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Consuming Houses     
In recent years, improved living conditions have dramatically changed urban attitudes to the home lifestyle; property consumption is becoming a main aspect of China's rocketing economy. Potential property purchasers envision house ownership as the most reliable investment as well as the chance to live in privacy and tasteful comfort.  相似文献   

AN increasing number of travelers are heading for Kaiping, a small city 122 kilometers south-west of Guangzhou, to see the 1,833 fortress-fashioned resi-  相似文献   

<正>With financial support from the government,more people in Tibet are moving into new residences To Ahsang,who lives in a two-story  相似文献   

CUP of coffee in hand, 40-year-old Qian Yuchen sits leisurely before his French windows, luxuriating in the warmth of the afternoon spring sunshine. Years ago, this was the kind of scenario he could only dream about, or see on a television commercial. Now it is his living reality. Qian and his mother formerly occupied a 50-square-meter room allocated  相似文献   

The Daur ethnic group were early settlers in the Daxing'anling area, and developed their own style of domestic architecture based on the natural environment and their life experience. Daur villages are quite spread out, with as few as a dozen and as many as a hundred households in each. In a typical Daur village, the houses stand in lines, kitchen gardens lie next to crop fields, and its streets are well ordered.  相似文献   

本文通过对当前商品房销售中纠纷日益增加的成因分析,提炼其中“虚假广告”这一成因,并加以认真剖析,并以社会实例为依托,结合法律关于广告及要约、要约邀请的相关规定和解释,详细阐述广告在不同形态下的不同性质,乃至于不同性质引发的不同法律后果,意在对陷入商品房纠纷中困惑的人群能有所启迪。  相似文献   

An ethnic Qiang village in Beichuan County, where most houses were destroyed by the earthquake, picks itself up again  相似文献   

All grade-three detention houses and correctional centers will be open to the public as of July 1,2010. Government agencies, women's groups, lawyers' associations, schools, enterprises, journalists and families of inmates can hand in applications to public security departments. Once approved, visitors will be able to go beyond the reception area into the dining hall, clinic, library, vocational training room and psychological consultation center of each complex. Staff are obliged to make introductions on request, and organize meetings between visitors and inmates with the latter's consent.  相似文献   

周来静 《公安学刊》2002,(6):144-145
人性化管理是监管工作管理理念上的重大发展,是监管工作与时俱进的现实要求,是依法管理、严格管理、文明管理、科学管理的有力补充,是社会文明进步的重要体现。实施人性化管理对提升监管工作水平具有十分重要的意义。人性化管理内涵丰富,在实际运用中要处理好与严格管理的关系;要紧密结合等级化管理;要因人施策、因情施策、因时施策。人性化管理对监管民警的素质提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

This set of four stamps portrays the tranquility and elegance of courtyard houses in Guangdong Province. Such houses are not very large, but display architectural diversity. with their open, pavilion-style sitting rooms, bedrooms built inside bungalows or towers, and corridors arranged in sequence. The architectural concept is to create a congenial environment, conducive to mental cultivation and a peaceful family life. Gardens. therefore, are an important feature of these houses.The designer…  相似文献   

柳萌 《北京观察》2006,(10):63-64
平房、四合院、充满人情味的邻里关系,如今已被许多人所淡忘。如果有一天,我们的孩子只能在博物馆里触摸它,怀念平房、怀念四合院,那将成为我们的悲哀。今天,我们对暖融融的邻里关系的深切怀念、记忆与缅怀,正是对现代都市生活中新型人文关怀的期许。  相似文献   

Zhang Mengxu from Yunnanprovince was released fromprison in September 2009 after serving 18 months forrobbery.he had no job skills.The following year he was arrestedon more than 20 charges of fraud,robbery and burglary involving more than 90,000yuan($14,250).China’s Criminal Law,which took  相似文献   

王蓉  刘伟 《中国发展》2010,10(2):50-55
近年来,商品房价格的持续攀升,使得“小产权房”以其绝对价格优势迅速获得购房者的青睐。该文首先对“小产权房”的合法性提供实在法和法理上的支撑,然后运用利益衡平方法分析“小产权房”背后的利益博弈关系,最后在上述基础上提出对策。  相似文献   

正It has been reported by Western media that an official from the U.S.Department of the Treasury said that the recent depreciation of the Chinese yuan could raise"serious concerns"if it signaled a policy shift away from allowing market-determined exchange rates.Such concerns are somewhat obscure.We can see that he does not regard the yuan exchange rate fairly based on the rules governing market economies.  相似文献   

谈话教育是看守所工作的重要组成部分,它在转化在押人员思想,促其坦白交待、认罪服法等方面具有重要作用。当前看守所在开展谈话教育工作中尚存在一些不足,要推动监管工作向高质量、高水平发展,谈话教育工作必须深化。  相似文献   

Old Soles     
正Beijing shoe brand Neiliansheng keeps cultural heritage running Amid the rhythmic tap-dance of production inside Neiliansheng's factory in Xicheng District of Beijing,He Kaiying,a master of Neiliansheng cloth shoes,was teaching an apprentice to draw the outline of a sole.The 56-year-old senior shoemaker guides three young apprentices,passing on traditional shoemaking skills that have been in place since the company's  相似文献   

THE standard scenario in films and literary works about ancient China is that of an honest man being attacked and robbed by bandits, or a beautiful woman about to lose her virtue to a gang of ruffians. Just when it appears nothing can save them, a knight errant and master of martial arts, rather than officer of the law, comes to his/her rescue in the nick of time. The knight errant makes mincemeat of the villains and they flee, limping and bleeding,  相似文献   

正On May 1, Beijing started implementing its mandatory domestic waste sorting regulation passed at the end of 2019.Affecting over 21 million residents, this rule is part of the Central Government’s garbage classifi cation plan aiming to recycle 35 percent of the waste generated in 46 cities, including Beijing and Shanghai, by this year.  相似文献   

布依族石板屋主要分布于贵州南部、中部、西南部的布依族同袍居住区域,是全部用石料建造的、有悠久历史的少数民族民居建筑,具有独特的审美价值和旅游价值,是极有地方特色和民族特点的一种原生态建筑。  相似文献   

An Old Street     
正Beijing's cultural heritage on Liulichang Street is ready to embrace a promising future Outside of the Forbidden City, Beijing's historical districts offer unique scenes of Chinese culture to tourists from around the world. Preserving this cultural heritage is an important task in the rapidly expanding metropolis. Liulichang (meaning Glass Street in English) stretches 800  相似文献   

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