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限制性体位窒息是一种特殊类型的窒息,其死亡机理、过程复杂,体表损伤轻微,尸体表现缺乏特异性,鉴定难度大,目前还没有一个客观、准确、公认的鉴定标准,通过文献复习总结有关体位性窒息的研究成果,结合窒息死亡的组织病理改变和鉴定实践,提出限制性体位窒息的检验鉴定要点,在确定有长时间限定在某一影响呼吸的体位,且自己不能解脱;有明显的窒息尸体征象;排除损伤、疾病致死;常见毒物检测阴性;膈肌Fn免疫荧光检测阳性或透射电镜检查证明有膈肌损伤的可以诊断。如果合并有损伤或疾病,还应该有肺SP-A检查阳性或HIF1-α免疫组化染色核阳性表达。某些特定部位的损伤检查有助于分析体位关系。  相似文献   

Abstract: There are still several areas of forensic pathology mainly based on tradition, with textbooks explaining and describing common knowledge that is not supported by modern research data. This study is intended to contribute to evidence‐based data on nonchemical suffocation deaths in the forensic population aged more than 1 year. From 2000 to 2005, all autopsy cases were reviewed: age, gender, type of suffocation, and manner of death were compiled for all victims (96 cases). In general, the results from this study are concordant with the textbook literature, therefore supporting common knowledge related to manner of death in nonchemical suffocation. However, discrepancies have been underscored in smothering: smothering, contrary to the general belief, is probably not mostly homicidal, and accidental smothering is probably not that unusual. Furthermore, new data without actual literature correlates were obtained in the conducting of this study and are presented here.  相似文献   

Abstract: The classification of asphyxia and the definitions of subtypes are far from being uniform, varying widely from one textbook to another and from one paper to the next. Unfortunately, similar research designs can lead to totally different results depending on the definitions used. Closely comparable cases are called differently by equally competent forensic pathologists. This study highlights the discrepancies between authors and tries to draw mainstream definitions, to propose a unified system of classification. It is proposed to classify asphyxia in forensic context in four main categories: suffocation, strangulation, mechanical asphyxia, and drowning. Suffocation subdivides in smothering, choking, and confined spaces/entrapment/vitiated atmosphere. Strangulation includes three separate forms: ligature strangulation, hanging, and manual strangulation. As for mechanical asphyxia, it encompasses positional asphyxia as well as traumatic asphyxia. The rationales behind this proposed unified model are discussed.  相似文献   

A 19‐year‐old woman was found dead with her face and head wrapped in plastic adhesive tape in a cupboard beside an opened helium cylinder. Despite the alleged presence of a suicide message on a social networking website, the unusual circumstances raised the possibility at the time of autopsy of either accidental death from sexual asphyxia or homicide. A carefully monitored reenactment demonstrated, however, that the type of commercial adhesive tape that had been used did not cause complete airway obstruction and that it was possible to wrap a considerable length of tape around the head and neck with the breath held. All of the features at autopsy were, therefore, compatible with self‐infliction. Asphyxial death was attributed to the combined effects of smothering from tape and anoxia from helium, an extremely rare combination in young females.  相似文献   

Finland has one of the highest homicide rates in Western Europe, and almost every tenth homicide is caused by asphyxiation. Reliable statistics, a strict legislation, and an exceptionally high medico-legal autopsy rate formed a base for a nationwide analysis of asphyxia homicides (n = 383) during 30 years. The cases were identified through multiple records, and all the forensic pathology case files were studied in detail. In more than one out of five cases, there were indications of staging, and the homicide was revealed first at autopsy in close to one in ten cases. The vast majority of the homicides took place in private locations and involved persons known to each other. Every third victim was an intimate partner, and every tenth a child. Almost half of the victims died from manual strangulation, one in three from ligature strangulation. Smothering, choking, neck compression with a firm object, and thoracic compression were more rare methods. Drownings were excluded from this study material. Of all the victims, 7% had no observable external injuries. Petechiae were recorded in approximately in 61%, laryngohyoid fractures in 47%, and vocal cord hemorrhages in 16% of the cases. Every tenth female victim had genital injuries. Toxicological analyses were performed in close to all of the cases, and almost three out of four victims tested positive for blood alcohol. The various aspects of the demographics and autopsy findings covered in this study contribute reliable and accurate data to further strengthen the spectrum of observable medico-legal characteristics of asphyxia homicides.  相似文献   

Plastic Bag Suffocation is a rare cause of death in developed countries and almost unknown in the rest of the world. This study aims to retrospectively evaluate cases of PBS _asphyxia in Milan's Department of Legal Medicine from 1993 to 2013. Cases were selected from the database of 21,472 autopsies performed in the considered timeframe. One hundred and one cases were considered to be cases of Plastic Bag Suffocation, comprised of 100 suicides, no accidental events and 1 homicide. The most relevant elements pertaining to this type of death were evaluated for both the corpses and the crime scenes. From this study the typical PBS victim is an adult male, aged 52.3 years on average, depressed or afflicted by chronic or terminal diseases, and found at home. In 42.6% of cases, the victims were found with the plastic bag still positioned over their head, fastened by tying. Also common among these cases are drugs, alcohol and chemical abuses. According to the collected data, it is impossible to outline a pathognomonic detrimental background that leads to this cause of death. Crime scene investigation is, therefore, the one and only technical resource for evaluating these cases.  相似文献   

Abstract: The objective of the present study was to estimate the proportion of hanging victims presenting with limb lesions, to compare this rate between hanging in restraint spaces and in more open settings, and to describe the usual pattern of limb lesions associated with hanging. Two hundred and seven cases of suicidal hanging were retrospectively reviewed and compared to 45 homicidal nonhanging strangulation victims. Bruises incidence was significantly lower in hanging victims (19.8%) compared to homicidal strangulation victims (55.6%). Bruises were more commonly encountered in restraint areas such as closets and staircases (56.3% and 66.7%, respectively) than in more open settings such as barn, bridge, fence, and park. Limb bruises on hanging victims were generally located on the posterior upper limb or the anterior lower limbs, whereas strangulation victims did not display this preferential bruises concentration. Possible suspicion criteria for limb bruises distribution are discussed, in relation to physiopathology of human asphyxia by hanging.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of distinguishing deaths by asphyxia from those due to natural causes by comparing morphometric measurements in lungs. The study population comprised 27 subjects: 14 cases of death by asphyxia (hanging or drowning) and 13 cases of sudden natural death. Eighty parenchyma sections were used for each subject. Data were collected by computerized image analysis. Measurements aimed at quantifying, as percentages, pulmonary parenchyma (mean values of positive-fraction areas [PFA] and their standard deviations). Subjects who died of natural causes and of drowning showed a relative internal homogeneity compared to those who hanged. Results show significant discrimination between drowned subjects and those dying of natural causes (mean of PFA p  = 0.01) and between hanged and drowned subjects (SD of PFA p  = 0.04). Attention must be paid to the possible role played by senile emphysema. The method is proposed as a complementary tool in forensic cases.  相似文献   

Primary malignant tumors of the trachea are uncommon. The authors report a case of a 72‐year‐old female who died from asphyxia due to an undiagnosed obstructing adenoid cystic carcinoma of the trachea. The decedent became unresponsive while eating cereal and was pronounced upon arrival at the local hospital. The autopsy revealed a near occlusive tumor mass just superior to the bifurcation of the distal trachea. There was no evidence of aspiration. The death was the result of asphyxia due to obstruction of the trachea by an adenoid cystic carcinoma. This case demonstrates that an obstructive tumor mass may remain undiagnosed until an obstructive episode results in a sudden death.  相似文献   

Abstract: The human pathophysiology of asphyxia by hanging is still poorly understood, despite great advances in forensic science. In that context, filmed hangings may hold the key to answer questions regarding the sequence of events leading to death in human asphyxia. Four filmed hangings were analyzed. Rapid loss of consciousness was observed between 13 sec and 18 sec after onset of hanging, closely followed by convulsions (at 14–19 sec). A complex pattern of decerebration rigidity (19–21 sec in most cases), followed by a quick phase of decortication rigidity (1 min 00 sec–1 min 08 sec in most cases), an extended phase of decortication rigidity (1 min 04 sec–1 min 32 sec) and loss of muscle tone (1 min 38 sec–2 min 47 sec) was revealed. Very deep respiratory attempts started between 20 and 22 sec, the last respiratory attempt being detected between 2 min 00 sec and 2 min 04 sec. Despite differences in the types of hanging, this unique study reveals similarities that are further discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: In this paper, we present a case of a 53‐year‐old woman who had her headscarf catch on the cylinder ironing machine in the laundry of the hospital where she worked. The hospital workers found the woman dead with her head stuck to the ironing machine. After the death scene investigation and autopsy were completed, it was determined that the death occurred as a result of accidental ligature strangulation. Accidental ligature strangulation in which an article of clothing is caught in such an electrical machine and strangles the wearer is very rare. This case highlights the fact that these kinds of machines can be hazardous to work around and that increased safety measures should be taken to insure worker safety; additionally, the people who use these machines should be educated on the potential hazards.  相似文献   

Asphyxial deaths are common in forensic practice, being sustained by a variety of mechanisms that cause an oxygen deficiency to the brain. Several classification models have been proposed in the literature, the most recent one being that of the International Network for Forensic Research Group (INFOR). This report describes an unusual case of suffocation where the obstruction of the airways was caused by a gag formed of three latex gloves and a handkerchief. The manner of death (differential diagnosis between homicide and suicide) and the different alternatives of classification are discussed.  相似文献   

This case study involved death of a 6-year-old child with a history of mental retardation secondary to meningitis at 11 months, spastic quadriplegia, seizure disorder, and hydrocephaly with a remote ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement and gastric tube feedings. Reportedly, the child was co-sleeping with his mother when she awoke and discovered him lying prone and not breathing on the carpeted floor next to the bed. He was transported to the hospital and died in the emergency room of unknown causes. The medical examiner assumed jurisdiction of the body. The external examination revealed petechial hemorrhages on the neck and face, with patterned linear pressure abrasions on the chest, arms, and face. X-rays revealed leg fractures of different ages. This case emphasizes the importance of coordination of death scene investigation, medical history review, and autopsy results through a forensic team approach to determine the accurate cause and manner of death.  相似文献   

Although worker injury and fatalities have decreased since adoption of the Occupational Safety and Health Act in 1970, it remains an important safety issue. This article describes a 27‐year‐old white male who died from occupational exposure to airborne chemicals. Several trends in the last several decades, both in the types of injuries and the occupations associated with fatalities, are noted. Additionally, individual risk factors such as age, gender, chronic disease, smoking, and alcohol and drug use are implicated in worker health and safety. The role of the forensic pathologist in the investigation of workplace deaths is highlighted, in addition to the future of occupational safety and current improvements brought about by such incidents.  相似文献   

Abstract: It has been proposed that filmed hangings may hold the key to a better understanding of human asphyxia, and The Working Group on Human Asphyxia was formed to systematically review and compare these video recordings. This study analyzed eight filmed hangings. Considering time 0 to represent the onset of the final hanging, rapid loss of consciousness was observed (at 8–18 sec), closely followed by convulsions (at 10–19 sec). A complex pattern of decerebrate rigidity and decorticate rigidity then followed. Between 1 min 38 sec and 2 min 15 sec, muscle tone seemed to be lost, the body becoming progressively flaccid. From then on, isolated body movements were observed from time to time, the last one occurring between 1 min 2 sec and 7 min 31 sec. As for the respiratory responses, all cases presented deep rhythmic abdominal respiratory movements (last one between 1 min 2 sec and 2 min 5 sec).  相似文献   

Archival medical examiner specimens may contain perpetrator DNA evidence useful in unsolved (“cold case”) homicides. The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) histology slide archives were searched for sexual assault smears for all 376 female homicides from 1990 to 1999. Of these, the OCME had sexual assault smears on 84 of which 13 slides had sperm. Of these 13, six were still unsolved. DNA profiles were obtained on all six (5 from smears and one from swabs). Combined DNA Index System ( submission resulted in two matches (“hits”) for new suspects. In addition, three suspects were eliminated in two cases. Our review of archival sexual assault smears resulted in DNA profiles that were able to assist in the investigation of four cold case homicide investigations. It may be worthwhile for medical examiner offices to search their archival histology slides for sexual assault smears on previously unsolved cases particularly those prior to the mid‐1990s when DNA testing was less widely available.  相似文献   

The case here reported involves a schizophrenic 19‐year‐old girl under treatment with clotiapine, which was well tolerated except for a moderate dry mouth. The woman ingested a whole sole (Solea solea), which caused a very rapid death by choking. A complete autopsy was performed 24 h later, as well as histological and toxicological analysis. At autopsy, the sole was wedged in the esophagus causing a choking ab extrinseco. The fish had a length of 18 cm and a maximum width of 6 cm, weighing 188.7 g. Toxicological analysis detected 0.57 mg/L of clotiapine in blood, which falls within the therapeutic range. The peculiarity of this case is represented by two factors: one is the choking by fish and the second was the adverse affect caused by clotiapine, which induced a condition of dry mouth making the act of swallowing even more difficult, thereby contributing to a very rapid mechanical asphyxia and the death of the young woman.  相似文献   

Abstract: An allegation of sexual assault was made in which a bra was torn off by the assailant causing extensive damage; however, it was observed that the hook and eye fastening was still intact. It was felt that it was not possible for a garment to receive such damage without damage to the hook and eye fastening, thus indicating that the complainant caused the damage to the bra herself to support a false allegation. Reconstruction experiments were conducted in which the conditions of the allegation were simulated utilizing a range of similar bras. Following the infliction of damage, the hook and eye fastenings were examined. In eight of nine experiments, the hook and eye fastening were intact, despite the application of enough force to cause separation of the bra cups in five of the experiments. This shows that bras may suffer extensive damage without damage to the hook and eye fastening.  相似文献   

Abstract: In general, hanging cases are the result of suicide, and accidental and homicidal hanging cases are rarely seen. This study retrospectively investigated 4571 death examinations and autopsies that were performed at The Konya Branch of the Forensic Medicine Council (Turkey) between 1998 and 2007; hanging was involved in 201 (6.5%) of the cases. There were a total of 13 accidental hanging cases, where 12 of these involved children. In seven of the cases, the accidental hanging involved a scarf that wraps around swing‐like cradles and is intended to prevent infants from falling down. It was concluded that accidental hanging deaths can be reduced by replacing swing‐like cradles with cribs that are designed for children, removing ropes in and around the house, and preventing children from reaching and/or playing with rope‐like objects.  相似文献   

The term Aqua-eroticum was first introduced in 1984 by Sivaloganathan to describe the unusual autoerotic death of a man using submersion as an asphyxia method. This was the first case of that kind, and since then, no other case of autoerotic submersion has been reported, nor other autoerotic fatality in open water. Here we report the case of a 25-year-old man, nude under a home-made plastic body suit, overdressed for the season with winter clothes and restrained by complex bondage. He was submersed, tied underwater to a boat and was using a home-made diving apparatus for air supply. Death was ruled as accidental autoerotic asphyxia from rebreathing, caused by the faulty air-supply device.  相似文献   

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