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民事伴侣关系法律认可的现状及其立法模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熊金才 《河北法学》2007,25(5):65-70
在人类历史的长河中,民事伴侣的地位在不同的时代及不同的文化背景中虽有所不同,但总体而言是被禁止、被压制或被忽视的.然而,自20世纪末至今的短短不到20年的时间里,民事伴侣关系已在5个国家获得完全法律认可,在16个国家的全国范围内及6个国家的部分地区获得承认,民事伴侣平权运动取得了前所未有的进展.在5个法律认可民事伴侣关系的国家中,荷兰、比利时、西班牙及加拿大采用了婚姻式立法模式,即承认民事伴侣关系为婚姻关系,并适用婚姻法的相应规定.而英国则采用了伴侣式立法模式,即制定<民事伴侣关系法>以规制民事伴侣关系,从而创设了一种在形式上不同于异性配偶身份的新的民事伴侣法律身份.  相似文献   

雨果·格老秀斯(Hugo Grotius)所处的16世纪,可谓西方历史的巨变时期,一般说到近现代政治与法律思想,我们自然会想到英国、法国、德国乃至美国,其实深究起来,上述诸国的法政思想基本上都是在文艺复兴之后逐渐生长和培育出来的,16、17世纪主要是法国思想的世纪,18世纪是英国思想的世纪,19世纪属于德国.  相似文献   

劳动刑法兴盛于西方发达国家,但冷落于中国现行刑法之中,这种冷落与中国当前劳动刑法实践中理论研究薄弱、行政干预频繁、法律体系缺位密切相关,由此导致了刑法介入劳资关系的扭曲与变形,无法合理组织对劳动犯罪的反应。基于劳动刑法不同于传统刑法的特别属性,劳动刑法在中国出场之时主要应该实现:对集体劳动争议行为的去犯罪化与轻刑化,对劳动者个体犯罪的适当非犯罪化和轻刑化,以及对雇佣者劳动犯罪的合理犯罪化和重刑化。  相似文献   

Based on ethnographic fieldwork carried out between 2003 and 2005, this article examines how legality is constructed in present‐day Adamaoua Province, Cameroon. Focusing on an instance of a process locally referred to as la concertation, I analyze how state officials and cattle traders gather to discuss the practical fate of law. As a heightened moment of suspended enforcement, la concertation is productive for both officials, who work out the limits of their respective spheres of authority and imagine a trade based on business norms and practices that severely limit the scope of regulatory action, and traders, who manage to stave off the increased scrutiny that income tax law presupposes, while asserting their concern for the integrity and consistency of the law.  相似文献   

宽芝 《法学杂志》2002,23(5):38-42
本刊记者 (下称记 ) :王教授 ,您多年来在经济法领域作了许多有价值的研究 ,特别是在竞争法方面。您作为中国竞争法专家参加了《APEC竞争政策与经济发展》的国际合作。今年 6月您以反垄断法律制度为题 ,为全国人大常委会作了法制讲座。据了解我国制定反垄断法已经被列入第九届全国人大常委会的立法规划 ,并且有关部门已经在进行调查研究和起草工作。而从反垄断法在世界上诞生和发展的历史看 ,该法是资本主义国家为了解决垄断资本在国内高度集中的弊端而不得不采取的法制举措。但是 ,我国现在以至今后一段时间 ,还是发展中国家。请你谈谈…  相似文献   

制定紧急状态法的基本问题(下)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
于安 《法学杂志》2004,25(5):6-8
紧急状态法的运行制度大致有以下四个方面:一、预备和一般危机处理;二、紧急状态的决定和宣布;三、应急机构和人员;四、国家应急措施。现在分别论述如下: 一、预备和一般危机处理 (一)预备。在这一制度设计的界定上,人们比较多地提到预防为主原则,但是预防制度主要是一个社会整体制度安排问题,而不一定是紧急状态法的内容。例如对洪灾发生  相似文献   

制定紧急状态法的基本问题(上)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
于安 《法学杂志》2004,25(4):18-20
一、紧急状态法在国家应急制度中的地位 制定紧急状态法的首要问题,是该法在国家应急制度中的地位。根据修改宪法引入紧急状态制度的理由和第十届全国人大常委会五年立法规划,确定紧急状态法地位的依据有两个:紧急状态法是宪法相关法,是国家应急制度的整合法。据此可以澄清以下几个重要问题。  相似文献   

从理论上对法治之本质、形式与结构特征进行恰当地界定,有助于从整体上总揽法治建设的制度格局.把社会主义法治定位为本质上的"人民之治"、形式上的"宪政之治"和结构上适度的"社会自治",对于准确把握社会主义法治的主体力量、制度形式和社会结构特征,制定适合中国国情特点的法治战略,具有重要的战略意义.  相似文献   

This article examines how the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Co‐operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (Hague Adoption Convention) plays a central role in justifying the institution of legal adoption. The Hague Adoption Convention has often been regarded as a response to the challenges that the “global situation” brings to adoption practice. Based on private international law, the agreement contains protocols and norms to ensure the protection of the child in intercountry adoption. In the article, I propose that the Hague Convention can be understood as a “transparency device”; a complex assemblage working in pursuit of global “good governance.” The device, however, also operates as justification within the institutional domain, allowing adoption agencies to make distinctions between legitimate and illegitimate adoptions. Idemonstrate how the logic of transparency disguises as much as it promises to reveal. While the doctrine's aim is to validate adoptability and combat trafficking, it also helps to mainstream Euro‐American adoption knowledge to other parts of the world.  相似文献   

In her book Mapping Marriage Law in Spanish Gitano Communities (2006) , Susan Drummond challenges the disciplinary perspectives of comparative law and legal anthropology in her study of Gitano marriage practices. By reframing the way in which the "local" or "locale" is viewed—through an ethnographic study of Gitanos—she displaces the traditional boundaries ascribed to comparative law, with its focus on taxonomy and structure, and with legal anthropology's approach to culture. Her study not only elucidates how national and transnational law intersect, but highlights the complex interconnections between local law and the larger systems of law that attempt to regulate it. This detailed interdisciplinary depiction of the spatial and temporal dimensions of law demonstrates the importance of taking account of scale, projection, and representation that requires both comparative law and legal anthropology to rethink the nature of space and place and their relationship with law from both their macro- and microperspectives.  相似文献   

会计法对我国社会主义市场经济可持续发展起到了保驾护航作用。然而,该法对以地方基层政府为会计单位的会计主体实施的财经违法行为的控制明显不力,出现了会计法法律责任的落空现象。应该考虑再次对会计法进行必要的修订,并出台会计法的实施细则,明确规定政府负责人会计负责制度,政府财会工作准入制度,政府财会人员抵制、检举制度,政府财会人员保护制度等项法律制度。  相似文献   

This paper argues for the practical importance ofpsychoanalysis for criminology, an importancewhich finds its raison d'être in thenecessity that a subject be response-able for there tobe full legal responsibility. In recognising therequirement for a certain linguistic constellation tobe in evidence – namely that there be a subject ofenunciation who is able to answer for what hearticulates at the level of his statement – thecorrespondence between legal responsibility and thelaw of symbolisation, Lacan's term for theOedipus complex, is addressed. Starting from thefictitious structure of truth and its corollary, thefact that `truth is grounded on the fact that itspeaks', the unconscious emerges as a grammaticalapparatus for the production of meaning. The logic ofexception, indexed on the signifier of theName-of-the-Father, is exposed as the mechanism forthe operation of this grammatical apparatus as it isbrought to bear on the trace of subjective division.I then demonstrate the importance of division for thesubject of law by presenting the deleterious effectsof the dysfunctional grammar of psychosisthrough a study of President Schreber's Memoirs and his use of grammatical devices in orderto institute a constitutional democracy in the realmof God – and thus submit the Father to his Name.  相似文献   

一、中国《劳动法》的制定过程中国《劳动法》的制定,经历了中国立法史上不多见的两个起草阶段。1978年12月,邓小平同志在中央工作会议上《解放思想,实事求是,团结一致向前看》的讲话中指出。应尽快制定“工厂法、人民公社法、森林法、草原法、环境保护法、劳动法、外国人投资法等等”。原国家劳动总局传达了党的十一届三中全会文件后,决定组织力量起草《劳动法》。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代以来,西方社会的变迁为法理学提供了新的课题。豪埃克教授以哈贝马斯的沟通行为理论为指导,提出一种沟通视角的法理学。他认为,法律在本质上是基于沟通:立法者与国民间的沟通,法庭与诉讼当事人间的沟通,立法者与法官间的沟通等。这种沟通现在被认为是法律合法化的来源:法律人之间的理性对话是“正确”地解释和适用法律的最终保证。  相似文献   

物权法制定过程中的几个重要问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王胜明 《法学杂志》2006,27(1):35-38
我国正在加紧制订物权法,物权法涉及的问题非常多,本文仅就几个敏感问题谈一些个人的看法。一、谁有权查询、复制登记资料一种观点认为,任何人都可以查询和复制,所有的社会公众都可以进行查询。持这种观点的理由主要有三个:第一,物权公示的目的就是要公开登记资料,让社会公众都知道物权归属的状况。第二,如果权利人进行登记申请,登记行为本身表明他并不把登记的内容作为个人隐私,也不属于商业秘密。第三,如果一部分人可以进行查询、复制,另外一部分人不能进行查询、复制,在实际操作中所需的成本比较高。这种意见有一定道理。但对这个问题,可…  相似文献   

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