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私法范畴的民事责任能力不是一个内涵统一的概念。本文运用语境分析的方法,揭示出处于惩罚语境、责任构成语境、后果承担语境中的民事责任能力概念的不同内涵。每一种语境都有自己的表达需求。民事责任能力概念成了稀缺资源,供不应求。无论哪个语境垄断民事责任能力概念,都将造成其他语境的表达困难。学者们围绕民事责任能力产生的很多争论实质是不同语境中的话语权之争。解决话语权之争的途径是:在不同的语境下使用不同的概念来防止歧义。  相似文献   

Self-control theory has been one of the most scrutinized general frameworks of crime for over 20 years. A majority of evidence pertaining to the theory, however, is derived from samples of teenagers and young adults. Relatively little information exists regarding whether self-control explains offending among people in late adulthood. As such, the generality of the framework has yet to be fully examined. This study uses a representative sample of people aged 60 years and older from interviews conducted in Arizona and Florida. The current study tests two key propositions regarding the generality of the theory: (1) the extent to which self-control accounts for the relationship between demographic variables and criminal offending, and (2) the invariance thesis which stipulates that self-control will have a uniform effect on offending across social groups. The analyses reveal two findings regarding theoretical generality: (1) low self-control explains late-life criminal behavior but does not account for the relationship between offending and gender, and (2) low self-control has an invariant effect on offending across gender and race when measured behaviorally. Taken together, the analyses address important elements of the supposed generality of self-control theory and extend the framework's scope to the explanation of offending in late life.  相似文献   

张建军 《政法学刊》2007,24(4):21-24
刑事责任年龄在中外刑事立法中均有明文规定,由于各国的刑事政策和少年儿童的生长发育情况不同,故刑事责任的起始年龄也有较大差异。我国刑法规定该年龄的起点为14周岁,为了适应犯罪低龄化及未成年人身心发育成熟提前等客观形势,有必要将该年龄适当下调至13周岁。  相似文献   

赵新新 《财经法学》2021,(1):146-160
在日本刑法中,责任能力的判断是法律判断。通说是将规范责任论具体化,以反对动机形成可能性、他行为可能性为基础的非难为基本内容来把握责任能力。行为人是否可能具有规范意识(辨认能力),是否可能控制自己的行为(控制能力),是进行责任能力判断的核心内容。因此,在司法实务中,当行为人基于精神障碍而犯罪时,需要对其辨认能力、控制能力...  相似文献   

我国新《民事诉讼法》第五十五条在立法层面确立了"民事公益诉讼程序",其中包含的环境公益诉讼在我国尚处于起步阶段,诸多配套性的程序规则和单行立法均有待完善。推行诉前鉴定机制,对于推进环境公益诉讼制度的发展具有重要的现实意义,但是,这又需要以诉前鉴定程序的完善和规范为前提。因此,必须着力解决好三个方面的问题:明确诉前鉴定程序启动的决定主体;规范诉前鉴定意见之证据能力和证明力的判断程序;明确诉前鉴定费用的负担规则。  相似文献   

美国个人提起公益诉讼的程序和制度保障   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
个人参与公益执法是美国公益诉讼制度的一大特色。美国的法院具有解决政治问题、社会问题的诉讼职能,《行政程序法》、民事诉讼规则以及制定法对个人进行公益执法的法律授权和程序规定,又为个人提起公益诉讼提供了法律依据。美国民事诉讼法律援助制度的建立,公益诉讼案件中律师费用转移制度的设立,以及行政机关对个人进行公益执法提供的援助又为个人提起公益诉讼提供了制度保障。  相似文献   

民事行为能力制度的反思与重构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张强 《法学论坛》2005,20(5):94-98
有关民事行为能力制度,我国采取德国法的三级制,除此种立法例之外,还有日本、法国民法所采用的两级制。三级制的立法存在种种缺陷:不能给予民事行为能力欠缺者合理的保护;缺乏对这一群体意思自治的尊重;阻碍了法律行为的生效和交易效率。因此,建议我国民法典采用日本、法国的两级制,并完善相关的配套制度。  相似文献   

论禁治产人与无行为能力人的当代私法命运   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李霞 《法律科学》2008,26(5):81-87
古老的禁治产人制度因背离当代人权保障的理念,陆续退出大陆法系主要国家民法典。作为继受了禁治产人制度的我国成年无行为能力人制度,除了在理念上存在着与禁治产人制度相同的问题外,在立法和适用中还面临着诸多问题。未来民法典对成年人应取消无行为能力人一级的司法拟制,保留限制行为能力人。对限制行为能力人,实行个案审查以确定行为人的行为能力的欠缺范围。新设监护登记替代行为能力宣告的公示方式。  相似文献   

艾明 《现代法学》2012,(5):172-184
透过审限耗费角度的实证研究可以发现,我国基层法院刑事审判程序具有如下特征:庭前程序的"事务化",庭前程序沦为纯粹的案件管理活动;庭审程序的"速审化",庭审时间耗费少,庭审节奏明快;庭后程序的"中心化"与"间隔化"。传统观点认为,我国刑事审限制度具有人权保障和效率提升功能。通过比较和实证的考察发现,我国"贯通式"审限的真实功能为通过监控法官的审理行为,达到塑造与行政化司法制度结构相契合的审理主体的目的。  相似文献   

中日两国自然人民事行为能力制度之比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾少学  唐春丽 《河北法学》2004,22(11):115-118
日本民法关于自然人民事行为能力的规定具有相当的合理性 ,按日本民法在完全民事行为能力和无民事行为能力两大方面的规定及相关内容 ,对照《中华人民共和国民法 (草案 )》中自然人民事行为能力制度进行比较分析 ,以求对我国该项制度的完善有所裨益。  相似文献   

匡爱民  魏盛礼 《河北法学》2004,22(12):32-35
一切自然人都具有民事权利能力和民事责任能力。民事责任能力与民事行为能力无关,而取决于民事权利能力。被监护人致人损害的,应适用过错责任的归责原则。无民事行为能力人因为不存在过错,不承担民事责任。限制民事行为能力人致人损害时,被监护人自己如果有过错,应当承担民事责任。监护人在其履行监护义务时有过错的,应对被监护人致人的损害承担民事责任。我国关于被监护人致人损害民事责任归属的立法有修改的必要。  相似文献   

This article presents recent trends in, and forecasts of, the need for sanction capacity in the Netherlands. Different types of crime show different trends at the moment. The need for prison capacity is still growing but at a smaller rate than before. The Jukebox-1 model, which is used for (a part of) the forecasts, is described. It relates the trends in the capacity needed for prisons and task-sanctions for adults to trends in crime and law enforcement activities. Trends in crime are in turn related to demographic and socio-economic factors and law enforcement performance indicators. Some policy simulations with the model are sketched.  相似文献   

马俊驹 《现代法学》2006,28(4):44-53
人格是特定社会的准入条件,因而生物人与法律人的分离,乃是法律人格制度的基本模式。这个模式中核心的要素,就是法律人格的“适格判断”的标准。在法律文明的早期,血缘、地域、财产等身份要素,充当着法律人格的判别标准,由此所引起的身份人格必然带有不平等的色彩。近代法律人格的基本特点,就是个人的伦理属性成为了法律人格的适格标准,由此奠定了近代法律人人平等的基础。《德国民法典》上的“权利能力”概念,是由实定法所界定的法律人格的适格条件,这一实定法上的概念,仍然是建立在关于人的伦理性判断的基础之上的。  相似文献   

This paper compares the tort remedies of money damages and restitution in natura from an efficiency perspective. Although there is a parallel between these remedies and the remedies for breach of contract, i.e. money damages and specific performance, the analysis is fundamentally different in torts, because of the high transaction costs involved. The basis of the comparison is the relation of each of the remedies to the subjective loss for the victim. The conclusion drawn is that no rule is generally preferable, so it is crucial to sort the different types of cases and apply in each of them the remedy, which is better suited. On this premise, are evaluated the relevant rules of Germany, England and France, since each legal system tackles this issue differently.  相似文献   

对医疗责任事故犯罪案件中若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李忆 《现代法学》2000,22(2):87-90
医疗责任事故由于涉及到极强的专业性和技术性,长期以来司法机关对医疗责任事故案件的认定和处理,常常因为对医疗责任事故的界定含混不清,以及受鉴定活动和证据的收集中存在的若干问题的影响导致司法办案人员不能正确的进行立案、起诉和审判活动。因此,正确界定医疗责任事故犯罪案件,研究医疗事故鉴定和证据收集中的有关问题,有利于司法机关正确的处理案件,保护公民的合法权益。  相似文献   

权利能力制度的理想与现实——人法的英特纳雄耐尔之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在比较中研究了罗马法和现代民法中的能力制度,得出了前者以自由为基础,后者以平等为基础的结论,进而论证了现代权利能力制度的平等理念遇到的重重挑战,尤其揭示了这一制度的全球化理念的充分展开带来的民法消亡命运。通过展示古今立法者对权利能力制度的不平等运用,特别地反驳了权利能力人人平等的谬见,得出了这种不平等为社会治理所必要的结论。  相似文献   

对徇私舞弊不移交刑事案件罪的若干问题进行探讨:关于"行政执法人员"的范围,主张"职权享有论",行政执法人员是指享有和行使行政职权的人员;关于"依法应当移交"的理解,应区分"依法移交"与"应当移交";同一违法行为引起的行政处罚与刑事处罚应合并适用,在程序适用上应坚持刑事优先原则,行政执法机关移交刑事案件前不应先予作出行政处罚.  相似文献   

STR profiling of animal species has a wide range of applications, including forensic identification, wildlife preservation, veterinary public health protection and food safety. We tested the efficacy of a multiplex PCR-based assay including 11 porcine-specific tetrameric STRs in a population sample of wild boars (n = 142) originating from Piedmont (North West Italy). Multiple deviations from Hardy–Weinberg expectations were observed, mostly due to a reduction in observed heterozygosity indicative of a high degree of inbreeding. A value of θ of 0.046 and an inbreeding coefficient of 0.089 were estimated. Combined power of discrimination and probability of exclusion values for the STR panel were 0.9999999999996 and 0.99989. In order to test the suitability of the method for meat traceability purposes, a domestic pig reference sample (n = 412), consisting of commercial lines commonly used in the meat production process, was also typed. A Bayesian cluster analysis carried out using the observed genotypes, showed a percentage of correct subspecies assignment of individual samples of 0.974 for wild boars and 0.991 for pigs, thus demonstrating the usefulness of the multiplex STR-typing system for discrimination purposes.  相似文献   

I discuss six issues that may cut against the majoritarian grain. They are: (1) The U. S. Supreme Court's view of children; (2) the American Psychological Association's view of people with mental retardation; (3) the dilution of autonomy in favor of beneficence; (4) Tarasoff's undermining of fidelity to therapy clients; (5) the misuse of the PCL-R in death penalty litigation; and (6) the criminal law's rejection of determination.  相似文献   

The major objectives of this article are to identify the inter-regional and inter-sector wage differentials that are attributed to the institutional restriction on labor mobility (the hukou system), and then to simulate the impact that the removal of the restriction would have on the Chinese economy. Our simulation results reveal that the removal of the hukou system would be accompanied by a massive migration to cities. The degree by which the labor force would decrease with the removal of the hukou system is higher in rural industry than in agriculture, suggesting that the absence of job qualifications would prevent the vast majority of farmers from changing their occupations. Should off-farm employment opportunities in cities for rural migrants be rationed, the elimination of the hukou system would exacerbate rather than cure the problem of unemployment in urban labor markets, which would adversely affect distributional consequences at the national level.
Junichi ItoEmail:

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