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Morphological analysis of the corpus striatum in morphine intoxication was carried out on experimental and autopsy specimens. The resultant morphometrical data characterize various stages of opium narcomania and abstinence. The severity of involvement of neuronal structures and specific features of the glial reaction are described, which can be used in forensic medical diagnosis of such intoxications.  相似文献   

A total of 121 death cases with young subjects who died from acute overheating are analyzed. The causes of thermal injury and clinical and morphological manifestations of hyperthermia for five main symptom complexes are discussed.  相似文献   

Epidemiological and some medicolegal aspects of fatal poisonings with basic groups of psychotropic drugs in combination with ethanol are discussed and some recommendations concerning the improvement of medicolegal diagnosis of such poisonings are presented.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis and evaluation of all modern methods used for medicolegal diagnosis of poisoning with Amanita phalloides are presented. Imperfection of methods used for laboratory diagnosis of such poisonings requires extensive experimental control using the designed method of liquid chromatography for amanitine and phalloidine assay in the cadaveric organs and tissues.  相似文献   

医师运用医学知识 ,结合实践经验和病人的症状和体征以及相关的辅助检查资料判断疾病 ,称为临床诊断。临床诊断有门诊诊断、住院诊断、手术诊断等等。而法医学是应用医学、生物学及其他自然科学的理论和技术 ,研究并解决法律实践中有关医学问题的一门科学。法医学鉴定结论则是法医学鉴定人对案件经办者所提供的人和物等检材进行检查、判断 ,将分析意见、审查结果写成结论以解决案件的实质性问题。临床诊断与法医学鉴定结论两者既有联系 ,又存区别。过去曾有将临床诊断直接作为损伤的办案证据 ,从而产生不良影响的教训 ,应引以为鉴。现将两者…  相似文献   

沈德胜 《证据科学》2001,8(1):35-35
医师运用医学知识,结合实践经验和病人的症状和体征以及相关的辅助检查资料判断疾病, 称为临床诊断.临床诊断有门诊诊断、住院诊断、手术诊断等等.而法医学是应用医学、生物学及其他自然科学的理论和技术,研究并解决法律实践中有关医学问题的一门科学.法医学鉴定结论则是法医学鉴定人对案件经办者所提供的人和物等检材进行检查、判断,将分析意见、审查结果写成结论以解决案件的实质性问题.临床诊断与法医学鉴定结论两者既有联系,又存区别.过去曾有将临床诊断直接作为损伤的办案证据,从而产生不良影响的教训, 应引以为鉴.现将两者的区别叙述如下:  相似文献   

Informative diagnostical criteria of medicolegal evaluation and prognosis of corporal lesion gravity in case of acute local radiation trauma as well as algorithm of medicolegal diagnostical process concerning these lesions with reference to external radiation exposure, kind of injuring factor, differential-diagnostical signs of acute local radiation trauma are suggested. They make it possible to formulate medicolegal diagnosis and can form the basis for developing diagnostical programmes.  相似文献   

Morphological myocardial changes essential for diagnosis in forensic medical medicine are listed as well as alterations in the vessels of the myocardium, cardiac muscular fibers and cardiomyocytes important for diagnosis of death of ischemic heart disease, acute alcohol poisoning, alcohol cardiomyopathy, closed cardiac lesions. Changes induced by reflex impacts on the heart and postmortem alterations are also shown.  相似文献   

The pathomorphology of intoxication of alcohol surrogates is described. A high frequency rate of DIC-syndrome is shown for the condition. A majority of thrombi accumulates at places with the highest concentrations of toxic substances as well as at those places, through which poisoning substances are brought out of the body, i.e. in the liver (since toxic substances are introduced perorally) and kidneys. Thrombi were detected in all internals, including the brain, in lethal intoxication. The immediate toxic effect from methanol and from higher spirits can matter in the genesis of changes, including acute swelling and chromatolysis with subsequent cell death. Exclusively cerebral or coagulopathic-cerebral types of thanatogenesis were registered in studied case of intoxication.  相似文献   

A method of morphometric evaluation of neuroglial complexes of the brain by relatively simple and available morphometric technique is described. The gist of the method is measuring the glial distance and glial density, which change during narcotic intoxication and abstinence. The method is addressed to forensic medical expert histologists engaged in microscopic diagnosis of such poisonings on section material.  相似文献   

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