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耿定向从两方面展开儒佛之辨,一、批判佛学自了全归说,提倡儒家费隐一贯说,认为只有本诸吾心而推极天下,才是真正经世出世。只有一生用功,无渗漏处才是儒家全归。二、定向超越佛家空相,认为从有入无是初机了见,从无入有才可以经纶大本,化育天下。从根心不容已处证入,在心体尽头处忘知无意,才可以本诸天则,从心所欲不逾矩,才是直指中源,体用合一。  相似文献   

康德在论述实践理性时认为,道德领域存在一个德性与幸福的二律背反.要想解决这个二律背反就必须为实践理性"公设"--"上帝"是存在的,它是道德的一个必然要求.于是在批判了传统先验神学理论之后,康德认为,宗教是道德的铺陈演绎,如果没有道德,上帝何以可能.  相似文献   

论中国古代的"个人"话语及其本质   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高玉 《思想战线》2004,30(5):99-102
中国古代只有"民"的概念而没有"人"的概念,"民"作为概念和范畴其意义是在和"君"以及"社稷"的相互关系中确定的。人在中国古代始终是第二位的。中国古代的"爱民"与"重民"始终是手段而不是目的本身。中国古代的"民本主义"不是个人主义,也不是"群体主义",本质上是"君主主义"。中国古代的个人观念与西方的个人观念不是相近而是相反。  相似文献   

阐述了我国天然气的发展概况,提出为迎接来自四面八方的天然气,必须具备各种行业的先进燃气应用技术,并且根据目前我国情况,强调提高天然气应用技术的迫切性.同时介绍了国外一种新型金属纤维燃烧器的优越特性.  相似文献   

EMPEROR Xuanzong(685-762)of the Tang Dynasty(618-907)has been renowned for his versatility,particularly in music.There are many anecdotes about the talented emperor.Once,while sitting at court,Emperor Xuanzong kept moving his fingers up and down his stomach.After the court was dismissed,Gao Lishi,the royal stew-ard,came in and asked the emperor,"Your Majesty,I noticed you pressing your fingers up and down your abdomen.Are you feeling unwell?"Emperor Xuanzo-ng replied,"No,I am fine.Last night I dreamed I was visiting the Moon Palace,and the fairies played celes-tial music for me.The melody was so captivating that I was totally engrossed in it.Later,the fairies played music again to see me off.The heavenly tune was wistful,intoxicating,and moving.When I woke up,I felt the melody was still ringing in my ears,so I wrote it down right away.  相似文献   

监外执行法律制度,从其创立至现在,走过了很长的历程,不断在丰富和发展,日趋完善。总的来看,监外执行法律制度基本上能够与我国司法实践相适应。近年来,为促进社会和谐与稳定,轻缓刑事政策广泛适用,人民法院判处非监禁刑的人员比重日益上升,监外执行法律工作日显突出,监外执行法律制度与现实情况略有脱节,监外执行法律亟需完善。  相似文献   

李怀录 《桂海论丛》2007,23(5):24-27
"攘外必先安内"政策有许多需要再认识之处.它的提出绝不仅仅为了剿共,而有其特定的多重原因;安内的对象不惟中共及其军队,是变化的、多样的;它非蒋介石一人之主张,而是得到国民党和社会一定程度的认同;其反动性应看是否反人民、是否损害国家利益,而不宜以是否反共论.  相似文献   

Two sequential cases of professional-self-help/mutual aid collaboration are described. The first was a federally funded demonstration project to develop epilepsy self-help groups in 15 cities. It involved a "mixed strategy" of national and local collaboration, where decision-making, and problem solving was vested in persons with epilepsy. The second related case was the "action learning workshop" that combined research with extension work. Knowledge about self-help group development and persons with epilepsy was advanced at the same time that a national network and alliance of epilepsy self-help groups was developed.  相似文献   

东瓯的族群迁徙与融合过程述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浙南东瓯族群迁徙与融合经历瓯人、徐人、瓯越、东瓯、东越、山越等过程。瓯人是浙南的原始族群,徐人融合的力量相对薄弱,瓯越是於越人与瓯人大融合的标志,东瓯国进一步证明瓯人文化的相对独立性,东越标示着闽、瓯的进一步融合,山越的消亡说明了瓯(越)人退出了历史舞台。  相似文献   

Imagine this:A state leader was betrayed by his deputy and was completely cut olf from his supporters;the opposition took control of the media and the military;angry protesters stormed the parliamentary building,demanding the election result be overturned;key officials resigned;finally,the leader was coerced into announcing a curfew effective until power was handed over to the opposition.  相似文献   

从状物与抒情之关系来看,汉代咏物赋可分为三种类型。情物组合式咏物赋的特征是状物部分与抒情部分是人为地组合在一起的;情物渗透式咏物赋的特征是作家的情感逐渐渗透到状物之中;情物交融式咏物赋的特征是状物与抒情和谐交融,感情真挚,作家主体形象鲜明。汉代咏物赋对后世文学产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

自1997年新刑法颁布实施以来.新刑法第506条规定的辩护人、诉讼代理人毁灭证据、伪造证据、妨害作证罪白其孕育、诞生直至适用均引起了广泛的争议.直至重庆打黑案辩护律师李庄因此获刑.引发学界震动。文章在分析辩护人、诉讼代理人毁灭证据、伪造证据、妨害作证罪的概念及其特征的基础上.主张应当修订甚至取消新刑法第306条的有关规定.以利于律师更加积极地参与刑事辩护、法官的正确裁断和维护人权。  相似文献   

LION-shaped Yiyang City is to the south of Dongting Lake in north-central Hunan Province. The Zijiang River runs through the city from west to east, dividing it into two, and emptying into Dongting Lake. The Zishui Highway Bridge links the areas north and south of the river. In ancient times the Zijiang River was called Yishui. As at that time  相似文献   

20世纪80年代西方学术界兴起了协商民主理论研究的热潮,国内的学者及时地将译著介绍到中国,一方面梳理、分析和探讨其基本的理论架构和内涵,另一方面关注当代中国政治发展的现实状况,从现实的政治实践中发掘理论资源,为社会主义协商民主理论提供实践支撑。准确把握协商民主的基本内涵,探讨中国发展协商民主的现实路径,对推动中国特色社会主义民主政治建设发展具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

China was one of the architects of the UN. The country was the first signa-tory of the UN Charter in San Francisco in 1945. Yet it was only in October 1971, with the Chinese delegation led by then Vice Foreign Minister Qiao Guanhua, that the People's Republic of China's representa-tion in the UN was resumed. Since that time, the UN has had the great privilege of witnessing and support-ing China in achieving one of the greatest periods of socioeconomic progress in world history.  相似文献   

张婷婷 《思想战线》2001,27(2):75-81
形式本体论是新时期中国文艺从实践到理论都曾积极追求过的价值取向之一.这一文艺思潮首先表现在作家的创作实践层面,然后是文学批评家们的形式批评,最后上升为文艺理论家们的文艺形式本体理论的建构,这一思潮自有其产生的合理原因,也有其不足.  相似文献   

汉武帝开通西南夷,先后设置了犍为、牂柯二郡,贵州被纳入汉王朝的行政区划。其中牂柯郡共领十七县,有的在今贵州境内,有的只辖及贵州的部分地域。且兰是牂柯郡治所在地,汉阳县治曾为南部都尉治所。在汉代的牂柯郡内,现今发现了大量的汉墓群。这些汉墓群所分布的区域,与历史文献中的牂柯郡的范围基本一致。出土的众多文物,从一个侧面说明汉代的牂柯郡主要在贵州境内,而牂柯郡治应在安顺宁谷一带。  相似文献   

1927年9月大埔县建立的工农革命政府公安局,是贯彻中共中央"八七会议"总方针,在中国共产党领导下,由人民政权建立的暴力专政和治安行政专门机构,其初具打击敌人,保护人民,维护社会安宁的人民公安机构特征,在隶属政权、组织形式和建立时间上具有首创性。大埔县工农革命政府公安局是我党早期尝试建立人民公安机构的一个范例,是人民政权公安保卫组织的发端。  相似文献   

Ezra F. Vogel 《当代中国》2005,14(45):741-759
Chen Yun, one year younger than Deng Xiaoping, was born 100 years ago. For several decades beginning in 1931 when he joined the Central Committee at 26, he was ranked higher in the Party than Deng. Although known as an ‘economist’, Chen played a much broader role, in organization work, high-level Party discipline, urban administration, and basic Party policy. He was the key person to link China and Russia following the Zunyi Conference. He was head of the Organization Department from 1937 to 1943. He pioneered the liberation of urban areas as the leader in Harbin and later in Shenyang. He led the fight to get inflation under control during 1949–1952 and led the organization of the first five year plan. He was one of the most vocal against the leap forward and one of the most instrumental in guiding readjustment afterwards. On many occasions he withdrew from leadership and nourished his health. After 1978, he was the only person who spoke to Deng as an equal. Chen Yun was cautious, believing that progress would come from steady small steps rather than wild leaps. He believed in markets, but felt they should be bounded by plans and in 1978–1981 he helped guide the retrenchment policy that put the economy on a solid base before it began rapid growth.  相似文献   

从文字上而论,“夏”同以后的“华”的概念接近,甚至说,二者之间存在着颇为密切的关系。西周时期“夏”主要用来指代周王朝的直辖领域,春秋以后其范围逐渐扩大。而“夷”的概念则产生久远,起初并没有包含受到歧视的内容,与战国以后的夷狄概念是大有区别的。无论就语言、地域、经济生活以及表现于共同文化上的共同心理素质,先秦时期的戎夷蛮狄诸多人们共同体,都还处于极不稳定的状态,相互渗透混融为普遍的历史现象。华夏与夷狄观念的区别,主要表现在饮食、衣服、社会生活习俗和物质文化等方面。然而,随着民族间的文化交流与融合,彼此间的诸多差别也逐步消失。  相似文献   

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