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随着谈判理念的深入,培训工作的铺开,谈判组工作机制的建立,谈判事业要从一个经验型的时代走向科学型的时代,选拔工作需要规范化和专业化。应从谈判功能应该分区域、岗位角色应该具体化和岗位职责应该轮换的角度去阐述危机谈判员选拔的指导思想。综合国内外实践情况,阐述了一个四步走的基本选拔模式。  相似文献   

张明刚 《政法学刊》2009,26(1):90-95
人质危机谈判通常分为谈判初始阶段,实质性谈判阶段和结束谈判阶段。在谈判的不同阶段,劫持者的心理状态有所不同,谈判使用的策略与方法也有所差异。谈判初始阶段的主要策略是稳定情绪,建立互信,会同攻击单位共同制订运送、接收、投降和攻击方案。实质性谈判阶段的重,最是策略性地处理要求与期限。谈判结束阶段应做好和平结束与武力结束两种可能的准备。谈判人员要根据各阶段形势发展,采用相应的有效谈判策略,有序地处理人质危机。  相似文献   

莫德升 《政法学刊》2009,26(6):111-114
危机教育是公安教育的重要组成部分,是一门必修课。加强危机教育是我国正处于社会转型期、改革攻坚期应对各种危机所必需。然而当前我国公安教育中危机教育状况不容乐观,为提高公安教育的水平与质量,必须将危机教育当作公安教育的一门必修课。  相似文献   

Police involvement in incidents of physical assaults against women has been the subject of considerable research. There is still some debate, however, about the relationship between the social structure of the incident and the level of involvement of the criminal justice system. Using the Redesigned National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS; U.S. Department of Justice, 1997), this paper looks at several different dimensions of the criminal justice system's involvement in physical assaults against women including calling the police, police response, and arrest. Results suggest that police were more likely to become involved in first time incidents of physical assaults against women and incidents that involved injury. Differences between models, however, suggested that the involvement of the criminal justice system is a multidimensional process.  相似文献   

The Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) program is an approach for law enforcement officers to safely response to individuals who are experiencing a mental health crisis. Research must identify the components of CIT that are instrumental to the overall effectiveness of the program. For instance, recent studies report that CIT may have a transformative effect on officers' attitudes by increasing exposure to and familiarity with mental illness. This study explores this possibility further by examining 57 CIT officers' experiences with mental illness and attitudes about CIT. Specifically, we assessed how personal and professional exposure to mental illness associates with officers' perceptions about CIT generally, as well as with opinions about the officers' confidence in their abilities and the perceived effectiveness of the police department in responding to individuals in mental health crisis. Our findings indicate that CIT is rated very positively by officers. We found that officers' attitudes about the impact of CIT on improving overall safety, accessibility of services, officer skills and techniques, and the preparedness of officers to handle calls involving persons with mental illness are positively associated with officers' confidence in their abilities or with officers' perceptions of overall departmental effectiveness. There is further evidence that personal contact with individuals with mental illness affects the relationship between attitudes that CIT impacts overall safety and perceived departmental effectiveness. The results of this exploratory study underscore the importance of CIT officers' perceptions of key elements of CIT and the role of exposure to mental illness in examining program effectiveness.  相似文献   

By questionnaire, 631 police investigators reported on their interrogation beliefs and practices-the first such survey ever conducted. Overall, participants estimated that they were 77% accurate at truth and lie detection, that 81% of suspects waive Miranda rights, that the mean length of interrogation is 1.6 hours, and that they elicit self-incriminating statements from 68% of suspects, 4.78% from innocents. Overall, 81% felt that interrogations should be recorded. As for self-reported usage of various interrogation tactics, the most common were to physically isolate suspects, identify contradictions in suspects' accounts, establish rapport, confront suspects with evidence of their guilt, and appeal to self-interests. Results were discussed for their consistency with prior research, policy implications, and methodological shortcomings.  相似文献   

The National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) overcomes a basiclimitation of the traditional summary Uniform Crime Reporting program (UCR)by collecting victim information. Using this new victim information tocompare National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and NIBRS results, wefind some similarities as well as some differences in the characteristics ofvictims and offenders suggested by the two programs. Similarities appear inthe proportions of men and women involved as victims and offenders forrobbery and assault. Comparisons are more difficult and the proportions lesssimilar for property offenses. Nevertheless, the results suggest that whenthe NIBRS is fully developed, it will be an important source of informationon the characteristics of both victims and offenders. Even before theredesigned program is fully implemented, one of the most important featuresof NIBRS reports will be their ability to provide local area victimizationinformation. In addition, the NIBRS will provide much more information onarrests and the characteristic of offenders than any existing program.  相似文献   

危机谈判,作为处理危机事件的有效手段,在世界各国,特别是欧美发达国家,已经得到广泛认同与有效应用。据国外有关研究显示,以专业化谈判团队的形式处理人质危机,安全、和平处理率高达93%,而没有专业化谈判团队的介入,被迫采取武力解决的,伤亡率高达78%。在我国,危机谈判机制建设刚刚起步,危机谈判的功能还没有广泛认同,对如何实现谈判功能也处于探索阶段。结合谈判工作实践和培训的谈判专业人员的反馈经验来分析危机谈判的功能及其实现的条件,应该对于危机谈判专业发展有所启示。  相似文献   

皮华英  杨元花 《政法学刊》2010,27(3):118-122
从湖南各地市随机抽取681名警察进行问卷调查,目的在于了解警察的职业倦怠状况,以期为预防和干预警察职业倦怠提供现实依据。结果发现:从整体看,湖南省警察情感耗竭达中等程度,人格解体程度较高,成就感低落也较高。在人口统计学变量上,不同文化程度和不同婚姻状况在职业倦怠三个维度上无显著性差异;男女警察在情感耗竭和人格解体上达到极其显著性差异;不同来源的警察在人格解体维度上达到显著差异;不同警种的警察在情感耗竭上达到显著差异;不同年龄的警察在人格解体上达到了非常显著的差异;不同职务的警察在情感耗竭和成就感低落上达到非常显著的差异。  相似文献   

司法警察支队长人格特征调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邵晓顺  邵晓枫 《河北法学》2005,23(10):99-100
采用卡特尔16项人格因素问卷(16PF)对202名司法警察支队长作测量,结果显示:司法警察支队长的人格特征较为优良;心理健康的平均得分高于常模均值;专业有成就的平均得分高于常模均值,其中得高分的占10.8%;创造力高分占12.4%;新环境成长能力平均得分略低于常模均值,成长能力高分占6.2%。这些结果表明,司法警察支队长总体的心理素质较为良好。  相似文献   

This article provides an empirical analysis of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) implementation within the law enforcement profession. Specifically, the study reports results from a national survey of state police/highway patrol agencies regarding practical implementation of the ADA. The data is analyzed in terms of population size and collective bargaining status. Results of this endeavor indicate that implementation of the ADA within law enforcement is difficult, especially as applied to the work of sworn personnel. These challenges are somewhat diminished when applied to non-sworn personnel such as dispatchers, administrators, and clerical personnel. The most substantial obstacles to implementation of the ADA within law enforcement is not associated with political officials or administrators. Instead, most arise from the lack of training and vague legislative language and regulatory standards. Smaller states and those without collective bargaining report lower levels of accommodation; however, there are few statistically significant differences in terms of population and collective bargaining.  相似文献   

Abstract: Recommendations for the evaluation of an unexplained death in infancy include a postmortem skeletal survey (PMSS) to exclude skeletal trauma. Objectives of this study were to assess adherence to these recommendations in forensic autopsies in children equal to or less than 36 months of age, and what factors influence the use or nonuse of the PMSS. We surveyed pathologists who were members of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. The survey included practice characteristics about where, when, and how PMSS were done. Nearly all respondents (99.6%) indicated they performed PMSS at least some of the time; however, almost a third did not use PMSS for all suspected Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), abuse, unsafe sleep, or undetermined causes of death. Despite evidence that “babygrams” are inappropriate in a SIDS workup, 30% of pathologists use them preferentially. Despite SIDS being a diagnosis of exclusion that requires a PMSS, almost 10% of pathologists do not order a PMSS. Future research is necessary to reduce barriers to this important component of the pediatric forensic autopsy.  相似文献   

The present study surveyed 91 police interviewers in Scottish police forces about their perceptions of how well they adhered to the Scottish Executive (2003) guidelines. Almost all respondents (97%) received the appropriate national training and overwhelmingly indicated (again 97%) that their training equipped them either quite, very, or extremely well for conducting their interviews. Not surprisingly, therefore, most interviewers (88%) believed that their interviews allowed them to obtain full and complete accounts of the events being investigated. However, aside from this positive self evaluation there are reasons to be concerned about some aspects of the interviews being conducted; 1) Most interviewers (78%) received no refresher training, 2) no interviewers received formal feedback about the quality of interviews that they conducted, 3) practice interviews were reportedly not included in most interviews, 4) the use of open-ended prompts were not widely used with 20% of interviewers indicating that they were rarely used, and 5) interviews are not currently being electronically recorded. These results are discussed with respect to the context of child interviewing in Scotland and recommendations for future training.  相似文献   

英美辅警体系研究:比较与借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栗长江 《政法学刊》2010,27(2):109-113
国内学术界对英美国家的辅警研究有一种泛化倾向,把一些本不属于辅警体系的治安力量纳入其中。事实上,在英国,辅警包括Special Constable和Police Community Support Officer两种,而在美国,辅警指的是Auxiliary Police。目前,我国并没有真正的辅警体系,而警力的严重不足又使基层公安机关离不开辅警的支持,可以借鉴英关模式建立我国的辅警体系,包括治安辅警和交通辅警两种类型。  相似文献   

Mental health courts (MHCs) represent an important new development at the interface of the criminal justice and mental health systems. MHCs are criminal courts for persons with mental illness that were in part created to divert this population from jail/prison into community treatment. MHCs are proliferating rapidly despite limited knowledge regarding their characteristics or their efficacy. We surveyed the entire population of adult MHCs in the United States, n = 90. In the past 8 years, MHCs have been created in 34 states, with an aggregate current caseload of 7,560 clients in MHCs nationally. Most courts (92%) reported using jail as a sanction for noncompliance, if only rarely. Further, jail sanction use was significantly predicted by increased judicial supervision and number of felons in the court. Implications for MHCs and social monitoring are discussed.  相似文献   



Police workload’s relationship with crime clearance has been studied widely. In the challenging environment now facing police, even small and possibly temporary changes in investigative workload could harm clearance. However existing workload-clearance research either used only a yearly average that obscures temporal variability in caseload, or explored proxy rather than direct measures of workload’s short-term variation. Our improved workload measures capture caseload’s daily changes as crimes are reported, cleared, or remain uncleared but reach the end of active investigation. We examine relationships between clearance and both long- and short-term variability in workload.


Using NIBRS and LEMAS data, we calculated between-agency (typical or long-term) and time-varying, within-agency (daily fluctuating or short-term) workload measures. We used these and other agency/jurisdiction- and incident-level variables in multi-level survival analysis of clearance by arrest for serious violent incidents from 2007 NIBRS.


Both workload measures were significantly and negatively related to the clearance hazard rate; higher long- and short-term workloads are associated with reduced chance of a case being cleared. The estimated relationship between longterm workload and clearance became progressively stronger (more negative) as the crime incident’s legal seriousness decreased. However, estimates indicated greater sensitivity of the clearance hazard to short-term workload fluctuations for more serious crimes, though the workload-clearance relationship remained negative for all crime types.


Crime clearance should be considered by police agency planners when addressing workload through staffing decisions. Refinement of our workload measures will require additional information, and should be considered in future agency- and incident-level data collection.

This paper uses a heretofore untapped source of information in the National Crime Survey (NCS) victimization data—the interviewer narratives—to explore school-related victimizations among adolescents. These narrative reports provide important information bearing on lifestyle and routine activity theories of victimization that is simply not available from the more familiar, highly structured portions of the NCS questionnaire. The NCS narratives suggest that a large proportion of school-related victimizations stems from peer interactions that occur in the course of routine daily activities and escalate into victimizations. Students represent pools of both potential offenders and potential victims who come in frequent contact with each other, often in the absence of capable guardians. However, rather than predatory, calculated attempts to harm, school-related victimizations among adolescents appear to consist primarily of bullying, injured pride, and misguided mischief. The theoretical and methodological implications of this study are highlighted.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代以来,美国律师业一直在经历着一场深刻的变革。律师业的这场变革衍生出包括律师职业危机论在内的众多理论解说。美国律师职业危机实际上是因为垄断学派本身的理论解释与律师业急剧变迁的制度变革之间分离所带来的律师职业理论的危机,而不是律师业本身的危机。通过对这场危机的系统考察,可以进一步深化对职业制度和职业实践的理解,从而有助于理清我国律师业改革的方向。  相似文献   

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