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Forensic medicine services were resumed in the territory of the Soviet occupation zone in early summer 1945. One coherent legal system was established, following the foundation of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), 7 October 1949. Forensic medicine was subject of teaching and examinations from the very outset. Sub-specialisation (fellowship) was introduced in 1955. The Gesellschaft für Gerichtliche Medizin der DDR (GDR Society of Forensic Medicine) was established in 1967 and began to organise with high continuity a wide-ranging variety of scientific events. Almost all administrative districts had their own institute of forensic medicine by 1990.  相似文献   

第一章总则 第一条为了完善人民调解制度,规范人民调解活动,及时解决民间纠纷,维护社会和谐稳定,根据宪法,制定本法。  相似文献   

中国法律对船员的保护不足可以总结为船员劳务合同法律性质模糊、船员外派中三方主体法律关系不够明晰、外派船员法律救济不完善三个方面.建议在《中华人民共和国海商法》“船员”一章对船员劳务合同的法律性质、船员外派中三方主体法律关系和船员的特殊保护等方面进行明确规定,并理顺涉外的船员劳务合同的法律适用,以更好地解决与船员有关的纠纷,保护船员的利益.  相似文献   

The notions of an unfavorable outcome as accepted in medical practice as well as those of defected medical care and of iatrogeny are presented in the paper alongside with examples from forensic medical practice. An algorithm is suggested for the thanatogenetic analysis applicable to detection and evaluation of the cause-and-effect relations between the therapeutic-and-diagnostic measures, on the one hand, and the above outcome, on the other hand. Risk criteria are substantiated with reference to medical practice. Finally, a objective assessment scheme is suggested to confirm that the diagnostic and treatment tools, related with a higher risk, were justifiable.  相似文献   

Environmental Law and Policy in the People's Republic of China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this paper is to take a look at the main reasonsfor the apparent ineffectiveness of the environmental regulatoryregime in the People's Republic of China. In order to assessthe current state of China's environmental legislation framework,an overview of all major environmental codifications is provided,firstly, by establishing the institutional and historical contextand, secondly, by reviewing environmental legislation and policies.This examination will reveal that China's environmental protectionregime is surprisingly comprehensive, even though statutorydeficiencies exist, and will highlight enforcement tensionsbetween the centre and the periphery—a result of decentralizationand growing local protectionism—as major obstacles tothe implementation process.  相似文献   

医疗纠纷的法医临床学鉴定   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Cheng Y  Wang S 《法医学杂志》1998,14(4):209-211
目的:剖析医疗纠纷产生的原因;介绍法医介入鉴定的法律依据,法医学鉴定的特点,赔偿的方法,存在的问题等;在最终减少案件发生的前提下,妥善地处理此类诉讼案件。方法:对46例医疗纠纷案件进行回顾性研究,将其按案件的性质、涉及的器官、引起的后果等归类。分析。结果:80%的案例其医疗行为与最终的不良后果之间存在着因果关系,原因包括手术医师对手术区域局部解剖结构分辨不清等技术性因素以及医护人员粗心大意、责任心不强等责任性因素;20%无因果关系。结论:临床医师应与其他行业一样为其所实施的医疗行为承担一定的法律责任。医疗纠纷作为一种特殊的民事侵权行为,在进行民事诉讼赔偿时,法医有必要对其中的因果关系进行评定,以保护双方当事人的合法权益。  相似文献   

一、集体土地所有权的意义(一)中国宪法上的土地所有区分原则1982年中国宪法把中国的所有权区分为全民所有权和劳动群众的集体所有权。城市郊外以及农村的土地、法律规定的荒山、荒地等,被规定为集体所有权的对象。原则上的区分是:城市市区的土地是国家所有,农村的土地为集体所有,山地等为国家所有。集体土地被定位为农民的集体所有,它与占中国人口80%的农民休戚相关。本文以中国的集体土地所有权问题为研究对象。这方面的问题有:为什么要区分国家所有与集体所有?二者有何不同?人民公社解体导致集体所有制发生了怎样的变化?集体土地所有权的…  相似文献   

The neighborhood police station of the People's Republic of China is examined as a form of self-policing. It is an expression of the PRC ideology that is not to be extrapolated directly to the circumstances of Western policing, but the neighborhood police station does illustrate the tendency of law enforcement to emphasize the vertical axis of the community that advances the interests of external power over service to the needs of the neighborhood as conceived by the residents. This conclusion is given substance by analysis of the neighborhood police station's functions in household registration and relationships with public security committees.  相似文献   

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