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创新是工会院校培训工作不竭的动力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新是工会院校工作不竭的动力。为了更好地搞好工会干部培训工作 ,培养高素质的工会干部队伍 ,应着力于观念上、培训内容和方法上、培训领域和形式上的大胆创新 ,不断开拓工会干部培训工作的新思路 ,以适应社会主义市场经济和新形势下工会工作的需要。  相似文献   


While state-society relations in Turkey have historically been top-down and coups d’état periodically interrupted democratic politics, the recent authoritarian turn under Erdo?an is remarkable. Two dynamics are especially salient. First, Erdo?an and his AKP have been particularly effective in deepening the neoliberalisation of economy and society. Their policies have created a new form of neoliberal developmentalism, where solutions to all social ills have come to be seen as possible through rapid economic growth. Second, they have intensified the transformation of the countryside, where new forms of dispossession and deagrarianisation open the way to an unprecedented extractivist drive. Together, neoliberal developmentalism and extractivism have resulted in growing social dissent. The eruption of anger after the Soma coal mining disaster that killed 301 miners is one such case. The paper shows how Erdo?an and the AKP use populist tactics (ranging from an uptick in nationalist discourse to the provision of ‘coal aid’ in winter) to assuage their critics. Where these prove inadequate, an increasingly violent crackdown on social dissent is being deployed in the name of peace and order as the country remains in a state of emergency since the attempted coup of July 2016.  相似文献   

马克思主义经典作家创造劳动价值论的目的 ,是为了划清劳动与剥削的界限 ,揭示劳动与资本的对立 ,从而进一步阐明资本主义必然为社会主义所代替的历史规律。当社会进入知识经济时代时 ,创造价值的劳动越来越依靠科技、知识、资本等新的生产要素。因此 ,运用马克思主义的劳动和劳动价值理论指导社会主义市场经济的运行 ,就应对其理论进行新的再认识  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(6):765-778

Today about 90 million urban Chinese factory workers are migrant workers from the countryside, comprising the largest and most rapidly expanded industrial working class in history. Before the mid-2000s, these workers from the countryside were employed only temporarily in factories, and almost all were young, very poorly paid and exploited. But as labor shortages have developed and as restrictions against residing in China’s cities have relaxed, they are not as vulnerable as they were in previous decades. More of them are older, married, and have children, and many of them would like to settle on a permanent basis near their workplace with their families. Drawing on three decades of on-site interview research up through November 2018, the authors examine the changes that have occurred and the obstacles – such as the remaining difficulty of obtaining an affordable urban education for their children – that still stand in the way of migrant Chinese families remaining intact and settling permanently in urban areas. As a means of conceptualizing the implications of the shifts in migrant workers’ circumstances, especially for work relations and labor disputes, their evolving situation will be analyzed through the paradigm of Albert O. Hirschman’s concept of Exit vs. Voice.  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义进入新时代。以"劳动美"托起"中国梦"作为时代精神的引领,正在成为我国工人阶级的思想共识和行动逻辑。劳动美本质上是劳动者基于其劳动实践而实现的美的创造,并通过各种美的劳动形式,彰显劳动者的本质力量和劳动美的价值。劳动美作为人的劳动实践活动本质属性和基本要求之一,是以真的劳动和善的劳动作为基础,是真善美在人的劳动实践中的高度统一。在美的劳动中追求劳动美,本质上是劳动的合目的性与合规律性的高度统一,是劳动实践中各种关系的内在和谐与统一。新时代,工会组织要通过开展丰富多彩的活动,团结、教育、凝聚广大职工群众坚定不移跟党走,在以"劳动美"筑就"中国梦"的伟大征程中,充分发挥主力军作用。  相似文献   

新中国劳动经济史研究的对象是1949年新中国成立以来在中国共产党领导下社会主义劳动经济的产生、演变和发展的历史。当前研究新中国劳动经济史,应从全面建设小康社会、城乡统筹发展视角,从工业化、市场化和现代化视角,以劳动力资源配置方式变革为主线,进行全面系统研究。新中国劳动经济发展可以划分为六个阶段:1949-1956年两次社会经济形态转变中的劳动经济,主题是"转变中建立";1957-1978年计划经济体制下的劳动经济,主题是"曲折中探索";1979-1991年向市场经济转轨初期的劳动经济,主题是"摩擦中改革";1992-2001年建立市场经济体制时期的劳动经济,主题是"定向中转轨";2002-2012年完善市场经济体制时期的劳动经济,主题是"统筹中完善";2013年以来的劳动经济,这个新阶段目前还没有结束,其主题应该是"共享中发展"。  相似文献   

论工会在和谐社会建设中的特殊作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建和谐社会是我们党在新的历史时期提出的重大政治命题,它涉及到人与人、人与社会、人与自然等多重关系,涵盖了政治、经济、文化等各方面的内容。构建和谐社会的首要任务,就是要建立和谐的劳动关系,因为社会的运行和发展都要靠劳动来维系,劳动关系的和谐是社会和谐的基础。工会是劳资关系矛盾的产物,对于构建和谐的劳动关系具有特殊的作用。  相似文献   

元宇宙实现了物理空间、数字空间、心理空间的全面连接与三元融合,人类的生产生活场域将从物理空间延伸到数字空间,人类认知世界与改造世界的方式将更多依赖虚实交互与数据驱动。相比当今社会,元宇宙劳动将实现劳动对象从有形物到无形物、劳动主体从机器辅助向人机协同、劳动方式从固定属性向跨越虚实、劳动关系从单一线性到多元弹性的转变。元宇宙劳动将实现生产力的重要突破与生产关系的重大革新,但其带来的问题与风险也将跨越物理与现实,引发虚实混淆的异化风险、新型劳动下的权益保障问题、智能化浪潮下的权责之问等挑战。元宇宙劳动作为人类社会未来劳动形态的重要发展趋势,有必要加快政策设计,构建可信可控的技术发展机制,建立更具韧性的劳动力市场,完善贯通虚实的新业态权责体系,在充分激活其发展潜力的同时前瞻性地防范化解风险。  相似文献   

劳资关系成为现代经济中的常态,而没有随着时间推移逐渐衰弱,很可能同劳资关系在演化中得到长足的改进有关.对数百年来劳资关系的演化进行回顾和分析,研究发现劳工权益的争取和保障通常呈现激进和渐进两种方式.研究认为,从演化视角观察,劳工权益的争取和保障以渐进方式为主,劳工组织、进步力量和法律制度是最主要的驱动因素,且法律制度的...  相似文献   

This article looks at the question of how to understand the link between the changing position of women and gender relations and the changes in the global political economy. Drawing on the work of Pierre Bourdieu, the authors argue that states compete for respectability and distinction on the world stage, and that they deploy particular material articulations of gender and class relations as forms of symbolic capital for the nation. The authors demonstrate this using Japan as an example, tracing changes in the condition and representation of women between 1856 and 1945, as Japan's position in the global hierarchy of nations moved from a subordinated through a resisting to a colonising country. The authors suggest that women and gender relations are central to understanding international relations, and they propose a conceptual framework for analysing the significance of women and gender in the global political economy  相似文献   

就业是最基本的民生,而消除就业歧视则是实现高质量发展的关键。本研究通过梳理就业歧视 相关文献,结合劳动力市场就业歧视的主要类型及表现,分析就业歧视产生的原因及对就业市场的影响。研究发 现,随着社会发展就业歧视类型逐渐多样化,出现户籍、性别、年龄、健康等歧视,也导致我国劳动力市场分割、 人力资源流动不畅、劳动者不公平感加强等危害。研究建议,我国应完善相关就业法规,维护就业者合法权益, 打造公平公正的劳动力市场环境,促进高质量充分就业的实现。  相似文献   

论我国刑法的劳动保护   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
刑法的劳动保护 ,是国家劳动保护的一个重要方面 ,我国刑法通过规定重大劳动安全事故罪和强迫职工劳动罪 ,构筑了劳保刑法的体系。但分析刑法劳动保护的客体 ,会发现一个显而易见的问题 ,即刑法设定的劳动保护的范围过于狭窄 ,尚有不少应通过刑法规制的行为处于刑事立法的盲区 ,显现出刑事立法的不足。这些行为如招用童工、虐待用工、隐瞒重大事故隐患、职业病扩散与蔓延等 ,亟待通过新的立法予以解决。  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(4):293-308

In the first months of 1904, in a context of intense labor unrest, the Argentine executive branch presented to Congress a bill that became known as the ‘National Labor Law’ (Ley Nacional del Trabajo). It comprised a very extensive set of rules designed to regulate the labor market, the labor process and workers’ organizations. By that time, Argentina had a growing capitalist economy, a young and radical labor movement and no labor regulations whatsoever – in this context, the bill was the first attempt of regulating the relations between capital and labor and, not surprisingly, it sparked an important debate. Although it never became a law, the bill became an iconic reference in the history of labor regulations in Argentina. This article introduces the main characteristics of the proposed bill and focuses on the reactions that working-class organizations developed toward it. While anarchist-oriented groups and unions made clear its complete rejection toward an initiative that was seen as another intervention of an authoritarian state, the Socialist Party found itself in a much more complicated position. This article addresses these debates and tensions in order to better understand the reactions of working-class organizations with regard to the first attempt of labor regulation made by the Argentine state.  相似文献   

In many countries youth work education in the university confronts a precarious future. Paradoxically, this takes place as the labor market is unable to meet demands for qualified practitioners. This article makes a case for further investment in university-based youth work education. While presenting labor demand and supply arguments, we also suggest that a good university education is important for producing graduates capable of becoming experts and good practitioners in the Aristotelian sense of the word. This entails the provision of learning opportunities to attain specialist knowledge, technical expertise and ethical capacities of the kind that distinguish youth work practice from other approaches to work with young people. Such an education also promotes the prospect that practitioners are able to develop a professional habitus that advances youth work as a discrete field of professional practice. While the material used in this article is Australian, we suggest there are sufficient commonalities between the Australian experience and many other countries for the arguments, findings and recommendations made here to have more general applicability.  相似文献   

基于网络平台的新就业形态在创造大量新工作岗位和机会的同时,也给劳动者权益保护带来了新的问题和挑战.综观近年来我国各级各类政府部门出台的与规范平台企业用工行为相关的政策可以看出,我国在健全制度、补齐平台经济劳动者权益保障短板方面已进入"快车道",完善平台企业用工和劳动保障制度已成为我国引导和规范平台经济健康发展的重要抓手...  相似文献   

A feud is an antagonism that is continuous and extended; “a state of prolonged mutual hostility” (OED). Historically, feuds take place between families or communities, or result from failed couples. Considered as a couple form in its own right, however, the feud is associated with aesthetic forms often coded as camp, queer, or feminized. In such popular, serialized forms, the feud must be open ended and of unforeseen futurity, for resolution brings an end to the feud as such and dissolves the couple. Thus, feuds reject normative modes of coupling (such as the nuclear family) that center harmonious or happy feelings. The article begins with the political economy of the feud through an examination of the pre-modern form of the blood feud and continues with its late-modern presence in popular culture. We rehearse the idea of the feud as it emerges from anthropology and philosophy, especially as it impacts notions of debt and alternative economies, before thinking through the contemporary “coupling” of the feud in popular culture, fandom, and, via the performance form of professional wrestling and Netflix’s GLOW.  相似文献   

This article examines nostalgic femininity in the aquatic performances of present-day synchronized swimming performance troupe, the Aqualillies. In spite of their fervent emulation of the iconic images of Golden Age Hollywood's splashiest star, Esther Williams, the Aqualillies’ performances refuse to be only a kitschy nod to the past through the addition of marketable symbols of modern femininity, such as the bikini, to their otherwise nostalgic representation. Through a concurrent multiplicity of temporally diverse femininities, they challenge the neoliberal rhetoric of choice that can arise in reperformance. This article invokes Svetlana Boym's theory of reflective nostalgia ­– an emotional connection to the past that does not foreclose critical reflection – to argue that the Aqualillies’ water ballets use performative temporal vacillation to expose the physical and psychical labor in the picture-perfect images of femininity in order to subvert the image's dominance and to defy capital's linear organization of time.  相似文献   

如何实现农村劳动力永久性迁移、结束"两种城市化"的对立,一直是困扰我国城乡协调发展的重要问题。结合我国当前农村劳动力非永久性迁移的状况、影响我国未来农村劳动力转移的基础因素、当前阶段我国促进劳动力永久性迁移的户籍政策效果以及政策建议等四个方面对此问题进行了研究。研究发现:随着我国经济向高质量发展转变,影响劳动力转移的基础因素发生了改变并对未来我国劳动力转移和农村劳动力永久性迁移产生了较大影响;当前我国已经开始部分放开户籍管理制度,这将对未来农村劳动力永久性迁移产生积极影响,省会城市及部分地级市、新生代农民工及在校大学生等将是主要受益者;然而,不能寄希望于通过放宽户籍制度大规模促进新增农村劳动力转移,同时要特别防止部分城市希望通过吸引外来人口来促进房地产行业发展的倾向。  相似文献   

This paper traces a genealogy of land access and legitimization strategies culminating in the current convergence of mining and conservation in Southeast Madagascar, contributing to recent debates analyzing the commonalities and interdependencies between seemingly discrete types of land acquisitions. Drawing upon research carried out near the Rio Tinto/QMM ilmenite mine in 2009 (January–March), it focuses on how local Malagasy land users are incorporated into new forms of inclusion (into the neoliberal capitalist economy) and exclusion (from land-based, subsistence activities) resulting from private sector engagements in conservation and sustainability. Sustainability tropes and corporate partnerships with international conservation NGOs were found to play a part in land access, in part through the neoliberal project of commodifying, economically valuing and objectifying nature. Through a process of mimesis (of conservation NGOs) and alterity (‘othering’ land users), Rio Tinto's process of creating scarcity of biodiversity paradoxically lends support to the company's claim to be ‘saving’ biodiversity from local Malagasy people; this is described as a process of inversion, wherein actual mining impacts are abstracted and remediated as part of a broader sustainable development strategy.  相似文献   

近年来,平台经济、共享经济迅速崛起,各种新就业形态不断涌现,创造了大量就业机会.与此同时,相关从业者的劳动权益保障问题也日益凸显.研究发现,由于劳动关系限制、相关法律法规不完善、缺乏维权途径等方面的原因,该群体不仅参加基本养老、医疗保险的比例相对偏低,参加城镇职工养老、医疗保险的比例更是明显低于在职职工,而且大都未参加...  相似文献   

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