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论医疗告知义务——以经济学和法学为视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
医疗告知是医疗单位在医疗过程中的一项法定义务,是以患者知情同意权为其理论基础,是判定医疗行为是否存在过失的一项重要标准。我国目前医疗实践中医疗纠纷频发的主要原因在于我国医疗告知义务立法不完善以及学界对医疗告知义务研究甚少。文章以经济学和法学为视角,从医疗告知义务之经济学基础、医疗告知义务之法学基础、医疗告知义务之履行及其评判标准等方面,结合我国立法现状,就医疗告知义务进行了深入研究,以期为我国医疗实践和司法实践提供理论根据。  相似文献   

告知义务是医师应尽的注意义务之一,在医疗损害赔偿诉讼中原告常以医师在医疗活动过程中未能履行告知义务造成病人损害而要求医疗机构承担赔偿责任。本文介绍了5例有关医师违反告知义务的医疗损害案件及人民法院审理结果,并对医师违反告知义务时如何判定其是否存在医疗过错以及医疗过错与损害后果之间的因果关系进行了分析和讨论,旨在为医疗损害司法鉴定提供参考。  相似文献   

目次一、对患者已知事实的告知义务豁免二、存在紧急情况时告知义务豁免三、医生的医疗特权对告知义务的豁免四、我国现行法关于医疗告知义务豁免之规定述评医患纠纷中,医师的诊疗行为属于专业行为,在过失的认定上,常常由于专业标准的难以确定、专家证据的不易获得而难以实现。因此,晚近以来,医疗过失逐渐发展出新的诉讼类型———告知后的同意。所谓告知后  相似文献   

一、医疗告知义务的性质(一)域外医疗告知义务的历史考察从历史上看,医疗告知义务是作为告知同意理论的重要内容而发展起来。告知同意理论是指.为了尊重患者的自己决定权,在实施侵袭性医疗行为前,医务人员应该向患者提供患者行使自己决定权所需的医学情报。根据该理论。告知义务是基于患者的自由决定权产生的.是医生对患者承担  相似文献   

目的 探讨违反告知义务相关医疗损害司法鉴定案例的特点,区分知情告知与知情同意.方法 回顾55例存在违反告知义务的医疗损害责任纠纷鉴定案例,划分医院级别和科室,对未尽告知义务过错的形式和告知方式等进行分类和统计分析.结果 知情告知纠纷案例大多发生在三级医院与二级医院,共占比90.9%;违反告知义务主要发生在妇产科和创伤骨...  相似文献   

路兴 《人民司法》2005,(11):65-67
因医疗行为引发的纠纷是当今多发的一种民事纠纷,在医疗纠纷案件中,患者认为医疗机构没有对医疗行为充分地告知、说明的情形非常多。如何理解告知、说明义务以及未进行告知、说明如何承担责任,是人民法院审理医疗纠纷案件中的重点和难点问题。本文试通过对告知、说明本质的分析,阐述医疗行为本身的性质以及相关法律规定,提出笔者对于这个问题的看法,权作引玉之砖,以期有助于解决这个困扰人民法院审理医疗纠纷案件的问题。一、告知、说明义务的基本理论医疗行为以为患者治疗疾病为目的,且医疗行为具有高度专业性,所以医疗机构应当以足够的勤勉和高度的注意为患者治疗疾病。而医疗行为作用的对象是人的身体,每一种  相似文献   

论医疗机构违反告知义务的医疗侵权责任   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
杨立新  袁雪石 《河北法学》2006,24(12):42-48
<医疗事故处理条例>规定的医疗机构义务是"软义务".医疗机构的告知义务是一种法定的合同义务,体现了法定性和意定性的交融.医疗行为本身的特点决定了有必要将意定性的告知义务上升为强行性的法定义务.患者的知情同意权包括充分知情权和自行决定权.医疗机构违反告知义务的侵权责任构成要件中的违法行为和损害事实具有特殊性:判断医疗机构的行为是否构成违反法定告知义务必须以患者的医疗期待为基础;损害事实包括现实权益损害和期待利益损害.  相似文献   

违反医疗告知义务之侵权责任   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹艳春 《法学杂志》2005,24(6):78-80
医疗告知义务作为患者知情权的实现基础,有其深厚的人身权理论渊源。医疗行为具有一定的侵害性,因此实施医疗行为应履行充分的告知义务,应经患者同意。本文从医疗告知义务的实践与理论渊源着手,分析研究了违反医疗告知义务的侵权责任要件,对完善我国民法典的侵权责任编具有一定意义。  相似文献   

本文指出医方承担医疗民事责任的范围不应仅仅局限于医疗事故,还应包括其他一些因医方医疗行为所导致患者合法权益受损害的民事赔偿责任.从承担医疗违约责任和医疗侵权责任两个方面来讨论医疗民事责任,主张引进"善良注意义务"的医疗判断标准;将医方的告知义务区分为必须的告知义务与一般的告知义务,认为医方只对违反了必须的告知义务才承担相应的民事责任.  相似文献   

徐微  张敏 《证据科学》2004,11(2):100-104
本文指出医方承担医疗民事责任的范围不应仅仅局限于医疗事故,还应包括其他一些因医方医疗行为所导致患者合法权益受损害的民事赔偿责任.从承担医疗违约责任和医疗侵权责任两个方面来讨论医疗民事责任,主张引进“善良注意义务”的医疗判断标准;将医方的告知义务区分为必须的告知义务与一般的告知义务,认为医方只对违反了必须的告知义务才承担相应的民事责任。  相似文献   

This study examined the extent to which children believe that truth telling is compromised by negative outcome expectancies. It also investigated the efficacy of two types of appeals, externally and internally directed, for encouraging truth telling. Seventy-two children from three age groups (5, 7, and 10 years of age) participated in a vignette study designed to examine these issues. Results showed that children believed that truth telling about an adult's transgression would be more likely if negative outcomes were not expected than if they were expected. Further, children believed that either externally or internally focused encouragement would facilitate truth telling when negative outcomes were expected for truth telling. Beliefs about the propensity for truth telling were associated more with positive evaluations of truth telling than with negative evaluations of lying. These results have important implications for court cases in which children testify about an adult who has sworn them to secrecy and they are afraid to speak the truth.  相似文献   

随着艾滋病预防对策的深入研究,新的伦理难题——义务冲突凸显出来。一方面,放弃艾滋病患者的隐私将其患病实情告之其性伴侣以保护其生命权、健康权还是保护艾滋病患者的隐私而漠视其性伴侣的人身权利?同时,鉴于当前艾滋病人犯罪已成为一种新型、危害性比较大的犯罪形式,是保护病人自主、保障艾滋病患者的隐私,还是维护公共健康、放弃艾滋病患者的隐私权?利益权衡中,只能取救死扶伤的道德、法律义务而舍弃保护患者隐私的法律义务,取公共健康而放弃个人权利。  相似文献   

In his work on truth telling, avowal and juridical processes, Foucault alerts us to legal ‘apparatuses’ that demand certain ways of speaking the truth and the sorts of subjects these recursively produce. This paper explores the role of truth telling in a specific context; namely, ‘criminal’ accusation as instanced by the agora-like processes that enabled Socrates’ notorious accusation for impiety, his defence and the resultant death sentence. Through this analysis, I seek to highlight elements of truth telling required by accusatorial apparatuses that prefigured criminal justice. By examining selected texts detailing Socrates’ trial, I will indicate several aspects of accusation and an exclusionary political logic to which it has long been attached.  相似文献   

We examined whether training in both the verbal and nonverbal indicators of truth telling and lying would have positive effects on Law Enforcement Officers’ (LEOs) ability to evaluate truths from lies. College course-level training on empirically validated verbal and nonverbal indicators of truth telling and lying was provided to mid- to advanced-career level LEOs, whose accuracy in detecting lies from truths was assessed pre- and post-training using truthful and deceptive videos of mock crimes and opinions. A marginally significant truth bias existed at pre-test; training, however, resulted in a significant improvement in accuracy rates for both truth and lie videos, and the truth bias that existed at pre-test was eliminated. Additional analyses indicated that accuracy rates improved for videos of mock crimes but not for opinions. These findings add to a small but growing literature that indicates that training on validated verbal and nonverbal indicators of truth telling and lying has positive benefits.  相似文献   

We examined lay persons’ and police officers’ abilities to detect lying in second-language speakers. Participants (N?=?121) viewed targets who were lying or telling the truth about an event in either their first or second languages. Overall, participants were better able to detect deception in native-language speakers than second-language speakers. In addition, they tended to believe that native-language speakers were telling the truth. However, contrary to our hypotheses, expertise did not affect lie detection performance. Implications will be discussed.  相似文献   

犯罪嫌疑人负有忍受侦查的义务,但对其课以义务时应遵循适度性原则和程序性不作为义务原则。根据我国法律规定,犯罪嫌疑人有接受强制侦查行为,遵守取保候审、监视居住的规定及如实进行陈述的义务。但如实陈述义务违背了犯罪嫌疑人分担义务的"程序性不作为义务"原则,立法上应当免去这一义务,而代之以犯罪嫌疑人沉默权。犯罪嫌疑人违反法定义务将受到经济制裁和相当严厉的身体强制,甚至是致命的武器攻击,这些规定基本上符合比例性原则的要求。  相似文献   

Almost from the start of South Africa's transition to democracy in the 1990s, the issue arose of how those both within the National Party government and from the opposition who had committed human rights abuses would be treated. Like many other countries undergoing democratic regime change, South Africa's endeavors to exorcise the demons of its past while ensuring stability have depended and continue to depend to a certain extent on the delicate choice between truth telling and retribution, a choice, in turn, closely tied to the process of democratization and to the distibution of power within the body that led the change. The authors ask how the nature of the South African transition and the character of the transitional authority affected the treatment of past abuses. They further examine the way the transitional authorities balanced retribution and truth telling and the consequences of their actions for the stability of the new democracy.  相似文献   


THIS ARTICLE considers the absence of story‐telling from legal education in England and Wales. This important aspect of persuasion is quite thoroughly considered in the academic and professional legal literature of the USA and Australia, for example, but has received very little attention in England, specifically when one looks at professional legal education and training. Currently, the training programme for law graduates (who will qualify as barristers1) devotes considerable time to training in advocacy skills and often in case preparation as well but typically little or no time to the concept of story‐telling or story‐framing. These training programmes do not seek to inform our lawyers‐in‐waiting about the ways in which fact‐finders make decisions.

If one actively seeks information and learned comment on the topic of story‐telling, the legal trainer in England is forced to turn elsewhere, usually to the USA. Undoubtedly, research is ongoing in England on the topic of juror decision‐making but at present this tends to be the exclusive province of psychologists. This article will suggest that this topic is a vital missing ingredient in professional legal training in England and that space must be made for its inclusion in such training programmes. Consideration will be given to the most appropriate ways to facilitate this inclusion.

Life is not what one lived, but what one remembers and how one remembers it in order to recount it.2  相似文献   

光敏印章盖印印文的检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾晓光  宋庆芳  罗顿 《政法学刊》2007,24(3):98-100
光敏印章盖印印文是司法鉴定中涉及真伪鉴别的一类新型印文。课题组以调研、实验研究、个案鉴定的积累为基础,对这类印章印文的特点和检验要点进行了操作层面的探讨。  相似文献   

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