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认知不协调指人同时持有不一致认知时所产生的心理紧张状态。犯罪人在犯罪前、犯罪时、犯罪后都会经受认知不协调。本文论述了认知不协调与不良行为演变为犯罪心理和犯罪行为的关系,与反社会意识的关系,以及犯罪人的自我辩解原理,最后论述了如何利用认知不协调原理进行有效的审讯。  相似文献   


This review examines contemporary cognitive distortion theory and research relating to sexual offenders. In particular, this review highlights that researchers—to date—have tended to adopt an internalist approach to sexual offenders’ cognition which views offence-supportive cognitive activity as occurring solely within the mind. This review indicates that literature and research examining sexual offenders’ cognitions has benefited a great deal from adopting internalist approaches to cognition. From this review of the literature, implications are presented for how such knowledge may be used in practical applications with sexual offenders (i.e. a collaborative enquiry of sexual offenders’ cognition). Suggestions are also made for how researchers and professionals may be able to extend the meaning of cognition for sexual offenders, and expand upon our current internalist approaches to sexual offenders’ cognition.  相似文献   

为了提高医学生对医疗损害法律制度的认知水平,对学生进行针对性的医学法学教育。本文以《侵权责任法》医疗损害责任制度及相关卫生法规为切入点,采取专题讲座、开设医学法学选修课、编写《医学生医疗纠纷防范手册》、链接临床案例等综合手段干预学生的认知。结果提示,学生医学法学的认知水平干预前后存在显著差异,P〈0.01。本研究表明,有效的干预手段能极大地提高学生对医疗损害法律制度的认知水平,在学时有限情况下,案例式的医学法学教育、专题讲座、专业课与医学法学课程资源的整合交叉可以达到事半功倍的效果。建议在新一轮专业课教材的编写中,尝试链接相关的法律制度和案例,使学生医学教育与法学教育同步提高。  相似文献   

Most of the criteria for competence in current use emphasize cognitive rather than affective dimensions. Our clinical experience indicates that affective disorders may impair competence in a detectable and identifiable way. In particular, patients with major affective disorders can retain the cognitive capacity to understand the risks and benefits of a medication, yet fail to appreciate its benefits. A case study of a pathologic grief reaction is introduced to illustrate how cognitive and affective impairments may coexist and require separate remedial strategies for restoration. Further empirical work on the role of affective disorder in impairing competence is warranted and planned.  相似文献   

The aim of the current paper was to systematically review the quality and design of the literature examining cognition and fitness to stand trial (FST). Ten empirical studies published between 1970 and July 2013 met the inclusion criteria. All studies utilised cross-sectional designs and six were prospective. Study quality was appraised based on FST research guidelines. The study quality was highly variable. Intelligence was controlled statistically in only half of the included studies. Cognitive processes, specifically, processing speed, verbal memory and visuoperceptual skills differentiated fit and unfit groups. Aspects of executive functioning, including social knowledge and abstract thinking, influenced FST. Future studies should use prospective consecutive designs and multivariate statistical strategies that control for potential confounds. Comprehensive assessment across a number of cognitive domains is needed in order to validate research conducted to date and guide forensic assessment of FST.  相似文献   

Experts play a critical role in forensic decision making, even when cognition is offloaded and distributed between human and machine. In this paper, we investigated the impact of using Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS) on human decision makers. We provided 3680 AFIS lists (a total of 55,200 comparisons) to 23 latent fingerprint examiners as part of their normal casework. We manipulated the position of the matching print in the AFIS list. The data showed that latent fingerprint examiners were affected by the position of the matching print in terms of false exclusions and false inconclusives. Furthermore, the data showed that false identification errors were more likely at the top of the list and that such errors occurred even when the correct match was present further down the list. These effects need to be studied and considered carefully, so as to optimize human decision making when using technologies such as AFIS.  相似文献   

We describe two suicide cases in which old paraquat was ingested. In conjunction with lung involvement a pronounced degeneration was observed in skeletal muscle of one who died on the 14th day after the ingestion. The following sarcoplasmic or endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA) monoclonal antibodies were used for skeletal muscle fiber typing by an immunohistochemical method: NCL-SERCA1, reactive with type 2 fiber (fast-twitch), and NCL-SERCA2, reactive with type 1 fiber (slow-twitch). The examination revealed that the remarkably degenerated fibers belonged to type 1 muscle fibers. This case showed an abrupt increase of plasma CK levels (1796 mU/ml) on the fifth day after the ingestion. The authors presume that the damage to the skeletal muscle had occurred in this period. The degeneration of the muscle seemed to be attributable to the long retention of paraquat in the tissue because these findings were not observed in the other case who died on the fifth day. Paraquat-induced myopathy may develop in prolonged paraquat poisoning. The examination of CK levels in plasma will be useful for diagnosis of damage of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Two cases of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) with hypertrophy of the palatine tonsil were reported. The pathogenesis of the SIDS has been clarified (Guilleminault et al., Pediatrics, 68 (1981) 354-360). According to this theory, it is due to a central impairment of the breathing control during sleep, which is particularly pronounced in predisposed subjects. The present cases suggest that the hypertrophied palatine tonsil might contribute as a predisposing factor to the emergence of a SIDS by mechanical impediment to breathing by narrowing of the upper airway.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two major variations of polygraph “Control Question” testing, the Zone Comparison (ZoC) and the Modified General Question Test (MGQT) were evaluated. Within each, the type of control question, Exclusive or “time bar” (e.g., “Before you were 21, did you ever...”) and Nonexclusive or “no time bar”(e.g., “Did you ever….?”) was manipulated in a mock theft scenario, with 80 male and 40 female subjects randomly assigned to be either innocent or guilty. Polygraphic data collected by experienced field examiners were numerically scored by an evaluator blind to all aspects of the study. Decision accuracy was not related to the type of procedure (ZoC/MGQT) used or the subject’s sex. Accuracy was significantly related to the type of control question [χ2(2) = 11.46, p = 0.003; τc = 0.29]. Nonexclusive control questions produced greater accuracy than Exclusive control questions on both innocent and guilty subjects. These results and subjects’ self‐reports support the general “theory” on which control question (CQ) testing is based. The need for better empirical support of accepted dogma and current field practices is strongly indicated by these findings.  相似文献   

Although research into the phenomenon of serial murder has revealed that serial killers frequently do not fit the initially described paradigm in terms of their physical and psychological profiles, backgrounds, and motives to kill, the media continues to sensationalize the figures of such killers and the investigators who attempt to analyze them on the basis of aspects of their crimes. Although the so-called "typical" profile of the serial murderer has proven accurate in some instances, in many other cases the demographics and behaviors of these killers have deviated widely from the generalized assumptions. This report details two unusual cases in which five and eight murders were committed in upstate New York. The lives and crimes of these offenders illustrate the wide spectrum of variations in the backgrounds, demographics, motivations, and actions witnessed among serial murderers, and highlight the limitations and dangers of profiling based on generalities.  相似文献   

This study examines how the volume of privately insured services provided in hospital inpatient and outpatient departments changes in response to reductions in Medicare physician payments. We hypothesize that physicians consider relative payment rates when choosing which patients to treat in their practices. When Medicare reduces its payments for surgical procedures, as it did in the late 1980s, physicians are predicted to treat more privately insured patients because they become more lucrative. We use data from 182 hospitals for seventeen major procedures groups, covering a forty-five-month period between 1988 and 1991 that encom passes a twenty-four-month period before the reduction in Medicare fees and twenty-one months after the reduction. Our findings are consistent with the predictions for a number of procedure groups, but not for all of them. One implication of the findings is that societal savings from Medicare fee reductions are overstated if one does not also consider spillover effects in the private insurance market.  相似文献   

The complex interaction between family leave acts and the new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is just coming to light as employers begin to analyze how to comply with both laws. Specifically, the ADA implicates the procedures set forth in most family leave acts for verifying an employee's need for a leave through mandatory medical examinations and doctor's certificates. Many employees who are entitled to a leave of absence under state law are defined as "disabled" under the ADA. The ADA protects these employees with disabilities by regulating medical examinations and inquiries, and protecting the confidentiality of information obtained in such inquiries. This article offers some practical guidance for employers in providing leaves of absence under state family leave acts, while verifying the need for leaves in compliance with the ADA.  相似文献   

A report is given of two young people who died after intake of dextromethorphan, one by suicide and the other for uncertain reasons. To our knowledge this is the first reported fatal intoxications with this drug.  相似文献   

In this article, the author compares and contrasts the notion of informed consent in medical decision making in the Western legal system with the traditional Jewish biblical legal system. Walter critically examines the philosophical underpinnings of disease and medical healing in both legal systems, and describes the practical consequences that emanate from the different ideologies in terms of the individual's rights of choice of treatment. She explains that the Western system is predicated on notions of individual autonomy and self determination. Patients therefore have the autonomous ability to select and direct their own medical therapy. By contrast, the traditional biblical system of law is based on the concept that the body does not belong to the individual. Instead, the body is given to man by God as a trust to respect and preserve. Therefore, the individual patients "has no absolute right to control his body and ... he has no real decision making power as to medical treatment choices." In the Jewish biblical tradition, consent is not necessary for obviously beneficial or obviously non-beneficial procedures; consent is only necessary in decisions with uncertain outcomes or when making choices between equal options. Patients are encouraged to seek the counsel of religious authorities and to conform to rabbinical interpretations of the traditional Jewish law.  相似文献   

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