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This research analyses the conditions imposed on national, EU and non-EU citizens who wish to access minimum income (MI) benefits within four EU Member States, specifically within Finland, France, Ireland and Spain. The primary aim is to identify and compare the required MI access conditions. Furthermore, focus is given to the residence requisites, which are discussed in relation to relevant supranational regulations in order to detect possible multilevel implications. The paper concludes with the identification of different MI conditions, such as stricter age requisites in France and Spain. Moreover, the study of national cases allows for consideration of how the EU social protection floor works at the national level. In this regard, the restrictions that affect EU/EEA migrant jobseekers and economically inactive population groups who wish to access MI in Finland, France and Ireland show the limits of the EU minimum social assistance floor, only recognised for EU/EEA migrant workers. Finally, implications arise according to human rights instruments such as the European Social Charter, which demands that social assistance shall not be confined to nationals or to certain categories of foreigners, allowing for comparison between the different personal scopes of the equal treatment principle required by the distinct supranational levels.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the home-leaving of young adults in Gothenburg, Sweden, in the period 1915–1943. We used individual-level panel data from population registers and poll-tax records, taking a competing risk design for the analysis of the determinants of leaving home to marry, or for non-familial living. We found a transitional, marriage-driven pattern of leaving home that neither fits the old context of life cycle service, nor the alternative modern routes out of the parental home into unmarried householdship. Young adults typically stayed at home until they married, although some moved out to temporary non-familial living first. Non-familial living consisted mainly of lodging in another household, but working outside it, which in a way was a forerunner of the modern pattern, in sharp contrast with the remnant of preindustrial times: the flow from rural areas into Gothenburg of teenage women immigrants to become residential domestic servants. Interestingly, we found that the main determinants of home-leaving in studies of modern-day populations were equally important in the population of Gothenburg in 1915–1943. For both young men and young women, having their own resources (employment, earnings) was positively associated with the likelihood of leaving the parental home. We also found clear gender differences. A higher level of human capital of the father was associated with later home-leaving to marry for sons, and earlier leaving for non-familial living for daughters. Lower levels of household income, or the presence of minor siblings or a widowed parent were push factors for non-familial living for daughters. We found no similar push factors for sons.  相似文献   

This article briefly reviews 10 years of research on a distinction between communal and exchange norms. Communal norms dictate benefits should be given in response to the other's needs. Exchange norms dictate benefits should be given in response to specific benefits received in the past or with the expectation of receiving specific benefits in the future. Choice of norms is shown to be influenced by the type of relationship desired or existing between two people. Evidence of chronic individual differences in tendencies to follow communal and to follow exchange norms in relationships is also presented. We argue that most people believe that communal norms should be followed in family relationships and we outline implications of the research reviewed for understanding justice in the family. Implications of (i) behavior in accord with exchange norms (e.g., quick repayment of benefits received, keeping track of individual inputs into joint tasks), (ii) behavior in accord with communal norms (e.g., helping, expressing emotion) and (iii) individual differences in relationship orientations are discussed.  相似文献   

刑事法律援助是法律援助制度中最核心、最重要的内容,其实质就是在刑事领域里扶贫助弱,对处于弱势地位的人提供法律上的帮助和支持。未成年人比起成年人更需要刑事法律援助。因此,研究未成年人刑事法律援助制度的理论基础,剖析法律给予未成年人刑事法律援助的理论根据,最终真正实现刑事法律给予未成年人的特殊照顾和关怀,既具有理论意义,更具有实践价值。  相似文献   

随着我国工业化、城镇化的快速发展,征用农民土地的数量不断增加,使得失地农民群体规模不断扩大,由此也凸显了征地单位与失地农民之间的诸多矛盾,因此,构建失地农民的社会救助制度就显得尤为迫切。本文就当前失地农民的现状、失地农民社会救助制度建立的必要性和不利因素以及失地农民社会救助制度的构建等问题进行探讨,以增强对构建失地农民社会救助制度重要性的认识并为构建这一制度提供参考。  相似文献   

Qian L  Wang GH  Li FX  Zhong HX  Xia ZT  Zhu YM  Xu JM  Zang D 《法医学杂志》2008,24(2):134-137
目的探讨司法鉴定中骨龄小于"年龄"的现象和可能原因。方法参考中国人手腕骨发育标准CHN法附带的检验样本所提供的骨龄验证值,结合鉴定时公安机关提供的"年龄"、"户籍"等相关资料,并追踪回访部分案例,对829例使用CHN法行骨龄司法鉴定资料进行回顾性分析。结果骨龄小于"年龄"共303例,占(303/829)36.6%,在742例有"年龄"案例组中占(303/742)40.8%。如以两者差值小于0.5岁(含0.5岁)为正常范围内计则降至190例,所占比例为(190/829)22.9%和(190/742)25.6%。差值在0.5岁以内时与骨龄值相近的"年龄"可信度最高,在0.6~2.0岁时难以确定何者有误,但随差值增大"年龄"有误可能性上升。"年龄"和骨龄本身诸多不确定因素均可导致骨龄小于"年龄",并可能是多种因素共同影响的结果。结论在鉴定实践中骨龄小于"年龄"发生率不低;鉴定结论以综合评估后谨慎使用为宜。  相似文献   

以犯罪人为中心的刑事政策使被害人权利遭到严重忽视,尤其在经济上难以获得充分赔偿,易于导致被害人的"二次伤害".建立刑事被害人社会补偿制度,将刑事被害人的权利保护纳入社会保障法体系范畴已被世界多国选择.我国应引入社会补偿制度,重新审视国家与社会、救助与补偿之间内涵与区别,明晰刑事被害人社会补偿制度的性质,构建补偿对象清晰...  相似文献   

流浪乞讨人员生存权及其实现方式的确认和保障,是我国行政法治研究的重要课题。承认流浪乞讨人员生存权具有公共性,并基于对生存权公共性的认知,从法律规范和制度操作层面对流浪乞讨行为的界限、社会救助机构的强制救助权及救助管理制度做出系统安排,是完善我国流浪乞讨人员救助法制的现实路径。  相似文献   

退休年龄是一个值得高度关注的问题,我国退休年龄改革已大势所趋。男女同龄退休具有宪法依据、经济基础、实践要求和理论基础,实现男女同龄退休要关注民意结果、弱势群体、失业问题和女性权利。  相似文献   

无论在大陆法系的德国,还是英美法系的美国,平等规范都是司法审查最为借重的依据之一。但是,由于平等规范与其它宪法规范相比更为抽象和空洞,它的具体适用问题也更显复杂。实践中,德美两国各自发展出了完全不同的审查标准去适应“平等”判断的要求。由于立法者的裁量余地是其所共同面对的问题,它构成了贯穿平等规范审查标准理论发展的一条线索,是从理论上澄清平等原则审查标准之原委所不可逾越的部分。因此,有必要从立法者的裁量余地入手,对德美两国的不同审查标准进行比较分析,借助“原则”理论,从立法者裁量余地变化的原因的角度,对审查标准背后的运作机理进行解读。  相似文献   

目的研究我国当前青少年手腕骨发育状况,探讨制定专用于法医学推断女性刑事责任年龄14岁的骨龄标准。方法以湖南冷水江地区青少年为对象,按照纳入标准,选取14岁±3个月的健康女性中学生110名,拍摄其左手腕部后前位X线片。选择手腕骨15个部位,按照统一标准进行观察、测量,采用最大百分比法确定发育等级标准,建立骨龄评估方法,以单盲法进行验证。结果桡骨,中排第三、第四指骨干骺端发育等级为部分闭合(〉2/3为主),其余掌指骨干骺端发育等级则以完全闭合残留骺线痕迹为主;对于中排第三、四指骨,不足14岁和已满14岁发育等级尚存差异,不足14岁组骨骺发育以部分闭合(〉2/3为主)为主,已满14岁组则以残存骺线痕迹为主。各个观察部位骨骺横径宽于干骺横径。30例的验证结果准确率为83.3%。结论根据发育等级特征及测量学方法建立骨龄标准准确性较好。  相似文献   

14岁青少年手腕骨发育的研究I.男生骨龄标准的制定   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Li K  Ye K  Wang JW  Ye LY  Zhang QC 《法医学杂志》2007,23(6):414-417
目的研究我国当前青少年骨发育状况,制订专用于法医学推断男性刑事责任年龄14岁的骨龄标准。方法以湖南冷水江地区青少年为对象,按照纳入标准,选取14岁±3个月的健康男性中学生103名,拍摄其左手腕部后前位X线片。选择手腕骨15个部位,按照统一标准进行观察、测量,采用最大百分比法确定发育等级标准,建立骨龄评估方法,以单盲法进行验证。结果除第一掌骨、近节第四指骨骨骺发育等级为部分闭合外,其他均为未闭合;对于第四、五掌骨和近三指骨,不足14岁组以未闭合为主,已满14岁组以部分闭合为主。各个观察部位骨骺横径宽于干骺横径。30例的验证结果准确率为80.0%。结论根据发育等级特征及测量学方法建立骨龄评估标准可行,可望得到推广。本文以刑事责任年龄14周岁为对象,制订法医学专业骨龄推断标准,并引入测量学方法,辅助推断年龄。  相似文献   

为量刑比例辩护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜涛 《政法论丛》2010,(1):64-69
作为策略,为量刑比例辩护本就是一种提出和论证其规范正义性的学问,有效的辩护一般都有达致相关目标的最佳途径。从渊源上审视量刑比例的实践,从概念上把握量刑比例的属性,以理性为视角论证量刑比例的生成,并把重心落于量刑比例的确立,无疑是开展这种辩护的最佳途径。经由这一辩护,量刑比例的意义维度随即呈现,即防止和克服量刑活动的异化,突破和超越传统量刑的局限,推动和启迪量刑公正的实现。  相似文献   

与我国经济社会发展所取得的成就相比,贫困人口医疗救助问题日益突出。因此,对贫困人口医疗救助制度应选择何种模式,在实施医疗救助时应具备什么样的客观条件,政府应该承担怎样的责任并蕴含怎样的内在价值等一系列问题的探讨和研究就构成了贫困人口医疗救助对策的内在逻辑。  相似文献   

目的观察城市青少年肥胖、超重和体瘦者的骨发育特征。方法以《中国人手腕骨发育标准-中华05》RUS-CHN法对5城市7146名(男3986,女3160)12~18岁汉族正常青少年手腕部X线片骨龄进行评价,计算各骨龄组的体重指数(BMI),BMI第85百分位数的受试者分类为肥胖和超重,BMI第15百分位数者分类为体瘦,观察骨龄减年龄差值。结果肥胖、超重青少年偏向发育提前,骨龄减年龄差值分布的下限在-1岁;体瘦青少年偏向于发育延迟,骨龄减年龄差值分布的上限在+1岁。结论应用BMI,肥胖、超重和体瘦青少年的年龄推测范围可能缩小。  相似文献   

Using qualitative interviews with citizens who will soon have a state tax audit, this study examines the nature and formation of procedural expectations. The findings show that the most prevalent concept was dignity which means the auditors' politeness and respect for the citizens' rights. Expectations about relationship concerns also were significantly more prevalent than expectations about instrumental concerns. These findings are consistent with the group value model's emphasis on relationship concerns. Contrary to the view that procedural expectations are developed during childhood, people who relied more on recent mass media reports and conversations with peers were more likely to think that the auditor favored the state and made less effort to be fair. Directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Legislatures have long served as the fundamental organ of democratic rule. They bring together disparate views and competing preferences in one venue as an effort to introduce a equitable means of compromise to produce policies that affect those whom legislatures represent. They also check the authoritarian tendencies of other government actors, notably the executive, and create the conditions for institutionalised, rather than violent, debate. The legislatures of democratic Asia are no different. In this paper, I evaluate popular support for assemblies across the democracies of Asia, in terms of their legitimacy and use as a check on power. Traditional measures of support, including age, education, and liberal values, indicate growing support for legislatures. However, the significant effects of economic evaluations and the limited attachment to political parties suggest that the legislatures of Asia are still far from consolidating their role as assemblies that support democratic regimes in the region.  相似文献   

As the EU expands to include the Central and East European (CEE) countries, its capacity to adopt and implement environmental policy will be negatively affected—this has been a widely held assumption. The CEE countries have been expected to be laggards, slowing down, weakening or even reversing progress in environmental policy-making. More than 2 years have now passed since the enlargement, and the new member-states have begun to make their mark on EU decision-making and implementation. This article confronts gloomy expectations with evidence in three issue-areas: genetically modified organisms, air pollution and climate change. The main conclusions are, first, that there is no indication that enlargement will result in any breakdown of EU environmental policy. Second, the consequences vary across issue-areas. The new member-states have strengthened the group that favours strict regulation of genetically modified organisms, weakened the implementation of the EU emission trading directive and have affected EU air policy hardly at all. These results can give an indication of what is to come. On the other hand, only a short time has passed since enlargement, and the picture may change with regard to other issue-areas.  相似文献   

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