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China’sCattleRearingontheRiseWithAidFromtheUNBystaffreporterHANBULENG"WHATDIDyousay?Beef?Suppliedwithcoupons?Areyoukidding?"I...  相似文献   

LONG Yongtu is well known in China for his work as the chief negotiator on China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), helping to finally ensure its success in 2001, after 15 years of negotiations.  相似文献   

IN December 2009, after hard negotiations, the Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change finally .issued the decisions in the form of the Copenhagen Accord. This document adheres to the dual-track negotiation system under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Convention) and the Kyoto Protocol (Protocol). It further defines the concept of common but differentiated responsibilities of developed and developing nations,  相似文献   

Since the world financial crisis broke out in 2008, China has become a main engine of world economic growth.  相似文献   

Despite recent trade frictions, the latest EU report suggests China and the European Union will experience more opportunities in 2007 Though it wasn't always the case, China is an increasingly important part of European business and eco- nomic development. Since 2004, the European Union (EU) has been China's largest trading partner. In 2006, China became the second largest trading partner of the EU. China has emerged to be  相似文献   

LEI Chuang, a postgraduate student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, was very excited to learn that aproposal of his was being taken up at the annual session of the National People’s Congress (NPC) byXie Zilong, an NPC deputy and president of LBX Pharmacy.Lei is a vocal advocate of reducing discrimination against hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers. Lastyear, his proposal on HBV-related discrimination was also taken up at the NPC session by Xie. More recently,  相似文献   

AnIntroductiontoWorldEconomy&ChinaTheEnglisheditionofWorldEconomy&China,China'sfirstEnglish-languageperiodicaldevotedsolelyto...  相似文献   

WITH its back to the enchanting Taihang Mountains and its face to the Yellow River, Jiaozuo City in central China's Henan Province is traditionally known as the Golden Plain of Cornucopia. But until recently, its stunning scenery had a hefty price: its mountains and rivers practically cut the city off from the rest of the nation. This has all changed with the construction of an extensive highway network in the region. To the north, it is  相似文献   

China started providing aid to Africa in the 1950s by undertaking construction projects, providing goods and materials and dispatching specialists in various f ields. Since then, China has undertaken almost 900 social and economic develop- ment projects in the fi elds of agriculture, animal husbandry, fi sh farming, water conservancy, energy, transport and com- munications, TV and radio broadcasting, and food processing, as well as culture, education and health. More than 700 of these project…  相似文献   

正The Chinese Dream in Full Swing Speech Extracts from the International Dialogue on the Chinese Dream Forum THE Chinese Dream is as important to the whole world as it is to China’s material and spiritual prosperity.  相似文献   

Though being a later participant in the peacekeeping operations of the UnitedNations, China has made an increasing contribution since it changed its position in 1988  相似文献   

Jing Chen 《当代中国》2009,18(58):157-173
China's attitude towards UNPKOs has experienced two shifts since the 1980s. One is about changing from non-financial-support, non-voting, and non-participation concerning peacekeeping to financial-support, voting, and participation in 1981. The other shift concerns China's gradual change in its attitude toward non-traditional peacekeeping over the 1990s. This paper provides a norm perspective on the issue. Specifically the author argues that China's attitude toward UNPKOs changed as a result of the change in international norm from prioritizing sovereignty to prioritizing human rights, and the diffusion of the norm of human rights into China through a variety of agents such as foreign policy elites and two special groups of PLA officers.  相似文献   

At 10 o'clock on October 25, 1971, the 26th UN General Assembly passed a resolution sponsored by Albania, Algeria and 21 other countries, restoring all the lawful rights of the People's Republic of China at the United Nations. It was passed with an overwhelming majority (76 for, 35 against and 17 abstentions).  相似文献   

EACH year China sets formal economic targets–these are announced at the National People’s Congress which this year will be held in March.A review of China’s record,recently and as a whole,is useful when assessing whether or not it can achieve these targets.During the last period,sections of the international  相似文献   

Chen-Dong Tso 《当代中国》2016,25(100):613-627
When the US restarted the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) in 2009, speculation arose as to whether China would compete against it or cooperate by becoming a TPP member. Between 2010 and 2013, China shifted in stance from competition to cooperation in meeting the TPP challenge. By looking at both the economic and security dimensions, this article argues that China’s economic concern determines whether to react and its security concern determines the direction in which China reacts. Between 2010 and 2012 when security pressure was overwhelming and economic concern was not formidable, counterbalance was inevitable. In 2013, when anxiety over security pressure calmed down and economic concern grew more threatening, bandwagon became possible. This finding challenges the classical theory of the domino effect by pinpointing the importance of security consideration in where the free trade agreements (FTA) proliferation heads to. It also supplements the emulation–competition dichotomy by highlighting that whether the FTA initiator is considered a threat or a model is not fixed but contingent upon the initiator’s changing relation with the responding nation.  相似文献   

Having soared at a rate of around 10 percent for over three decades,China’s economic growth has fallen below eight percent for the past two years.The goal for 2015 is set at around seven percent.China’s"new normal"features an economy that has shifted gear from high speed to medium-to-high speed growth.Under this new condition,China will implement various measures to accelerate economic restructuring,push forward development model  相似文献   

<正>Chipmakers are becoming new favorites of overseas acquisitions by Chinese companies Chinese companies are changing their interests from oil and gas resources to tiny microchips.As the global semiconductor industry remains in the doldrums and China is issuing various favorable policies,the Chinese chip industry is bracing significant opportunities for takeoff.  相似文献   

正April 24 marked the inauguration of China's Space Day,designated by the Chinese Government to celebrate the country's space program.That day's significance is derived from China's launch of its first satellite,Dongfanghong-1,in 1970.China's astronautic industry has made great strides since then.As part of this rapidly advancing sector,the homegrown BeiDou Navigation Satellite System(BDS)has fueled anticipation for China's technological development  相似文献   

正Chinese President Xi Jinping’s summer tour of Eastern Europe and Central Asia culminated in his attendance at the annual Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which this year took place from June 23-24 in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan.Among the plethora of international organizations which have tried to make sense of the international melting pot that followed the end of  相似文献   

周强 《人权》2015,(2):144-152
Comparative analysis of China’s human rights white papers provides a valuable perspective on changes in the official human rights discourse. In terms of their structures, the white papers can be divided into three types: the mixed model, the five-in-one model and the rights-list model. The rights-list model has a consistent style, standard terminology, and an arrangement of rights in line with China’s reality. In terms of contents, the right to subsistence has been gradually reduced and the right to development is increasing. In the 2013 white paper, there was a whole chapter on social security rights, which highlights China’s social development and the priority placed on the people’s wellbeing. The right to development and social security will become a new focus of human rights discourse in China.  相似文献   

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