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我国的"社会管理"是以矛盾化解与风险防控为中心、以基层公共服务、工业安全和精神文明建设为外围支持的任务体系。社会管理创新,意味着社会管理需要突破传统依靠科学管理进路的方式,前移监测重心,柔化防控手段,加强社会服务,配合民生工程的经济保障和公共安全客观风险的控制,消除冲突的根源。相应地,我国的行政法律制度需要保持同样的积极性和敏锐度,这就要求开放评价机制、强调及时的反思和改进。  相似文献   

本文阐明了中国环境法60年的发展概况、所取得的成就、所存在的主要问题以及今後的发展方向。主张在环境立法内容方面,加强有关环境治理、环境善治、公民环境权、环境民主、公秉参与、环境知情权、环境公益诉讼、政府环境责任及政府环境责任问责制方面的立法:在环境法学研究方面提出:促进研究范式从“主、客二分”到“主、客一体”的转变;促进环境法上的人的模式从经济人模式、主体人模式向生态人模式转变。认为环境法治理建设应该以可持续发展为目标,以生态文明为方向,以环境法治为灵魂,以维护环境正义公平为宗旨,以环境安全为前提,以人与自然和谐相处为核心,以环境民主为手段,以追求环境效益和环境效率为激励机制,以健全综合生态系统管理和环境“善治”机制为导向,充分发挥环境法律调整人与自然关系的作用,使其成为建设环境友好社会、资源节约型社会和生态文明社会的法律保障。环境法学应该研究生态化方法和综合生态系统管理理论,促进环境法向生态法转变,促进环境法律制度的生态化.  相似文献   

贾彬 《犯罪研究》2009,(5):15-20
20世纪70年代开始至90年代,几乎所有西方国家都规定了罪犯赔偿制度。追溯罪犯赔偿历史,它是原始社会时期的一种犯罪治理手段,是犯罪的伴生现象。相较于今天的犯罪治理手段,它更注重个人身心、生活、行为和社会秩序的恢复。西方国家、伊斯兰社会和非洲、亚洲等的原始社会,都曾广泛采用罪犯赔偿制度。原始社会罪犯赔偿制度注重被害人的被害恢复,重视为避免社会冲突,要求罪犯承担弥补犯罪所造成的恶果的责任,同时也十分重视恢复社区安宁。这对于我们今天的犯罪治理有着重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

从将人作为目的的命题中不能推论出将一般预防作为刑罚目的必然将人仅仅作为实现社会目的的手段,因而得不出否定一般预防作为刑罚目的的正当性的结论;一般预防与报应之间是一种既对立又同一的关系,基于两者的同一性、将一般预防作为刑罚的目的未必会导致严刑苛罚,基于两者的对立性,一般预防具有相对于报应而作为刑罚目的的独立的意义;一般预防与个别预防的关系同样是一种既对立又同一的关系,解决两者冲突的正确途径不在于简单地舍弃一般预防而保全个别预防;一般预防否定论者所提出的否定一般预防正当性的任一理由均可用以否定其所赞成的个别预防,否定一般预防作为刑罚目的的正当性,必然陷入自相矛盾的逻辑误区。  相似文献   

略论我国社会预警和应急管理法律体系的现状及其完善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国已初步建立以《突发事件应对法》为基本法、大量单行立法与之并存的应急管理法律体系,但形式上仍需加强统一立法,制定统一的《紧急状态法》和《灾害救助和补偿法》等法律;内容方面应当重视程序制度建设,包括内部程序制度化和将民众参与纳入应对机制,扩展行政指导等柔性执法方式在危机应对中的应用,建立灾害保险制度,完善灾害救助和补偿制度等。  相似文献   

Nanotechnology as an emerging field is strongly related to visionary prospects which are disposed to reappear as dystopian concerns. As long as nanotechnology does not provide reliable criteria for assessing these worries as rational or as irrational they remain a challenge for ethical reflection. Given this underdetermination, many nanovisions and their corresponding concerns should therefore be considered as "arational." For that reason, a "constructivist" stance is endorsed which does not seek to take part in discussions as to how ethicists should cope with controversial worries, but tries to observe how concerns are managed by different social actors. This perspective allows us to remodel some concerns such as "grey goo" not solely as a societal reaction, but also as challenging and irritating factors. As such they potentially initiate two different processes simultaneously: a differentiation in terms of demarcating science from non-science on the one hand, and a rationalization of concerns on the other. Analyzing these processes empirically allows to reconstruct how "arational" concerns are socially made rational or, on the contrary, irrational.  相似文献   

宋国涛 《证据科学》2013,(4):486-493
实践中的行政证明可划分为行政确认性行政证明和作证性行政证明两类。行政审判中将行政证明一概作为书证加以审查认定实质上是一种误区。行政主体作出行政证明的类别相异.其证据形式也应当区别对待。将作证性行政证明归入证人证言的证据形式是解除行政诉讼中作证性行政证明作为证据材料使用时面临困境的较好路径。  相似文献   

Power Dynamics in an Experimental Game   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We introduce a new experimental method for studying power. Drawing from multiple theoretical perspectives, we conceptualize power as relational and structural, as well as comprised of different forms through which basic human needs can be met. Thus, the method we introduce examines how, when faced with a particular need, people use multiple forms of power concurrently and within a “field of influence,” namely, the other players in a game. This enabled us to examine how one form of power is transformed into another and how power is transferred from one player to another through interaction, as well as to measure power as behavior, as the exercise of choice, as potential, and as outcomes. Two experiments using egalitarian start conditions and a survivable ecology demonstrated that participants used power to gain more power, creating inequality. Being the target of force made some players unable to “survive” in the local ecology. Theoretical and methodological issues in the study of power are discussed and the application of our game method to the study of power in other fields is considered.  相似文献   

竞争诉讼机制研究——经济法的程序价值视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单飞跃  刘思萱 《现代法学》2001,23(5):124-131
竞争冲突因其反市场、反社会的本质 ,必须加以规制。竞争诉讼机制的中立性、独立性及自我抑制性等特点 ,在抑制和治理竞争冲突方面发挥着有别于行政评价机制的独特功效。同时 ,因其在利益、主体、成本上的基本属性 ,在竞争诉讼长期缺位的中国 ,应及早构建起以个人和国家为控诉主体、以经济审判庭为主审机构的诉讼格局 ,并在个人起诉、撤诉、自由和解等方面做出自己的程序安排。  相似文献   

作为科学、技术或其他专门知识的“载体”,专家在诉讼中的职能越来越广泛.由于诉讼模式的差异,专家在诉讼解决专门性问题时具有不同的角色定位.当事人主义诉讼模式下,专家被视为当事人的证据方法;职权主义诉讼模式下,专家充当法官的辅助人.在两大法系相互借鉴和融合中,专家兼具当事人证据方法和法官辅助人的角色.我国鉴定制度带有浓厚的职权主义色彩,鉴定人在诉讼中扮演着“专门性问题法官”的角色.我国应借鉴德国和日本的做法,将鉴定人定位为法官的辅助人兼当事人的证据方法,从厘清鉴定启动权、鉴定实施权、鉴定意见审查权的性质及相互关系入手,完善我国司法鉴定制度.  相似文献   

宪政的价值构成与宪政的合理性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
占美柏 《现代法学》2001,23(4):39-44
宪政的合理性不仅在于其对权力的正当化和规范化 ,更在于其对正义、民主、自由等价值理念的张扬与坚持 ;前者旨在解说宪政的工具合理性 ,后者则力图以宪政的价值合理性来论证宪政的工具合理性 ,并为宪政实践提供方向性指引。在宪政的价值构成体系内 ,正义具有综合性与绝对性的特质 ,是宪政的第一性价值 ,并构成宪政价值合理性的基础 ;民主、自由等具体价值目标是宪政的第二性价值 ,它们源自于正义且受制于正义 ,并成为宪政价值合理性的证明。  相似文献   

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is common among maltreated youth but it remains unclear as to whether removal from home is as traumatizing as the maltreatment. This study examined 250 maltreated adolescents aged 11–17?years who were grouped on the basis of whether they (1) endorsed removal from home as their primary traumatic event, (2) endorsed removal from home as a secondary traumatic event, but not their primary traumatic event, or (3) did not endorse removal from home as traumatic. PTSD diagnoses as well as symptoms of PTSD, dissociation, depression, posttraumatic cognitions, and anger expression were measured. Adolescents who endorsed removal from home as their primary traumatic event reported significantly lower levels of PTSD and related symptoms than adolescents in the other groups. The findings are discussed within the context of transactions surrounding removal from home and support previous work that PTSD is a critical concern regarding many maltreated youth.  相似文献   

Public attitudes towards law-breakers shape the tone and tenor of crime-control policy, and the desire for retribution seems to be the main motivation underpinning punitive attitudes towards sentencing. Yet, there is some confusion in the research literature over what retribution really means. In this paper we distinguish between retribution as revenge (as the desire to punish criminal offenders to retaliate a past wrong by making the offender suffer) and retribution as just deserts (as the preference to restore justice through proportional compensation from the offender). Results from an online survey (n = 176) provide evidence of two distinct dimensions of retribution. But we also show that these two dimensions have different ideological and motivational antecedents, and have different consequences in terms of the treatment of criminal offender. We find that retribution as revenge is associated with the motivation to enforce status boundaries with criminal offenders, as well as ideological preferences for power and dominance (as expressed by social dominance orientation) and in-group conformity (as expressed by right-wing authoritarianism). Endorsement of retribution as revenge also predicts the support of harsh punishment and the willingness to deny fair procedures. By contrast, retribution as just deserts is mainly predicted by a value restoration motive and by right-wing authoritarianism. After controlling for revenge, retribution as just deserts predicts support for procedural justice in the criminal courts. We conclude with the idea that beliefs about proportionality and compensation work as a buffer against the negative effects of revenge.  相似文献   

Brainstem pontomedullary laceration (PML) in falls from a height appears as isolated cases and usually in feet-first impacts with a ring fracture. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of PML in falls from a height, as well as the frequency of concomitant head and neck injuries. Out of 261 cases, PML was present in 40. An impact to the chin, as well as a feet- or buttocks-first impact, most often led to PML owing to transmission of the impact force. Also, a lateral, frontal, or posterior head impact, with subsequent hinge fracture, as well as the frontoposterior hyperextension of the head associated with an upper spine fracture, could be possible mechanisms of PML in falls from a height. The jawbone and other facial bones act as shock absorbers, and their fracture diminishes energy transfer toward the skull and protects the brain and brainstem from injury.  相似文献   

王龙 《政法学刊》2013,(2):77-80
"违法所得"是知识产权刑法及司法解释中的常见词语,但理论、实践界对"违法所得"的理解不尽相同,有的将其与"销售金额"联系起来,有的认为是扣除一定成本的利润;就是利润本身也存在不同的解释,如销售利润、净利润等。法律上的不确定给侦查办案增添了难度,因此,在法律层面必须明确"违法所得"的真正内涵,在不同案件中的具体核算方法。公安机关办理相关案件,取得"违法所得"证据的过程中,要重点注意现场处置;有价值会计资料信息提取;针对性的讯问及从交易双方获取"违法所得"记录等等。  相似文献   

近年来拷贝数变异的研究已逐渐延伸至各个领域,如复杂疾病病因探索、精准治疗以及遗传育种和进化等。拷贝数变异独有的遗传学特点使得人们逐渐相信其可以成为解决相关问题的生物学遗传标记。随着检测技术的发展,拷贝数变异在法医学方面的应用也将逐渐增多。本文就拷贝数变异概念与发展以及在法医学中的应用进行阐述,为今后拷贝数变异的实际应用提供新的思路。  相似文献   

独立董事制度特有的价值目标使独立董事必须具备独立性、客观公正性、公司整体利益的代表性。在我国引入独立董事制度,除了要确保独立董事的独立性外,必须建立完善的独立董事激励机制和责任机制,充分调动独立董事的积极性,督促其尽职尽责,更好地行使监督权。  相似文献   

关于重构民事再审程序的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谭永红 《法学论坛》2003,18(2):74-78
再审立法指导思想的重构应当立足于 :以公正为基础 ,效益为关键 ;实体与程序并重 ;以诉讼权利为本位。构建以当事人申请再审为主、检察院抗诉为辅、法院居中裁判、不告不理的再审诉讼运作模式 ,是现代诉讼理念的要求。再审理由应当重新予以科学设定。  相似文献   

公司名称是公司法上的一项重要制度,同时又有工业产权的属性。文章对我国公司名称制度进行了全面讨论,认为我国公司名称制度应在以下几个方面进行改革:在名称取得方面,提高名称核准的级别,实现两级注册管理,增设名称异议制度;在使用方面,建立使用备案制度、使用许可制度,解除对未注册名称的使用限制;在保护方面,重新厘定公司名称的保护标准,强化使用保护中的反不正当竞争。  相似文献   

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