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Terrorism systematically violates human rights and disrupts basic political processes common to liberal democracies. Combating terrorism is thus necessary in order to protect these fundamental rights and maintain the well functioning of tolerant polities. However, state initiatives put in place to cope with terrorism may also damage human rights, even when these measures are formulated by elected accountable authorities and implemented in the context of open societies. Spain has precisely been among those European countries most affected by the wave of terrorism initiated more than three decades ago across western industrial societies, and thus where violations of fundamental rights as well as obstacles to the exercise of civil liberties as a consequence of such violence became particularly severe. Also, a case where effective rule of law was temporarily damaged in the fight against the ethnonationalist terrorism perpetrated by ETA (an acronym for Euskadi ta Askatasuna, meaning Basque Homeland and Freedom) but successfully restored by efforts from both state institutions, as a result of an effective division of power, and civil society. It is therefore an experience providing substantive knowledge and valuable insights on how to counter terrorism in accordance with the principles and procedures of democracy. Accordingly, this paper aims at a better understanding on the interrelated issues of terrorism, human rights and law enforcement in a context of political change.  相似文献   

国际人权公约与人权保护——国内司法实施的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际人权公约设定了国家对个人的义务。在国内层面上 ,缔约国应采取立法、司法等措施履行国际人权公约规定的义务。缔约国国内层面的实施是国际人权公约实施的基础和关键。国际人权公约能否在缔约国国内法院得到直接适用 ,是由各国国内法予以决定的。按照我国法律 ,国际人权公约基本上不能在国内法院得以直接适用。  相似文献   

Many studies on refugee returns tend to amalgamate the experiencesof migrants and concentrate on return as an end point of therefugee cycle. In reality, however, returnees do not share thesame experience and endure the effects of their displacementlong after they have returned. This study claims that a moreuseful tool of analysis is to consider both the paths of dislocationand the challenges of return and reintegration. It introducesthe concept of ‘civic differentiation’ as a meansof exploring patterns of return and reintegration in post-warCroatia where returning migrants enjoy vastly different accessto critical resources, above all housing and employment. Thisstudy considers the relevance for reintegration of ethnic identity,property ownership, exit routes and time spent in exile, anddescribes five return scenarios: settlement as ethnic colonization;forcible relocation as a result of regional policies; the returnof retirement; settlement following property repossession; marginalizationand exclusion.  相似文献   

本文从归属认同、利益依赖、救济便利等方面,对区域性人权机制与联合国人权机制进行了比较。文章认为,亚洲区域性人权机制缺乏实质性制度安排,其根源在于政治、经济、历史、文化差异的障碍,冷战的消极影响,跨区域组织的“离心力”,次区域组织的“越位”,统一性、综合性区域组织的缺位等因素的综合作用。文章还对亚洲人权合作制度性建设等问题提出了看法。  相似文献   

Do terrorist attacks by transnational groups lead governments to restrict human rights? Conventional wisdom holds that governments restrict rights to forestall additional attacks, to more effectively pursue suspected terrorists, and as an excuse to suppress their political opponents. But the logic connecting terrorist attacks to subsequent repression and the empirical research that addresses this issue suffer from important flaws. We analyze pooled data on the human rights behavior of governments from 1981 to 2003. Our key independent variable of interest is transnational terrorist attacks, and the analysis also controls for factors that existing studies have found influence respect for human rights. Repeated terrorist attacks lead governments to engage in more extrajudicial killings and disappearances, but have no discernable influence on government use of torture and of political imprisonment or on empowerment rights such as freedom of speech, assembly, and religion. This finding has important implications for how we think about the effects of terrorism and the policy responses of states, non-governmental organizations, and international institutions interested in protecting human rights.  相似文献   


The author of this article is one of the attorneys appointed to represent Zacarias Moussaoui in the United States. Mr. Moussaoui is the only person facing criminal charges for alleged involvement in the September 11 plot. The author describes the system of government in the United States with a specific emphasis on several terrorism cases pending in the United States. He seeks to assure the readers that the rule of law is paramount in the United States. Recent decisions of the Supreme Court—in the Hamdi and Guantanamo cases—that confirm the constitutional rights of even the most dedicated enemies of the United States, which decisions post-date this submission, only affirm the writer's theme.  相似文献   

20世纪末 ,人权经常被冠之以人类的“共同遗产”或“共同语言”。在人权国际化的大潮下 ,联合国体系和地区组织通过的人权文书数目繁多 ,人权教育面临新挑战。联合国教科文组织近年来组织出版了一系列关于人权的书籍来满足不同需要 ,2 0 0 0年出版的《人权 :概念与标准 (HumanRights :ConceptandStandards)》是该组织出版的一本力作。该书由联合国教科文组织和平、人权、民主和宽容部主任贾努兹·西蒙奈德思 (JanuszSymonides)主编 ,作者来自美国、挪威、乌拉圭、俄罗斯、奥地利、土耳其、波…  相似文献   

西方非政府人权组织近年来在国际人权保护中成为一支不可忽视的重要力量,在它们的倡议下,一些世界人权公约的实施与监督机制得到了进一步完善,联合国人权委员会的工作也因它们的参与而得到加强。西方非政府人权组织的人权思想理论在一定程度上是西方社会市民人权道德价值观的反映,同时,它们在人权标准上与西方大国政府的人权政策具有内在的一致性。它们通过发布人权信息、游说等活动,“羞辱”那些被它们认为有侵犯人权现象的国家,在实施国际人权保护的同时,也违背了《联合国宪章》中的不干涉内政原则。可以说,西方非政府人权组织已成为西方人权政治文化的一个重要组织部分。 一、西方非政府人权组织概况  相似文献   

伪满成立后,颁布了殖民史上独一无二的《人权保障法》。通过对法律文本的解读,本文批驳了日本右翼史学家美化《人权保障法》的观点,还以结社权和通信自由为例,揭示了日本殖民统治下人权实态与法律规定的严重背离。可以说,伪满洲国任何冠冕堂皇的法律文本都掩盖不了三千万东北同胞生存权受到根本威胁的事实。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,非洲人权事业取得了一系列新进展,具体表现在:人权问题日渐受到非洲国家的重视;维护人权的风气正在逐步发扬;认真反思卢旺达大屠杀事件;积极处理达尔富尔人道主义危机;妇女参政的机会日益增加;建立了多个维护人权和发扬民主的组织机构等方面。但是非洲人权事业所面临的问题和困难还很多,其发展是长期而艰辛的,只能在困难中不断前进。  相似文献   

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