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有人说,西部大开发,中国现代化的发展将跃上一个新的台阶;有人说,西部大开发,将造就新一代的富翁和一大批新型的现代企业;还有人说,西部大开发,将改变千千万万人的人生轨迹……西部人自己的精神状态是怎样的?他们有什么梦想与期待?他们做好准备了吗?宁夏大学教授:人才流失太叫人着急了西部大开发,人才是关键。然而由于西部受各种条件的限制,人才留不住,外地的人才又不愿意来。西部自己  相似文献   

实施西部大开发战略 ,必须高度重视经济全球化对我国西部地区区域产业竞争力的影响。西部地区只有以积极的姿态迎接全球化的挑战 ,充分把握经济全球化趋势的特征和规律 ,采取有效措施趋利避害 ,才能最大限度的维护西部地区的产业安全 ,发挥区域优势 ,增强区域竞争力 ,促进西部经济的持续、快速、健康发展。  相似文献   

把重庆打造成西部现代物流中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着世界经济结构战略性调整和全球经济一体化进程加快,现代物流的区域化以及全球化发展趋势愈来愈明显。重庆如何抓住机遇,发挥优势,加速现代物流产业的发展,把重庆打造成西部现代物流中心,推动和提升相关产业的发展,提高经济运行质量,转变经济增长方式,增强区域经济实力和区域经济综合竞争能力,本文对此进行思考。 一、打造西部现代物流中心的有利条件 重庆作为中国西部的中央直辖市,具有成为中国西部现代物流中心的许多有利条件或优势,具体说来,有以下几个方面。 (一) 承东启西,沟通南北,使重庆具有成为西部现代物流中心的区位优势。重庆地处西部的东部,北有陕西、内蒙,南有云南、贵州、广西,西有四  相似文献   

温强洲 《学习与实践》2003,(9):4-4,11-13
当前,面对经济全球化,世界经济重心东移加快态势,面对东部沿海两洲一区经济一体化、都市化、国际化,加快产业结构升级态势,面对西部大开发深入,东北振兴战略启动,周边省区纷纷崛起的态势,湖北武汉应当如何应对?我的想法是:这对湖北武汉既是机遇,更是挑战。我们应当加大东向开放力度,  相似文献   

中央已决定大力开发西部。西部的确应该开发 ,我国现在的确具备了开发西部的技术和经济实力。但是 ,某些传媒把开发西部和中国加入WTO联系在一起 ,让我感到不可思议。因为 ,开发西部并不是市场行为 ,而是从国家民族长远发展大局出发的计划行为 ,是以国家为整体的行为 ,而加入WTO则是彻底的市场行为 ,是全球化浪潮冲击的产物。这两种行为的逻辑之不同有如水火 ,怎么可以相提并论呢 ?心里存着这个疑问 ,便放眼看看学术界和政界人士的议论 ,想了解个究竟。思前想后 ,归纳了以下几个问题 ,求教于大方之家。一、西部为什么落后 ?开发西部 ,…  相似文献   

人才资源是制约西部经济发展的“瓶颈”,西部开发应实施人才资源制胜战略。实施人才资源制胜战略是西部迎接知识经济挑战顺应经济全球化大潮和扩大开放的必然要求,是西部突破经济发展“瓶颈”制约的必然选择。鉴于此,笔者提出了西部实施人才资源战略的若干对策建设。  相似文献   

人才资源是制约西部经济发展的“瓶颈”,西部开发应实施人才资源制胜战略。实施人才资源制胜战略是西部迎接知识经济挑战顺应经济全球化大潮和扩大开放的必然要求,是西部突破经济发展“瓶颈”制约的必然选择。鉴于此,笔者提出了西部实施人才资源战略的若干对策建设。  相似文献   

开发西部既是贫穷落后的西部千载难逢的发展机遇。也是对西部人的一次严峻挑战,对此西部人必须有清醒的认识和充分的准备。 第—,“资源优势”的挑战。西部的优势是什么?众口一词是资源。但是,西部最……  相似文献   

当前,世界正朝着经济全球化、政治格局多极化方向发展,科学技术突飞猛进,日新月异,知识经济初见端倪。国与国之间的综合国力竞争日趋激烈。在迈向新世纪的征途上,我们既面临国家实施西部大开发的难得机遇,又面临各种困难和挑战。 西部大开发,对于西部来说,是一次重要的  相似文献   

人才资源是制约西部经济发展的“瓶颈”,西部开发应实施人才资源制胜战略。实施人才资源制胜战略是西部迎接知识经济挑战顺应经济全球化大潮和扩大开放的必然要求,是西部突破经济发展“瓶颈”制约的必然选择。鉴于此,笔者提出了西部实施人才资源战略的若干以对策建设。  相似文献   

The 6th China-ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)Expo(CAEXPO)was held in Nanning,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,on October 20-24.What influence has the CAEXPO brought to Guangxi? The China-ASEAN Free Trade Area(FTA)will begin on January 1,2010.What opportunities and challenges will it bring to the development in the region? Guo Shengkun,Party Secretary of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Committee,answered these questions in an interview with the Guangming Daily newspaper.  相似文献   

检察机关从2000年开始推行量刑建议试点工作,到2010年在全国全面开展量刑建议。那么检察机关对法院提出的量刑建议性质是怎样的,具体内容又是怎样的,目前改革过程中遇到了哪些困难,我们如何来克服,怎样才能更好的完善量刑建议的规定是此篇文章所要研究的主要问题。文中立足于量刑建议的性质,结合实践中遇到的问题,以一名的检察官的视角,对量刑建议改革提出一些看法和几点建议。  相似文献   

China was a latecomer to the preferential trading bandwagon that has swept East Asia in the years since the financial crises. The Chinese government was unwilling to go down the path of negotiating bilateral and minilateral agreements until the terms of its accession to the World Trade Organization were finalized. Since then, it has become one of the most active participants in the negotiation of preferential trading arrangements, currently being engaged in negotiations with more than 20 countries. The paper will address the following questions about China's move to preferential trade: (a) What forces are driving China's approach to the negotiation of preferential trade agreements? (b) To what extent is it possible to untangle economic and political motivations in China's choice of partners for PTA negotiations? And, which economic interests are being pursued most aggressively? (c) How are conflicting domestic interests reconciled in the policy-making process? (d) To what extent will the new PTAs facilitate Chinese-dominated production networks in the regions? (e) What overall impact will the PTAs have on the Chinese economy?  相似文献   

John Wong 《当代中国》1998,7(17):141-152
Ever since xiao‐kang or XK, literally meaning a ‘relatively comfortable life’, was first slated by Deng Xiaoping in 1979 to be China's main development target, the concept has become a codeword for China's socio‐economic development. It was incorporated in several major Party documents and formally adopted as the key development target by three consecutive Five‐Year Plans. What is the real meaning of XK? This paper analyses China's first XK Index which was published in 1992, based on a cluster of economic and social indicators relating to income, food consumption, housing, and human resource development. It will be seen that XK is actually a normative concept, fuzzy and grossly imprecise, especially when applied to a transitional economy like China. What constitutes XK to Deng may well be perceived differently by the new generation of Chinese. Such is the continuing social challenge of China's economic development.  相似文献   

在中国历史上,儒、道、佛三足鼎立。作为一种社会主流文化,儒、道、佛在苗族中的传播和影响是深刻的。它们是怎样传入到苗族地区的?它们给苗族的思想、文化和社会生活带来了哪些影响?本文将探讨和回答这些问题。  相似文献   

对发展西部民族地区旅游经济的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国西部民族地区经济发展比较落后,各项基础相对东部都比较差,如何发展西部的经济,随着旅游业在西部得到了很好的发展,成为新的经济增长点。旅游业已经成为发展西部经济的重要先导产业。  相似文献   

Bond Boom     
The Ministry of Finance recently kick-started a pilot program allowing local governments of Shanghai and Shenzhen, and Zhejiang and Guangdong provinces to issue bonds for the first time. How will the new policy affect fiscal capacities of local governments and the broader economy? What else should the country do to build a healthy bond market? Economists and experts discussed these issues in an interview with the ShanghaiSecuritiesJournal. Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产的保护与传承问题是当前我国非物质文化遗产研究的热点。旅游开发是非物质文化遗产保护与传承的一条重要途径。非物质文化遗产能否进行旅游开发,开发的必要性及意义是什么?从非物质文化遗产具有的旅游价值、面临的现状以及开发的意义三个方面来回答。  相似文献   

What is the Chinese role in international security of the Asia‐Pacific region? Has it become more cooperative or more potentially threatening? This paper addresses these issues through a systemic study of Chinese foreign trade, attitudes, and behaviors thowards Japan, the U.S., and Russia. The study covers the period from 1979 to 1992 and links to the most recent development in 1994.  相似文献   

The composition of Greater China among the PRC, Hong Kong and Taiwan entails an emerging form of micro governance where an ecological evolution of sub-group interaction and crossover of economic and social activities has been generating a dynamic of change within the East Asian region. The constitution of Greater China by social, economic, political, business and even daily commuting creates some soul searching questions about the possible outcomes of their intense interaction. To what extent has integration been made within Greater China through these interactions? Is China the economic linchpin or does China need to cooperate in one way or another to facilitate the modes of economic development? What are the attitudes and strategies used by Hong Kong or Taiwan when confronted with such an economic cum social entity? More importantly, where, and, under what conditions, will the interactions among the PRC, Taiwan and Hong Kong lead to? In this paper, I am going to use a conceptual model which includes four interactions: integration, interdependence, identity and independence (Four Is) to capture the catalyst of change that collectively entails these intermingled economic, social and cultural elements. People who live in the vast context of this geographical region experience the change. Through daily interaction, they help write the context of change through business activities, investment, migration, trade, culture, academic exchange, political and social development along the Four Is.  相似文献   

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