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The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became applicable in May 2018. Due to the GDPR's extraterritorial scope, which could result in massive fines for U.S. companies, comparative data privacy law is of great current interest. In June 2018, California passed its own Consumer Privacy Act, echoing some of the provisions of the GDPR. Despite the many articles comparing the two schemes of law, little attention has been given to the foundation of these laws, that is, what exactly encompasses the data referred to by these laws? By understanding how the term “personal data” or “personal information” is defined in both jurisdictions, and why these definitions and the treatment of protected data are so different, companies can strategize to take advantage of these developments in the European Union. After explaining the differences in how data is treated in the United States and the European Union by exploring the definitions, regulations, and court cases, we will explore the five legal strategy pathways that companies might pursue with respect to the legal aspects of data transfer and privacy law compliance. While these strategies range from ignoring the law to adopting the European model worldwide, this analysis of legal strategy reveals a means for companies to gain a competitive advantage through their adoption of a worldwide compliance scheme.  相似文献   

魏卿 《河北法学》2005,23(2):118-122
首先简述了美国自由贸易协定的发展,进一步揭示了NAFTA影响美国自由贸易协定投资条款内容的背景,随后主要从最低待遇标准和征收两个方面阐述NAFTA对当前美国自由贸易协定投资条款的影响。最后分析了美国自由贸易协定投资条款变化对中国的启示。  相似文献   

As the policy discussions of historic preservation have become complicated in recent years, the advocacy for the use of heritage is now even more important, and the number of coalitions for promoting the economic value of heritage has been on the rise. This research provides a historical view of the development of advocacy coalition networks that actively pursue the benefits of heritage resources. Through this context, the article then examines a case study of the Wheeling National Heritage Area. The case exemplifies the framework of how coalition networks can provide the structure necessary to push preservation policy in government.  相似文献   

A study of Washington's connections to Honduran and other contra supporters in the illicit drug traffic shows that such gray alliances for covert operations are themselves a major part of this country's drug problem. It is true that the U.S. has arrested contra supporters on drug charges; but, time after time, these drug arrests have come after the U.S. has ceased to promote the contra faction which those arrested had been supporting. The new Bush drug strategy seems unlikely to affect the window of drug smuggling opportunity opened by Washington's relations with the corrupt Honduran military, and may well open new such windows by new grey alliances with the corrupt right-wing forces in the Andean countries of origin.

The social movement surrounding autism in the U.S. has been rightly defined a ray of light in the history of social progress. The movement is inspired by a true understanding of neuro-diversity and is capable of bringing about desirable change in political discourse. At several points along the way, however, the legal reforms prompted by the autism movement have been grafted onto preexisting patterns of inequality in the allocation of welfare, education, and medical services. In a context most recently complicated by economic recession, autism-driven change bears the mark of political and legal fragmentation. Distributively, it yields ambivalent results that have not yet received systemic attention. This article aims to fill this analytical vacuum by offering, first, a synoptic view of the several legal transformations brought about or advocated for by the autism movement and, second, a framework for investigating their distributive consequences.  相似文献   

In recent years, both the United States and United Kingdom have developed numerous innovations in legal efforts to protect society from sex offenders. Each country has adopted special provisions for sex offenders. In particular, governments have focused on forms of social control after release from incarceration and probation. These policy innovations for this category of offenders have been more far reaching than those for any other offender population. The two jurisdictions have adopted policies with similar goals, but the selected strategies have important differences. Generally speaking, the U.S. has favored an ever-expanding set of policies that place sex offenders into broad categories, with few opportunities that distinguish the appropriate responses for individual offenders. The UK government observed the proliferation of Megan's Laws1 in the U.S., and deliberately chose to establish carefully controlled releases of information, primarily relying on governmental agencies to work in multi-disciplinary groups and make case-specific decisions about individual offenders. Although the UK policy leaders expressed significant concern that the public's response to knowing about identified sex offenders living in the community would result in vigilantism, to date the results have not borne out this fear. Both governments have turned to other crime control measures such as polygraphy testing, electronic monitoring, and civil protection orders as a means to prevent further sexual violence.  相似文献   

专利权具有一定的扩张性,专利法因此构建了复杂而系统的权利限制制度,"试验性使用"豁免原本就是这一制度设计的一个重要环节.通过对"试验性使用"豁免原则在美国司法实践变迁路径和立法博弈的历史脉络进行详细而深入的剖析.以期对我国专利保护体系的建立和完善有所借鉴.  相似文献   

John Kramer 《Law & policy》1998,20(4):527-531
Professor Barry Ruback critiques the U.S. sentencing guidelines for their complexity, their lack of articulated purpose, and their unreliability. In a brief rejoinder to the complexity argument, this article points out that the complexity of previous sentencing practices helped drive the complexity of the guidelines the federal Sentencing Commission developed. Further, it notes that while the commission failed to articulate a philosophical purpose to the guidelines, the commission did develop guidelines that are a modified just desert model. Finally, the complexity of the guidelines does increase the risk of miscalculation and thus unreliability compared to simpler guidelines, but this discussion shows that a fairer benchmark is to past sentencing practices.  相似文献   

虚假陈述与一般侵权行为相比具有不同的特点,投资者往往难以证明侵权者虚假陈述行为与所受损失之间的因果关系,因此对因果关系的认定应当采用与一般侵权法不同的方法。本文简要介绍了美国对虚假陈述民事诉讼中因果关系认定作出的改革。美国法院采用目标认定法和市场欺诈理论,减轻了投资者对被告的虚假陈述行为与其所受损害之间因果关系的证明责任,从而极大地保护了投资者利益。我国虚假陈述民事诉讼司法解释虽然部分地借鉴了美国的做法,但仍存在不足,需要进一步完善。  相似文献   

A good deal of scholarly evidence suggests that the decisionmaking of the U.S. Supreme Court is affected by legal argument. At the same time, it seems clear that in a great many cases the justices have enduring, strongly held views. In such cases, they should be impervious to the effects of advocacy. When are the justices apt to be influenced by the Court's legal community, and when will lawyers be less relevant? The answer, we think, has to do with the salience of the issue before the Court. We suspect that in nonsalient cases the justices have less‐intense preferences and therefore are open to the persuasion of lawyers. In salient cases, by contrast, the content of legal policy matters much more to the justices. As a result, they are less amenable to legal argument and adhere more strictly to their personal policy preferences. Our empirical tests support this orientation.  相似文献   

The present study examined the characteristics of presidential appointees to the U.S. Courts of Appeals and the U.S. District Courts from 1963–1990. An over‐representation of white, protestant men is noted, regardless of the political party of the appointing administration. Appointees of Democratic and Republican administrations did not differ significantly in terms of law school attended, occupation at nomination or appointment, or American Bar Association rating. The conclusion calls for a more diverse judiciary.  相似文献   

美国《管制计划与审查》行政命令   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
美国人民需要一种能为之服务而非与之对立的管理体制 :可以保护并促进他们的健康、安全、环境和幸福 ,改善经济状况 ,同时又不会对社会施加不能接受或不合理成本的管制体制 ;认识到私人部门和私人市场是经济增长最好发动机的管制政策 ;尊重州、地方和部落政府 (triba1governments)作用的管制方案 ;有效、一致、明智且可以理解的管制规章。现在 ,我们没有这样的管制体制。通过本行政命令 ,联邦政府将开始推行管制程序的改革计划 ,以提高其效率。本行政命令的目标在于促进新旧管制规章的计划及其和谐 ;重申联邦行政机关在管制决策制定过程中的…  相似文献   

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