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This essay narrates chronologically the life of Christian Wolff (1679-1754), arguably the most eminent German philosopher between Leibniz and Kant, and an important figure in the development of thought about the state and its tasks as well as about the national economy. It is the first longer biographical sketch of Wolff in English, other than skeletal encyclopedia entries, since 1934, and the first original English one since 1910. Special attention is paid to Wolff's formal honors, academic calls, salary questions, and the political, historical, and academic background, and particularly to his ennoblement, as Wolff may well have been the first scholar to receive such a high Imperial recognition on the basis of his scholarly work alone.  相似文献   

退休是成年后期生活中的主要生命历程转折之一。以往的退休研究主要关注退休者的社会人口学特征及其健康和经济状况对退休行为的影响,然而,越来越多的研究表明,个体退休后所面临的健康和经济问题与退休的内在心理机制有着直接的联系,退休因而成为心理学重要的研究领域。从心理学视野看,退休是始于个体实际退出劳动力市场之前的规划与决策、直至实际退出劳动力市场后需历经数年的调适才能完成的过程。退休机制的心理学研究主要探讨退休规划、退休决策以及退休转折与调适,以探索退休心理与行为的前因后果与退休过程的心理机制。发展心理学、工业与组织心理学、临床与咨询心理学、职业心理学等心理学相关子学科为退休心理机制的研究提供了独特的视角。随着社会、组织与文化情境的巨大变化,退休概念与过程正在发生快速的变化与转型,心理学视野的退休机制研究更有助于理解与把握退休不断变化着的本质特征。  相似文献   

European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research - Social media groups, for example on Facebook, WhatsApp or Telegram, allow for direct exchange, communication and interaction, as well as...  相似文献   

This article describes a model of DNA banking that incorporates appropriate consumer influence on the design and use of DNA data banks. This model values input of consumer stakeholders in key decisions, including contracts between donors, researchers and the bank.  相似文献   

The article investigates cultural activities in French prisons in light of the 1986 protocol between the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Justice. It looks at the main stakeholders involved to understand how decisions are being made; to uncover the motivations of cultural institutions and artists to perform in prison; to highlight the main difficulties; and finally, to see how actions are being evaluated. An in-depth literature review as well as interviews with the main stakeholders have been performed. As a consequence, a comprehensive perspective is given to this rather unique configuration of culture in prison.  相似文献   

传统的冲突解决策略是基于问题解决模型,它着眼于各方的利益关系和沟通、控制等因素在解决冲突中的作用;动力学系统模型主要从推动冲突的吸引子出发,探讨冲突演化的过程。动力学的观点认为,冲突解决的关键在于改变系统内在的动力学性质,即引发和决定冲突演化趋向的吸引子,冲突的解决策略则主要从打破系统的封闭性、改变系统的反馈环路、恢复系统的多维性、创造和激活潜在的正性吸引子等方面入手。冲突解决的最终目的是使冲突各方形成新的心理和行为模式和不同于以往的心理和社会环境。  相似文献   

相对主义、非理性主义、反科学主义、方法论上的"怎么都行"的无政府主义等似乎已构成费耶阿本德哲学思想的基本标志,但其思想中"权力知识"的主题并没有得到应有的突出和重视.费耶阿本德的权力知识论突出表现在:国家权力支配了科学划界的标准;理性霸权垄断了知识生产的路径;唯科学独尊的科学知识妨碍了社会的民主和自由;在国际领域则是科学知识帝国主义和文化霸权.这些论述可以为提升中国学术自主性提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

水墨画梅的创始者仲仁,大约在宋神宗熙宁六七年间(1073-1074)"渡淮涉湘",来到南岳衡山,宋哲宗元祐末年入驻衡州花光寺,为长老,由此闻名,并在此度过余生.宋徽宗宣和四年谋归故乡越州山阴未成,次年(1123)二月卒.在衡岳一带生活近五十年,善绘画.宋哲宗绍圣以来,仲仁以绘画与贬谪南下的各路官僚文人广泛交往,深受欢迎.苏门文人的品题、赞誉,扩大了其影响.黄庭坚<山谷别集>卷六<书赠花光仁老>两信当为秦观所作.  相似文献   

从英汉两种语言的句法分布、不同的文化价值取向和情态主观性的体现特点出发,可以对英汉道义情态进行跨文化对比研究。英汉道义情态的语言表达受到各自语言特点和超语言因素的影响。汉语因句子结构和词性变化的局限,多用情态助动词表达道义情态,在表达方式上要比英语单一,并因此而凸显其主观性。英汉民族文化心理特征和文化价值观的不同对英汉道义情态的表达也有影响。  相似文献   

This article reviews social psychological theory and empirical research on perceiving and reporting discrimination. The article begins with an examination of factors that affect whether individuals perceive themselves as targets of discrimination. We then turn toward addressing whether individuals who perceive discrimination are willing to report their perceptions, as well as the interpersonal consequences they might face for so doing. Throughout this article, we examine how endorsement of the meritocratic worldview shapes these discrimination-related processes. Finally, we conclude by noting the potential for important theoretical, empirical, and applied advances on discrimination scholarship that can arise from interdisciplinary collaboration among legal scholars and social scientists.  相似文献   

近年,我国媒体披露了一系列震惊全国的刑事冤案,这些冤案在罪刑分布、被告人的社会构成、律师辩护、侦破方式、空间分布以及得以纠正的原因方面都呈现出惊人的规律性。导致冤案出现的原因非常复杂,刑讯逼供、违法取证、忽视科技手段的运用、对无罪证据视而不见、轻视律师辩护、有罪推定是导致冤案出现的最主要原因。冤案所反映的片面追求破案率、检察机关和法院办案时难以保持独立、对案件的处理过分迁就社会舆论和被害人压力、公检法三机关过分重视相互配合而轻视相互制约、司法经费不足、对错案责任的规定过于严格等问题值得深刻反思和检讨。  相似文献   

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