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秦彧 《学理论》2010,(8):62-63
治疗心理学的实践认识论蕴涵着后现代心理学的思想,具有明显的后现代意识。它否认任何形式的知识产生的认识论基础,尊重知识体内的理论与技术的差异性,肯定经验的认知建构,推崇新实用主义,为后现代原理的应用树立了一个典范,为心理治疗的后现代转向开辟了新的方向。  相似文献   

吴艳文 《学理论》2012,(14):57-58
积极心理学认为人格心理学研究要致力于研究人格形成的积极因素,而不单是研究人格形成的消极因素。综合现有的文献资料,总结积极心理学在人格研究的观点,及实现积极人格的途径,对目前积极人格的研究具有促进作用。  相似文献   

心理学和社会工作是两门有着不同研究领域、研究理论和侧重点的学科,但在某些方面又可以联系起来。心理学的很多理论和方法对于社会工作都有值得借鉴的地方。选取了心理咨询这个切入点,通过分析其与个案社会工作的关系,通过简单的案例分析,阐释了怎样将心理咨询的方法运用在社会工作实践中,从而提高社会工作的服务质量。  相似文献   

心理学的本土化是当代中国社会心理学发展和研究的热点,心理咨询和治疗的本土化也是其中的一个重要表现。精神分析疗法是心理治疗中最主要的一种治疗方法;精神分析理论也在中国特有的东方哲学基础上表现出了越来越多的文化契合性。  相似文献   

自20世纪末于美国问世以来,积极心理学便在诸多领域备受关注:它为心理治疗、教育教学乃至其他社会科学均提供了新的研究问题的视角。积极心理学关注幸福感,重在研究人性的积极心理品质,主张对问题做出积极的解释,强调文化环境对人的影响,致力于通过培养人固有的积极力量而使人更好地发展为健康幸福的人。教育旨在为学生一生的学习和幸福生活奠定基础,而积极心理学又被称为"帮助人类发挥潜能和获得幸福的科学",其对于高校学科教学的启示不容忽视。  相似文献   

吴继锋 《学理论》2013,(33):323-324
积极心理学是20世纪末在西方新兴起的一个新的心理学研究领域,它倡导心理学以积极为研究取向,是当代心理学最新进展之一。积极心理学理论为大学生思想政治教育提供了新的视角和方法,文章在探讨近年来辅导员开展大学生思想政治教育中存在问题的基础上,积极探索高校辅导员应如何在积极心理学理念指导下,提高大学生思想政治教育的实践与实效。  相似文献   

朱红  陶云 《学理论》2009,(26):140-141
目前学校心理健康教育存在以消极态度看待心理健康、过分关注学生心理的消极层面、削弱教育功效、教育对象与教育者之间关系对立、不利于形成积极完善的心理健康教育支持系统等问题。积极心理学是近年来新兴的心理学研究领域,强调心理学要摆脱过去过于研究人的负性心理、注重心理疾病诊断与治疗的研究模式,应重视研究人性中的正性品质,以人的积极力量、善行和美德为研究对象,关注人类的生存与发展。本文通过对积极心理学基本思想的分析与研究,力求对学校心理健康教育有所启发与借鉴。  相似文献   

梁颖 《学理论》2012,(2):41-42
随着社会的进步,临床心理学逐渐显示出其重要的地位。从心理测验、心理治疗以及临床心理学的研究内容这三方面着手,论述临床心理学的发展和现状,继而对临床心理学的未来进行展望,是文章的主旨所在。  相似文献   

音乐具有陶冶情操、舒缓情绪、促进个性发展等作用,其已经被运用到心理治疗的范畴.音乐介入心理治疗,是以心理学的理论和方法为基础,运用音乐特有的语言和功能,使求助者经历音乐体验,达到消除心理障碍、恢复和增进心理健康的目的.旨在对音乐介入大学生心理治疗的机理、治疗形式以及治疗的作用等方面进行阐述.  相似文献   

赵晓风 《学理论》2009,(10):26-27
当前理论心理学呈现复兴的局面。近年来,我国对理论心理学的体系有不少的研究。理论心理学有以下发展趋势:加强理论心理学与实证心理学间的融合;加强对实体理论、分支理论的整合研究;提高理论心理学研究方法的科学性;跨学科和多学科的理论整合研究的走势。  相似文献   

宋礼慧 《学理论》2012,(18):222-223
学习评价是教学过程的一个重要环节。传统的评价方式是以教师出题考学生的方式进行,以教师的打分作为评价依据。随着"以学生为中心"的教学模式的开展,自我评估的模式受到许多专家学者的推崇,但是对于大学英语写作中指导学生进行自我评估的研究较少,试图通过实证研究分析自我评估对于大学英语写作的促进作用。  相似文献   

二语动机能够促进语言学习,给语言学习提供持久的动力,是二语学习过程中一项重要因素。心理学家Dornyei提出的二语动机自我系统理论深层挖掘了学习者二语动机的成因,对外语学习起着举足轻重的作用,是二语动机方面最新的理论成果。目前该理论已日趋完善。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on Foucault's analysis of two forms of neo-liberalism in his lecture of 1979 at the Collège de France: German post-War liberalism and the liberalism of the Chicago School. Since the course is available only on audio-tapes at the Foucault archive in Paris, the larger part of the text presents a comprehensive reconstruction of the main line of argumentation, citing previously unpublished source material. The final section offers a short discussion of the methodological and theoretical principles underlying the concept of governmentality and the critical political angle it provides for an analysis of contemporary neo-liberalism.  相似文献   

本文概述了三种典型的自我防卫机制(认知失调、社会比较和自我肯定)及它们的可替代性,自我防卫机制研究方法的变迁、原因及解决方法,自我防卫机制与相关变量的研究成果,以及我对这个领域今后研究的几点思考。  相似文献   

This research aims to study the effects of interior environmental features on the effectiveness of physical therapy among children with cerebral palsy. The research assumes that interior environment primarily determines the central attention of the patients, which further institutes the level of cooperation and thus the effectiveness of therapy. Distinctive interior settings in three state hospitals are utilized to test the effects of different environmental settings on child patients' level of attention. A '~structured observation" together with an "achievement rating", measured by the patients' cooperative level, are utilized to gauge the success of therapy conducted within the three different environmental settings. Statistical result reveals a pattern of correlative linkages among the interior features, the level of central attention and the effectiveness of therapy. Behavioral responses are found to be positively correlated with the level of patient cooperation. The analysis of behavioral response discloses three types of environmental stimuli--crowding in the treatment rooms, present of particular interior features such as windows, and activities outside the treatment rooms visible to the patients. Desirable response is also found to be increasing along with the number of interior stimulus features. A design guideline for treatment room is finally established. Two groups of interior environmental features could be manipulated to elevate the effectiveness of therapy--the physical environment which includes room size, and the spatial location of therapy activities within the interior environment.  相似文献   

As the U.S. government has intensified its crackdown on illegal immigration in recent years, an important question to ask is how undocumented immigrants react to the stricter enforcement of immigration laws. This paper seeks to answer whether they increasingly choose self‐employment in an effort to avoid apprehension and subsequent deportation. To guard against endogeneity bias that might stem from increased enforcement in reaction to illegal immigration, the empirical analysis makes use of the September 11 terror attacks (9/11), which inadvertently triggered stricter immigration enforcement nationwide, as a natural experiment. Using a difference‐in‐differences approach and data from the Current Population Survey between 1996 and 2006, this paper examines the changes in the self‐employment choices of male and non‐citizen Mexican immigrants (a proxy for undocumented immigrants) compared to less‐educated Whites (the control group). The findings indicate that male and non‐citizen Mexican immigrants are substantially more likely (40 percent) to enter into self‐employment than less‐educated Whites after 9/11. The analysis further suggests that this finding is not driven by the 2001 recession that coincided with the terror attacks. The increased entries are mainly observed in the group that is most likely to be in the United States illegally and in those who face strong economic incentives. In addition, increased entries are not driven by increased unemployment among Mexican immigrants after the 9/11 event, but, rather, they reflect a change in the behavior of the unemployed Mexican immigrants, perhaps due to changes in perceived risks of detection and deportation.  相似文献   

赵慧琴 《学理论》2011,(30):41-42
在浅析精神分析、行为主义、人本主义、认知学派对抑郁成因解释的同时简要介绍了目前抑郁临床治疗中所使用的各心理学疗法。并在进一步分析各疗法利弊的同时对存在主义学派的Frankl首创的意义疗法进行详细介绍,旨在通过对抑郁精神层面的意义分析,为抑郁治疗提供新的启示。  相似文献   

Dealing with trauma and loss in a post-conflict environment demands nuanced responses that take into account individual-level healing work and avoid standardized, statist, institutionalized solutions which tend to prioritize national unity by subordinating disparate individual memories. This article explores how narrative therapy advances the use of local initiatives, skills and values, challenges notions of therapeutic governance and generates possibilities of experiencing an increased sense of agency. Further, it introduces a range of collective narrative methodologies that open up the space for diverse meanings and alternative stories that can contribute to peacebuilding and recovery from the effects of trauma.  相似文献   

客体关系心理治疗(Object Relations Therapy)是一种强调“治疗师一来访者”关系的深度心理治疗方法。拟通过诠释客体和客体关系内涵,分析客体关系心理治疗的理论依据以及实施的四个阶段,并对我国罪犯心理矫治的启示进行初步探讨。在罪犯心理矫治中引进客体关系心理治疗,是罪犯心理咨询和治疗手段的创新,也是提升罪犯教育改造质量和践行监管安全“首要标准”的有效途径。  相似文献   

The need to better balance the promotion of scientific and technological innovation with risk management for consumer protection has inspired several recent reforms attempting to make regulations more flexible and adaptive. The pharmaceutical sector has a long, established regulatory tradition, as well as a long history of controversies around how to balance incentives for needed therapeutic innovations and protecting patient safety. The emergence of disruptive biotechnologies has provided the occasion for regulatory innovation in this sector. This article investigates the regulation of advanced biotherapeutics in the European Union and shows that it presents several defining features of an adaptive regulation regime, notably institutionalized processes of planned adaptation that allow regulators to gather, generate, and mobilize new scientific and risk evidence about innovative products. However, our in-depth case analysis highlights that more attention needs to be paid to the consequences of the introduction of adaptive regulations, especially for critical stakeholders involved in this new regulatory ecosystem, the capacity and resource requirements placed on them to adapt, and the new tradeoffs they face. In addition, our analysis highlights a deficit in how we currently evaluate the performance and public value proposition of adaptive regulations vis-à-vis their stated goals and objectives.  相似文献   

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