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TheSuccessStoryof87BeerByYANGDALITHEREarethreethingstoenjoyinYongjiaCounty,JILZheiianeProvinceiWuniutea,Yongjiashaddocksand87...  相似文献   

AN exterrestrial landed inChina one day causing asensation across the coun-try.A politics—savvyBeijinger probed him about therelationship between terrestrialsand extraterrestrials.An expo-ori-ented Shanghainese asked for hiscooperation in running an extrater—restrial exhibition.A gourmetCantonese invited him to a ban-quet in Guangzhou.Then a busi-nessman from Wenzhoun inter-posed,“Wait,may I have a wordplease?Can we do business onyour planet?”  相似文献   

女信徒对于自己死后的归处是有所期待的,而这种期待与佛教对地狱恐怖的宣扬有关。她们既在心中想象着死后的归处,又在现实世界中为来世作着准备。她们不仅为自己打算,也为家人考虑,希望通过现世的努力,使自己和家人来世生在所期待的他处。女信徒对净土与地狱的宗教想象也是宋代佛教本土化的一个重要体现。  相似文献   

TO the masses, architecture means shelter. It is consequently a necessary aspect of life. The marked difference between the styles of architecture on either side of the Yellow River is, however, lost on them. They are also ignorant of the fact that not a single nail or bonding agent was  相似文献   

近20年中国大陆的妇女健康研究经历了从全盘接受西方女性主义立场、方法到结合本国实际不断反思、批判与构建的过程,形成了具有中国特色的妇女健康理论、核心概念和多种类型的妇女健康促进模式。文章通过对20年中国女性主义健康研究理念、方法论、主要议题及阶段性贡献与特点的梳理分析,呈现妇女健康研究本土化、主流化、学科化的发展脉络。说明20年来中国的妇女健康研究与实践拓展了现代医学和医学社会学的研究视阈,丰富发展了女性学学科建设,为国际妇女健康运动提供了经验与借鉴。  相似文献   

WHEN heads of economic colossi such as Sir John Bond, chairman of the SHBCGroup, Michael Treschow, chairman of Ericsson, Nick Scheele, president and chief operating officer of Ford, Gary Rogers, chairman of GE, Taizo Nishimuro, chairman of Toshiba, and distinguished scholars Stephen Roach, Morgan Stanley chief economist, and Erik Berglof, director of Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics under the Stockholm School of Economics, gather, there is assuredly a weighty matter of common interest at hand. Their convergence on March 23-24, 2003 in Beijing was oh the occasion of the China Development Forum.  相似文献   

ZHU WEIQUN 《人权》2006,5(1):2-4
Our topic of discussion"Buddhism and Building ofHarmonious Society,"isimportant and touches on abroad range of subjects.A harmonious soci-ety has always been apersistent pursuit of thehuman race,as such asociety epitomizesprogress of human civi-lization.B…  相似文献   

“When are you going to buy car?“is a question frequently heard these days. Over the past few years,automobiles have become a feature of Chinese households.China‘s first automobile manufacturing base was 50 years ago in Changchun, Jilin Provice. For three decades, produciton was limited to old-style lorries, and a limited number of Red-flag brand carrs for government use. Technology as outdated and output capacity low. The few family cars on Chinese roads were imported.In the 1980s, Deng Xiaoping,pioneer of China‘s reform and opening policy, decided to develop China‘s national automobile industry in order that the Chinese people might drive Chinesemade rathe than foreign cars.In the following two decades,with the estabishment of joint ventures,the Chinese automobile industry boomed.By 1998 China had become one of the top the automobile manufacturing countries in the world. Now,in 2003,with an estimated annual production volume of 4 million vehicles,China ranks fourth in the world. The developement of the automobile industry has brought an enormous change to he Chinese people. The development of the automobile industry has brought an enormous change to the Chinese people. The increasing number of family cars enriches their lives, stimulates the tourism industry, and keeps business at car repair firms and driving schools brisk. Since China put it self on wheels, an increasing number of leading world automobile companies have focused on its market.  相似文献   

JIMMY Liao is undoubtedly one of the hottest illustrators in Chinese publishing circles. The Taiwanese artist has published 17 popular books so far, and they have been translated into English, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Korean and other languages. It seems difficult to define his literary genre; imaginative and a riot of color, they are often called children's books; however, the readers are usually adults living in urban centers the world over.  相似文献   

AN Irish restaurant chain selling sandwiches in China seems a fair, if ambitious proposition, given that Chinese takeaways do business in every Irish town from Bantry to Belfast. The Chinese appetite for bacon and lettuce sandwiches is weaker, however, than the Irish appetite for toned down, sauced-up Chinese cuisine.  相似文献   

正In 95 years of self-improvement and reform,the Communist Party of China has accumulated ample experience in governance and social constructionThis July marks the 95th Anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China(CPC).For almost a century,the CPC has brought about dramatic changes to the world’s most populous country. Founded in July 1921,the CPC has rightly  相似文献   

DATONG inShanxi Provinceis noted for itsfamous YungangGrottoes. It hasalso been hailedas "Coal City" of China. DatongCity is justifiably proud of itsancient history and unique culturalartifacts, as well as its rich coalresources.Datong Coal MiningAdministration, the largest mederncoal mining enterprise in China,has developed diversified operations since it was reorganized intothe Datong Coal Mining Group.Besides coal production, the groupis also engaged in machinerymanufacture and rep…  相似文献   

IN 1992, Deng Xiaoping, chief architect of China’s reform and opening-up drive, gave his famous Southern Tour talks while inspecting Wuchang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shanghai and a number of other cities. Deng enjoined the Chinese people to further the nation’s reform and openingup imperative and approach the changing times with courage and fortitude.  相似文献   

Chimneys were, for a short period of time, the symbols of indus-trialization and urbanization. They were soon reduced to symbols of pollution and backwardness. But today the site of a chimney at the  相似文献   

<正>The downing of a Russian fighter plane sets off a number of chain reactions By Hichem Karoui On November 24,a Russian Su-24 fighter jet was flying at an altitude of 6,000meters when it was hit by an air-to-air missile.The plane then crashed into a mountainous area of a Syrian province near the Turkish border.  相似文献   

THE dawn of a new millennium augurs both hopes and challenges. Since the start of the 21st century, most particularly since the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) 10 years ago, China has covered an uneven path of development. Devastating natural disasters, along with grim challenges of the international financial crisis, prompted and led to the CPC’s formulation of effective international and domestic policies. Having surmounted difficulties and advanced under the CPC leadership, the country has maintained a steady momentum of rapid development towards its objective of becoming an all-round moderately prosperous society.  相似文献   

A Story on Track     
At the end of 2017, the length of China's railway network was 127,000 km. Of this, there were 25,000 km of high-speed lines with a designed top speed of 350 km per hour, accounting for 66.3 percent of the global total. The length of high-speed railways is expected to reach 30,000 km by 2020, covering over 80 percent of cities with a population of more than 1 million.  相似文献   

顾希佳 《思想战线》2002,28(2):109-113
“渔夫水鬼”型故事在我国民间的流播极广。把古代典籍文本 2 0多例、当代采风记录文本 80多例加以梳理和比较 ,即可看出该类型及其亚型 (水鬼仁慈型与渔夫劝阻型 )早在南宋就具雏型。此类型故事还可分别与其它故事类型拼接 ,成为一种复合状态 ;或是又加入一二个情节单元 ,使得故事更为纷繁多姿。此类型故事的特征 ,与中国鬼文化发展脉络大致相符。  相似文献   

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