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THERE is a Chinese saying about the ancient city of Xuzhou: "Beijing is famous for its Ming and Qing cultures, Xi'an is famous for its Qin and Tang cultures, while Xuzhou is famous for its Han culture." With a rich and varied history, visitors to Xuzhou will discover a priceless assortment of Han Dynasty pottery warriors and horses, tombs and stone reliefs, and will hear riveting tales of the many historical figures who made the city famous. Among them was Pengzu (circa 2,000 B,C,), who is widely considered to be the founder of Chinese culinary culture, and who lived in what was then known as Pengcheng.  相似文献   

WITH its back to the enchanting Taihang Mountains and its face to the Yellow River, Jiaozuo City in central China's Henan Province is traditionally known as the Golden Plain of Cornucopia. But until recently, its stunning scenery had a hefty price: its mountains and rivers practically cut the city off from the rest of the nation. This has all changed with the construction of an extensive highway network in the region. To the north, it is  相似文献   

The moon,sister sphere to the Earth, has long held the attention of mankind as a source of mystery,inspiration and wonder.Its sway has been chronicled in myth,literature and song.In the final week of October,China embarked on its first attempt to better scientifically understand the moon and its relationship to the Earth by launching the lunar orbiter Chang'e-1.Though named after a deity that Chinese fairy tales say lived in the moon,this new venture to study our closest celestial neighbor is based largely on the reality of technology and scientific advancement.As the most recent phase in China's decades old aerospace program,the launch showcases both the country's place on the world stage and its technological and scientific advancements-not only for the benefit of its own people,but for all of mankind.  相似文献   

There is no man or state in the world that can essentially argue against norms and rules of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But in this case a question appears: what reasons don't lead to application of this conception in all the states and in the world at all? Appealing of the world community to peace, safety and abidance by human rights is often ignored by some states and societies and sometimes is absolutely right qualified as an effort to interfere to internal affairs of a sovereign state. We should analyze the real essence of the human rights conception and compare it with its official explanation to find the reasons of this situation. At the beginning of this report let's give its basic points.  相似文献   

The chateaux vineyards of France may have something to worry about; an ambitious and venerable Chinese winery is determined to make its mark on the international wine market A look at China's vineyards; a look at the future of wine.  相似文献   

WHEN looking at the map of China, its shape appears uncannily similar to that of a rooster. Its head is in the Northeastern provinces, its magnificent tail includes Xinjiang and Tibet and its wings spread over the resource-rich basins of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers. The belly of this cockerel is in the southeast, and Hainan and Taiwan islands are its feet. The tour guide on the Yangtze River cruise who pointed out this similarity to me explained: "This shows that Taiwan is definitely an inalienable part of China; a rooster  相似文献   

THE Minyue Kingdom city is35 kilometers north of theWuyi Mountains in FujianProvince, and has a history ofmore than 2,300 years. Constructedon the summits of a few foothills,the city faces the magnificent WuyiMountains to the west, and hills andmounds to its north and south. Agurgling crystalline stream originating in the Wuyi Mountains flowsfrom the west to the city and thengoes past it from north to south. Itsvast stretches of alluvial plains inthe east and north give this ancientcity a…  相似文献   

Pakistan is making efforts to bring all aspects of its society under the same umbrella In early May 2006 I visited Pakistan as a member of a Chinese media and scholar delegation and was deeply impressed by its government's efforts to build an enlightened, moderate and harmonious Islamic country. Although I had been  相似文献   

<正>In a volatile and complex world,beset by geopolitical conflicts,bloc confrontation,surging inflation,and a harrowing energy crunch,China is blazing a trail in international engagement by following its major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.Crisis begets change.Despite the headwinds to global growth,peace,development,and win-win cooperation still represent the prevailing trend of the times,as evidenced by the solidary and consistent efforts of many countries in trying to fi...  相似文献   

The long-held belief of an inexhaustible surplus of labor in rural areas of China is fading fast.Amid worries over its aging popula- tion,China is confronted with serious challenges to sustain its labor supply so as to shore up its growing economy.How to fur- ther transfer the remaining surplus labor into cities and how to improve the quality of Chinese laborers are questions the country faces.The Guangming Daily,a newspaper based in Beijing,con- ducted an interview with Cai Fang,an economist and Director of the Institute of Population and Labor Economics under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,to delve into China's labor dilemma.Cai gave his opinions in the following excerpts:  相似文献   

侦查讯问教学应构建以基本理论、基础知识和基本技能为根本的,以理论知识与实验操作为一体的教学体系,突出技能培养,强化教学训练环节,使培养对象在掌握侦查讯问基本理论的基础上,能够根据不同的讯问对象,开展针对性侦查讯问工作,顺利地完成讯问任务。  相似文献   

西部开发中民族文化保护论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄泽 《思想战线》2002,28(1):11-15
西部开发作为经济、社会、生态、文化协调发展的系统工程 ,少数民族传统文化的保护、建设是其中十分重要的基础工程。西部开发也为传统文化的更新、转型提供了机遇。经济全球化与文化多样性的关系则是西部开发中民族文化保护、文化资源开发利用的文化语境。云南少数民族传统文化的保存现状及近年来实施的保护措施 ,印证着这个文化变迁进程的复杂性与丰富性。  相似文献   

战场环境是警察执法战斗的依托和舞台,也是战术运用的客观依据。在警察执法战斗中,警察战斗力的使用是不能脱离战场环境的,因此战场环境对警察战斗力及其使用有着重要的影响。一是对警察战斗力构成的影响:即对参战人员的影响,对武器装备的影响,对人与武器结合的影响;二是对警察战斗力使用的影响:即对战法选择的影响,对战场情报信息的影响。  相似文献   

集体主义的核心内容是个体价值定位的问题。在中国社会主义发展的不同历史时期,个体价值定位经历了一个从个体依赖到逐渐获得个体独立的演变过程。集体主义也随着个体价值地位的演变,呈现出新的时代内涵,开始由传统集体主义向新集体主义过渡。  相似文献   

随着北京2008年奥运会的日益临近,备战奥运的各项准备正在紧张有序的展开。尤其令人欣喜的是,奥运比赛场馆建设、交通路桥改造、街乡环境整治等均已取得相当大的进展。与此同时,奥运安保、奥运宣传、素质教育等  相似文献   

探讨精神损害赔偿数额确定的原则、思路和方法,建议对我国精神损害赔偿数额依以下标准确定:侵权行为一般,致人严重精神损害,未造成人身伤亡的,赔偿数额在500元至5万元人民币之间确定;侵权行为恶劣,致人严重精神损害,造成受害人精神障碍等疾病,影响其正常工作、劳动和生活的,赔偿数额在5万元至15万元人民币之间确定;侵权行为恶劣,致人严重又长久精神损害,造成受害人丧失大部分(含全部)劳动能力或死亡的,赔偿数额在15万元至30万元人民币之间确定,最高赔偿数额是50万元人民币。然后,以上述酌定赔偿数额乘以当地上一年度精神生活系数,在最高赔偿限额内计算出当地精神损害赔偿数额。  相似文献   

股东大会地位定位的不同,将导致处于公司治理结构核心地位的公司经营管理机构的构建方式及其指导理念产生巨大的差异.百余年来,日本对此问题进行过激烈争论:股东大会地位强化论:股东大会无用论;投资者保护集会论等几种代表性学说甚至在基本立场方面都极为不同.我国公司法理论建设可从中汲取一定的理论经验,在构建上市公司的治理结构,进一步完善公司法立法时,应参考投资者保护集会论的理论构成.  相似文献   

解放思想是发展中国特色社会主义的重要法宝。在解放思想中常常会遇到各种矛盾,主要有:解放思想与坚持四项基本原则的矛盾,解放思想与统一认识的矛盾,解放思想与弘扬传统的矛盾,解放思想与求真务实的矛盾以及解放思想与循序前进的矛盾。必须学会运用对立统一规律化解这些矛盾。  相似文献   

警察临战案(事)件具有突发性、对抗性、危难性的特点,其所面临的公众都不是单一的,而是比较复杂的,只有合理地加以分类,准确把握目标公众的性质,了解他们的特点和要求,采取正确的,有针对性的公共关系策略,才能实现警察临战公关的目标。  相似文献   

党的十六大把“三个代表”重要思想同马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论一道,写在我们党的旗帜上作为必须长期坚持的指导思想。这对于全面开创中国特色社会主义事业的新局面,将会产生极其重要的作用。回顾我们党的历史可以清楚地看到,坚持把马列主义普遍真理与中国具体实际相结合,努力坚持马列主义中国化和当代化的统一,是高举旗帜最厚重的理论底蕴,也是使党的旗帜永远保持鲜活色彩的根本保证。 (一) 旗帜问题至关紧要。高举旗帜,历来是马克思主义所十分关注的一个重要问题。 1875年3月,恩格斯在致国际共产主义运动著名活动家奥·倍倍尔的信中,就德国当时两个工人党(爱森纳赫派和拉萨尔派)的合并阐述了他与马克思的意见。他指出:“一  相似文献   

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