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This year marks a half-century of diplomatic relations between China and Sri Lanka. To commemorate the event, Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa visited China in early spring. After his visit, he discussed his views on bilateral relations and world affairs in a written interview with Beijing Review.  相似文献   

January 1,2019 marked the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.Looking back,former U.S.President Jimmy Carter once told Li Qiangmin,Chinese Consul General in Houston,that the most correct thing he had done during his presidential tenure from 1977 to 1981 .was normalizing U.S.China relations.The decision changed China,the United States,and the world,Carter said.  相似文献   

Prime Minister Yasuo Fukada's recent trip to China is helping Japan's relations with China to blossom Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda paid his first state visit to China on December 27-30,2007, with a packed schedule of meetings that he had hoped would cement his country's official bonds with China and help him establish personal trust with the Chinese.  相似文献   

THERE is a war of words between China and Western countries on the definition of democracy and the best form for its presentation and implementation. It is a subject surrounded by controversy. Liu Jianfei,however,has taken on this intractable task in his rigorous new exposition Democracy and China,in which he examines China’s democracy in a global context,paying particular attention to China-U.S. relations.  相似文献   

With frequent high-level visits and the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC)in September,for China,2018 was the "year of Africa."From July 21 to 28,2018,President Xi Jinping visited Senegal,Rwanda,South Africa and Mauritius,his fourth Africa visit since he was elected president in 2013,which showed the great importance he attaches to Sino-African relations.  相似文献   

<正>More efforts are needed to attract and support international students Between the ages of 25 and 30,Alane* spent most of his time in China.From2016 to 2020,he learned Chinese and majored in international relations at China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU) in Beijing.It wasn’t easy to access this opportunity.  相似文献   

The good relations New Zea-land enjoys with China owemuch to one man: Rewi Alley, theNew Zealander who spent sixtyyears in China. Arriving in Shang-hai in 1927, he quickly learned ofthe misery Old China offered itspeople, so threw in his lot with theChinese revolution and did whathe could to help the birth of NewChina. His heroic efforts in build-ing the Gung Ho movement of  相似文献   

"Amity between people holds the key to sound relations between states." Chinese President Xi Jinping has reiterated this in his speeches at various foreign affairs activities. To elaborate, he often provides anecdotes of real people and their stories that demonstrate China's respect for other cultures and its sincere desire for peaceful coexistence. In this issue China Today interviewed some of the people and their families that Xi has mentioned. Their experiences highlight the growing friendly exchanges between Chinese people and people of other countries, and a developing and changing China.  相似文献   

正"Amity between people holds the key to sound relations between states."Chinese President Xi Jinping has reiterated this in his speeches at various foreign affairs activities.To elaborate,he often provides anecdotes of real people and their stories that demonstrate China’s respect for other cultures and its sincere desire for peaceful coexistence.In this issue China Today interviewed  相似文献   

“Pakistan regards China as a strategic partner and the bilateral ties have endured the test of time.”Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz made the comment during his four-day official visit to China on April 16 when he met Chinese President Hu Jintao,Premier Wen Jiabao and the NPC Standing Committee Chairman Wu Bangguo.His visit to China also included a trip to Boao,where he delivered a keynote speech at the Boao Forum for Asia held on April 20-22. During his stay in Beijing,the two countries signed 13 agreements on cooperation in the fields of space,telecommunications,education and legal assistance,which enhanced an already close strategic partnership. In an interview with Beijing Review reporter Pan Shuangqin,Prime Minister Aziz addressed a number of issues ranging from Asia's searching for a win-win economic situation to the influence of Sino-Pakistani relations on regional peace.  相似文献   

"Deeper than the ocean and higher than the mountain." This is how visiting Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has described Sino-Pakistani relations. Musharraf made the comment during his five-day official visit to China, starting February 19, when he met Chinese President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao, as well as representatives from Chinese industrial and business circles. Musharraf also delivered a speech at the Chinese Academy of Social  相似文献   

Civil mediation contributes to dispute resolution with minimum harm to social relations Yang Jiuzhou,a people’s mediator in Luhe District of Nanjing,Jiangsu Province in east China,has a natural fl air for mediation.When he lived in a village,he used to settle disputes among the villagers and his effi ciency earned him their trust.  相似文献   

正Having won the presidential race,will Donald Trump keep his campaign promises and get tough on China,or will he be guided by pragmatism?It’s too early to determine whether Trump will adhere to the China-U.S.relationship during Obama’s term.Hopefully such a relationship will proceed,and cooperation will continue to dominate future China-U.S.relations.  相似文献   

正Will Trump fashion a new strategy or stick to the same path in the Pacific?Both during his campaign and after the election,U.S.President Donald Trump has stated that he wants new policy ideas and new policy faces on his team.Healso said he wants good relations with major powers.Because these are still the early stages of his administration,it is reasonable to believe that developing an effective new national strategy,and a new foreign policy to  相似文献   

China and India seek to exert a positive influence on-the world Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao dis- played his signature smile as he and his visiting Indian counter- part Manmohan Singh signed a document to upgrade China-India relations in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on January 14.Wen had good rea- son to be confident.Having just concluded a fruitful meeting in which the two leaders reached a consensus on a wide range of top- ics,they were now reaffirming in a written document the two countries'commitment to intensifying bilateral cooperation from a global perspective.  相似文献   

Against the backdrop of all-time low relations with Asian neighbors, Japan's Emperor Akihito used the occasions of his annual birthday press conference and New Year greeting to talk to his nation about wartime history. The fact that he rarely addresses the  相似文献   

THIS year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of India.To learn more about the relationship between the two countries,China Today interviewed Ashok K.Kantha,Indian Ambassador to China,who shared his insights on the two countries’bilateral relations on multiple issues including diplomacy,economic and trade cooperation,people-  相似文献   

Yang Jiechi,a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and former foreign minister,addresses China-Africa relations following his recent visits to Uganda,the Republic of the Congo and Senegal.This is an edited version of his interview with Xinhua News Agency from December 20,2019 What are your expectations for developing China-Africa relations in the complex and fluid international landscape?  相似文献   

On January 16, 2004 the CPAFFC held a reception to mark the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. CPAFFC President Chen Haosu and French Ambassador to China Jean-Pierre Lafon spoke on the occasion.In his speech CPAFFC President Chen Haosu said, forty years ago, Chairman Mao Zedong and General Charles de Gaulle with their great foresight decided to establish the diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level between China and France,  相似文献   

During his five-day state visit to Japan on May 6-10,Chinese President Hu Jintao stressed that China and Japan should explore new areas of cooperation to accelerate bilateral economic relations. As one of the five largest Japanese trading companies,Sumitomo Corp.(Sumitomo)has made its presence felt in China through its subsidiaries since 1955.On May 9,Nobuo Kitagawa,General Manager of Sumitomo China and former Chairman of Japan China Chamber of Commerce and Industry,spoke with Beijing Review reporter Miao Xiaoyang,sharing his opinions on Sino-Japanese trade relations and the prospects of Sumitomo in China.  相似文献   

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