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在火灾统计中,每年由于儿童玩火造成的火灾都居高不下,儿童年幼无知又缺乏生活经验,他们不了解火的危险性,不懂得安全用火,常常因为好奇和贪玩,致使小火酿成大灾,造成无可挽回的悲剧.本文就一起儿童玩火火灾调查,探讨了儿童玩火火灾原因的认定,从而警示人们重视儿童防火防灾的教育.  相似文献   

The present study examines gender differences in bullying in high school. Unique contributions include comparisons of both victimization and perpetration rates across four subtypes of bullying: physical, verbal, relational, and cyber. Further, as we conceptualize bullying within the larger framework of literature on social rejection, we also address whether there are gender differences in experiencing social rejection–in the form of bullying–and responding with aggression, as opposed to asocial or prosocial behavior. The literature yields mixed findings across these three questions (i.e., gender differences in experiences with victimization and perpetration and responses to those experiences), suggesting sample variations (Archer Review of General Psychology, 8(4), 291–322, 2004; Archer & Coyne Personality and Social Psychology Review, 9, 212–230, 2005; Card, Stucky, Sawalani, & Little Child Development, 79, 1185–1229, 2008). Thus, we explored experiential differences in our sample, and hypothesized based on the tend and befriend model (Taylor et al., 2000) that girls would be more likely than boys to respond to bullying with prosocial behaviors. With regard to victimization and perpetration differences, we found that male students both experienced and perpetrated significantly more physical bullying. Boys were also significantly more likely to report experiencing verbal bullying than girls. No significant differences emerged for relational or cyber bullying. With regard to responses, social withdrawal was more common than aggressive responding, but consistent with the tend and befriend model, girls chose prosocial responses significantly more than boys, whereas boys were just as likely to choose antisocial responding as prosocial responding. These results suggest that gender should be considered in studies addressing the question of when experiences with rejection–in its many forms–results in antisocial versus prosocial behavior.  相似文献   

Buprenorphine is largely prescribed for maintenance treatment in opioid dependence due to its safety profile. Nevertheless, fatalities at therapeutic dose have been described when associated with other central nervous system depressants, such as ethanol or benzodiazepines. Here, we report a case of death due to association of buprenorphine at therapeutic dose with benzodiazepines and ethanol. Although toxicity has been often attributed to its metabolite norbuprenorphine rather than to buprenorphine itself, in our case, norbuprenorphine was not detected in urine and bile and only in traces in blood. Moreover, the presence in blood of free buprenorphine but not of glucuronide metabolites argues for an unusual early death, at the beginning of buprenorphine metabolism. We propose that in the context of prior toxic impregnation, buprenorphine directly (and not via its metabolite norbuprenorphine) acted as a triggering factor by blocking the ventilatory response, rapidly leading to fatal respiratory depression.  相似文献   

2005年3月20日,安徽省霍丘县叶集镇发生一起强奸(未遂)案,被告叶集公安分局立案後,於同年4月13日下午将犯罪嫌疑人朱某某抓获。当晚.叶集公安分局欲安排被害人对犯罪嫌疑人进行混合指认。要求被告叶集实验学校予以协助,提出需要数名与犯罪嫌疑人朱某某年龄相仿的初中男生配合指认。当晚9时下自习时.叶集实验学校教导主任对该校初二某班班主任张爱国说明了此事,张爱国即带领原告李海峰、高平、刘磊、陈光贵、张力保和孙俊前往叶集公安分局。该局民警向张爱国及六原告说明了混合指认的相关内容,张爱国在谈话笔录上签名後,六原告按民警要求手举号牌与犯罪嫌疑人朱某某一起列队接受指认.这一过程被民警摄像和拍照。  相似文献   

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