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地方政府债务风险透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方政府债务是当前我国宏观经济运行中的一个突出问题,也是人们关注的一个焦点问题。地方政府债务形成的原因是多方面的,它对我国的经济生活发展带来了一系列的严重影响。通过深化财税体制改革,进一步理顺中央和地方的财税关系,有效化解地方债务风险,对于保证我国经济社会的平稳较快发展,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

地方财政问题千头万绪,不但有收入不足、不规范问题,也有支出不科学、不合理问题。当然,近年来地方财政的创新也不乏亮点。审视地方财政问题,为破解困局找到切实有效的途径,对于转变经济发展方式、调整经济结构具有十分重要的保障意义。这也需要从中央到地方多个方面的共同努力。为此,我刊策划了这组文章,从不同角度探讨了地方财政面临的问题及解决思路,也有一些地区的经验介绍,希望能对广大读者有所帮助。  相似文献   

从债务规模、偿债能力和财政压力三个方面,通过均值法和比较分析方法,对我国东部地区、东北地区、中部地区和西部地区的政府债务进行区域间和区域内比较,结果显示我国地方政府债务风险的区域分布具有很大差异性。主要体现为东部地区负债率低、财政压力小,中部地区偿债能力强,西部地区债务规模增速快,东北地区偿债能力堪忧等区域特征。影响我国地方政府债务空间分布特征的经济因素主要是区域经济体量、经济增速和财政赤字率。地方政府债务监管部门应加强对地方政府债务资金使用的绩效管理,实行区域差异化的债务风险防控措施。  相似文献   

地方财政问题千头万绪,不但有收入不足、不规范问题,也有支出不科学、不合理问题。当然,近年来地方财政的创新也不乏亮点。审视地方财政问题,为破解困局找到切实有效的途径,对于转变经济发展方式、调整经济结构具有十分重要的保障意义。这也需要从中央到地方多个方面的共同努力。为此,我刊策划了这组文章,从不同角度探讨了地方财政面临的问题及解决思路,也有一些地区的经验介绍,希望能对广大读者有所帮助。  相似文献   

李小健 《中国人大》2012,(17):31-33
一段时间以来,我国相当数量的县级财政被戏为"吃饭财政"。因为这些地方的政府预算内收入仅够用来发工资,更甚者入不敷出,实际预算内收入还不够发工资。财政窘迫如此,就根本没有多余财力来做其他事情。地方政府即便有心做事,也是"巧妇难为无米之炊。"  相似文献   

高培勇 《小康》2013,(12):19-19
有人说,正在推行当中的营改增已经颠覆了地方政府原有的税收体系格局,但是我想说的是,迄今为止它所颠覆的主要是财权层面的事项,而对财力方面的事项并没有触及。  相似文献   

如何控制和解决地方政府债务风险?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论题农业税取消后,使地方政府既有的财政困境和债务问题更加凸显。在2006年全国人大政协两会上,人大代表和政协委员对目前地方财政面临的困难予以高度的关注。全国政协委员甘宇平指出,一些地方政府普遍出现了较为严重的财政困难,并在很多地方已经转化为数额巨大的隐性债务。200  相似文献   

谈乐炎 《小康》2012,(7):54-56
全国2000多个县级市中,仅54个县级政府没有举债。2010年底,有99个县级政府负有偿还责任债务的债务率高于100%,20个县级政府的借新还旧率超过20%,23个县级政府逾期债务率超过10%还债,还债!这是近几个月来,中国很多省市县掌管财政官员的一块心病,而近日财政部一纸地方债务不得延期还款的公告更让他们愁上加愁,似乎连喘气的空间都没了。财政部今年将代地方政府发行2500亿元的政府债券,省、市、县三级地方政府债务的规模今年也将从10.7万亿元提高到12.5万亿元  相似文献   

论地方财政风险的特点、成因与防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国地方财政风险明显存在,其表现出来的特点和成因均较复杂,而且给地方乃至全国经济发展和社会稳定造成十分严重的损害,必须采取切实有效的措施,防范和化解地方财政风险。  相似文献   

李晗美 《前沿》2015,(3):114-118
所谓地方政府债务风险,是指地方政府债务在各种不确定因素的影响下,对包括其自身在内的社会经济各方面造成损失的可能性。本文就地方政府债务问题,进行了简要的探讨。结合近年来我国地方政府现状以及统计资料及数据,加之与国外地方政府债务处理方式的对比,归纳出我国地方政府债务的特点和目前面临的问题以及风险,总结出防范与化解我国地方政府债务的几点建议。  相似文献   

I was invited to attend a small seminar on The Future of Printed Media held in 798 district three months ago.I was overwhelmed to see the huge former military complex reorganized as an art district with totally new social dimensions.The district reinterprets China for me,as a country more international,more fashionable and more innovative than I formerly believed.It seems to me that China has recognized that art is an essential element of culture and a way for people to identify themselves.  相似文献   

Ihappened to read an edition of your journal published in2008 at the home of a friend of mine in Mexico.I found the report on the Beijing Olympic Games so interesting that I kept on reading your magazines from then on.I have since amassed a large collection.I enjoy their high quality content,and appreciate the design.I am looking forward to reading more interesting stories about what is happening in China.I wonder whether it would be  相似文献   

I work for a Lama Temple in Beijing.In your August issue,your discussion on the preservation of historic sites and objects is much appreciated.It is true that China’s protection of cultural relics still faces many problems.Fortunately we are taking diverse measures to help restore and preserveour heritage.  相似文献   

It has been three years since the devastating earthquake hit Wenchuan.Though the disaster brought heartache to all,it brought us together as a nation.The local people,with help from all over the country,have risen from the ruins.They've managed to reconstruct their homes,restart their business and rebuild shattered  相似文献   

正Thanks to better nutrition,improved clinical solutions and more state spending on healthcare services,China is seeing a healthier generation growing up.However, that healthcare services are being commercialized too quickly has become a top concern  相似文献   

China’s state-funded healthcare system has made remarkable progress over the past years following a slew of reforms. It now covers 96 percent of the population,and the share paid by each individual has also fallen steadily. But there is still a lot of room for improvement. There remain people, especially senior citizens of  相似文献   

More about Ordinary People and TourismI have saved every copy of your magazine sinceI became a regular subscriber in 1986. As a memberof the China Stamp Society of San Francisco, I havecollected Chinese stamps for more than 4o years.I have noticed the changes in your publicationover the years. I preferred your style when the mag-azine was called China Reconstructs, as there weremore stories about various ethnic groups and theirlife-styles. It seems to me that nowadays you pub-lish more a…  相似文献   

Good Memories of chinaI find your articles interesting and pictures excellent. Your magazine gives a concise, but well documented glimpse of what is happening in the vast territory of China, as the country grows and changes. All thechanges in your magazine that I have observed over theyears have been steady improvements that make youarticles even more interesting.I was deeply impressed by your article on theThree Gorges Project - an engineering feat that willhave an impact on China for year…  相似文献   

More Opportunities for Participation I like to read articles on science and technology,culture. history and tourism, and I also like to look atpictures about history, and of natural scenery, becausethey enable me to see China's unique landscape, andlearn about its long history and splendid civilization.I hope you continue to publish articles and pic-tures on the latest achievements in science and tech-nology,especially in the field of computers. I also liketo read articles about life in diff…  相似文献   

正Employment,or unemployment,will remain a big issue for Chinese leaders in the new year.But it is primarily something that the individuals concerned,rather than policymakers,must deal with.Jobs give people dignity and the means to a living.Finding good jobs in such a populous country is not easy,but where there’s a will there’s a way.There are those  相似文献   

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