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"保护伞"研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄立 《河北法学》2005,23(8):91-94
黑社会性质组织往往通过金钱贿赂、感情联络、跑官要官、美色引诱和威逼就范等途径寻找"保护伞";"保护伞"则采取消极放任、袒护包庇、避重就轻、相互勾结、滥施影响和鼓励放纵等形式,对黑社会性质组织进行保护.虽然面临发现线索、执法、取证和结案处理等多方面的困难,但我们可以从坚持"三个彻底"、实行党政一把手负总责、相关部门密切配合、运用多种侦查谋略和严格把握法律界限等五个方面着手,彻底打击"保护伞".  相似文献   

肖金明 《法学论坛》2004,19(3):20-29
在政治文明的论域里,政治腐败是一个不能忽略的论题.政治腐败是公共生活发生病变的政治现象,其内涵是指公共权力的公共性能减弱或丧失,它败坏着社会关系,侵蚀着社会经济基础,尤其是腐蚀着民主制度并挑战法治,阻滞着政治文明的进程.权力腐败可能发生在立法领域、行政领域和司法领域,还可能出现在选举或其它政治方面.全面抑制政治腐败是一项系统工程,可以着眼于物质化、精神化和制度化三个视角保障必要的物质待遇,实现"以薪养廉"战略;强化和张扬政治道德,以人格抵制政治腐败;加强和改进制度建设,以制度阻止政治腐败.  相似文献   

如果将"权利本位"与"right-based"互译是最好的译法,那么中国学术界和英美学术界都存在着某种形式的权利本位论。将英美权利本位论与中国权利本位论进行对照和比较,有利于深化对权利本位论的学术认知,推进权利本位论的理论发展。权利本位论属于权利的价值理论,贯穿于道德哲学、法哲学、政治哲学等学科领域。权利本位论的基本思想可以概括为四个"先于",即权利先于功利、权利先于义务、权利先于权力、权利先于立法。权利本位论可以划分出自由至上主义权利本位论、平等主义权利本位论和马克思主义权利本位论三个分支。中国权利本位论要继续向前发展,必须实现从自说自话到中西对话、从法哲学理论到多学科理论、从理论体系到实践方法论的三大转变。  相似文献   

个人发展权探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
个人发展权的实现以生存权与自由权利为保障、以个人能力的扩展与个性的充分发挥为导向,平等地参与发展及公平地分享发展成果是实现个人发展权的主要手段。发展权的个体性特征既有其理论基础也有其现实意义,个人发展权的实现以集体发展权实现为基础,但集体发展权并不必然带来个人发展权的实现。  相似文献   

Allegations of child maltreatment and neglect, including child sexual abuse, in the context of child custody disputes pose particular challenges for child protection services, family law professionals and the courts to identify children at risk of harm, as well as children impacted and exposed to other risk factors. Accurately identifying child maltreatment requires assessing the background, the history and the context of the allegations in order to differentiate confirmed, unfounded, and fabricated allegations. The paper provides a review of the history and current understanding of allegations within the context of child custody disputes by considering the connections of fabricated allegations to the theory of alienation and the role of gatekeeping. The paper then examines the social science literature regarding allegations within child protection investigations (the prevalence, types of maltreatment, reporter of allegations, and case outcomes) and explores the factors that have contributed to the challenges faced by child protection services to investigate and make determinations regarding allegations within the context of child custody disputes. We argue for early assessment protocols for child protection services to screen child custody cases, to differentiate allegations of alienation from other types of harm, to enhance role clarity in these volatile situations, to refrain from “taking sides” and to work collaboratively with the family law community. Lastly, we offer legal implications to improve collaboration between child protection services and the family law field to better respond to these complex cases.  相似文献   

为了探讨精神病人合同能力鉴定的相关理论 ,解决合同能力鉴定中鉴定标准混乱的问题 ,对合同能力鉴定的法律基础、标准、民事行为能力与民事权利能力的区别 ,民事行为能力的广义、狭义区分进行了论述。提出合同能力鉴定的核心问题是意思表示的真实性 ,主张将合同能力分为有、无两级 ,强调合同能力的分级与民事行为能力的等级存在区别。并提出合同能力鉴定的程式为 :首先判定其行为能力 ,有行为能力相应具有合同能力 ,无行为能力即无合同能力 ,限制民事行为者 ,应根据年龄、智力、精神健康状况、生活关联度 ,再分为有合同能力、无合同能力。  相似文献   

审判公开的限度——以未成年人刑事审判为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了保护未成年人利益,对未成年人刑事案件不公开审判,这是审判公开原则的例外.其基本含义是审判过程不公开,其衍生规则包括:诉讼材料不公开、判决不公开、对其媒体报道要进行限制.但是,未成年人刑事案件不公开也是有限度的,必须在与正当程序、被告人利益、新闻自由等利益平衡后确定是否公开审判,以确保未成年人利益与公众知情权的合理平衡.  相似文献   

未成年犯社区矫正分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区矫正在预防和控制未成年人犯罪方面具有十分重要的地位和作用,符合未成年犯的心理特征,有利于克服监禁刑的弊端,有利于和发达国家的刑罚模式接轨。我国社会主义的刑事政策、社会主义的法律体系以及日趋完善的社区和健全的司法行政体系资源为未成年犯罪人适用社区矫正提供了现实可能性。针对我国未成年犯社区矫正工作中存在的问题,笔者认为,更新行刑观念、对社区矫正进行科学定位、建立专门的社区矫正机构、配备专业的矫正人员、建立适合未成年人特点的社区矫正项目以及建立未成年犯社区矫正制度的评估体系是对未成年犯社区矫正制度完善的重要举措。  相似文献   

全面推进乡村振兴,治理有效是基础,而治理有效需要建立在良好的治理秩序基础之上.建构基于法治的乡村治理秩序,是从善秩到善治的关键,其取决于村内部治理秩序和村外部治理秩序的良性运转、协调与平衡.逻辑框架在于:村内部层面,村民依法自治、依法用权维权;村外部层面,政府依法行政,推进治理法治化;协调与平衡层面,良法善治、缘法而治...  相似文献   

比喻是司法裁判中一种重要的技艺,它能够弥补逻辑推理的不足、增加裁判的说服力和可接受性,但它的适用必须特别审慎。比喻在美国联邦法院推定隐私权的过程中起到了重大作用,但这种适用有得有失。其"得"体现在经由比喻推导出了隐私权;其"失"体现在论证过程的不甚严谨且造成高昂的机会成本。在司法裁判中运用比喻时,至少应考量历史与传统、现实与社会、远景与近景等因素,以期能够达成一个有效而合理地衔接过去与现在,既能满足现实需求,又有利于社会长期发展的开放性裁判。  相似文献   

本文针对社会上流行的“坦白从宽,牢底坐穿;抗拒从严,回家过年”的悖论和实践中存在的“侦查破案用政策,审判处理难兑现”的困惑,以及在沉默权制度冲击下法律界和舆论界对“坦白从宽,抗拒从严”政策的质疑,试图结合实践与理论,为“坦白从宽”正名,探讨在我国建立坦白从宽的法律制度的意义,引导法律立足现实的价值取向,实现刑罚惩治和预防犯罪的最佳效应。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(6):778-784
The move to online instruction forced many educators towards the task of producing recorded content, many for the first time. The result was that many instructors, usually those with limited or no remote-teaching experience, produced 60- to 90-minute audioonly lectures, recorded using Powerpoint or a conferencing platform, and posted them to a Learning Management System (LMS). Instructors more well-versed in online pedagogy or those who utilized instructional design best-practice training, produced video content more in-line with established research, which states that videos should be no longer than 6 to 15 min. Regardless of video length and quality, creating recorded content is time-consuming, resource-intensive, and arduous even for experienced educators.The alternative to self-created content is to mine the wealth of freely available forensic science videos, webinars, and web-based resources already posted to the internet. Prior to the move to remote instruction, some forensic educators integrated YouTube clips into lecture material. Post-pandemic, the quantity, and often quality, of online content has greatly increased. However, on-demand resources are spread widely across the internet. Whilst some repositories of material, such as webinars from individual organizations exist, other sources of content require more intentional searching.Identified content is meaningless unless integrated into a course or module’s learning objectives. Instructors may need to shorten lengthy webinars or edit extraneous material in order to maintain educational best practice. Finally, once content is captured and posted to a course LMS, an instructor must set up an accountability structure to ensure students are viewing and digesting required material. The first half of this paper will outline the types and locations of free, on-demand online forensic materials and resources. As forensic science education looks to the future, the creation and use of web-based resources is likely to increase. The second half of this paper will address what to do once content is identified and how to effectively utilize it within the framework of remote instruction best-practice. Existing content can help the educator work smarter, not harder. The wealth of online forensic resources can help illustrate concepts and add variety to LMS-posted content, leading to a more enriching experience for the student.  相似文献   

Responsiveness to constituents' demands and needs is considered an essential element of representation. Responsiveness takes several forms – service, allocation (casework), policies, and symbolic responses – and legislators usually respond to constituents using a combination of these means. However, this article discusses a category of Jordanian and Lebanese legislators, called ‘Favours legislators’, who respond to their constituents only through casework. These legislators use all tools available to them (party/parliamentary bloc, bureaucracy, and fellow legislators) to improve their access to services important to successful casework. Favours legislators assume that by providing a successful favour, constituents who received the favour will reciprocate in kind and vote and/or encourage others to vote for them.  相似文献   

伍麟 《金陵法律评论》2005,16(5):96-100
可持续发展是当今时代主题,也是当代环境心理学开展研究的主旨.应对多元化、复杂化的环境问题的挑战,实现人与环境的和谐,当代环境心理学需要在价值取向上,扬弃人类中心主义与技术乐观主义,转向人与自然和谐统一与多学科共同努力;在理论构建上坚持宽阔的理论视野、跨领域的理论互补以及在实证研究中发展和深化理论;在方法论上,从个体主义取向转向组织与文化取向,从封闭性、单一化研究转向开放性、国际化研究.  相似文献   

宪政建构的理性主义与经验主义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高秦伟 《河北法学》2004,22(8):75-79
理性主义与经验主义作为一对互为对立的哲学概念,原旨在于探求认识与改造世界的途径和方法。试图通过理性主义与经验主义两种不同的法律视角来建构中国的宪政,并指出中国宪政建构所应采取的模式,所应具有的理念,以及如何从实证、经验的角度去实现宪政的长成与发展。  相似文献   

自20世纪中后期以来,基于需求膨胀与有限政府的内在紧张,私主体参与行政任务被认为是各国打破行政垄断、推行公共行政改革的共同选择。但基于国家任务之不完全可授性、公民权利保障之不可克减性以及法律制度供给之非充分性等法理,私主体参与行政任务并非毫无界限。应当在遵循基本权利保留、适度性原则的基础之上,健全立法保障、恪守行政谦抑、完善社会监督,实现私主体参与行政任务的良好效果。  相似文献   

刑事诉讼视角下辩护权界说   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在现代刑事诉讼中,被指控人的辩护权是一项贯穿始终的诉讼权利,主要表现为根据事实和法律提出和论证对被指控人有利的材料和理由,在实体上反驳指控,提出证明被指控人无罪、罪轻、应当减轻或免除其刑事责任的材料和意见,以及在程序上主张被指控人所拥有的合法的诉讼权利,防止其受到不公正的待遇和不应有的侵犯。但是由于司法理念和制度的弊端使得我国现实层面的辩护权呈现出与应然状态的脱节与偏离,因此,立足现状,改革与完善我国的刑事辩护权就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

姚莉  邵劭 《法律科学》2013,(5):151-158
新《刑事诉讼法》增加的捕后羁押必要性审查制度,是人权保障理念在刑事诉讼领域的落实和展开,是对权力制衡理论和比例原则的顺应,将有助于防止超期羁押和随意羁押。但新《刑事诉讼法》对捕后羁押必要性审查机制的规定过于原则,需要从审查主体、程序的启动、运行以及救济等方面进行细化。为了使捕后羁押必要性审查机制有效运作,需要采取一些配套措施,如加强侦查取证能力以切断对羁押的依赖,加强部门合作拓展必要性判断的信息来源,探索羁押必要性判断方法的客观量化和判断主体的专业化等。  相似文献   

This study aimed to analyze deaths related to tractor accidents in Eski?ehir Province and characteristics of these cases to provide data and suggestions along with the literature. The cases involved individuals died due to tractor‐related accidents were retrospectively examined between 1992 and 2016 (25‐year period). Demographic data related to the cases and crime scenes, characteristics of events, and autopsy findings were evaluated. In the 25‐year period, 61 individuals (88.5% males, average age: 48.7 years) died due to tractor accidents in Eski?ehir Province, and approximately 45.9% of these accidents most commonly involved tractor rollover. Deaths due to tractor accidents will be decreased by raising awareness among tractor drivers, preventing young individuals from driving tractors, not allowing individuals to drive without license, making mechanical and physical features of tractors suitable for agricultural activity to be performed, ensuring their safety for travel and use, and avoiding carrying passengers on tractors.  相似文献   

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