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当前,在全球生态环境问题愈演愈烈的情况下,一些身处边远地区的少数民族却用他们的“生态智慧,,实现着人与自然的和谐共生,为解决人类与社会发展中所面临的生态环境危机提供了一定的借鉴,生活在大兴安岭密林深处的使鹿鄂温克族就是这样一个具有典型意义的小民族族群。他们是目前唯一的“使鹿部落”——敖鲁古雅鄂温克族,这些猎民在长期的生产生活中,适应环境、并利用和改善环境,体现着深刻的生态智慧,本文用生态人类学的理论对此进行了分析。  相似文献   

LAST November's China Guardian auction saw the highest bid ever for a Chinese oil painting: Mao Zedong Inspecting RuralGuangdong by Chen Yanning sold for an incredible RMB 10.12 million. Contemporary Chinese Oils Surge in Value The 2005 China Guardian autumnauction chalked up a cool RMB 130 million in accumulated sales of 201 Chinese oil paintings and pieces of sculpture. Among the top 30 highes sellers were realist school artists Chen Yifei, Ai Xuan and Yang Feiyun, whose works s…  相似文献   

<正>The end of the entrenched military regime will likely put Myanmar on a development track Myanmar’s newly elected President UThein Sein,vice presidents U Tin Aung Myint Oo and Sai Mauk Kham,  相似文献   

<正>The full session of the 12th National People's Congress(NPC) will kick off on March 5. The agenda includes deliberating and approving the Government Work Report to be delivered by Premier Wen Jiabao;checking and approving reports on the implementation of the annual plan on national  相似文献   

As the season of hope and rebirth returns to Shanghai this year, a global celebration of human ingenuity unfolds on the banks of the Bund. The 2010 World Expo opens on May 1, ready for a protracted run of 184 days and an anticipated 70 million visitors from all over the globe. Since its debut in London in 1851 the event has provided a showcase for the latest fruits of civilization.  相似文献   

It was November 10, 2010. The MU (Harmony) train rolled off the railway station from Changchun of Jilin Province in Northeast China and was fast moving down southward. In the train, 11 veterans were so excited that they were singing  相似文献   

高俊良 《北京观察》2007,(11):43-45
金秋十月,北京市公共交通又有新发展,地铁5号线通车,极大地提高了北京市南北方向的公共运力。最近,北京市规划委员会发布消息说,北京市又有6条地铁新线规划获批,包括6号线、8号线、9号线、10号线二期、亦庄线和大兴线,这6条新建地铁总长152公里,将在年内陆续开工,2012年前建成。  相似文献   

<正>It’s easy in China,especially Beijing,to go through the motions each day and become just one of 1.3 billion experiencing ordinary daily routines.In a country going through one of the biggest industrial revolutions known to man,things happen so quickly that the ones who just watch it go by get lost along the wayside.One thing I have learnt during my four-and-ahalf years in China is to get involved,no matter  相似文献   

MY 12-year-old son's bedtime question last night was Mom, when will Mrs. Mei bring Angel back to Beijing?
Mrs. Mei (Kathy) was the principal of The Wall Street Journal's Beijing Office. She and Mr. Mei, who was the first secretary of the U.S. Embassy in China, passed a four-year term here before returning to the U.S. in 2006. My family cherishes memories of our wonderful times with them. Although separated by the Pacific Ocean now, the friendship between our two families has remained close.  相似文献   

I had been home for Christmas and was just back in Beijing,where I had spent all of the previous year.That year had been one of the best in my life,and though I had been here before and always had a soft spot for Beijing,the city had now taken up a strong place in my heart.Going back home had been a strange experience of being home and away from home simultaneously.  相似文献   

DIRECTOR Wang Xiaoshuai picked up his second Silver Bear award at the Berlin Film Festival last February for In Love We Trust. In 2001, Beijing Bicycle earned him the Grand Jury Silver Bear and the award for the Best Young Director, while this year he won for best screenplay.  相似文献   

“培养跨世纪理论人才百人工程”(以下简称“百人工程”) ,是由市委宣传部牵头 ,市社科联、市社科规划办等部门配合 ,根据北京市理论队伍的实际状况 ,从1995年开始实施的一项社科理论人才培养工程 ,即 :经过滚动筛选 ,到20世纪末重点培养100名左右跨世纪的社科理论带头人和学科骨干。“百人工程”自实施以来 ,实际培养中青年社科理论人才200多人 ,壮大了首都社科理论队伍 ,为进一步培养社科理论人才创造了有益经验。一、具体作法和突出成果1.设立“百人工程”研究课题。市委宣传部和市社科规划办公室设立的社会科学规划“百人…  相似文献   

京剧进课堂,作为加强学生素质教育的一种尝试,是应该予以充分肯定的.但是,样板戏在表现革命时,把革命概念化,把艺术表现用为概念化的工具,甚至使艺术成为篡改历史的工具,则是应彻底否定的.从艺术上把革命和革命的精神概念化,变成一系列的豪言壮语,是长久以来革命文艺发展过程中存在的一种倾向.当思想被转换为一系列豪言壮语时,往往具有掀动时代的力量.然而,激情一经过去,面对人的贪欲,所有的豪言壮语,无非是一扇扇虚掩的门.这一点,难道不应该在我们的教育中,进行认真的反思吗?  相似文献   

THE 2005 Fortune Global Forum is to take place in Beijing from 16-18 May. This year's will be the economic extravaganza's ninth session, and the third time it is staged in China. Both Hong Kong and Shanghai have previously held the Forum. AOL Time Warner, as well as the Beijing Municipal Government, and the State Council Information Office, will sponsor the event. Chinese President Hu Jintao will make a keynote speech. Participants will include more than 300  相似文献   

More than 60 overseas media have sent journalists to Urumqi,capital of northwest China's Xinjiang region, after a riot broke out in the city Sunday, leaving 156 people dead and 1,080 others injured.  相似文献   

RAPID economic growth in China has accelerated urbanization and industrialization, enabling many Chinese people to emerge from poverty. This boom, however, has also had negative impact, most particularly that of pollution. The Shougang (Capital Iron and Steel) Group has long been one of Beijing's leading companies, and next to the Shanghai Baosteel Group Corpora-  相似文献   

正How will the Belt and Road Initiative overcome roadblocks to success?As the United States and other developed countries grapple with rising trade protectionism and nationalism,can China assume the mantle of leadership in terms of globalization?The Silk Road Economic Belt and the21st-Century Maritime Silk Road(the Belt  相似文献   

MEDIA art has a very short history on China's mainland,where more traditional forms such as painting and sculpture tend to hold sway.So the arrival of a major survey of global media art practice at Beijing's National Art Museum of China(NA- MOC)set the local art world abuzz in the lead up to the Olympic Games. What is media art?Broadly defined, it is art that utilizes contemporary technology and/or reflects upon the role of technology in modem life.Zhang Ga, a China-born,New York-based artist, curator and teacher,has made it his mission to bring the latest media art practices to China over the past few years.  相似文献   

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