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Some defendants desire to be punished. Sometimes psychotic motivations underlie punishment-seeking behavior; sometimes they do not. The defendant's clinical status is relevant to his competency to stand trial and to waive other rights. These issues are illustrated by presentation of a case of a defendant who sought punishment. The importance of psychiatric assessments of these defendants is emphasized.  相似文献   


This article examines to what extent role-taking inspired characters in Shakespeare's play Measure for Measure to new modes of consciousness and concomitant social practices of restorative justice. The play's main character, Duke Vincentio, engages in a series of role-taking episodes through which he undergoes a self-transformation. He subsequently enacts the social practice of restorative justice. However, the play is neither a paragon case of self-transformation nor of restorative justice, especially since (1) manipulation and power are employed in the reintegrative shaming ceremony; (2) some characters are stigmatized and humiliated; and (3) the Duke still practices duplicitous, power-based, and punitive measures. Nevertheless, through the process of self-discovery and the recognition of others as like himself, the Duke reconceives his kingly role from that of an executor of law violators to that of a mediator of troubled relationships. The Duke's character reflects in part the cultural contradictions and social transformations ongoing in Shakespeare's Renaissance England.  相似文献   

日本民法百年中的债法总论和契约法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一 序 言日本民法典自l898年实施以来历经了百年的沧桑。在此期间,日本的政治、经济、社会都发生了显著的变化,但是民法典中除了亲属法、继承法以外基本上没有经过大的修改,尤其是债法可以说是原封不动。尽管判例创设了一些新的民法解释论以适应社会中出现的新问题,但基本没有经过修改的实定法仍能对应不断变化的社会,其中自然有着各种各样的原因。对此,学者有不同的见解,但比较一致的观点主要表现在这样几个方面: 其一,在于民法典所体现的基本价值观、基本制度。例如,民法典中规定了以买卖契约,租赁契约等为主的基本契约类型,…  相似文献   

法治国家、法治政府与法治社会一体建设的重要途径就是必须全面推进科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法.  相似文献   

We assessed perceptions of vulnerability and the desire for personal safety/self-defense (PS/SD) training among 67 female veterans receiving outpatient mental health treatment, primarily for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from sexual and/or physical trauma. Consistent with the literature on the impact of such training on nonclinical populations and on individuals with visual impairments, the results of this study indicate that traumatized female veterans believe that PS/SD training would be an effective and powerful addition to more traditional treatments for PTSD. Study participants indicated they believe such training would positively affect their sense of personal safety; promote increased competence in thwarting future assaults; improve their self-esteem, confidence, and assertiveness; and reduce avoidant and agoraphobic behaviors. These pilot results support the development of an adjunct intervention to augment current PTSD treatments for women veterans with histories of sexual and physical trauma.  相似文献   

林荫茂  张健 《法学家》2001,(5):74-77
一、问题的提出 行为时法、中间法、裁判时法的适用问题属于刑法的时间效力问题或溯及力问题。从旧兼从轻原则、不溯及既往原则,是刑法界比较熟悉的刑法时间效力原则,是处理犯罪行为时和犯罪裁判时法律不一致情况下的法律适用原则,这是新旧两法的选择适用问题。但在近期的刑事司法实践中,因涉及适用刑法修正...  相似文献   

针对如何理解行政法上客观法与主观法的关系,存在三种基本立场。主客观法分离立场认为维护公益的行政法与公民个人权利形成对峙。该立场存在无法关联违法性与侵权性、抱持无视宪法的行政法观等疑问。主客观法结合立场主张从客观法中分出一部分请求权对应行政主体法定义务。该立场存在宪法与行政法平台错位、公益与私益纵向割裂等局限。主客观法统一立场将客观法当作主观法的全部集合,权利由客观法分解得来。该立场是理解行政法主客观法关系的妥当见解。在分配行政与利害调整观念下,特定或不特定复数私人主体间基于行政法律规范的各种利益与不利益冲突、对立并交织而成的利害关系网才是行政实体法律关系的本质,行政法上的实体权利应当由此导出。遵循“利害关系→合法权益”而非“合法权益→利害关系”的逻辑顺序才是判断行政诉讼原告资格的正确方法。  相似文献   

沈岿 《法学》2021,(3):69-83
公共领域的软硬法混合治理既是一个普遍存在的事实,也被认为是应当采取的立场和方法。然而,以新冠疫情防控过程中的软硬法规则的运用为例,可以发现实际运行的混合治理模式存在法治紧张问题:“名义软法”混合“实质硬法”现象大量存在,且制定主体泛滥,制定程序非公开,规范效力不明确。解决问题的可行路径是对行政法规、规章以外的行政规则进行统一规范。对软法性质和硬法性质的行政规则,在文件名称、发布主体、基本程序、规范效力等方面应提出不同要求,并使其接受相同的行政法基本原则的约束。  相似文献   

中国社会科学院法学研究所性别与法律研究中心 (以下简称中心 ) ,主要研究社会性别与法律之间关系的理论与实践。这是一个极具挑战性的综合性边缘学科。社会性别概念在西方早在 2 0世纪 60年代就已提出 ,至 1 995年第四届北京世界妇女大会后 ,“社会性别主流化”的呼声日渐高涨 ,成为世界人权领域和国际妇女解放运动中的热门话题之一。“社会性别”概念为我们提供了一个崭新的研究视角和分析框架。用这个视角来分析传统的立法、司法、执法、法学研究和法律教育 ,创建有利于男女两性共同发展的法律框架 ,还是一门新兴的学科。在中国尚属空白…  相似文献   

法律优先与法律保留   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律优先原则和法律保留原则是依法行政的重要内容,也是确定行政立法权限的原则.法律优先要求高位阶的法律规范的效力优越于低位阶的法律规范,低位阶的法律规范不得与高位阶的法律规范相抵触,同时还要求公民基本权利对行政的直接效力和违反法律优先原则的审查.法律保留原则中的"法律"不包括行政立法,相对法律保留中的"法律"是授权法.法律保留原则的范围已经从干预行政扩大到给付行政、内部行政等领域,重要性理论是判断法律保留范围的主要根据.我国法律保留原则已经得以确立,但是还有需要加强之处,法律保留原则的实现也同样需要违宪审查或司法审查机制的保障.  相似文献   

Tort scholars have in recent years defended a ‘traditional’ or ‘idealist’ view of tort law. In the context of negligence this implies that the holder of a duty of care must make an effort not to violate that duty. Idealists contrast this with a ‘cynical’ view that having a duty of care implies a legal requirement to pay damages for breach of that duty. This article defends the cynical view, arguing that it easily explains doctrines supposedly only explicable from an idealist perspective, and that many aspects of tort law are hard to reconcile with idealism. Empirical constraints often make idealism, even if it were desirable, unattainable, and cynicism is therefore the more honest view. The article argues that idealism is often undesirable, having costs, both pecuniary and non‐pecuniary, which are often ignored, and that therefore it is sometimes better if certain torts take place (and are compensated) than if they do not happen.  相似文献   

If 'computing and law' as a discipline is to push forward and develop, it will do so best within the context of the law school rather than as a joint enterprise between law and other disciplines. It is in the law school that the understanding of the nature of law is at its height. Yet there are problems here-law schools have a strained relationship with technology and their concept of the breadth of 'legal scholarship' can be limited by conventional (or ideologically-biased) views of law and an undergraduate-oriented view of the law school's purpose. There are also problems arising from the nature of communications between lawyers and computer scientists. In this article, I highlight these problems and also argue for a more developed and extended view of legal scholarship which will be able to incorporate study and research of the impact of the computer upon legal society as well as the legal control of the unwanted elements arising from these new technologies. Most writings on IT and the law school concentrate upon its use as an educational tool. My interest here is not so much in this side of things, but in the research culture of the law school. Whilst there is sometimes a view that the linkage of law school and IT is purely related to the use of technology in legal education, the remit is wider and includes the understanding of the link between substantive law and the context of the new computerized world and also the impact of the computer in the practice of law. This latter aspect is becoming increasingly important with the Woolf reforms and computerization of the procedural elements of law, but also in substantive law: for example, administrative systems are becoming more and more mediated by technology, and administrative law must be reviewed and re-worked in this context.  相似文献   

周珂  李延荣  李艳芳 《法学家》2003,2(1):74-77,83
2002年我国环境资源法学研究的发展主要体现在: 第一,科研力量发展.一批环境资源法教学科研机构和硕士点成立,除了专职研究人员外,越来越多的相关学科的学者关心和参与环境资源法的教学和科研活动,环境资源法学研究从初期的封闭状态日益走向开放,日益与大法学和相关的自然科学相融合.……  相似文献   

罗培新 《法学研究》2006,28(5):44-57
在当代公司法学研究中,效率是一个主导性的理论范式。尊重情感、伦理等在其他法律场域中可能要被考虑的多维目标,在公司法中无需顾及。因而,以效率为价值取向的法律经济学,无可争议地成为公司法学研究中最具解说力的分析工具。就此而论,揭示公司法学研究的法律经济学含义,以公司法的演进路径和适应性品格为基础,反思并检讨我国的公司法学研究和立法实践,对于当前的公司法律变革,将起到思想和智识指引的作用。而作为公司法的基础制度安排,表决权规则的设计更应本着效率之理念进行。  相似文献   

2002年劳动法学和社会保障法学研究的回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林嘉  林敏 《法学家》2003,(1):69-73
200年劳动法和社会保障法学的研究总体上看是活跃的.尽管这一年出版的专著不多,但我们还是看到有一批具有相当质量的论文面世,并不乏新见陈出,尤其令人欣喜的是涌现了一批年青的学者投身到劳动法和社会保障法的研究领域.……  相似文献   

关怀  姜俊禄 《法学家》2000,(1):75-78,99
《法学家》1999年第1期刊登了关怀教授撰写的《十一届三中全会以来我国劳动法学的发展》总结了1978年以来劳动法学和社会保障法学的发展历程,本文对劳动法学和社会保障法学的回顾与展望即是该文章的延续。...  相似文献   

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