift as the U.S.' distraction elsewhere and neglect of the region have created opportunities for an increased Chinese diplomatic and economic role in Southeast Asia.3 U.S. analysts are concerned about what may lie behind this shift in China-ASEAN relations, how it may affect American interests in the region and how best to react to the changes. Some have expressed concerns that to avoid becoming distanced from the region the U.S. should pay more attention to Southeast Asia, rather than just watching from a distance. This paper attempts to analyze the possible changes of U.S. policy towards Southeast Asia in the current context of East Asian Cooperation and its implications for China.  相似文献   

The bilateral alliance structure dominated by the United States and the multilateral cooperation system advocated by China exist side by side in East Asia, which presents distinct dualistic structural feature of the international system in the region. These two systems, in essence, are contradictory and mutually opposing and neither of which could replace the other in reality. In a relatively long period of time, these international systems in East Asia will drive the region to and stability in the process contradictions and compatibility. develop in a direction of peace of accommodation between  相似文献   

After seven years of operation of the ASEAN 10+3 mechanism, the first East Asian Summit will be held in Malaysia at the end of the year. This epoch-making event in East Asia signifies a big step toward regional integration in East Asia, attracting worldwide attention, and even a prediction has been made that 2005 will become “the first year to establish East Asia Community.” The fundamental motive force of East Asia integration comes from extreme overlapping of national interests and …  相似文献   

As China and the United States explore how to craft a "new type" .or "new model" of bilateral relations, a key challenge will be deepening cooperation on a series of shared security issues. Alongside problems on the Korean Peninsula, cyber security, and other matters, is preserving peace and stability in East Asia's maritime regions, especially in the context of ongoing disputes in the Yellow, East China, and South China seas.  相似文献   

Xinjiang is the only Chinese territory that neighbors Afghanistan.It plays a special and important role and function in sub-regional cooperation around Afghanistan. Sub-regional Cooperation around Afghanistan Afghanistan is located in the hinterland of the Eurasian continent in the China,South Asia and Central Asia region.It is not only the vital communication hub of Eurasia and the Middle East,but also the necessary route for major powers moving west and east,or travelling up and down from north to south.Its geographic location is very important.Throughout history,a series of international actions,measures,mechanisms and planning projects have combined,with little success,to attempt to complete regional cooperation around or through Afghanistan.The key issue is the lack of a unified platform for cooperation that considers the needs and interests of all parties.  相似文献   

Since the advent of the 1990s,there has appeared in the world an East Asia-centered“Asia-Pacific craze”.All people have been paying attention to and study-ing the“East Asian miracle”or the“East Asian phenomenon”.In the whole post-Cold War world,“the scene is uniquely beautiful”in East Asia as is compared withall other regions on earth.It can be said that the region is now in the best time ofits economic and political development in modern history.  相似文献   

After seven years of operation of the ASEAN 10+3 mechanism, the first East Asian Summit will be held in Malaysia at the end ofthe year. This epoch-making event in East Asia signifies a big step toward regional integration in East Asia, attracting worldwide attention, and even a prediction has been made that 2005 will become “the first year to establish East Asia Community. ”  相似文献   

The repercussions of the end of the Cold War have been strongly felt in North-east Asia,resulting in a changing security environment of the region.Com-pared with Europe or other regions,Northeast Asia has been relatively stable—asituation which should be treasured by us.How to maintain and develop thisfavourable situation?It is very important,among other things,to pay great atten-tion to the basic characteristics of the region as well as to its sensitivities.  相似文献   

In 2007,world economy maintains a momentum of rapid growth,with East Asia and South Asia still the fastest growingareas.However,due to lower pace of growth in the US,the growth rate of the world  相似文献   

The New Situation of Re-balance in the Asian-Pacific Region and Its Prospect
The Asian-Pacific region is the center of world growth and is in the process of power "re-balancing". The return of the U. S. to East Asia is the result of power structural change within the region rather than the initial motivation. All the variables emerged from the development process in East Asia requested that the power centers within the region design a regional security framework together. China has responded positively to such request and taken it as first priority in her policy toward the Asian-Pacific region to prevent the intensification of disputes and the outbreak of large scale military conflicts. But, under the present circumstances of continuing power structure change, China is faced with tremendous challenges, the biggest of which may come from Japan, in reaching her goals.  相似文献   

the U.S. is directly impacting on the future of the East Asian community. Therefore, finding ways to get along with the U.S. is crucial to the speed, direction, configuration and character of the East Asian community. In this paper, the author has analyzed the interests of the United States in East Asia and its stands towards the East Asian integration. The author concludes that it is to the interest of the United States to make more efforts to further join in the East Asian integration. And East Asia should accept and welcome the American participation.  相似文献   

A Nation AdriftFifty years ago,ended a war which brought an unprecedented calamity to thepeople of China,Asia and Japan itself,the war of Japanese aggression overthe vast region of East Asia.Post-war Japan enters on its fifties at the turnof the present century and a juncture of on-going drastic global transformations due  相似文献   

正East Asia is the most dynamic region in global economy and it is also a region with interwoven contradictions and growing potential conflicts.East Asian cooperation serves as an important channel of boosting regional economy and curbing political and security confrontation.The East Asian Community,once defined as  相似文献   

New Developments Before the 2008 financial crisis,and especially before the U.S.began its "return" to Asia,relations between China,the U.S.and China's neighbors in East Asia were not a major issue.However,since 2010,relations have been stirred up.Take the Cheonan incident,the shelling of Yeonpyeong Island,the Diaoyu Islands dispute between China and Japan,the Huangyan Island confrontation between China and the Philippines,and the South China Sea issue,for example.Sino-U.S.relations have grown more complex,and sovereignty disputes between China and some of its neighbors have intensified.At the same time,relations between the U.S.and most of China'sneighbors have improved.The U.S.' decision to "pivot" to Asia contains many objectives.  相似文献   

Salient changes have taken place in China's relations with some of its surrounding countries, especially in East Asia, since 2009.Chinas rise has led to the shifting of the world power center as well as principal contradictions among major powers from Europe to East Asia.  相似文献   

The Problems Facing Regional Cooperation in East Asia
Great efforts are being made in East Asia to improve regional and sub-regional multilateral cooperation in the face of a bottleneck.The key issues are listed below:  相似文献   

Obama's Middle East policy comes to its epilogue with the end of his 8-year White House tenancy.An aspirational speech in Cairo in 2009 and the shrinkage of US military in the Middle East in 2017 are the bookends to a shelf of events and decisions that are already being parsed and judged by historians and foreign relations experts.Bringing democracy to the Middle East is no longer a major US goal.When measured against the Pivot to Asia-Pacific and a potential pro-Russia foreign policy under Republican President Donald Trump,the Middle East is now seated as a second violin in American foreign policy.  相似文献   

Over recent years, the oil dispute in the East China Sea has become a new contradictory focus in Sino-Japanese relations after the issues of the Yasukuni Shrine and history text book. This article tries to take the oil dispute in the East China Sea as a penetrating point to analyze the basic line of thinking in Japan's China energy policy adjustment so as to better recognize the current situation and future of Sino-Japanese energy relations.  相似文献   

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