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On June 15, 2001, the heads of state of China, Russia,Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan issued the Declaration on the Establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Shanghai, China and signed the Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism.  相似文献   

In a changing world today,Asia has caught wide attention of the world with its fast rate of change and the enhancement of its economic and hence political status. On December 14,2005 the first East Asia Summit (EAS) was held in Kuala Lumpur  相似文献   

In 2010, the inaugural ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting Plus (ADMM-Plus) attracted the world's attention, bringing awareness to ASEAN's new role as a regional entity with increasing defense characteristics. The meeting marked a milestone in ASEAN's multilateral efforts to enhance defense cooperation.  相似文献   

The current round of financial crisis stemming from the U.S. is now spreading rapidly all over the world. People are yet to see what will become of the crisis. There are entrenched reasons for the crisis.  相似文献   

The trend of Russia-U.S. relations,one of the important bilateral relations in today's world,has always been an important factor affecting global strategic stability. Since the end of the Cold War,Russia's tussles with the United States  相似文献   

At the beginning of his second term of presidency, Barack Obama made his first foreign visit to Israel, Palestine and Jordan, and held discussions with the leaderships of these countries on Israeli- Palestinian peace talks, the Syrian crisis and the Iranian nuclear issue. Secretary of State John Kerry also paid a visit to Turkey, Saudi Arabia,  相似文献   

The December of 2008 marks the 30th anniversary of China's initiation of the reform and opening-up policy and the 30th anniversary of the publication of the China-U.S. Joint Communique. It is not an accidental coincidence. The normalization of China-U.S. relations enjoyed a very significant status in the general openingup blueprint painted by Mr. Deng Xiaoping. It would be beneficial to create a favorable external environment for China's modernization drive; and the U.S. would possibly become an important partner for economic cooperation with China. Over the past 30 years, it has been proved that Mr. Deng Xiaoping's consideration at that time was completely right.  相似文献   

This article explores the origins and development of the United States’ Northern European Initiative (NEI). A theoretical framework is developed arguing that elements of traditional geopolitics, liberal internationalism and postmodern thinking can be identified within the NEI. These diverse approaches should not be seen as competing, but rather reflect significant versatility in US strategy in northern Europe. The close linkage between the NEI and US NATO policy is highlighted. While such a linkage is understandable it is argued this in fact threatens to undermine the positive gains of the NEI. The article also analyses the relationship between the NEI and the EU's Northern Dimension Initiative and concludes by considering the impact the new Republican Administration is likely to have on US policy.  相似文献   

<正>The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was previously known as the Shanghai Five. In April 1996, heads of five states namely China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan held their first summit meeting in Shanghai, and officially  相似文献   

At the invitation of CAFIU, a delegation of South African National Civic Organization(SANCO) led by Ms. Ruth Bhengu, acting President visited China in June. This is the first encounter between the two organizations. CAFIU attached great importance to this…  相似文献   

It is of great significance to study the diplomacy and security strategies of the Obama administration which took office on 20th January 2009, not only because of the current global financial crisis but also because of Obama's "politics of change", a slogan raised by him in the campaign. How to lead America out of the seemingly "still deteriorating domestic financial and economic dilemma is not only the most important criterion for judging Obama's governance capability but also the biggest obstacle affecting the new Democrat administration's domestic and foreign policies. To analyze the adjustments of the Obama administration's foreign and security policies, we must focus our attention on how it will take corresponding measures to overcome the financial crisis and how to put its campaign slogan "politics of change" into practice. In retrospect of the Obama administration's first three-month performance, the "politics of change" promised by him has dramatically evolved into the "diplomacy of change" first. In the following sections, we will thoroughly analyze the trend of the new administration's diplomatic and security strategies on the basis of its first one-hundred-day performance.  相似文献   

This article asks how American understandings of foreign natural disaster have evolved over time. Are the political and humanitarian concerns surrounding disaster and disaster aid radically different now from what they were a century ago? Through an analysis of presidential statements and major newspaper editorials following foreign natural disaster, I find that there has indeed been significant change. Notions of post-disaster humanitarianism have broadened significantly, with, among other things, disaster aid going from being discussed as an act of charity to an understood responsibility. Furthermore, the political side of foreign natural disaster has moved beyond the political effects of disaster itself to include the political causes of “natural” disaster and the political causes and effects of disaster aid. These and other patterns are used to consider the relationship between politics and humanitarianism more generally.  相似文献   


This analysis examines the influence of the United States government on the internal conflict within the Armenian Apostolic Church and the transnational Armenian community between 1956 and 1963. During these years, American officials followed closely and occasionally intervened in this strife amongst various Armenian political parties and factions within the church. The intervention helped to shape the outcome of the struggle within the Church and within the broader Armenian community.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of his second term, Barack Obama has made some adjustment to US strategy of rebalance to the Asia-Pacific.The adjustment is aimed at adapting the US to the new features in the post-flnancial crisis era, the new developments in the Asia- Pacific situation and the new changes in the overall US strategy, and it also serves US strategic intentions to dominate the regional affairs, acquire and safeguard its own interests and counterbalance China and it also serves US strategic intentions to dominate the regional affairs, acquire and safeguard its own interests and counterbalance China and prevent it from playing a leading role in the region. It is worth noting that the adjusted rebalance strategy features the purposefulness of US ideological export. The impact of the changes in the contents and means of ideological export on the situation in the Asia-Pacific region deserves attention.  相似文献   

FromMay10to282004regularsessionoftheNGOCommitteeoftheEconomicandSocialCouncilECOSOCoftheUnitedNationswasheldintheUNheadquarterinNewYork.ChineseAs-sociationforInternationalUnderstandingCAFIUsentadelegationtoparticipateinthesessionattheinvitationoftheNGOsectionundertheDe-partmentofEconomicandSocialAffairsDESAoftheUnitedNations.Duringtheseseveraldays'participationinthesessionwe'vegotabetterun-derstandingoftheconsultativestatusaswellasfurthercomprehensionofhowtomakebetteruseofthiss…  相似文献   

Chinese philosopher Confucius once said that "at 30 I stood firm upon the ground, at 40 I no longer suffer from perplexity". Confucius' words prove that the current 30-year-old relations between China and the United States is basically standing firm on the ground. However, this relationship is by no means free from perplexities since there remain problems and troubles that might perplex its further development. In the next decade or even next 30 years, the two countries should make it their objective to push forward their relations from the current stage of firm-standing to a perplexity-free stage.  相似文献   

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