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越南反腐的快车已经正式启动,河内的政治人物都将不可避免地涉身其中。10月25日,为期5天的国际反贪局联合会第一次年会在北京闭幕,近1000名负责侦查、起诉贪污贿赂犯罪的专门机关负责人出席了这次会议。其间,越方最高检察院副检察长屈文蛾应邀在大会上发言,越南近期反贪污腐败行动的情况成了亚洲区代表关注的热点。无独有偶,几天后,中国-东盟建立对话关系15周年纪念峰会在广西召开,10多位风格各异的东盟领导人纷纷来华。阮晋勇,这位越南有史以来最年轻的总理也因为他上任半年来大刀阔斧,连续办了“8个部长(部级官员)”的治贪作为,成了媒体追…  相似文献   

介绍企业廉政的内涵和国家反腐的内涵和原因,然后阐述了企业廉政建设与国家反腐之间的关系,指出国家反腐可以为企业发展创造公平的市场竞争环境,企业推行廉政建设对国家反腐会起到良好的促进作用。在此基础上,提出企业领导要高度重视反腐倡廉工作,要通过深化企业改革、完善监督机制、加强宣传教育,强化惩处等措施,不断推进企业的廉政建设,从而更好的为国家反腐服务。  相似文献   

许春华 《南风窗》2012,(14):78-80
越南民众将腐败称为国难,将腐败分子称为内寇,不过,越南党和政府没有熟视无睹,近年来其在反腐败方面动作不断,有些探索令人耳目一新。根据5月15日闭幕的越共中央十一届五中全会的一项决定,越共组成了由中央总书记任主任并由中央政治局直接领导的中央防治腐败指导委员会。舆论称,这是越共新一届中央上任以来向腐败宣战的重大举措。反过来看,也说明越南的反腐败工作任务艰巨。早在1994年,越共七届中央  相似文献   

经琦 《工会博览》2009,(12):10-10
国有企业是国民经济的支柱,是社会主义制度的重要经济基础。加强企业党风建设和反庸倡康工作,对于促进企业的改革和发展,增强企业核心竞争力具有重大意义。本文简单谈谈如何加强企业基层党组织的康政建设。  相似文献   

革新开放以来,腐败问题给越南带来了严峻的挑战和重大的危害。因此,其反腐问题一直受到国际社会的关注,在越南发展成为全球最具经济活力的国家之一的情况下更是如此。本文将对越南共产党及其领导的政府在反腐问题上的认识、采取的措施和取得的成效进行深入的探讨和分析。一、越  相似文献   

古巴,西半球惟一的社会主义国家,自建立社会主义政权以来,无论是面对苏东剧变的冲击,还是面对美国的经济封锁与打压,都没有偏离社会主义方向。古巴社会主义为什么具有强大的生命力?其原因很多,但其中重要的一条是,古巴共产党注意加强廉政建设,保持政治的清明廉洁。一、苏东剧变  相似文献   

越、中、苏三国之间的关系非常复杂。如果再加上老、柬,情况就更加烦杂。现在我们先谈这三国之间的关系。 1954年到1956年越南整个北方解放时,正是中苏关系最好的时候。中国解放前,斯大林曾对毛主席有些看法,但这对后来的中苏关系并没有多大影响。渡江战役以前,苏联也有过中国可  相似文献   

第九讲 老挝问题与国际斗争 围绕老挝问题的国际斗争十分复杂。老挝是一个内陆山国,80%的国土是山地,以小农经济为主,生活方式类似于中国的西双版纳。它的民族属于泰老族系(广义地说包括泰国泰族、老挝族、中国壮族、西双版纳傣族、越南北部岱族和傣族、缅甸掸族、印度的阿萨姆族、非洲的马达加斯加族等)。老挝族语言上和泰国相通,在地区上还包括泰国的东北部。  相似文献   

世界政党政治正进入新一轮的调整重塑期,成为百年未有之大变局的重要组成部分,也为我们深入理解百年未有之大变局的内涵提供了重要视角。当前,政党传统功能面临消解、政党意识形态引领作用弱化、政党组织结构面临重塑、党群关系日益疏离,是国外政党在调整重塑过程中面临的主要挑战。在此背景下,国外政党通过加强意识形态建设、完善组织架构、夯实群众根基、着力正风肃纪等方式提升党的建设质量。针对国外政党自身建设的相关经验教训,我们应始终不渝地加强党的政治建设、坚持以人民为中心的根本立场、坚持与时俱进的理论品格、探索新时代党的组织建设新路径,切实在革故鼎新、守正创新中实现自身跨越式发展。  相似文献   

《Communist and Post》2007,40(1):17-40
In this article we describe a study of the construction of governments in Poland by concentrating on the recruitment of individuals to government positions. (1) We therefore consider social, political, and institutional factors in the construction of the government's cabinets. (2) We examine the question of the path to the highest government positions—where did the people exercising power come from and what qualifications do they have? Finally, we discuss the results in the context of institutionalization of political life in Poland.  相似文献   

This article focuses upon one particular aspect of new institutionalist thinking – that which analyses the scope for, and constraints upon, deliberate interventions in institutional change. New institutionalist insights are used to illuminate the challenges faced by the British Labour government in its programme for modernizing local government. The focus is upon two core concepts: robustness and revisability – a pairing which highlights the potential contradictions that exist within the new institutionalist approach to design. It is argued that New Labour struggled to achieve a balance between these key design criteria during its first term, with revisability increasingly sacrificed in favour of robustness. In its second term in office (since June 2001), Labour has sought to rebalance robustness and revisability, largely through the principle of 'earned autonomy'. In this context the values informing the institutional redesign of local government have become less clear and more contested, and there has been a progressive shift from commitment-based to control-based strategies for change.  相似文献   


This paper is concerned with the effects of new forms of executive government on local authority chief officers for leisure and recreation in Wales. Based on a new institutionalist approach to research (Lowndes, 2002 Lowndes, V. 2002. “Institutionalism”. In Theories and Methods in Political Science, 2nd edition, Edited by: Marsh, D. and Stoker, G. Basingstoke: Palgrave.  [Google Scholar]), survey and interview data were gathered during 2004–05. There are four principal findings: (i) effects of changes to the officer structure; (ii) changing emphasis between the centre and services; (iii) changing roles for chief officers; and (iv) impact and changes as a result of the new arrangements. Political modernisation of local government and the narratives of elite actors are highlighted and theoretical implications are advanced in conceptual models.  相似文献   

Local governments make a significant annual investment in arts and cultural development programmes. However, the practicalities of measuring the return on this investment have been largely overlooked by researchers, and investigations into return on investment have frequently focused on the economic return. Here, it is argued that intrinsic social and cultural returns on investment are equally important. A further issue is that measurement frameworks have often taken an outputs-based approach, seeking to evaluate the performance of one-off events rather than measuring the outcomes or impact of the total investment in arts and cultural development over the life of a policy or strategy. This paper therefore takes a broader, outcomes-based approach and offers a practical evaluation framework. An implementation-ready method is presented which will allow local government policy-makers to provide evidence of medium- and long-term outcomes and impacts of their arts and cultural development programmes and weigh this against their investment.  相似文献   

This analysis examines the issues of state and federal responsiveness and state and local government capacity from the perspective of county officials. Using data from a national survey of county administrators, elected executives, and commission chairpersons, the study finds that county officials are: (1) very confident of their own capacities to respond to local problems, but not as confident of local fiscal capacities; (2) very concerned about the responsiveness of state governments, particularly state legislatures, to local needs; and (3) not confident of the responsiveness of federal government to local needs either, but desirous of federal fiscal support. The assessments of state responsiveness appear related to state efforts to expand the policy making, taxing, and borrowing authority of their county governments.  相似文献   

The area of stress research is broad and not well understood. Little is known about the ways in which workers cope with job related stress .This article explores this element of stress related behavior for local government managers. Among the most important findings are that local managers perceive their stress levels to be equal to or greater than many other professions often associated with high demand. It appears that local managers see other professional managers as facing increased levels of stress over the past decade. Managers also see their stress levels as equal to or greater than that of previous occupations or occupations they might wish to hold in th future. While age and length of experience appear to have little association with percieved levels of stress, increased education does appear to reduce such perceptions.  相似文献   

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