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U.S. military assistance for China's earthquake relief bodes well for future cooperation between the two countries  相似文献   

The Chinese Government has come up with some new ways to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the midst of the global economic crisis  相似文献   

Marriage and family remain a universal and eternal subject of study. It covers law, ethics, sociology, psychology and even economics. Law and ethics play the most outstanding role in it. Family ethics and moral standards constitute an important part of social ethical system while marriage and family constitute part of the legal system nearest to the life of the common people. Since the founding of New China, the Party and the State have paid full attention to the marriage and family system. Compared with other laws, the law about marriage and family was the first to be legislated. On May 1, 1950, New China's first law, the 1950 version of Marriage Law, was promulgated. Commenting on the legal document, Chairman Mao Zedong had this to say: Marriage law concerns  相似文献   

SURROUNDEDbyMcDonald's,fashionguides,theInternetandallothermodernfacilities.urbanresidentscanhardlyimaginethelifeofpoorchildreninotherpartsoftheworld.InChina,duetothelargepopulationandimbalanceofeconomicdevelopment,tensofthousandsofchildrendropoutofschooleveryyearbecauseoffinancialdiffculties.Manyofthemhavenotevenfinishedelementaryeducation.Butwhenpeopleleamthatthemoneyforanewjacketcankeepapoorchildatschoolforawholeyeaf,manyfeelobligedtoextendahelpinghand.Thepastfewyearshavewitnessedasur…  相似文献   

Dynamic Campus LifeMalaysian Huang Longhai has been studying at Tsinghua University for several months, and has a stock pile of instant noodles in his dorm. This is not because he doesn't like dishes served in the canteens, but because his dynamic campus life leaves him no time to eat his favorite  相似文献   

I never imagined the Ambassador of Romania to China, Mr. Isticioaia-Budura, would be so skilled in speaking both Chinese and English. He came in exactly at the time we appointed with a hospitable smile, making me feel rather relaxed.  相似文献   

Foreigners who want to adopt a child from China should present the documents listed below, through their government or an adoption organization entrusted by their government, to a Chinese government empowered adoption organization. These documents should be notarized by the foreign affairs office of their country, or an organization it so empowers, as well as by the Chinese embassy or consulate in their country. These documents include:  相似文献   

Fujian Province has made tremendous achievements in poverty alleviation and human rights protection, which provided valuable experience for the rest of the world. For this reason, our correspondents interviewed Lin Yuechan, deputy director of the Office of Rural Affairs under the People's Government of Fujian Province.  相似文献   

whitecloudsaregallopinghorses.."ImagineaplacethatencompassesbothnorthernChina'svastnessandthedelicatebeautyofsouthemChina'sgreenlandscapes.Yingde,anancientcityinGuangdongProvince,issuchaplace.LocatedatthejuncturebetweentheNorthernGuangdongmountainareaandthePearlRiverDelta,YingdepossessesboththebeautyofthemountainareaandthewelldevelopedeconomyandsocietyofthePearlRiverDeltaPlain.Itisagoodplacetoliveandwork.Yingdehasalonghistoryandsplendidculture.In111BC,hngdewasdesignatedasacounty.Alinef…  相似文献   

本研究从社会性别视角出发,通过对武汉市新洲区的实证调查,对农民的组织化问题进行了探讨。研究指出:农民不仅组织化程度低,而且其组织化具有明显的性别差异。这种男女有别的组织化是传统社会组织的家庭性与男性家长制相叠加、性别社会化所导致的女性组织能力不足以及男权社会对女性的压制共同作用的结果。只有重视组织化中的性别差异,才能更好的推进农民组织化的进程。  相似文献   

With legendary luxuriant black soil, a stretch of farmland in Chenjiadian Village, Jilin Province in northeast China, has been divided into smaller plots, each growing a specific soybean variety.These are the new varieties we have developed for farmers to choose from, Leng Jiantian, a researcher with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said.  相似文献   

CIPG journalists interviewed Chinese Ambassador Li Fushun to the Gabonese Republic on issues ranging from the China-Gabon relationship to Chinese investment.  相似文献   

One day in March 2000, a young man came to the Qiankun Lawyer's Office, asking for help in a labor dispute. He is Tong Li, 25. He signed a "life-long" labor contract with the Beijing Fenghua Engineering Co. Ltd. in June 1999. On January 5 of the following year, however, he demanded termination of the contract on account that he was far from home and he had to take care of his ailing mother. But he was refused. Later on, the workers' congress of the company issued the rules on the management of labor contract and its detailed implementation rules.  相似文献   

On an autumn day in 1964, I stepped into the Foreign AffairsOffice of Shanghai, a short-haired former school teacher,dressed in white blouse and black skirt, apparently with all the verveof a youngster and the nervousness of a student on first enteringcollege. One of the leading officials in the room said to his colleagues:"She is now the youngest among us." This was the scene how I joinedthe staff there.  相似文献   

Peking University is open about who it wants as students.And it's only the cream of the crop that administrators wish to see walking  相似文献   

Xi Jianying is unfortunate and fortunate at the same time. Now in her late 60s, the woman in Shandong Province, eastern China, has suffered an unknown pain in her head since young. She is fortunate in that for the past 20 years, a pharmaceutical company in Jinan, the provincial capital, has done everything it can to relieve her of the pain. Believe it or not, the Dongfeng (meaning East Wind) Pharmaceutical Factory has been producing a "miracle" medicine just for one patient, for Xi, who lives in a mountainous village on the suburbs of Tai'an City, in total disregard of the huge cost involved and the loss thus incurred.  相似文献   

A meeting for the publication of the Book Biography of Han Xu--Experience of a Diplomat was held in the auditorium of the CPAFFC on September 20. Chen Haosu, president of the CPAFFC, and Wang Chengjia, president of the World Affairs Press, co-chaired the meeting. About  相似文献   

A number of different generations, with the possible exception of the younger one, can still remember their favourite actors, scenes, and songs from these revolutionary films produced from 1949 to the beginning of the Cultual Revolution, as if they had seen them yesterday.Passionately intense orchestral music building cease less crescendos of fervent love for one's country - and Party - was the order of the day when it came to film scores in post-1949 China. Chinese movie buffs were fed a sta…  相似文献   

Human fights has always been a concept that evolves with the development of globalization. To clarify their relations, Human Rights made an interview with Xu Tiebing, an associate researcher on international studies with the Communication University of China. Xu has recently translated the French book Atlas de la Mondialisation into Chinese.  相似文献   

正Chairman Luo Haocai served as the president of CSHRS from 2007 to 2016.During those nine years, he built deep friendships with researchers on human rights.Because President Luo served as vice chairman of the National Committee of CPPCC for a long time, we were used to calling him "Chairman Luo." Chairman Luo was a leader with strategic and overall awareness, a scholar-official, an elder with a young mentality, and a motivator and protector of young people.  相似文献   

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