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由于立法的不明确和社会现实的复杂性,侵犯商业秘密罪构成要件的相关内容在理论界争议颇多,在适用上也存在一定困难.明确侵犯商业秘密罪构成要件的内涵和外延,并就重大损失的认定以及计算方法,非法获取行为是否应入罪,犯罪主观方面是否包括过失等疑难问题的探讨,在理论上有助于深化对侵犯商业秘密罪的认识,在实践上可以准确认定侵犯商业秘密罪与非罪的界限.  相似文献   

2006年1月1日实施的新《公司法》对一人公司的确认,是本次《公司法》修改的一大亮点,也是我国公司法对一人公司制度的一大创新。但在之后的实践中也暴露出了我国新《公司法》中关于一人公司制度的一些弊端,本文主要从一人公司的起源、我国确立一人公司制度的意义及存在的不足几个方面进行了论述,并对一人公司法律规制提出了自己的设想,以期促进一人公司的良性发展,使其走上正确的轨道。  相似文献   

群山 《岭南学刊》2005,(2):69-71
小企业要在创业初始就开辟新的生存空间并保持旺盛的活力永续发展,关键在于不断提升小企业创业的异质竞争力、企业后续发展的成长竞争力以及获得永续发展优势的长远竞争力。小企业三大竞争力提升,源于小企业创业经营领域与资源的独特、技术与管理优势的培植和企业制度的创新。  相似文献   

Tiantian Zheng 《当代中国》2006,15(46):161-182
Nightclubs emerged in the post-Mao era following the initiation of economic liberalization. Although the consumption of sexual services of hostesses is illegal and subject to different degrees of harassment by local police, the patrons claim that their engagement in sex consumption represents their weapon against the socialist morality and socialist state. In my own analysis, I illustrate how sex consumption is a criterion to evaluate one another's deference, reliability, self-control, and sexual potency. Sex consumption becomes a business ritual for conducting the pre-selection of, and bonding with, potential partners to reach mutual trust in their social alliance in the current Chinese state-clientelism.  相似文献   

Jieh‐min Wu 《当代中国》1997,6(15):319-346
China poses a theoretical challenge in that corruption and rent‐seeking activities have not hindered foreign direct investment and economic development. Studies in development have documented the problems of rent‐seeking. International capital presumably hesitates to step into a Third‐World country such as China, which cannot protect private property rights with a comprehensive legal framework. However, for the last decade in China export promotion, foreign capital, and industrial development have proceeded simultaneously. This research argues that local officials helped investors overcome the problem of high transaction costs during a period of institutional uncertainty and local informal rules supplied foreigners with effective protection of property rights under corrupt circumstances. By controlling rent‐seeking activities, local officials created a wide variety of ad hoc patronage for private and foreign investments within their administrative domain. In return, local governments received extrabudgetary payments for the official patronage. This article provides an in‐depth case study of the so‐called joint venture between Taiwanese enterprises and Chinese local authorities in the Pearl River Delta, the institutional bases for their collaboration and the dynamics of the relationship under institutional change.  相似文献   

Via quantitative analysis and interviews, this article examines the credibility and sustainability of Beijing’s patronage policy towards Taiwanese business. The new finding is that the rise of economic nationalism and local protectionism in China is undermining and constraining Beijing’s patronage policy. Consequently, China’s rising economy does not deepen cross-Strait integration but rather crowds out Taiwanese business. Moreover, considering the growing influence of Chinese domestic constraints, this article attempts to provide a bilateral two-level game to grasp the new dynamics on cross-Strait relations under the new normal.  相似文献   

中日两国传统上对家庭、家族、家族伦理有着不同的认识,而且这些认识上的差异性深刻地影响着企业经营管理。我国当前的民营家族企业应该突破传统的小家族观念,借鉴日本的经验,把企业作为一个大家庭来经营。  相似文献   

略论发展我国私人银行业务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
私人银行业务正在成为银行业务领域重要的组成部分,是银行业一个主要的利润来源。随着我国个人财富的增长,法律制度的完善,我国私人银行业务的发展变得非常必要。但是金融工具的单一,人力资源的匮乏,信息信用体系的缺失为私人银行业务的发展造成了障碍。针对现状,必须通过准确的目标客户定位,因地制宜建立私人银行业务的服务模式,加快人才培养,提高创新能力,采取多样化的营销策略,积极探索我国私人银行业务发展的途径。  相似文献   

符淼 《岭南学刊》2004,(5):65-68
跨境电子银行业务是随着全球信息和通讯技术发展而产生的一种新的金融业务。目前,我国的银行在开展跨境电子银行业务中出现了新风险、银行信用等级不高、创新能力不足等困难。对此,笔者认为,应采取风险管理措施、采取“水泥 鼠标”模式、进行金融创新、加强与境外金融机构的合作和营销等策略,开展跨境电子银行业务。  相似文献   

非公有制经济是社会主义经济的重要组成部分,其存在和发展不是权宜之计,而是长期的发展过程。非公有制经济的发展,有利于发展社会主义生产力,有利于提高人民的生活水平,有利于增强社会主义国家的综合国力。必须毫不动摇地鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济的发展。  相似文献   

论我国商业秘密保护中的竞业禁止   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商业秘密保护中的竞业禁止是指对与特定营业具有特定关系的特定人的行为予以禁止的制度。我国关于竞业禁止制度的立法颇为零乱且不具操作性,应从竞业禁止合同的有效要件诸方面进行完善。  相似文献   

为了适应市场竞争的要求,更好地满足消费者的需求,我们必须不断创新我国零售经营业态。西方发达国家零售业态的演变轨迹及零售业态的演变理论,我国宏观社会环境及顾客需求的变化,为我国零售业态的创新提供了理论与客观依据。  相似文献   

对当前城市商业银行市场经营环境的探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国经济体制尤其是金融体制改革的深入进行,以及WTO的成功加入,促使我国城市商业银行所面临的市场经营环境发生了巨大变化,一方面,来自外部的竞争压力增大,另一方面,国内商业银行之间的竞争也将进一步加剧。因此,商业银行要适应市场环境发展需要,发挥自身优势,准确进行企业市场定位,积极进行体制与产品的创新,寻求资本重组与兼并,在改革中发展,在发展中改革,从而增强企业核心竞争力,建立新型的金融企业。  相似文献   

传统“士农工商”的社会结构中,士商之间泾渭分明。而明清之际的士商关系却有着超越传统的嬗变,出现了“士商渗透”的现象。究其原因,明清之际商品经济的繁荣、科举仕途的崎岖、动荡的政治格局是其主要原因。  相似文献   

日本农户兼业经营对农地经营规模的影响及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
日本农户兼业现象的普遍存在,家庭经营的农地规模分散、狭小而且固化,构成日本农业经济发展的严重障碍。中国应吸取日本的教训,正确引导农民兼业,并采取措施将愿意脱离农业的兼业农民彻底与土地分离,实现土地的适度规模经营。  相似文献   

公平:和谐社会的柱石   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
和谐社会的本质是利益的均衡。而目前,由于公平机制的普遍缺失,社会结构存在严重失衡,社会利益主体加速了利益分化,社会的综合发展面临严峻考验。因而,构建和谐社会,重建公平机制、建立社会安全网是关键。  相似文献   

After the collapse of the two communist multinational states, the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, the fact that China survives as the only communist multinational state poses an interesting question: why does China remain intact and how long will it be able to survive in its present state? This paper tries to address these questions. The analysis is centred on three areas: the formation and characteristics of China's ethnic minorities and their role in this multinational state; the relevant domestic politics including institution building and polices; and the influence of external conditions such as international law and realpolitik. The preliminary finding is that in fact only two minority groups in two regions, Tibetans in Tibet and Uygurs in Xinjiang, have the real potential of secession, but it is very unlikely that China as a multinational state will disintegrate in the near future because the internal environment and international politics do not constitute adequate conditions for that to happen.  相似文献   

社区对话就是在新闻媒体的参与和推动下,政府与公众通过对话与协商共同探讨和解决社区性公共事务一种制度安排,它是政府、媒体与公众三方相互博弈的结果.由于博弈主体力量不对等,这种博弈只能是一种不均衡的博弈,其运行过程中充满艰辛,最终导致基本价值的偏离.要使社会对话持续有效地运行必须转变政府职能、建立服务型政府;加强制度建设,实现社会运行的制度化和规范化;探索公众有效参与的制度形式,实现公众社会参与的组织化.  相似文献   

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