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解决三农问题的根本:破除二元社会结构   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
当前我国日益严重的三农问题 ,主要根源于建国后人为形成的城乡二元社会结构。二元社会结构是中国最大的“人造国情” ,它人为地控制了农村人口向城市的自由流动 ,遏制了城市化进程 ,剥夺了农民的巨额财富 ,扭曲了宪法赋予农民的公民权利 ,加大了城乡差距 ,至今还严重制约着社会主义市场经济体制的完善。  相似文献   

社会转型期政治稳定要素的整合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会转型期 ,各种有关政治稳定的要素异常活跃 ,它们在社会的不断变迁中快速分化、裂变、重组 ,如果不及时地进行有效整合 ,就会发生异质现象 ,从而导致政治不稳 ,甚至会引起整个社会的动荡。因此 ,研究社会转型期政治稳定要素的整合 ,对国家的长治久安意义十分重大。  相似文献   

现代社会宗教的政治参与及其对政治稳定的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代社会宗教的政治参与主要表现为两个层面:其一形而上的也就是宗教理念层面的参与;其二形而下的或曰宗教的世俗参与,宗教的世俗参与在现代社会最为典型的表现就是宗教政党及其政治组织的大量出现及发展。宗教的政治参与对政治稳定的发展具有积极和消极的双重影响。  相似文献   

社会结构变迁与俄罗斯政治转型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
俄罗斯自独立以来,虽然经济分层充分、阶级分化深入,但这种以纵向分化为主的社会宏观结构的变迁并未导致现代性社会结构的出现.这是俄罗斯民主化进程举步维艰、政治转型道路崎岖不平的结构性原因.  相似文献   

伴随着市场经济的发展和经济体制改革的深入,中国社会正向多元社会结构演化,建立在单一的社会结构和民众"根本利益"一致基础上的中国共产党的执政权威面临着前所未有的挑战。这必然要求重构公民与国家权力的关系,改革党的执政方式和执政体制,重树执政党的政治权威,从而使党的执政系统更具有包容力、整合力、弹性纠错力,以适应多元变化的执...  相似文献   

保持职工队伍思想稳定,是企业在市场竞争中取胜和不断发展壮大的重要前提,也是落实科学发展观的根本要求。因此,如何发挥思想政治工作的明理,导向,鼓劲作用,保持职工队伍稳定,就成为当前企业思想政治工作者认真探讨的课题,也是本文讨论的重点。  相似文献   

阿萨尔罕·奥利佐诺维奇·博罗诺耶夫(АсалханОльзоновичБороноев)是俄罗斯圣彼得堡大学社会学系教授,俄罗斯自然科学院院士。本文是博罗诺耶夫院士应本刊之约特别撰写的论文。文章首先对政治文化的概念和特性进行了界定,然后重点剖析了影响政治文化水平的各种因素,特别是转型时期俄罗斯政治文化与公民社会的基本特征与  相似文献   

研究发展中国家政治稳定问题的两个视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展中国家在现代化进程中不仅面临着经济发展的任务 ,也要谨慎处理异常复杂的社会矛盾和政治问题。如何防止政治危机 ,正确处理改革、稳定、发展的辩证关系是各国政治发展理论的首要研究课题 ,发展中国家的政治稳定的关键在于巩固政党权威和强化政府能力以适应后工业社会的发展。  相似文献   

尹鸿伟 《南风窗》2010,(6):37-41
成都历经7年改革和探索的城乡统筹发展思路和实践已经得到了从中央到地方的大范围认可,其经验有望成为国家破解城乡二元结构的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

This article is the first to statistically examine the reciprocal relationship between formal political institutions and political corruption. We argue that political corruption is an informal institution that allows nondemocratic leaders to build political support, act as a substitute for liberalizing concessions in the formal institutions of the state, and thereby extends the longevity of non-democratic regimes. Yet, whereas high corruption level will prevail in nondemocratic regimes, we expect the electoral constituency in democratic regimes to have the formal power to curb political corruption. We demonstrate that these expectations hold by estimating a dynamic multinomial regression model on data for 133 countries for the 1985–2008 period. Our model shows that high-corruption autocracies and hybrid regimes are more stable than their low-corruption counterparts, but that low-corruption democracies are more stable than high-corruption ones. For autocratic and hybrid regimes, the stability is due both to corruption making the formal institutions more resistant to democratization and that the formal institutions prevent reductions in corruption. Consistent democracies, on the other hand, are able to reduce corruption and become more stable as a result.  相似文献   

苏联解体后,西方政治制度在吉尔吉斯斯坦不仅未能开花结果,相反,政治结构体系却发生了功能紊乱与协调失灵,并导致政治持续动荡,整个国家出现治理危机;对民主化与执政能力,政治参与同国家制度化的比例,国家治理的模式与稳定繁荣的目标三对范畴重新进行考察,有利于进一步分析吉尔吉斯斯坦在具体治理困境中的症结,为维护社会稳定提供一个理论依据。  相似文献   

The Political Regimes Project is a comprehensive effort to study the determinants and comparative performance of political regimes. The main goal of the project is to assemble and analyze a large cross-national dataset containing indicators of the three basic political regime types (democracy, totalitarianism, and authoritarianism) and a variety of politcal regime subtypes (e.g., parliamentary democracy, bureaucratic authoritarianism). This dataset will contain yearly measures of political regime type and subtype for 117 major countries from 1946 (or a country's first full year of independence) through 1988. The author plans to use this dataset as the basis for a comprehensive study of the determinants and performance of political regimes, and will eventually make the dataset available to other researchers. The comprehensive scope of the Political Regimes Database, its time series properties, and the elaborate typology of regimes that it is based upon will enable researchers to examine political regimes in novel ways that may yield valuable new insights. Mark J. Gasiorowski is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. He has published recent articles inComparative Political Studies International Studies Quarterly, International Organization, and other journals, and is the author of a forthcoming book on U.S. foreign policy toward Iran.  相似文献   

In this article, local political leadership is modelled as circulation of political capital. Based on intensive case studies of the political leadership performance of four mayors in Denmark, this article asks why the concept of political capital, introduced to local government studies in 1961 by Banfield, has in many ways sunk into oblivion. This article resuscitates the concept of political capital, using it to generate a general theory of local political leadership. In this framework, the crucial component of effective leadership is the mayor's ability, within a given institutional framework, to circulate (earn and spend) political capital. Effective leadership occurs when the leader continuously invests his or her political capital in ways which yield the greatest return. Clarence N. Stone's distinction between ‘power over’ and ‘power to’ is central to the model. Mayors performing what James H. Svara has labelled ‘facilitative leadership’ can in some cases accumulate substantial amounts of political capital.  相似文献   

The modern theory of investment identifies the importance of uncertainty to investment. A number of empirical studies have tested the theory on South African time series, employing political instability measures as proxies for uncertainty. This paper verifies that political instability measures are required in the formulation of the investment function for South Africa. It also establishes that there are distinct institutional factors that influence the uncertainty variable such as property rights and crime levels. We find that rising income and property rights lower political instability, and that rising crime levels are positively related to political instability. The inference is that political instability in South Africa may not represent uncertainty directly, since it is systematically related to a set of determinants. Instead, uncertainty would have to be understood as being related to a broader institutional nexus that in concert may generate uncertainty for investors. The paper highlights the significance of getting institutions right to ensure that uncertainty is kept to a minimum by providing a predictable long-term environment. Stability at a systemic level appears crucial if investment rates are to rise in South Africa and this paper demonstrates that stability in turn is driven by a sound institutional environment that has multiple dimensions.  相似文献   

This article develops a multilateral decomposition procedure for the analysis of wage differentials and applies this to the evolution of the racial wage hierarchy in South Africa over the period 1993–2001. We find evidence that the wage position of the majority African workforce improved relative to all other racial groups immediately following the transition to democratic rule in 1994, but that these gains have been largely eroded in the ensuing years of the post-apartheid era. We review the range of policy initiatives that have been taken by the government since 1994 in the light of our empirical findings.  相似文献   

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