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In recent years the polarized debate surrounding the relative influence of the liberal and classical republican traditions on the political thought of the Founding Fathers has abated somewhat. Trenchard and Gordon's Cato's Letters , however, seen predominantly as a classical republican text, continues to be misread, resulting in a misinterpretation of the way in which it may have been read by the Revolutionary era generation. This article presents, evaluates, and subsequently rejects the arguments in favor of viewing the work of Trenchard and Gordon within the framework of either a classical republican or a neo-roman tradition. It argues instead that the authors fall squarely within a liberal republican tradition, embracing Locke, Mandeville, Hume, and Smith and suggests that it was in this vein that they were read by the Founding Fathers .  相似文献   

A large literature points to the abominable condition of American jails. Comparison of national surveys of jail conditions conducted in 1972 and 1978 indicates that what little improvement has occurred is minimal compared to remaining problems. A number of factors have prevented state-set standards from achieving widespread improvement in local jail conditions: high costs, local autonomy and lack of credible threats for forcing compliance. The failure of New York State to implement adequate health standards illustrates the limitations of the standards approach. Other approaches, such as strategies for replacing local jails with regional facilities, deserve the attention of policy researchers.  相似文献   

福柯透过"权力的眼睛"揭示了现代社会的权力的普遍性,并断言现代社会实际上是一个"圆形监狱".通过分析理性霸权地位的发生历史及知识--权力的联系,他批判了理性对他者甚至主体本身的压制,并试图提出一条通过话语政治和生物政治来瓦解、抵抗理性霸权的道路.在主张人的自由和解放问题上,他和马克思有相通之处,但在具体实现道路上,二者又迥然不同.他对马克思的一些批评有不公正的地方.  相似文献   

“三基”①建设是一项牵涉到公安工作根基的综合性系统工程,需要各级组织和全体民警积极投入。结合厦门铁路公安处新建处的特点,提出了围绕“当好领导、精简机关、夯实基层”的全新“三基”工作思路。  相似文献   

生产力学说是唯物史观的基石,是马克思主义所首创,它必然要随着客观实践的变化而不断丰富发展.列宁、毛泽东、邓小平各有创新和侧重.江泽民同志的"三个代表"思想中的"先进生产力"的提出,是唯物史观基本原理同时代特征相结合的创新与发展.  相似文献   

Editor's Note: This article has been adapted from a series of articles written by Howard F. Miller for the Albany (N.Y.) Times-Union in February 1961. Dr. Miller, who resigned as New York State's director of the budget this past June after an extended illness, now serves as fiscal policy advisor to the governor. His stature as a fiscal expert is attested to by his selection by four governors, two Republicans and two Democrats, to serve as deputy director of the budget, a discretionary political appointment.
Dr. Miller, a graduate of Syracuse University who earned two graduate degrees from Harvard, also served as secretary of the Ways and Means Committee of the New York State Legislature from 1965 to 67. While there, he established the first full-time professional analytical staff in the legislature.
The only person in the history of New York State to hold the top fiscal staff positions in both the legislative and the executive branches, Dr. Miller was on the faculty of the Maxwell School at Syracuse University from 1947 to 1969, except for periods while on leave to New York State.  相似文献   

潘代兴 《学理论》2013,(3):179-180
新课程实施十年来,教学改革也出现了形式化"走秀"的现象。牵制了课程改革的推进,影响了教学质量的提高。要改变这些低效课堂,需要教师准确把握教材和领会课标要求,确定好课堂教学的三维目标、预设好主要的教法学法;需要教师积极创设主体性课堂教学模式,充分发挥学生在课堂教学活动中的积极性、主动性和创造性;需要教师在课堂教学中努力做到精讲、善导,努力教给学生学习的方法,保证课堂教学取得实效。  相似文献   

In this article, the authors provide a list of the top 10 ways to become a "compleat" policy analyst, drawing on lessons from their own experience as policy analysts. The authors make no claims that their list is unique. However, they suggest the items included within it are supported in the academic and practitioner-oriented literature. Counting down from number 10—"The compleat policy analyst knows how to skip steps"—the authors present and comment on the items in turn. The authors suggest the number one concern for practitioners is "to live with uncertainty." Other items on the list include eating crow, loving numbers, and acknowledging values and politics in the analytical process.  相似文献   

“象”是构建先秦思想文化谱系的基本符号,这与其最初的含义有着密切关联。甲骨文中“象”有动物名、氏族名(或人名)、乐舞名三类含义。全面考察甲骨文“象”的语义,有助于厘清与之相关的三个重要问题:“象”之动物义充分证明了“商人服象”“象为舜耕”传说的历史真实性;“象”之氏族义与青铜器的氏族铭文相互释证,可作为“巴蛇食象”隐含巴族人打败象族人史事的佐证;“象”之乐舞义印证了艺术源于模仿的观点,周代继承并发展了商代模仿大象动作的象舞。甲骨文“象”字丰富含义为其成为一个重要的文化范畴奠定了基础。  相似文献   

关于遏制农村贫困人口"反弹"问题的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年,我国农村20年来首次出现贫困人口不减反增的现象.在农村扶贫开发进入攻坚阶段之后,遏制返贫已成为农村扶贫攻坚中的新内容、新课题.我们必须科学地分析贫困人口"反弹"提供的新警示及扶贫攻坚阶段返贫的新特点,并有针对性地实施遏制返贫的战略对策与措施,实现稳定脱贫,进而为农村小康建设创造条件.  相似文献   

李春生 《理论探讨》2006,1(2):119-121
“以人为本”不仅仅是一种价值取向和道德诉求,它也是一个科学的哲学命题。“以人为本”科学性的哲学依据是马克思的唯物史观,而非抽象人本主义历史观。历史唯物主义包含着科学和彻底的人本主义理念,但它又不同于抽象人本主义,在历史观和世界观上,唯物史观又与人本主义历史观存在着原则分歧。如果把“以人为本”进行抽象人本主义的哲学阐释,那它就是一个非科学的哲学命题。  相似文献   

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