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立赏告奸作为鼓励吏民揭发犯罪的手段,早在商鞅变法时已经出现,其后历代多有此类立法。而宋代的告赏立法,不仅适用于刑事犯罪,而且对经济、思想文化、社会生活等领域中的犯罪亦广立告赏之法。仅此项立法,在宋代已形成了一个广阔的法域,成为古今中外实不多见的一种法律现象。  相似文献   

王俊峰 《中国法律》2008,(6):4-4,52,53
由美国次贷危机引发的金融危机愈演愈烈,演变成为一场波及全球的经济危机。在全球整体经济下滑、金融动荡的环境中,法律服务业作为相互关联产业中的一环.不可避免同样受到了波及和重大影响。这主要表现在经济低迷导致法律服务的需求下降。虽然公司面临破产、裁员以及贸易纠纷等问题,增加了一部分破产、劳动仲裁、民商事纠纷等业务,但不会改变法律服务业受全球总体经济拖累的大趋势。  相似文献   

我很高兴出席这次在中国北京举办的环太平洋律师协会第十七届年会,并在这里,向与会人士介绍改革开放以来中国律师业的发展历程,与大家探讨律师在促进经济社会和谐发展中的作用问题,展望亚太地区律师界交流合作的美好前景。一、中国法治进步与律师业发展从上个世纪80年代开始到现在,为适应和推进中国改革开放,中国民主法治建设不断取得新的进步。经过20多年的努力,在建立完善社会主义市场经济体制的基础上,中国确立了“依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家”的基本方略,初步形成了以宪法为核心的法律体系,国家经济、政治和社会生活的主要方面已经…  相似文献   

本文从发展现代交通运输业的角度,概述了交通运输行业人才开发的历程及其作用,结合交通运输行业发展的实际,分析了交通运输行业人才开发工作面临的问题,在此基础上,提出了开发、建设现代交通运输行业人才队伍的相关对策。  相似文献   

We style ourselves as liberal polities and law purports to sustain liberal values. It does not claim to maintain and perpetuate capitalist goals as such. Yet, its adherence to the sacrosanct nature of private property, individualism and freedom to contract allow it do just that. To further this unmentioned objective, law is twisted and bent to ignore the supposed right of workers as individuals to be autonomous decision-makers. The indefensible assumptions made give capitalists coercive powers that inhibit the working class from achieving economic and political autonomy. The owners of the means of production are given political and economic privileges by a legal system that pretends to serve the liberal project. The contradiction between liberal law and its capitalist orientation is plain, leading to occasional and always transitory reforms. This is illustrated by this overview of the legal mechanism of adjustment devised by supposedly liberal law to regulate capital/labour conflicts.  相似文献   

经过多年的改革和发展,我国的司法行政事业取得了显著的成绩,已成为我国民主法制建设和国家司法体系中重要的组成部分。特别是以基层法律服务、律师、公证为代表的法律服务行业的不断发展和完善,已形成了组织系统完备、业务领域广泛、队伍素质精良、有中国特色的法律服务体系,已成为实现依法治国方略、践行社会主义法治理念、推进我国民主法制进程和建设法治国家的一支重要力量,也为构建我国司法预防体系奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

The research explores a new model of staff well-being across UK police custodial services (public and private). These services are unique for the fact that police sergeant custody officers are supported by detention officers who can be publicly or privately contracted, with the latter providing a heterogeneous mix never previously researched. The model informs a survey approach conducted across four English police forces. Drawing on a diverse literature which compares health and criminal justice professions, this study explores the possibility that private sector detention officers will report lower levels of emotional exhaustion and workplace stress and higher levels of personal accomplishment than their public sector counterparts. Multilevel analyses, supplemented by ANOVA and t tests, detected statistically significant differences for private sector detention officers regarding higher levels of emotional exhaustion and lower levels of personal accomplishment and workplace stress (with the stress result the only one in the predicted direction). However, results should be interpreted as sample specific linked to privately contracted detention officer disquiet with their then employer (since replaced). That said, the results provide a good exploration of the model’s utility together with important lessons for model and survey development in the future.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to ard a better understanding of innovation in the service sector by focusing on the disparate nature of R&D in the U.S. service sector as learned through case studies of the U.S. telecommunications, financial services, systems integration services, and research and development testing services industries. Based on this understanding of the nature and scope of R&D therein, a new policy-oriented model of innovation specific to the service sector is posited. Also, policy recommendations are offered with regard to the public sector’s collection and interpretation of R&D data related to the service sector.   相似文献   

江山  黄勇 《现代法学》2011,33(4):79-88
中国《反垄断法》实施之后,面临对"国有经济占控制地位的关系国民经济命脉和国家安全的行业以及依法实行专营专卖的行业"适用的问题。以石油行业为例,通过反"行政垄断"来推动石油行业的反垄断不应是主导的指向,应当廓清"行政垄断"与依法管制之间的界限,在正确认识石油行业管制体制的形成的前提下,确立政府管制与反垄断法规制之间的协调原则,从结构和行为两个方面有效推进石油行业的反垄断适用。  相似文献   

经济安全与经济法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
戴凤岐 《法学杂志》2004,25(1):13-15
在经济发展面临的各种问题当中,最大者莫过于经济发展过程中出现了较大的波动,致使国民经济运行大起大落。这种波动造成的损失和破坏,是其他破坏性因素所难以比拟的。因此,保障经济安全,首要的也是最主要的就是防止和治理这种经济生活中的剧烈波动现象。  相似文献   

P.N. GRABOSKY 《Law & policy》1994,16(4):419-448
The article begins with a review of recent trends in the devolution of state functions to nongovernment institutions, and discusses how private interests may be enlisted in furtherance of public policy. It then outlines a variety of institutions and instruments which might comprise a system of regulation for environmental protection, and suggests some of the forms of interaction between them. The focus then turns to commercial activity which can further the interests of environmental protection. It summarizes eight emerging trends in “green commerce” and concludes that in some settings, the constructive influence of commercial forces can exceed that wielded by government agencies.  相似文献   

This article is an introduction to four articles in this issue, all related to the different policy objectives and approaches of technology transfer in space programs run by the United States, the European Space Agency, Canada, and Russia.  相似文献   

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